Author has written 51 stories for Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Dexter, and Person of Interest. I have started a second account for my more adult stories. Check out lady emebalia if you like. You can read my stories here as well: emebalia(.)livejournal(.)com archiveofourown(.)org/users/emebalia I love crossovers, outsider POV and stories from a different angle. A little AU is okay but I like to stay in canon as much as possible. So that's the kind of story you'll find here. Every multi-chapter story I write has at least a rough outline before I start and I will finish it. I try to update on a regular basis but you know, there is this thing called real life. Victor'verse (complete) Take A Seat Down The Rabbit Hole The World You Thought You Live In Strangers In A Bar Monster in the Mirror Fellowship'verse (complete) Fellowship of the Nine Two Brothers Return of the Sam Neighbor'verse The New Neighbor The Neighbor's Son The Neighbor's Friend Translations karlimer has translated my story "Think of the Children" into French. You can find it here. Quiet.crash has translated my story "Fellowship of the Nine" to Polish and is now working on the sequel "Two Brothers". You can find the first one here and the sequel here. Vestlana has translated my story "Learn to shoot, Katniss" to Russian. You can find it here. StefKroner has translated the Neighbor'verse to Russian: "The New Neighbor" ficbook(.)net/readfic/7166957 "The Neighbor's Son" ficbook(.)net/readfic/7166976 "The Neighbor's Friend" ficbook(.)net/readfic/7166997 |
CaffieneKitty (169) Cheryl W (94) clair beaubien (409) Disasteriffic Kaz (97) Dizzo (1065) elfinblue (13) | IMTheresa (75) K Hanna Korossy (669) lady emebalia (25) Laura of Maychoria (140) Mousme (136) reading (50) | Scullspeare (47) Sharlot (8) windscryer (140) xenascully (66) |