My fav anime/manga are: Ranma1/2, dbz, tenchi muyo, thundercats 2011, voltron force, guyver: the bioboosted armor, pokemon, sailor moon, power rangers, bleach, naruto, kampfer, to-love-ru, Kamen Rider OOO, Kamen Rider Drive, Kamen Rider Den-O, Kamen Rider Gaim, Kamen Rider Kabuto, Kamen Rider Wizard, Kamen Rider Ghost, Kamen Rider Kiva, Kamen Rider Fourze, Kamen Rider W, Transformers Prime, transformers (all), megaman, megaman zero, Mega Man ZX, Oh My Goddess!, Ah! My Goddess (i love the first season opening theme song), gundam 00, gundam seed, gundam seed destiny, slayers, gold digger, spiderman, x-men, iron man, avengers, justice league, justice league unlimited, teen titans, My fav books/book series: The Last Dragonlord Trilogy by Joanne Bertin, Valdemar by Mercedes Lackey (and all her books, great author), Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind, The Legend of Drizzt by R.A. Salvatore, The Dragonriders of Pern by Anne & Todd McCaffrey, Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan, Shannara Series by Terry Brooks, The Temeraire Series by Naomi Novik, The Riftwars Saga by Raymond E. Feist (he just came out with the final book in the series: Magician's End) Stuff I'm a big fan of: The Original Whose Line Is It Anyway (with Drew Carey) The original (and only) Mythbusters (with Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage) And recently: Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken/That Time I got reincarnated as a Slime Stuff I've noticed when it comes to crossovers and canon pairings: When it comes to canon pairings, nobody really likes them and usually sees the canon pairing as the lesser of two evils. Although i have to say that RosarioVampire canon pairing is actually pretty good (even if tsukune is a bit of a wimp). When it comes to crossovers, for some reason Ranma and Sailor Moon just seem to click like Harry Potter and Naruto click Special Notes: In my opinion Disney has pretty much ruined Star Wars So I'm going to be always of the following opinions: 1. The extended universe never was thrown out. 2. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens never happens with the exception of the BB-8 (and maybe not even then as although I like him, I can't stand the thought that he replaces R2D2). 3. Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi never happens Fanfics I would like to see continued/updated: Last Second Saviour by plums Wizard Runemaster by plums The Wizard Ashikabi by plums The Pegasus Cycle by Richard Strider Original Version (http:///web/20041213090728/http:///fics/pegasus_index.html) Huh! by The Other Side of Darkness Echoes of the Soul by Lysander45 Stark Revelations by LunisTG Spirit of Martial Arts by JonV0 Awakening of the Serpents' Avatar by Aarik076 Dragon Ninja of the Leaf by perfect oblivion The Reaper's Art by Dirty Reid Spirit of Kings by Spaceman Ranma Ascension by Spaceman Naruto of the Saiyans by VFSNAKE Symbiotic Uzumaki by VFSNAKE Naruto Namikaze: Shinigami Shinobi by Namikaze09 The Namikaze and the Water Goddess by Namikaze09 The Strength of a Horse by muishiki Konaha Spider by texaswookie Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei: The Senju Family by devilzxknight86 Kitsune Family OF Konoha by devilzxknight86 The Dragon Sannin by rasengan86 Redemption by mmondragon Neo Redemption by mmoondragon Harry Potter and the Bride Wars by mmoondragon Mokuton Heiru by dracohalo117 Naruto: Myoushuu No Fuuin by May Wren Marvel Knights by texaswookie Naruto: Kitsune Sennin by devilzxknight86 Potter's Resistance 1: Breaking Ties by IP82 Cardcaptor Harry by LunaStorm Stranded by HarbingerLady Harry Potter and Fairy Tail by Joshua The Evil Guy Fairy Harry by BigBoom550 Naruto the Black Star by Isom Naruto the Black Star Unleashed by Dinowolf Nanotech Ninja by MrWriterWriter Naruto: Chaos Master by Joester2k11 Naruto Dragon Prince by Isom Naruto: Wrath of the Gods by Isom Naruto: Ultimate Swordsman by Isom Naruto: Eternal Darkness by Isom KitsuneDragon Knight by Isom Dragon Kitsune Knight by Isom Element Master by Isom Naruto: Ultimate Greeed by Isom Monster of the Stars by Isom Shinobi of Hope by airnaruto45 Let There Be Light! by Time-Warlock Will of the Green Flame by tommyBAuthor93 Envenomed Fox V2 by MrWriterWriter The Dichotomy of Namikaze Naruto by Thundereaper The Kitsune Rebel of Yokai Gakuen by Bonesboy15 Mokusei: Will of Fire by Bonesboy15 Amegakure's Jinchuriki by Bonesboy15 NARUTO: Student of the Killa Bee by Bonesboy15 Gargoyle of the Leaf by Bonesboy15 Foxy Duelist of Slifer Red by Bonesboy15 Oh My Ninja God! by Deadpool666 Assassins Among The Elements by Myevltwin The Hope of the Senju Clan by Aragon Potter Naruto the Mightiest Disciple! by godospartan the Kitsune Kage No Oni by PhantomWraith The Birth of the Araiki Clan by Lesingnon Bladewind Political Alliances by Agent-G All For One by Vesvius Ah My System Bug by Gekigengar3 Ranma's New Path by Joheru Naruto: Three In One by Legojunkie Naruto: A Team of Demons by Legojunkie Naruto: Ruxaton Zero: The Forgotten One by Legojunkie Naruto: SPARTAN by Legojunkie The Tech Ninja by Xero Tenshi Naruto: The Heir of Arceus by Shadow Kurogane Juubi of Souls by Chaoskirby3 Magic&Mechanics