Author has written 2 stories for Vampire Diaries, and Harry Potter.
I have a new account... Delirious dreamer xx
My name is Alice, I'm a teenager. I live in Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire (Robin hood country) and i LOVE reading!!!!!! my bedroom is literally a mini library :P i'm really into Dark Fantasy novels and at the moment my favourites have to be...
Demon Trappers - Forsaken, darkest powers trilogy, Vampire Diaries, Meredith Gentry series,... ummmm i've got loads more but at the moment they're the ones i keep revisiting. I think LJ Smith is a GENIOUS!!! if anyone can sugest any good reads i'd love it!!!!! I'm rrreeeaallly hoping for some more Bamon in the next book :D not really into the tv show though if i'm honest, I miss Meredith and Elena isn't blond!!! silly little things but yeeeaaahh :P x
AHA!!! Just got LJ's Smiths MIDNIGHT yesterday... IT'S BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the Bonnie/Damon moments they made me one very happy reader :D
I got e-mailed this poem by one of my friends who found it goodness knows where...
He's dark, she's light. One day - one night.
He does mostly wrong, and she does mostly right
He's rude and mean. She's kind and nice
Two powerful forces: flaming fire, cool ice
They're opposites, repelling, and pushing away
But somehow they only move closer and stay
Irrevocably forced together by something more strong
She's melody, and he's harmony to her inner song
He's ice, but his coolness is drawn to her flame
They're two souls made one; they're one in the same
He understands her: devotion, anger, and pain
Her anger’s his anger, and her pain, his pain
He's felt all she's felt, and he feels all she feels
And though he hates their similarities, he knows they are real
She's more like him than anyone he's known
She's the other half to his soul, his gateway to the unknown
To a place where he’s not dark, and she’s not light
Where they’re a blend of the other, both day and both night
Where she’s intensely drawn to the coolness of his frame
Their souls, they are one. They are one in the same.
She looks at him, and he looks at her
And neither can deny the passion that stirs
His looks petrify, and his touches, they burn
And her eyes so green make his heart ache and yearn
And he knows deep inside he doesn't want her to die
And she knows when she speaks how she hates him, it's lies
For her dying would mean death claiming him as well
And hating him would mean her hating herself
For their souls are one, one coolness, one flame
She's fire; he's ice. But they're one in the same.