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![]() Author has written 68 stories for Invader Zim, Final Fantasy VII, Teen Titans, Danny Phantom, Hey Arnold, Death Note, Final Fantasy XII, Powerpuff Girls, My Little Pony, and Rise of the Guardians. 6/25/2017 OHHH. I'M SO EXCITED. I have been working on a story for (not even exaggerating) over a year and a half. It is a story that is long, as in novel length. And it is written to be like a novel, with character development, drama, conflict, all the goodies! So please look forward to the release! I don't know when it will be ready and honestly, I wasn't planning on telling anyone about it until its release but I know that not many people read Fanfiction author's profiles lol so that works out. I don't want to ruin anything so I'll stop talking but I'll give you a hint, though: if you like Final Fantasy 7 and the Yuffie/Vincent pairing, you're going to looove this :D I wanted to drop a quick note and say that yes, I am still active here on Fanfiction. There hasn't been much activity on my profile simply because I have been focusing a lot on original stories/novels. However, I'm returning and going to try to get back into the swing of things because Fanfiction really serves as a great creative outlet for me. It allows for so much that professional publishing simply cannot offer, such as room to experiment (with characters, plots, themes, etc.), a chance to see what sparks the interest of my readers, and so much more. And I have you all to thank for that. Thank you, for the reviews, the support, and all of the communication I have had through PM's. It really has been one heck of a ride and I look forward to so much more! I cannot say for sure when I will be publishing new content but hopefully soon. Cheers! I'm open for requests! Seeing as my writer juices have somewhat slowed down when it comes to the inspiration department, I figured I try my hand at writing a piece I had no past plannings on. So if you have the idea, let 'em come! Most likely I will only write it if it is for a category I have already written for or that is listed in my BETA profile. Go check them out if you want to double-check :) Till next time, my beloved readers! Rules for Requests: *Nothing involving bestiality, incest, or rape (unless it plays a role in the story's plot, i.e. if a character has a past containing rape that affects his/her life or the overall plot.) *I usually only write for a category that I have watched, played, or read, simply because I will have had the chance to get a grip on the characters' personalities and the overall theme of the show/movie/video game/ or book *If you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM. I'm up for a good chat :) ~~~*Hey guys! I just wanted you to know that if I don't reply to your PM's (fanfiction messages/emails) Im not ignoring you, I am just extremely bad about that lol. Dont take any offense though cause you guys are awesome! It's not you...its me. HA-HA! Sorry, I just had to say it XD Thanks for your understanding! Same thing applies to reviews!~~ Yes, I DO requests. Most likely only if I have seen/read the cartoon/book/anime/movie, but sometimes I don't mind trying it out just so that I can write the story for you :) You have GOT to see Rise of the Guardians! It is the most amazing movie! The characters, the graphics (which are, by the way, breathtaking), the plot, everything about it is wonderful! Plus, continued support is wonderful because the more money the movie brings in, the further the chances of a sequel coming out there are! Fanfiction is my Facebook. *I wish that everyone who read a story would leave a review. I mean, that's why we write the stories, right? We anticipate your feedback and thoughts so that we can further our writing skills, and we want to know that you enjoyed our piece of literature. So, tell me, have you reviewed a story today? :D Yay! My two year anniversary of writing for Fanfiction is July 22! I am so happy! I have had an account since March of 2011, but I didn't actually start writing until a few months later. *Raises wine glass* Here's to another year of writing! My most cherished stories I have written: Deceit, redeeming a Reason, Statue, Loyalty, Puppet, Let Me Fall, and Blind. They have a poetic structure to them. I'm sure you will enjoy it. I decided to get rid of my Facebook account. Too much hassle. BUT! I will be adding a page for it instead that is likable and will have (hopefully) more updates. Coming soon so keep checking back :D Holy wow! I can't believe it! He loves me, He loves me not marks my 50th story! *streamers and balloons explode everywhere* THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION! Thanks you guys so much! I couldn't have done it without you! Here, have an e-cookie ;D P.S. Please feel free to send my any stories you would like to see posted/ suggestions for new stories. I would love to type them for ya :) One Nation, 'Under God.' One day a 6-year-old girl was sitting in a classroom. The teacher was going to explain evolution to the children. The teacher asked a little boy: Tommy do you see the tree outside? TOMMY: Yes.. TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the grass outside? TOMMY: Yes. TEACHER: Go outside and look up and see if you can see the sky. TOMMY: Okay (He returned a few minutes later) Yes, I saw the sky. TEACHER: Did you see God up there? TOMMY: No. TEACHER: That's my point. We can't see God because he isn't there. Possibly he just doesn't exist. A little girl spoke up and wanted to ask the boy some questions. The teacher agreed and the little girl asked the boy: Tommy, do you see the tree outside? TOMMY: Yes. LITTLE GIRL: Tommy do you see the grass outside? TOMMY: Yessssss! LITTLE GIRL: Did you see the sky? TOMMY: Yessssss! LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the teacher? TOMMY: Yes LITTLE GIRL: Do you see her brain? TOMMY: No LITTLE GIRL: Then according to what we were taught today in school, she possibly may not even have one! (You Go Girl!) FOR WE WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT Cartoons/Games/Animes/Books/Movies/Etc you will Likely see me Write Invader Zim Miraculous Ladybug Rise of the Guardians Silent Hill Fallout Danny Phantom Powerpuff Girls Teen Titans Final Fantasy (ANY) Once Upon a Time Halo Hey Arnold Death Note Goosebumps Kirby And a lot more. I just can't think of all of them XD Favorite characters *and characters that will appear as the main character in most of my stories* p.s. Not in any special order, just as they come to mind Zim (Invader Zim) Gaz (Invader Zim) Adrien/Cat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug) Marinette/Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) Bunnymund (Rise of the Guardians) Walter (Silent Hill) Slappy (Goosebumps) Meta Knight (Kirby) Kirby (Kirby) King Dedede (Kirby) Magus (Chrono Trigger) Vlad (Danny Phantom) Danny (Danny Phantom) Deacon (Fallout 4) Codsworth (Fallout 4) Beast Boy (Teen Titans) Brick (Powerpuff Girls) Ace (PPG) Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup (Powerpuff Girls) Lucca (Chrono Trigger) Vincent (Final Fantasy 7) Yuffie (Final Fantasy 7) Helga (Hey Arnold) Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) Tifa (Final Fantasy 7) L (Death Note) Light (Death Note) Yuna (Final Fantasy 10) Tidus (Final Fantasy 10) Auron (Final Fantasy 10) Irvine (Final Fantasy 8) Selphie (Final Fantasy 8) ETC... Favorite couples Zim and Gaz (Invader Zim) Adrien/Cat Noir and Marinette/Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) Bunnymund and Toothiana (Rise of the Guardians) Fran and Balthier (Final Fantasy 12) Regina and Emma (Once Upon a Time) Rumpelstiltskin and Belle (OUAT) Magus and Lucca (Chrono Trigger) Brick and Blossom (PPG) Bubbles and Boomer (PPG) Buttercup and Butch (PPG) Ace and Buttercup (PPG) Bubbles and Ace (PPG) Beast Boy and Raven (Teen Titans) Yuffie and Vincent (Final Fantasy 7) Yuna and Tidas (Final Fantasy 10) Selphie and Irvine (Final Fantasy 8) Deacon x Sole Survivor (Fallout 4) ETC... |
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