by Yiroma Transformations by pinkpenguinparty When Worlds Collide by Corruptmonk Uzumaki Naruto: Hitokiri Battousai of Konoha by Corruptmonk Golden Wolf of Konoha by Corruptmonk The Fifth Gundam Meister by Corruptmonk Prongs by sakurademonalchemist The Silver Car from the Auto Scrap Yard by TakEnet Hope for Something More by Sora Hoshi Shark in the Leaf by sakurademonalchemist Aburame Lightning by sakurademonalchemist Alchemy and Wizardry by sakurademonalchemist Changes by sakurademonalchemist Broken Fates by sakurademonalchemist Okami Mitarashi by sakurademonalchemist Soul Brothers by sakurademonalchemist Sun of the Moon by sakurademonalchemist Enchanted Wizard by sakurademonalchemist Wizard Hidden In the Leaf by Corruptmonk Harry Potter, Bahamut by Lochar Red Bolt of Lightning by A.S. Leif Power the Dark Lord Knows Not by A.S. Leif Awakening of A Sorcerer by Corruptmonk Harry Potter: Shadow Sorcerer by Corruptmonk Naruto God's Eyes by Corruptmonk Naruto: Wind Monk Banishment by Born of Prayers The Shark Skinned Fox by ShadyJiro7 Being Found by MrRigger Harry Potter, the ArchMagus by the DragonBard Ascension Of The Scorpion Sorcerer by Vorlon666 Harry Potter The Lord of the Light by diabolic321 Harry Potter, The Heir Of Magic by Gryffindors Harry Potter and the Poet's Dream by AndreGerber Harry Potter and the Heir of Magic by Lord BladeDSF Golden Eyes by Rouisu86 Harry Potter and the Gift of the Basilisk by Time Jumper For Whom the Bell Tolls by nefieslab Harry the Rune Master by Rune Warrior Independance of a Hero by Egyptian Flame Hakubi Potter Harry by Sweet Kagamine Kiss Harry Potter: Apprentice by songhamdragon Harry Potter and A PotterBlack's Role in Life by Bobboky Harry Potter and the Treasures of Merlin by ferretfriend The Life Alchemist by zati shal The Emerald Alchemist by Mischivous Purple One Legacy of the Aburame by VizeerLord Auryn by Araceil Triwizard Tournament: Take Two by Moonlightace Naruto: Sage of the Beasts by kingnapo92 Defender of the Beauxbatons by HarryGinnyTonks The Biju Shurtu'gal by MaelstromBankai Harry Potter: Rise of the Technomancers by Agent Perry the Platypus Ranger Harry by Meteoricshipyards Unicorn Child by Felinity Not Just A Potter by Albus Paulson Weres Harry by DobbyElfLord Harry Potter and the Unexpected Changes by LordAnarchy666 Wolf In Fox's Clothing by MrWriterWriter Rewind! by MrWriterWriter Big Green Machine Uzumaki! by MrWriterWriter Cheshire's Grin by MrWriterWriter Cause I'm the REAL Harry by MrWriterWriter I'mmmm Baaaaaccckk! by MrWriterWriter My Little Snitch by Wench of Hogsmede Harry Potter and the Tails of Change by Karou Windstalker The Power of Knowledge by Lepanto The Beast Master by wsbenge Sarutobi Haru by JFox101 Harry Potter and the Revolution by LordAnarchy666 Root of All Evil by LordAnarchy666 Harry Potter and the Root of All Evil by LordAnarchy666 Harry Potter Multi Crossover by magical fan18 NaruNaru No Mi! by Halo12094 Hidden in Plain Sight by Celebwen Telcontar Harry Potter and the Power of a Symbiote by Kingdark The Bijuu Sage by Leonineus Deltora's Protector by Ravenclaw-Girl28 Heir of Sword and Stave by Leonineus Harry Potter and the Heir of Sword and Staff by Kunaiswarm The Rinnegan Maelstrom by Leonineus The CoreMage Legion by Leonineus Panther King of the Shinigami by Sabaku no Kyuubi Chance to Change by Mirabilis1235 Harry Potter and the Legacy of Dragons by InfinityDragon394 Bleach: Deathberrry Chronicles, Reprise by badliar 2312 Playing With the Timeline by Mirabilis1235 Harry Potter and the Soul of a Chimera by TheDivineDemon Of Venom and Tears Original Version by TheDivineDemon Of Venom and Tears Rewrite by TheDivineDemon The Omnigan by Ninja bat master Shadow of Vader by Ninja bat master Master of the Omnitrix by Ninja bat master Naruto X by BigCC and BNGwarrior Naruto: The Winter Fox by BigCC The Kit and the Kitten by XxLichKingxX Naruto: Spider & Fox by Karasu87 Uzumaki ZXA by Mark20020 Naruto ZX by Dark Anbu Knight Metal Nin by Firedamaged Harry UzumakiPotter by Firedamaged Konoha's Man of Steel by The shinigami's first born Naruto Kami's Chosen by The shinigami's first born Demonic Saiyan by The shinigami's first born The Grand Emperor by Darth Malleus Naruto: God's Eyes by Andoru Hyuuga Naruto God's Eyes by Corruptmonk Alchemist Harry by Kithrin Artificial Intelligence by Slayer Anderson The Six Paths of Rebellion by lord of the land of fire The Good Left Undone by Darth Malleus Demon King of Fairy Tail by MaelstromBankai My Emerald Child by darkangelwp Lightning Kit, Fire Kitten by Hyrulian Hero Akai Rules Of The Hunt by FenrisRoots Mantis Of The Leaf by FenrisRoots Chimera Potter by 917brat Harry Lokison the Trickster's Heir by dglsprincess105 Naruto: Card Captor by Scarecrow'sMainFan Swirling Chaos by DrakefireAtomic The Mirage Blade Fox by The Howling Behemoth The Consequences of Exiling Naruto Uzumaki by StealthMaster Kumo Seal Master, Naruto by X10AShadowfox Plant Sage by Dark Mephiles Fox's Machinations by Muroshi Drops of insperation by Muroshi Changing Fate by Muroshi Heir of the God Hand by BloodyKangaroo Shinobi of Yokai Academy by JBigz77 The Demon and the Princess by dragonheart967 Bitemarks and Bloodstains by NarutoRamen2008 Blonde