Author has written 3 stories for Naruto, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. 2014-07-01: 2013-09-09: Trouble always catches up causing annoying delays, but updates for my two ongoing posted stories are now mostly done. With about 18k words for the ABAE update and 4K for HBB. And one reason that they are not done already, is that what I have had time to write have gone much into additional stories, oops. As yet totally unnamed HP story, after years of seeing everything go to pieces more and more, the ghosts of Ginny, Hermione and Luna convinces HP to try a spell to send them back in time to prevent the disaster that is slowly taking over earth... "A really warped halloween", a YAHF based on picking some different costumes(what an amazing surprise right?), specifically costumes whose effects will more or less stay because of how the fictional characters are special. "Your friendly neighborhood swarm", YAHF, yeah another one. Willow had fun with a new game just before halloween, so when Xander spots some interesting costumes, Kerrigan, Nova and eh say what, oh yeah, an SCV dude who accidentally got himself two costumes appears in Sunnydale. "Buffy the great kami", when Buffy jumps at end of S5, she dies but someone else has, -plans-, and she finds herself "promoted"... 4k words and initial plot done. Response to the "How to become a god" challenge, or almost(might have been a similar one even, hehe). Independent sequels to both YAHFs. About 8k words spread over 3 stories so far. 2 of which are responses to the "The 9th chevron" challenge. One crossover with SM and one with School Rumble. YAHF without even a work name yet, one more response to the "Ship of the Line" challenge. Ethans has stocked up on Star Wars items. And the force is strong in these people... Except someone meant really well and *ooops* things go a bit extra wonky. And as always with magic, if something can go strange, if Xander is around, it goes stranger. A big bundle of SW characters involved. AND a big bundle of totally not so random other characters. Batman gets really pissed off because in real life, his gadgets doesnt work well at all against an Ixioran. And Anya was lucky shes not around yet, because hey, real live bunnygirl? Doc Brown meets Egon Spengler? Might wanna take cover... "Turn of Vader", in "A new hope", Star wars ep 4, Leia is injured during the boarding, this turns into a serious domino effect that the emperor most certainly did not foresee. Ok, so over 50k words written since last profile update, not too bad at least. 2013-05-29: As always, my writing is extremely non-linear, *sigh*. Story status: Posted stories: "Another beginning, another ending", currently being very annoying about the next to be posted chapters, if they refuse to come out ok, then soon i will start thinking about how to cut out/ignore the bad parts and post anyway. "One way to get invited to a party", probably finished. But it would be fun to have it continue a bit longer and i do have some ideas for that, so it might happen someday. "History bites back", probably next chapter out reasonably soon, its more than half written. As yet unposted stories: "The girl who died, Kinda. Almost. Sort of...", about 8k words written and the basic outlines of the story finished. "Spellsong Sakura", just 2k words and basic initial outline done with some future things roughly set. "Ranmas double double trouble", 5k words and outline done. Not very action-y so far, still considering wether to keep it like that or let it drift elsewhere as well. Unnamed HP/SM crossover, about 12k words written and partial outline done. Petunia and Lily also has a slightly older halfsister, and this time Dumbledore actually takes the time to realise this. With the 3rd sister being far off in Japan(distance from threats being a perfect protection) and having a clearly magical daughter already, HP ends up with Makoto Kino as his big sister and later substitute parent. Unnamed SG-1 crossover with my ABAE, about 10k words written and initial outline done, uncertain which of several directions it should go after that so its future is uncertain. Unnamed Bleach fic, 3k words written and initial outline mostly done. Inspired by "Princess of death", but except that Orihime gets some spotlighting, no real connection. Unnamed crossover Madlax/Airwolf, 11k words and lots of outlines. Unnamed crossover Babylon 5/Durarara, 20k words and rough outline for at least 2 seasons of the TV-show. "A slight change of plans", 40k words written and alot of outlining, but scope of this story is massive so its still nothing close to posting. Unnamed crossover The foresight war/Konpeki no Kantai, 17k words written and some outlines done. Very difficult project, but interesting. The foresight war by Tony Williams is a short alternative history book about what happens when 2 people are thrown back in time from 2004 to 1934, one to UK, one to Germany, both with reasons to help their countries, one obvious reasons, the other not so obvious. Unnamed crossover Sailor Moon/Kurau Phantom memory, 4k words and no real outline yet, but fun concept so maybe someday it will end up posted, i hope. Unnamed Naruto story, 4k words written and initial outline done. Poor Ino and Sakura has ended up as labrats for a certain icky snake-summoner before he got kicked out, and the legacy of that are some permanent changes and effects. A very young Anko rejects her old master when she find out about this experiment and gets the "fun" job of trying to figure out what exactly was done and to help them for the future(like getting through the rest of the academy). Unnamed crossover The Addams family/The Master, just 1k words written and a basic outline finished. A fun little crossover featuring an adult Wednesday and the McAllister/Keller duo from The Master. 