Author has written 32 stories for Rizzoli & Isles, and Closer. General Disclaimer: All characters from television shows are property of the writers, producers, station etc. I do not own them, only borrow them for my own amusement from time to time. No money is made from these endeavors. About this endeavor: A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...oh wait, wrong show. Anyhoo, several years ago I attempted to write some FIC for CSI. To make a long story short I didn't like what I wrote and I scrapped it. I've read FIC off and on for a few different shows but no show has really inspired me to try my hand at it until Rizzoli & Isles. So for now that's my little hobby world. My Rizzoli & Isles world is a femslash only zone though my stories don't always get explicit, I'll go there if I think it advances the story I'm trying to tell or if it serves a point though occasionally I will write a little smutty one-shot. I have written one little quirky perspective piece - "Just the Facts Ma'am" and there may be more stuff like that from time to time, but by and large the show inspires me to delve into the non-canonical relationship between Jane and Maura. On the flow and chronology of my stories: Revelations is my conception of how Jane and Maura come to be in a relationship with one another. It takes place after the Season 1 finale. Chronologically the Disclosure series follows relatively soon after Revelations ends - about 6 weeks. It may be helpful to read Revelations before Disclosure if you're interested in my view of the start of the relationship and because Disclosure is intended to portray Jane and Maura's coming out process which actually begins in Revelations. However, it's not totally imperative to have read Revelations in order to read and enjoy Disclosure. The Shadows series flashes forward a fair amount of time after Revelations and reads well as a stand alone. Shadows has more of a drama/mystery component, it delves into Maura's biological family and as such I take a few liberties with background development there and introduce an original character. If you're into a timeline, Shadows follows Disclosure. Evolution follows Shadows and looks at how Jane and Maura's relationship previously established continues to evolve including some rather large steps in their lives together. Evolution references the previous three stories Revelations - Disclosure - Shadows fairly heavily. All other stories, one shot or otherwise are not related to the aforementioned series of stories. On Reviews: I truly appreciate any comments made on my stories. Writing these has really become a nice little stress relief, something I do at night when I'm bored and want to forget the work day. If you comment on my story, I look forward to them and read all the reviews and appreciate them immensely. I do my best to reply to reviews and enjoy having more of a conversation about the story or whatever via PM. Other nonsense: I am also on twitter, if my writing amuses you and you think my twitter might also: @TtownAmstaff And I just recently started one of those there new-fangled tumblr pages: Crackinois.tumblr |
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