![]() Author has written 14 stories for Pride and Prejudice, and Harry Potter. Yo, guys (ladies), I can hear you: Huh? River in Egypt? What? (Sigh) Altogether now: “Denial … Is …Not… A…” Ah. There you go. But I’ll try anyway, took me long enough to try, actually. You tell me if I can write a story or not. You wanna hear the story how I got here? It’s probably like most people’s story on fanfiction here. Okay, you asked for it. After reading through the Twilight books for the fiftieth time, including the half finished fifth book that can be found on Stephenie Meyer’s website, which left me thirsting for more, I’ve had it. I hit the internet to search if I could find if somebody, anybody had anything closer to the completion of the story in the fifth book. I found a link to a German version of fanfiction where somebody had finished the fifth book (in German) and continuing to search I found a link to the English language fanfiction – and I never left. Not only did I find a version of the second book from Edwards POV (amazing) but also amongst other author’s favourites a link to a story of Draco and Hermione. At first I was stunned. Huh? Dramione? Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, romantically linked? And then it hit me. Of course! Genius! A perfect couple in the classical style of love stories, different social levels, insurmountable differences, dislike, prejudices (see where I’m going?) – They were perfect together. And although I am personally not into Ron bashing, he did have after all a purpose in the books and in the CHILDREN’s books, of course, he and Hermione end up together, but after reading and entering into the alternative universe of Dramione it stopped making sense. I just couldn’t see anymore how she could live with him without going mental from intellectual under-stimulation after a few months, heck, weeks, maybe days even. Okay, I did hit snags. The stories at one point started to sound very alike (in how many different ways can Draco and Hermione have a potions accident or Parenting classes) and I drifted off to Pride and Prejudice (talking about perfect love couples), that’s where my first story came from as you can see below. But I got dragged back. It’s hard to give up Dramione, especially if you are as addicted to love stories as I am. And almost when you think, okay, there cannot possibly be any more good and original stories, you find another author hidden among somebody else’s favourites and are busy reading her (well, mostly her) stories for another few weeks. That’s how I stumbled over RZZMG (truly amazing if you like M stories) and Emerald Kisses and so many more (I will list you all as my favourite authors, there will be gazillions of you and it will take a while). Pet Peeves: Since I’m rambling here anyway, I may just as well bring out my pet peeves (tongue in cheek). There are a few, I’ll likely add to them over time. Number 1: Astoria Greengrass Well, she’s not really a pet peeve because I like her character, but I wondered (and can somebody enlighten me, please?): is she a character that has been invented and confirmed by fanfiction? I remember Daphne Greengrass having a younger sister from the books, I think. But I checked (maybe not thoroughly enough) and I cannot find her in the books. So I think that somebody at one point in time gave her a name and she has been a character often used in fanfiction stories since, thus her existence was confirmed. Truly amazing phenomenon. I would appreciate if she is a real character in the books if somebody would tell me where to find her. Thanks so much- Well, I found my answer: JK Rowling herself put in somewhere on her official page that it was Astoria Greengrass, the younger sister of Daphne Greengrass who was married to Draco Malfoy, standing with him on the Platform 9 3/4 in the Epilogue of "Deathly Hallows". I'll leave it here for now, in case you want to know as well. Cheers, folks Number 2: the phrase “could (NOT) care less” I was always under the impression that if I “could not care less” that I was entirely indifferent to a certain topic/character/circumstance/whatever but it requires the “NOT”. If I could care less, it means that I am NOT entirely indifferent, that I still care somewhat, that I CAN go lower in caring about something. So, I am confused (because English is only my second language) because so many (excellent) writers use the (I think) incorrect phrase of “could care less” (without the NOT), what’s it going to be? What’s the correct phrase? Edit 2015: Being in the fandom for years now, I found the answer, also thanks to talks with other writers. But it still annoys me when I see people using it without the not. Number 3: Tongue kisses I shouldn’t complain too loudly because I have yet to write a tongue kissing scene but there have to be other expressions than “dancing a timeless mating dance” and “asking for entrance and being granted”. That becomes especially noteworthy when tongue kissing happens more than once in any given story. Maybe I should put out a challenge: write a tongue kiss scene three times in a story using different wording. Looking for inspiration here. Thanks guys, so long M 9/12/2011: Okay, I put up my first story. It’s a one shot that popped into my head during my short foray into ‘Pride and Prejudice’ fanfiction. I’m quite satisfied with it, it made me laugh. Keep in mind that I am not an English Major and besides from reading Jane Austen not familiar with the English language of the time. I know it’s not perfect. All the more, I am very interested in hearing what you think about it. I’m still working on my first Dramione story that started out as an idea and takes up 9 chapters now and is far from finished. I’d like to have the story finished before posting because it is possible that I change something in the beginning dependent on how it goes. I cannot write from front to end like other people do (yet). And before I let you all hang in the middle of the story while I finish writing (which can take a while) I’d rather finish it first. So, stay tuned. 9/27/2011: Thanks for waiting, I just put up the first two chapter of my Dramione story. The story is still not finished but I expect to put in some more work and have it done in a few weeks. Until then I can tie you over with updates, I have a few more chapters done. Happy reading, M 6/6/2012: While I'm totally occupied with my Dramione story and reply to reviewers on every update, I've received lots of alerts, favourite listings and reviews for my P&P story as well, very enthusiastic and positive. I apologize that I don't have the time to thank each of you for your honest support of that story and I would like to say it here, instead. Thank you all, who sent me a review for "After the Wedding night" and/or who put it on any alert or lists. It means so much to me. When I ever finish my other story (and catch up with whatever I neglect over it), I'll take the time to reply to you. Until then, take my thank you in this place. Also to all readers who put my "Pain"- story on alerts or favourite lists: thank you. You are equally important. I just can't list every one of you because there are so many. My gratitude is there none the less. You guys make my days. 6/1/2014: *River to ffnet, River to ffnet - come in.* *ffnet to River - receiving you loud and clear. Come in.* Phew. Still here. I've spent my last year or so on work and, what little free time I had, on Hawthorne and Vine. But work is becoming less crazy and I have written something in the meantime and I should start putting it up here as well. So, expect to see more of my work in the coming weeks. Things that have accumulated in the meantime. Cheers, Folks 5/6/1025: There we go, almost a year later, I'm still working on my previous update. Life can be very unfair. *sigh* Talking about unfair, I received some very lovely reviews over the last couple of months. The only problem I have is that people didn't sign in, so I can't reply. And I'd love to talk to you when you leave a review or when you venture guesses as to how a particular fic continues. Really, I do. "Esha" for example, is on to something, and I'd like to discuss it with her. :-) Using just a name seems sufficient, but many time there are more than one. I'm pretty sure that my name is fairly unique on ffnet, but pennames similar to real names are not. Give me the chance to get back to you. I promise to sign in, too, in the future. Pinky Promise! xoxo River |