Haired Warrior, Pink Haired Princess by chaosthesith89 When Two Realms Meet by Gavedin Prince of Beasts by BloodyKangaroo Harry Potter: Chaos Control by chaosthesith89 The Raven's Anger by oso1991 Harry Potter and The Three Cards of Chaos by oso1991 High School and Aliens by Wolf3391 Uzumaki of Jurai by Wolf3391 Naruto Muyo by NeroSparda Lighthawk Fox by kyukyo777 Demon Souls by vanpiric heart A Fox's Pack by vanpiric heart Favor of the Water Kage by vanpiric heart New Peace and a New Bloodline by vanpiric heart Naruto: The Summons King by Lord of Foxes Naruto: X by Chrisdz Elemental Master Naruto by X10AShadowfox Jinchuuriki Unleashed! by Burning Shadow Wolf Naruto of the Nine Beasts by Burning Shadow Wolf The Pack by Burning Shadow Wolf Kumo's Black Fox by Burning Shadow Wolf Namikaze Naruto: Kaze by Itachifreak8271 The Chosen One by ForeverFallen76 Namikaze Naruto: True Heir of the Rikudo Sannin by joshnaruto Path of the Fox by Look A Microwave Harry Isley by Tys1990 The Wind Demon of Konoha by Reesie-cup4545 The New Life by morphman93 Naruto of Alagaesia by daemondragonsclaw Mewtwo's Son by daemondragonsclaw Naruto Namikaze Fallen Tenshi by Artdog15 Raigan by Burning Blood Naruto of the Array by Burning Blood Demonic Legacy by krtys A Sage Among Wizards by Kythorian CoG (Chronicles of the Gorem): Naruto's Other Tenant by NorthSouthGorem Blacklight Naruto by Jakker Blacklight in Konohagakure by rejci Naruto: Chaos Controllers by Jio The Chaos Mage by narutogokufan TUAOA Naruto: The Ultimate Shinobi by adngo714 Broken Fox, Caring Cat by sinisteruto Puppet King Naruto by harem lord Ten-Tailed Puppet Master by Kento-hish17 Do You Fear the Darkness? by Burning Blood The Kitsune of Las Nochas by jmac615 Kitsune of Las Nochas by Rocker1600 If the Villagers Were Right by Kythorian Kiir do fin Dovahkiin Child of the Dragonborn by Crimson JoustEnter the Dragon by Doghead Thirteen Iron Fox by holyfoxboy Konoha's BlackWinged Demon by holyfoxboy Pharaoh by Drakai Venom of Konoha by Uncle Joe HSD Naruto by JAYSEN Harry Potter and the Accumulation of Power by Zyachta Naruto: The Rune Ninja by JAYSEN Naruto Tekno Ninja by Freedom Guard Perfection: Naruto the Chimera by Thanatos Sweet Release by Xutzy God of Illusion, Host of the Devil's Arm by Thanatos Naruto Rosario Travels by supremebandit Set In Stone by The SOC Puppet Naruto: Eleven by Geor-sama The Elemental Nation's Reaper by alpine992 Shinobi's, Vampires, Succubi Why not? by titus123 Hogyoku No Naruto by God Emperor Of GAR-halla Pallet Town's Ninja by absolutezero001 A Jailer's Bonus by GatsuBerk Defying Fate by GatsuBerk Raining Darkness by Dragonruler345 Harry Potter, Shadow Shinigami by psychoticKisshu Multi Birth King 000 Naruto by SoulEmbrace2010 Legacy of the Light Hawk by Chrisdz Naruto: The Lost Arts by Chrisdz Uzumaki Harry by Shadow Crystal Mage Dark Lord Spooker by Jonakhensu Chaos Children by Soul Ice Namikaze Lightning by The Bullet Naruto: Rise Of The Storm God by Dmdarts Rise of the Arcane by Angeldoctor The Wizard of Gotham by Skysaber The Ascension by megamatt09 Kage Fujin by Wyrtha Predators and Prey by Modify the Lifestream All Black by Evilsheeplordthatsaysmoo Ten Thousand Fists by Evilsheeplordthatsaysmoo Work Release by Wyrtha Beyond the Veil by megamatt09 Evolution by Single Silver Eye Harry Potter and The Angel of The Night by ReaperCB919 The Jinchuriki King by ReaperCB919 Naruto: Blood Born by ReaperCB919 Dark Kitsune Kings: Harry Potter by The Grim Reaper's Apprentice Clashing Blades by Stone Shield Hearts And Futures Entwined by Stone Shield Heroes Of The New World by Stone Shield Naruto's Legendary Path by Naratu Hive King Naruto by harem lord Iteki Shinobi by RunInTerrorfromKami's-Fear Master of the Omnitrix by Cyraxr Generator Naruto by Menoduske Chasing Shadows by Wonijs Marked By Fire and Thunder by Contramancer Boxer Briefs and the Boy Who Lived by No More Hogwarts Harry Le Fay by No More Hogwarts Amber and Emerald by Contramancer Bat and Lion by whitetigerwolf The Difference One Frosty Friend Makes by FMKitsune Spark of the Animagus by Trojan Rabbit Liberi De Luna by InkPhoenix Rise of the Potters by ESA25 The Founders' Intervention by sheltie The Power of the Mind by Landstradd The Strength of the Mind by trc007 Kill on Sight by plums Wizard Runemaster by plums Harry Potter: My Life Is My Own by Sashian Harry of the Dragonkin by LaxDrake4 The Wizard Ashikabi by plums Chromatic by ebony volf Black Rock and Roll by Mage-Alia Warcraft Wizardry by Kiera27 The Next Great Adventure by ThatGuyYouKnew Inheritance by zati shal Harry Goes to Atlantis by Sayu Blishtoka The Black Scorpion by etincelle047 Runes of Atlantis by Midnighter 13 Slither Along by HPFan99999 Harry Potter and The Second Chance by WinchesterGrl09 Pleasant Surprises, Welcomed Changes by jokerswyld Identity by highbrass Rewind and Replay by Blade-Claven The Thief of Hogwarts by bluminous8 Exclusion by Mathoriel Raina Lord Harry by The Dark Knight of Gotham The Wizards of the Djinn by phoenix catcher Harry and Nathaniel: The WizardMagician by haqeira Champion by White Angel of Auralon Harry Potter and the Gift of Memories by pokemaster12 Harry Potter & The Elder Wolves by rufous Harry Potter and