2012-12-20: Sorry about the lack of updates, the world is conspiring against my writing right now. The world is out to get me, I know it! I know it because it told me so! Just kidding, hope to get next chapter in Naruto-story up before end of the year or soon after that at least. And Ill say it again, my writing is random and inconsistent so I will never promise any regular updates, but Im also pretty sure that I will finish anything I said I would so no worries. Also have 10k words for two potential additional stories... But HBB although going slowly is on track as well. Anyone who missed the series Nichijou should remedy that. And Nyan koi and Rocket girls were both much better than expected. "The ambition of Oda Nobuna" was a bit too silly, but also contained some interesting historical facts that you just wont find out unless you go study the real Oda Nobunaga quite seriously. Merry christmas folks. Did a small ST-TNG/Nanoha crossover for fun and practise. Next chapter for my big story should be out in a week or two. Also considering doing a "throwback" story crossover between "The foresight war"(book) and "Konpeki no Kantai". Would be very hard to write but could be interesting. And a couple of other crossovers as well, "Naruto"/"Spellsong cycle"(fantasy book trilogy), another between a separate future of my own main Naruto story and SG-1(yeah i know its not a novelty, but oh well), and also had a fun idea for crossing MadLax with Biggles. *lol* Started posting, formatting is a bother, but mostly it comes up almost as meant at least. Though i will have to improve on linebreaks, they look quite different from the original text. "Another beginning, another ending", 4 first chapters up, which is essentially what might be called the prologue of the story. 5th is still a bit short of what it should be, 6th mostly done, after that theres lots of already written but not ready topost until i glue it together a lot better. Oh, btw the "Enjoy if you will, tolerate if you wont." is something i borrowed from Lathis, a very good writer, and i think its a very good aim towards fanfiction overall. And now for something completely different: Some excellent fanfics from elsewhere: http:///Story-23415/kedrannStarsReborn.htm Plays with mythologies mixed with Buffy-tvs and animes Sailor Moon and Rosario to Vampire as the main and Black Lagoon, Angel Heart and City Hunter providing some characters and extra background. http:///Story-17590/acsSlayerMercury.htm Added 20140701: http:///frecent.php?tag=DungeonKeeperAmi Currently im in the middle of writing two fics. Update that and make it three. My first ever fanfic, and first ever serious writing is based on Naruto, which is kind of odd since although im watching the anime, its not really one of my favorite series, but so many of its characters has so much promise... and rather oddly, this: No title yet. First 4 chapters are pretty much done, as is #6, but until the annoyingly obstinate chapter 5 gets finished i probably wont start posting(ch 5 now halfdone). Currently the .txt files with this story is at 435kb(now 457). It will take quite some time to finish as my first chapter begins a few years before the canon begnning(and i expect the end to be somewhere very roughly similar to canon), and like S'TarKan comments about he used Kurenai because she has so little backstory to mess things up, well i had originally thought to use someone else(probably Gai) as the main fulcrum, but in the end i used Kurenai for the same reason. I could simply have her make sense in all the ways i wanted without trashing canon too much. Although im definitely doing a lot of fairly minor changes, mostly to try and have the Naruto "universe" make some, at least a little sense. And anyone thinking Naruto has many or too many characters will probably risk going nuts when they see ive practically doubled the number of characters. _ Second one, just started, is much less serious from my side, im more trying to write to become a better writer, im essentially writing this one to see how far i can go with it, hopefully all the way to a decent ending. Tentatively named "A slight change of plans". Ive had some vague ideas for a multi-crossover between Ranma, Sailor Moon and MGL Nanoha, possibly with an additional series or two to that, and recently when i read this: And drats, its not until after ive started writing that i realise that i might have to rewatch SM to avoid messing it up too much, or at least the parts i dont want to mess up. Third fic is Buffy crossed with MGLN(with a hint of Rosario to Vampire and maybe a few others suitable). Picking up on how the Tsukimura family in at least one continuity are vampires, very much living and breating such makes for some entertainment. This one is also not totally serious but can hopefully be some fun anyway. Buffy gets to show around a new student in the middle of season 3. Snyder meant it as punishment, but that fails pretty badly right away. |