Roesia Surreal
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Joined 02-23-11, id: 2762597, Profile Updated: 03-17-11

Roesia Sureal here! Just made my profile, so it's in progress. About me: I'm a big animal activist. I hate bad prompts. For example, we had to do one about the laws of life (ex, perseverance, kindness, etc) mine was about how nobody is really as good as they say and how society stinks as a whole. I'm most likely found reading or writing or talking to my friends about Chingrace. O love Paramore. I love hannah Fury. I love Black Veil Brides. I love Emilie Autumn, Marry Me is the funniest song ever. I'm quite odd, and have spent hours pondering philosophical things. I have different views on things then most people. I hate/love China Sorrows. She dresses and acts terribly, but she's an intriguing character. I can certinly identify with her love of books! The oldest book I have is from 1875. Cool, I know. I love Harry Potter. Skulduggery Pleasant is the most amazing thing in ever. I'm quite insane. If you drone on and on about: Twilight, Justin Beaver, Valean, something stupid, you will be killed. With a flamethrower and a toothpick.

Quotes: Anything out of Shakespeare's or Poe's mouths, they were geniuses.

"Are you emo with your suh-skizzors?" My friend from math class.

"I'm half sick of shadows." The Lady of Shalott

"China only uses her man voice when she's angry, said Scapegrace." My friend Morrigan doesn't work with pages, but I will hold on to the hope that someday it will. So I won't delete this account.