the War of Wills by Heather Sinclair Harry Potter and the Wizard's Bond by Harry Potter the Dark Pixie by voider Harry Potter and The Master of Time by DarkLordHufflepuff Harry Potter and Death's Bargain by DarkLordHufflepuff Ultra Naruto by The shinigami's first born The Human Asari by Raven In Twilight Naruto of The Wolf Clan by Ice Queen1717 Naruto: Pitch-Black DNA by Kento-hish17 Harry Potter And The Dungeon Heart by Valentine Meikin The Redemption of The Black Sisters by jon3776 Harry Potter: Junior Inquisitor by sprinter1988 Harry Potter and the Debts to Destiny by Mountain907 Harry Potter:Healing Hands by Oruma Yar Harry Potter: the snake by harem lord Sparked By Magic by Ie-maru Harry Potter grandson of Captain America by deathknighttimas The Beast Master by wsbenge Harry Potter: the Spectacular Spiderman by Futurist Harry Potter and Morrighan's Gift by Adrence Wraithling by WhiteDemoness11 Harry Leaves the Wizarding World by wufler Harry's Unexpected Lordship by HolyDragoon Harry Potter & The Heir's Ring by monblade Harry Potter and the Lord's Lament by Selena Silvermoon Passageways by jerrway69 Harry amidst the Vaults of Stone by NothingPretentious Dormant Blood by Beetledude Rise of the Lycans by kaleb-yamato A Second Chance by kaleb-yamato Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Tome by Fellgrave Dark Evangel's Final Task by fg7dragon Left Behind by Driver Jim Ohki Magical Maturity by Driver Jim Ohki Under the Glass Moon by Sakura Lisel Hey World I'm Back as the Master of Magic by MSgt SilverDollar My First Month As A Wizard by MSgt SilverDollar Bonds of Magic by Zaxxon Agent Double O Hex by KafkaExMachina A Life Changing Halloween by MSgt SilverDollar A Debt by desiwizard Harry Potter and the Na'vi Avatar by Brian64 From The Ashes by AndresQuill Harry Potter and The Founders by MiraSaya16 An Unexpected Inheritance by Chitsiez An Unexpected Inheritance by PotterLover590 Harry Potter and the way it should be by Dohvakiin1503 Harry the most determined disciple by harem lord Harry Potter and the Heir of All by haltknown The Basilisk's Gift by Half-blooded Slayer Enough is Enough by Itsme66 More Than Familiar by grenouille7777 Hermione Granger and the Prince of Serpents by CreatorZorah Hunter's Moon by bualsm Rewriting Time by elementalfiredragon Harry Potter and the Swarm by Beyogi Harmony Cat by Espeon Master Espo Rebirth by Fiori75 The Wizard of Silence by Corwalch If at first you don't succeed, try again by Cinduri Fuzzy Wuzzy Protector by ssjgokillo The Trunk by MartinDeShade A Potter's Nest by HowlFox Consequences of a prepared mind by Maethoriel Raina Betrayed by Sooph Survival of the Fittest by Marcielle's Musings Fleur de la Vie by Jerri-ArcAngel Rise of the Phoenix Lord by MastrDragn The Soul Eater-Being Rewritten by apple2011 The Soul Eater by apple2011 Righteous darkness by munchinmonster Raised By Darkness by apple2011 Heart of Magic by apple2011 Raised By GLaDOS by apple2011 Death's Advocate by apple2011 The Return of Merlin by apple2011 Ring of Darkness by apple2011 The World Eater by apple2011 Harry Son of Merlin by apple2011 Wrath of the Dragon by apple2011 Lord of Magic by apple2011 Special Agent Potter by apple2011 Harry Potter: Dragon Lord by apple2011 Punishment by apple2011 Rise of Lord Mirax by apple2011 Harry Ne Potter by Newengland1323 Star Wars and the Potter Intervention Adopted by mkeeg91 Harry Potter: The First Of My Kind by Quazarkmax Lord Harry James Potter Black Peverell Gol by ultimate emperor Animagus Mishap! by The Dark Dragen Maw of the Basilisk by Dragen (http:///stories/viewstory.php?sid=459) Harry and the Veela by Kirkmenistan (http:///stories/viewstory.php?sid=526) Dragon Child by Kirkmenistan (http:///stories/viewstory.php?sid=527) Manipulating Fate by Midnight Star 25 Harry Potter, Unexpected Animagus by DWDuck Black Dragon by Black Were-Dragon The Angel, Phoenix and the Owl by SNAKE105th (http:///stories/viewstory.php?sid=430) Of Hopes and Dreams by Gemma Ethan Whitaker Freak of Nature by michaelsuave Harry Potter And The Aspects Of Death by michaelsuave Oops by michaelsuave Harry Potter and the Meaning of Life by LordAnarchy666 The Meaning of A Name by Lady Salazar Celestial Requiem by Raven Dragonclaw Black Ascension by Omni Black King of the Changelings by sakurademonalchemist Knowledge is Useful, But Power is Power by DisobedienceWriter Harry Potter and the Curse's Cure by Dragon-Raptor Harry Tennyson! by The Dark Dragen Strength of the Beast by TheSilverboar Return of the lost by TheSilverboar Arcane Supremacy by Angeldoctor The Baghera Lord by Lord Maurya Cold Blood by DerLaCroix Against The Odds by The Ardent Shepherd Not Only No, But, by HermanTumbleweed Warfare by doRodrigo Dark Lord Potter by doRodrigo A Serpent Among Dogs by doRodrigo Harry Potter & The Fall of the Dark Lord by Kalen Darkmoon Magical Contracts by Kalen Darkmoon Unexpected Events by zakairen Done A Runner by fantasyra Fate's Hero: The Dawn of Power by TheSilverboar Eyes are the windows to the soul by TheSilverboar Serpents and Sorcerers by Midgard slangehalskjede Independence Day by tumshie Harry Potter and the Hero's Path by TheJackOfDiamonds Harry Potter and the Heir of Pendragon by Sk8ernv