Author has written 50 stories for Thunderbirds. Hi. I’m thunderbird5. Nice to meet all of you. I’m 33and blind. I live in South Africa. I love to sing and daydream. I also like to write what is in my head and dreams. I’m quiet and can be shy around people. I love space and anything to do with it. I love helping others and I love reading fan fiction. I love the boys in blue also known as the thunderbirds. I like John more. I write fanfiction and my own stories as well as make my own videos for Youtube. I love cats and my guide dog. Helping people is what I do when I'm able to. I'm also a day dreamer. I enjoy walking and exploring, listening to music, reading stories, watching movies and TV shows that I like and drinking coffee. Chocolate I'll always enjoy when I get my hands on some.. Well, that is about it I think. Hope you enjoy my stories. Keep safe and enjoy your life. |
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