Poll: What do you think it the cutest Birds' Nest pairing? -none are officially a couple yet and some haven't even shown signs yet- Vote Now!
Author has written 9 stories for Maximum Ride. My Favorite Quotes: •Is it good if a vaccum really sucks? •Problems are like belly buttons. Everyone has them. •If life gives you lemonade, CRUSH THEM TO DEATH! •"You looove me. (holds out arms) You love me this much." (Fang from Maximum Ride) •"'You...are...a...fridge...with wings,' Fang ground out, punching an Eraser hard with every word. "We're...freaking...ballet...dancers.'" •"I feel like pudding, pudding with nerve endings, pudding in great pain." -Iggy (after car crash) •"Forget it! No one's getting married! Not in New Hampshire or anywhere else! Not in a box, not with a fox! Now go to sleep, before I kill you!" -Max to Angel •I understand your in the middle of some important business, but instead of doing it in your office, why not the bathroom? •Max: "Did you know it wasn't me, the other Max?" •I vill now destroy de Snickuhs bahs!" (Gazzy) My Favorite Book Couples ~Percabeth (Percy+Annabeth) ~Fax/Mang (Fang+Max) ~Kale/Gatniss (Gale+Katnisss) My Favorite... Singer? Bruno Mars Song? Grenade Color? Orange TV Show? House of Anubis, MAD, or NCIS (I haven't seen in in months!) Murderer? Me, because I'll be the one to kill Justin Bieber. (Isn't this an odd question to ask?) Hillbilly/Hobo/Hippy? Um... what? Hillbilly... Miley Cyrus I guess. Human? Uh... Me? My Favorite VERY LONG Quote EVER! Calling me fat won't make you skinny Calling me ugly won't make you pretty Call me weird won't make you normal Calling me a baby won't make you a geezer Calling me awesome will make you genius (I got the idea off someone else's quote, but this one is ALL mine) Book Pairings I HATE Fudge Figgy Faya Fangel (I mean... EW) Fylan (We all know someone crazy will come up with that) Dax Eggy (GO NIGGY!) Peeta/Katniss Hermione/Ron (Hermione/Harry rules) Miggy (okay, it's cute, but it'll never happen.) Nazzy (okay... no) Dylan haters! Go to this link! New Story: Guess what? Fang'd is my story! 5,000 words, yet to be published! Need cowrite for it and New Girl! Accepting Beta Requests! Bye! |
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