Harry Potter and the Quantum Leap by Seel'vor The Rebirth of the Viper Order by cooldamien Brothers United by genhoss The Time of Change by Olafr Me and Miss Bones by Olafr Undo, Retry by Olafr Dawn of a Warlord: Year One by TheSilverboar Realizations by Wishweaver Harry Potter and the Male Veela by marciejackson The Lost Twin by marciejackson Wizards in Winter by Mionefan Harry Potter and the Enchanting Boy by Mionefan Ouran 12 by Mr.Staypuft Rise of the Predacons by Forsaken and Darklost Ascension of the Predacons by VFSNAKE The Fanfiction of Time Travel by The Stodgy Bumpkin (https:///u/298464/lost/The-.html) Language of Serpents by Dolosus Vipereus Harry Potter and the Fires of Eternity by Omniscientearl Harry Potter and the Sekirei Plan! by The Dark Dragen Lion of Light by Vimesenthusiast Destiny Vs. Chaos by Mattde/Vimesenthusiast Harry Potter & the Order of the Midnight Phoenix by VINcredable Bleach: Maelstrom by VINcredable Bleach: Cleave the Sky by VINcredable Harry Potter & the Avengers Initiative by VINcredable Harry Potter & The Gargoyles by VINcredable Harry Potter & the Star Forge by VINcredable Nine Tailed Sin by kento-hish17 Avenge the Lost by Myrddin Ignis Magus Harry Potter, Fifth Year Headmaster by flch1cks123 Elementary, My Dear Naruto by love2read69 The New God of War by shinji the good sharer The Armor of Mars by Challenge King Naruto: Shifts In Life by The Engulfing Silence Uzumaki Naruto: Birth of the New Demon King by The Engulfing Silence Story of the Ten Tailed Wolf by The Engulfing Silence Naruto Shippuden: Namikaze's Return Redux! by The Engulfing Silence Harry Potter and the Gift of Memories by The Engulfing Silence Harry Potter and the Heir of Slytherin by The Engulfing Silence Ashikabi No Shinobi by The Engulfing Silence The Legend of Gaia's Sennin by The Engulfing Silence Naruto: Web of Shadows by Kento-hish17 Hope Is Still Alive by razorbackmike Chaos Incarnate by sakurademonalchemist Chaotic Space by Mattde/Vimesenthusiast Naruto: Ninja Tamer by clonetrooper29 Ninja Art: Dimension Cross & Galaxy Lost by Dylan Millwood Red Nova by TsknRaider Naruto: Dark Heart by coso Growing Up by coso Going Digital by Fan of Fanfics Lion Heart by storyteller911 The Power of a Digital Sacrifice by Fresh Prince of Konoha Redemption: Tamer of the Virus Digimon by jshadowitz Naruto Digitized by InkDawn12 Digimon: Naruto's Adventure by2shadowwriter2 Naruto: Digital Kitsune by Silver Frostwolf NDT: Pokemon Sage Master by Silver Frostwolf NDT: Hollowfied Sage by Silver Frostwolf A Fox Among Tamers by Aarik076 Naruto Tamers by the hybrid who likes to write The Eternal Bond by AkatsukiDaybreak Naruto: Shinobi of the XAntibody by clonetrooper29 The Monster Lord by MadHat886 Naruto: Tamer of Foxes by Delphim The Black Kitsune Digital Fox Saga by Jakser 'Blue' Bane The Truth About Eanma by I'm The Cat's Meow Ranma's Journey by I'm The Cat's Meow Naruto: The Shinigami Maelstrom by clonetrooper29 Power He Knows Not by Driver Jim Ohki Behind Closed Doors by scarface101 Naruto: Iron Soul by PlaceholderName Iron Shinobi by Kairomaru Dokusho, The Poison Master by Kairomaru Forest of Flames by Kairomaru Shinobi of the Digital Hazard by Resurrection of the Forgotten Rise of the Kitsune Duelist by Stone Shield The Virus Tamer by DemonHg Naruto: Death God by Seraph Darkfire The Rebellion of the Fox by tomthedestroyer Rise From the Shadow by vsizzel Heaven and Hell's Gifts by Seraph Darkfire Naruto: Demonic Shinigami by xNamikazeKyuubix Naruto: Shinobi of the X-Antibody by clonetrooper29 Ben the Alien Enforcer by Dirtonimon Tamashi Ishi by soarath Jack the Pimp Prime by Dirtonimon Vervada by Drakai Price of Prejudice by TheSilverboar Naruto: Path of the Samurai by xNamikazeKyuubix Naruto: Riding into Darkness by xNamikazeKyuubix Naruto: Downfall of Humanity by xNamikazeKyuubix Home is where you are by xNamikazeKyuubix Naruto: Force Unleashed by xNamikazeKyuubix Uzumaki of Yokai Gakuen by Wolf3391 The Hazard Tamer by RedWarGreyX Tamer of the Hazard by Devilkeys Writing Liger Ninja: Naruto's New Century by godospartan the Kitsune Liger Magic by Phoenix Lee Evyns Millennium Child by Phoenix Lee Evyns Rage of the Darkstalkers by RockBane Incubus Naruto: Ascendance to Makai by AvatarofDeath13 Myth of Serpents by RockBane Yin and Yang: Two sides of one's Soul by Modify the Lifestream A Simple Change: Yin and Yang by Neozangetsu 9 Tailed Nexus by BlackRevenant Star Sage by Driver Jim Ohki Inner Beast by The Fifth Rider of Armageddon Alternate Dimensions: Gotham's Chaos by Uzumaki Crossover Alternate Dimensions: Kaze No Kitsune by Uzumaki Crossover Alternate Dimensions: Foxfire by Uzumaki Crossover Guardian of the Sea by Uzumaki Crossover Harry Potter: Game of the Year Edition by Casey W Harry Potter the Game: Epic Edition by zerohour20xx The Missing Savior and his Gatomon by Sweet Kagemine Kiss Digital Magic by Ace Hardwind Harry's Digital Adventure Rewrite by JFox101 Son of the North Wind by JFox101 Green Magic by JFox101 The Dragon's Apprentice by JFox101 Sarutobi Haru by JFox101 The Digidestined of Loyalty by pencilynn Friends in Hell by jbh14 Emerald Eyes of the Ibad by OlorinTheMaiar Haa Ri and the Sorcerer's Padawan by OlorinTheMaiar Born of the Potter's House by OlorinTheMaiar The Green Rider by OlorinTheMaiar Ulstafo the Green by OlorinTheMaiar Harry Potter and the Old Republic by Dark.Force.Light Herald Trainee Potter by stephenopolos Chosen by Marauder Heir Under Heaven and Earth by Tobetasered Spliced by Maloran Mistress of Death by The Fanfic Stealer Boy' Elf: Familiars of Zero by HellKing666 A Wizard's New Hope by revamped20 A Wizard on the Dunes by Drakonis Redwing Desert Mage by shadowschilde Blessed of Yggdrasil by The Fanfic Stealer The Ancient Father by The Fanfic Stealer One Man Army by Wyrd Darcnyzz The Prophecy's True Course by Maskmaroon Harry Potter and the Scīenra Cwēna by wedgegeck Ultimate Ranma by duskrider A Wizard's Magic by weixuan18 Harold Holmes and the Case of the Stone by John Wolfe A Team of Wild Horses by beartooth The Jinchuriki of the WorldEater by Soleneus Digital by Light Lord Cybergate HP: Chaos of the Phoenix by John Wolfe Elementary Calculations by kcourtkat The Sleeping Dragon Wakes by AncientzDream Naruto, Heir to Frostmourne and Ashbringer by Dark. Force. Light Juubi Of Nerima by TheAureBijuuKing Chakra Sage by Corruptmonk Konoha's Inventor by Corruptmonk Cutting Moon, Eclipsed Moon by sakurademonalchemist Foxes and Owls by sakurademonalchemist Paperwork Demons by sakurademonalchemist Dark Mage of the Zodiac by sakurademonalchemist Half Weirn Child by sakurademonalchemist Potions and Demons by sakurademonalchemist Ichigo Ichihara by sakurademonalchemist Sword and Demon by sakurademonalchemist Darkness and Hope by sakurademonalchemist Sirius Fowl by sakurademonalchemist Zwei by sakurademonalchemist Hadrian Abhorsen by sakurademonalchemist Phantomhive Wizards by sakurademonalchemist Harry Potter's Magical Adventure by shinikage Ranma's Journey by shinikage Dragonhorse by MadHat886 Chronicles of Potter by shinji the good sharer (http:///Shinjis_Fanfiction/index.php?showforum=40) Harry of the Seversword by Stallion6 of Deviantart The Fox's Sword by TheBlackSeaReaper A Mistrusting Wizard and the Ninja Who Found Him by Zeakagirl Shinigami no Shishou by Gelasia Kidd Harry Stark by Chooch77 Harry of the Two Sorceresses by Chooch77 Arkham Raised by Chooch77 Elemental Naruto by Chooch77 Harry the Snake by Chooch77 Proto Harry by Chooch77 Proto Harry the rewrite by Chooch77 Proto Naruto by Chooch77 Proto Naruto rewrite by Chooch77 Chimera Naruto by Chooch77 Chimera Naruto the rewrite by Chooch77 Hive King Naruto by Chooch77 Hive King Naruto the rewrite by Chooch77 Soul King Naruto by Chooch77 Soul King Naruto by Chooch77 Naruto Unlimited by Chooch77 Hybrid Harry by Chooch77 Edo Tensei Naruto by Chooch77 Early Room by Chooch77 Harry Kabuto Potter by Chooch77 The Prototype Child by Maloran Harry Potter: Heir of Darkseid by Chooch77 Proto Harry by slade017 Naruto terror of konoha by Bazerkerking Naruto of the Seven Blades by Lican Naruto of the Seven Swordsmen by sinisteruto Mahou Shinobi Obito by Chosha Kurenai Sasuke Potter by ReaderChris Nindo of Sasuke Potter by ReaderChris Crimson Samehada by Draco565 The Great Liquid Shark by jCOOLn Fox With Shark's Teeth by Rinoti Life Is Truly An Unpredictable Thing by Rinoti Silent Storm by Rinoti Dark Light by Rinoti True Heir of Slytherin by Rinoti The Nine Tailed Shark by From Kid To King The Nine Tailed Shark by Jd-103 Mahou No Shinobi by Sweet Kagemine Kiss The Magi of Death by John the Strider Harry Uchiha-Senju by Dis Lexic Naruto Kaguya Uchiha by jCOOLn Naruto's Earth Grudge Fear by jCOOLn The Newest Senju by jCOOLn Demonic Statue Jinchuriki by jCOOLn Naruto of The Body Flicker by jCOOLn The Twelve Tailed Fox by jCOOLn Rinnegan Naruto by jCOOLn Naruto Uzumaki Senju Namikazae Uchiha by jCOOLn Naruto Uzumaki: All in One by jCOOLn Naruto Senju by jCOOLn Archmage by Dirty Reid Alliances Across the Universe by Dirty Reid All Manner of Horror by Dirty Reid King of the Hive by Dirty Reid A Swordsman's Road by Dirty Reid Naruto of the Five Elements by jCOOLn Naruto Yuki Kaguya Uzumaki by jCOOLn Naruto Uzumaki Uchiha Yuki by jCOOLn Naruto Uchiha by jCOOLn Naruto: The Perfect Chimera by jCOOLn Naruto: The Merged Uzumaki by jCOOLn Naruto: Rebirth of the Uzumaki Clan by jCOOLn Ribirth of the Demon Clan by jCOOLn Dura The Shade Rider by jCOOLn Son of Sea and Thunder by TheSilverboar The Storybook Summoner by Blood Brandy Weakness of the Scholar by malciah A New Demon, Adopted from The Immoral Flame by The New Sage of Six Paths The Deathly Uzumaki by VFSNAKE Technological Ninja Naruto Uzumaki by WraithRune The Jinchuriki Warlock by Kytranis If Only by donalgraeme Uzumaki Legacy by maverick9871 Vampire to Jinchuuriki by BloodyKangaroo The King Is Back by Foxes-rocks The Jinchuriki Alliance by Foxes-rocks The Beast of Hazard by Naito Writer The True Enemy by gallantmon7196 Naruto of the Chozo Idea and Preview by Twilight-Lloyd Naruto Prime: The Past is Prologue by Sweet Kagemine Kiss The XWarrior by XInsanityXAreolusXShadowwindX Free as FlightDraconian Naruto by Twilight-Lloyd The Demon Son of Konoha by ChunkyLover584 Broken Seals, Second Chances by Alistor Jinchuuriki by WizardsGirl Metamorphosis by WizardsGirl Unstoppable by ChunkyLover584 Beneath the Mask by ChunkyLover584 The New Namikaze Clan by ChunkyLover584 Blood Leaf by Reaper7 The Girl in White by NeonZangetsu Boutoku No Naruto by Thanatos Guardians of the Seal by Thanatos The Consequences of a Lie by TheDogSage Naruto and Family by Dark Hearted Dragon's Master Snake in the Leaves by Ninja bat master Naruto: Uzumaki Pokenin by XInsanityXAreolusXShadowwindX Frozen ShinobiArctic Foxby Ninja bat master Rebirth of the dragon warrior by Ninja bat master The Heir to the Well by Ninja bat master NarutoXMatrix: Sage Reborn by Shadow King Of The West Empire The foxy and The hebi by Dark-El Dark Will of Fire: Eternal Shinobi by Dark-El Dark Titans Naruto by Dark-El Dark The True Love of a Vampire by Dark-El Dark Frozen Fox by Hakureisaiga Why Would I by FlareXD Reishi by Dark Hearted Dragon's Master The Armored Dragon by RedxHazard Harry Potter and the Changes of Fate and Death by Dark Hearted Dragon's Master Harry Potter and The Secrets Revealed by Dark Hearted Dragon's Master Naruto Of The Darkness Eye by Dark Hearted Dragon's Master Harry Potter and Teammates by Tsukune08 Bond of Flame: Uzumaki Naruto by SMFox1987 Slytherin Harry by jCOOLn Nothing by Hakureisaiga True Shinigami by Shadow King Of The West Empire Dragon Fire by Ruby Lunaris Road to Master by sojoukou senkuo Ash's Master Quest by sojoukou senkuo PseudoMaster by sojoukou senkuo Naruto: Ice Dragon At Yokai Academy by Shadow King Of The West Empire The Master of YinYang by sojoukou senkuo The Last of the Senju Clan by sojoukou senkuo The Legendary Maelstrom Saiyan Redone! by AlucardY17 True Master of Death by AlucardY17 Uchiha Naruto by AlucardY17 Kami No Sanshou Naruto by AlucardY17 Kami No Sanshou Naruto REWRITE by AlucardY17 Kushina Uzumaki-The New Kyuubi by James Young Naruto: Ice Demon of Kiri by Jakker Naruto: Shadow Uzumaki Uchiha Senju by Shadow King Of The West Empire Born into Wickedness by Syynex Light and Hazard Dragons by XInsanityXAreolusXShadowwindX Hadrian Potter: Darkness Returns by AvatarVecna Harry Potter: Heir Of Shinobi and Wizard by Shadow King Of The West Empire The Last Resort by jCOOLn Naruto the Dual Type Kampfer by fairy tail dragon slayer The Chi Wizard Ninja by DarkPaladinmon Bang Baby Shinobi by DarkPaladinmon Makai Maelstrom by Shadow King Of The West Empire A Third Path to the Future by Vimesenthusiast Nihilism by LilaKatze Naruto the Catastrophe by DarkPaladinmon Soldier by LilaKatze A Drop of Poison by Angel of Snapdragons Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Uchiha: Godaime Mizukage by joshnaruto Reason to Live by Boreder Master of Shadows by ShiKuVeSiAquEn The Master of Shadows by CreatorZorah Harry and the Blades by CreatorZorah Harry Potter and the Burning Hells by CreatorZorah Flee On Sight by Jrf Steel TriWizard Again by Isebas the ultimate bounty by ljpitty Naruto the true snake lord by Darksiders death necro midnight's fade by ljpitty Harry Potter and the Will of the Force by Towrag Harry Potter and the Secret of the Ancients by Towrag Unchained by raynedrops08 The Rise of the Immortal by puppet4master1 Embodiment of the Curse of Hatred and Will of Fire by Legend of the Kyuubi Light's Last Gasp by Psudocode Samurai Ah! What's A Goddess? by Psudocode Samurai The Feral King by TheEternalSage18 The Ultimate Warrior by Shadow King Of The West Empire Blood of Iwa by jCOOLn Power of the Serpentine Eyes by Anigma24 Naruto Namikaze: Kyoka Suigetsu by TheYellowFlash69 Rosario Vampire meets Master of Death by shadowD1993 A Death God Among God's by dude932 The Leaf's Very Own Soul Reaper by dude932 Ichigo's Got A New Zanpakuto! by Harry Potter and the Decendant of Ages Changed by Lord Serpent Circle of Death by Muhahahaha Control by 88BabyAngel88 A snake's family by Lord-Chrono Dragon Savior by Lord-Chrono THE GOLD AND BLACK PHEONIX by Lord-Chrono Spirit of the Fox by HuntersShadow Embittered Truth by HuntersShadow FateMagic Disruption by absolutezero001 Tale of a Magus by absolutezero001 Naruto: The New Zero by absolutezero001 Ninja of the Feudal Era by absolutezero001 Naruto: The Senshi of the Sun and Darkness by absolutezero001 The Adventures Of Harry Potter, the Video Game: Exploited by michaelsuave Youkai's Shinobi by JPClawXVoid Naruto: Fate's Feather by JPClawXVoid God Of Ten Path's by Shadow King Of The West Empire Naruto of the Black Sand by NarutoFanFicAuthor2000 Infinite Supply by phoenix3488 Shinigami by phoenix3488 Clash of realms by phoenix3488 Puppet Legend by Angry Mob FateProphecy Break by Wrathkal Chosen by TheSlain Chaotic Fate by hyrushoten Twilights Dawn: The Sun Sets by TheSlain Naruto the Empty Fox King by fairy tail dragon slayer Storybook Hero by dogbertcarroll Harry and the Staff of Aeons by ZeroRevolution Lumentor by ZeroRevolution Death's Avatar by ZeroRevolution Naruto the Fox by ZeroRevolution Demonsoul by ZeroRevolution Harry Potter, Death Lord by ZeroRevolution The Second Try by ZeroRevolution Harry Potter and the Promise of a Lifetime by Dreetje Harry Potter and the Paladins of Magic by Dreetje The Will of Three by substitutingrealitywithmyown Power He Knows Not by substitutingrealitywithmyown Night is When the Lion Stalks its Prey by substitutingrealitywithmyown Harry Potter: Jedi Mage by substitutingrealitywithmyown Lightning Trickster: Lightning Thief by substitutingrealitywithmyown The Bijuu-Dragon-Rider by Coolkid93 Black Light by Horror Fate's Gamble by Lupine Horror Tales Of A Maho Shinobi by uncutetombShawn129 Izanagi No Naruto by Shawn129 Uzumaki Vampire by Shawn129 Ultimate Naruto by Shawn129 Saiyan in the Elemental Nations by Shawn129 Emperor Naruto by Shawn129 Saiyan Emperor V2 by Shawn129 Naruto: Prototype by LUCARIO HMV ADVANCED Fade to Blacklight by Fenerath BlackLight Rises by CreedRazorReaper Shinju: First World by DX7 Shinju: FateChaos by DX7 Fukashi Kōsen by Luxord52 Black Light by jCOOLn Virus Kitsune by JesterKitsune The Darkest Light by Halo12094 Blacklight in Konohagakure by Sanguine-tenshi Nine Tailed Prototype by Kento-hish17 Prototype Maelstrom by darkshot618 Crimson Sayian God Of Konoha by Shinku Kami No Arashi Legendary Sayian Shinobi Maelstrom by Shinku Kami No Arashi Makai Maelstrom by Shinku Kami No Arashi Uzumaki's Retribution by Shinku Kami No Arashi The Assassin of Konoha by Alarik Rise of A Lightning God by AlarikAlarik Quicksilver by crimson maelstrom1 Storming Unova by perfect oblivion Master of the North Wind by perfect oblivion Kyuudou Sennin by Orpheus Kidwell Pulling The Strings by Orpheus Kidwell Shinton No Naruto by Orpheus Kidwell Nidaime Snake Sannin by Orpheus Kidwell Uzumaki Necromancer by Orpheus Kidwell Tenchi Sennin by Orpheus Kidwell Seeing The Darkness by Orpheus Kidwell Susanoo Reborn by Orpheus Kidwell Some Hearts by sakurademonalchemist Soul and Sword by sakurademonalchemist Golden Queen by sakurademonalchemist Tricksters and Gods by sakurademonalchemist An Angel and a Trickster by sakurademonalchemist The Death God and the Mystic Eyes by sakurademonalchemist Dusk and Dawn by sakurademonalchemist Naruto Emiya by sakurademonalchemist FateConfusion! by sakurademonalchemist Unspoken Wars by sakurademonalchemist Hawk-Eyed Charlie by sakurademonalchemist A Second Chance by sakurademonalchemist Eternally Black by sakurademonalchemist Ether Net by sakurademonalchemist Prince of Thieves 2: Rise of the New King by sakurademonalchemist Sora and Zorua by sakurademonalchemist The Moon of the Kurta Clan by sakurademonalchemist Witch Sword by sakurademonalchemist Circus Surprise by sakurademonalchemist Nozomi of the Sand by sakurademonalchemist Dark Mage of the Zodiac by sakurademonalchemist Dear Kami, there's TWO of them! by sakurademonalchemist Lina Evans by sakurademonalchemist Naruto: Mage Nin by Korraganitar The NightShadow Amethyst Love by Kur0Kishi Adrian Romanov by sakurademonalchemist Fata Morgana by Kur0Kishi Blessed Curse by Kur0Kishi End Game Version R by Kur0Kishi Venom, Tears and Potions by Knife Hand Duel Nephilim by Jecht Stream Mother's Wrath by Orpheus Kidwell Demon Bounty Hunter by sakurademonalchemist The Corrupted Princess by The MIB's Maelstrom Of The Stars by Kiyomi Saya Uzumaki The Silver Flash by Kiyomi Saya Uzumaki The Fox and Rabbit by scarface101 Iced Darkness by sakurademonalchemist Time Turned Back by sakurademonalchemist Hidden Song by sakurademonalchemist Lost Name by sakurademonalchemist Alpha Queen by sakurademonalchemist Natalie Winchester by sakurademonalchemist Anko Potter by SmilingJester Harry Potter and the Girl-Who-Lived by Agnostics Puppet Sequel to Harry Potter and the Girl-Who-Lived by Agnostics Puppet Retsu's Folly by nuhuh Pairings: NarutoxAnko Mitarashi NarutoxKushina Uzumaki NarutoxMito Uzumaki NarutoxYugiito Nii Narutox Female Kurama the Kyuubi no Kitsune NarutoxFemale Matatabi the Nibi no Neko NarutoxKaguya Ōtsutsuki NarutoxKurenai Yuuhi NarutoxMei Terumi NarutoxHana Inuzuka NarutoxYuugao Uzuki NarutoxTsunade Narutoxfemale Bijuu NarutoxFuu (7-winged beetle jinchuriki) NarutoxGuren NarutoxFemale Haku (it is my personal opinion that no matter what kishimoto says, Haku looks and sounds like a girl way too much to be a feminine boy) NarutoxTemari NarutoxTeten Higurashi NarutoxHinata Hyuuga NarutoxKurotsuchi NarutoxKin Tsuchi NarutoxTayuya NarutoxIno Yamanaka NarutoxUrd NarutoxBelldandy NarutoxHild NarutoxPeorth NarutoxLind NarutoxLord of Nightmares NOTE=I HATE Sakura Haruno (I view her as a Sasgay fangirl who will never amount to anything regardless of her accomplishments as a medic-nin; the way I see it is that she did it hoping that sasgay would notice her) Harry Potterx Fleur Delacour Harry PotterxDaphne Greengrass Harry PotterxSusan Bones Harry PotterxLuna Lovegood Harry PotterxNymphadora Tonks Harry PotterxFemale Blaise Zabini Harry PotterxNarcissa Black/Malfoy Harry PotterxBellatrix Black/Lestrange Harry PotterxHermione Granger Harry Potterxfemale dragon in human form Harry Potterxfemale phoenix in human form Harry Potterxany female magical creature in human/humanoid form Harry PotterxLily Potter nee Evans/Lily Evans Harry PotterxKushina Uzumaki Harry PotterxAnko Mitarashi Harry Potterxfemale Ichigo Kurosaki Harry PotterxYoruoichi Shihoin Note=I HATE Ginny(I view her as an abusive, obsessive, gold-digging fangirl) RanmaxHerb-chan(female Herb) RanmaxYugito Nii RanmaxRyoko Hakubi RanmaxBelldandy RanmaxUrd RanmaxMara/Marller RanmaxHild RanmaxLind RanmaxPeorth Ranmaxfemale Kurama, the Kyuubi no kitsune RanmaxNabiki Tendo RanmaxKasumi Tendo RanmaxFemale Harry Potter RanmaxLily Evans RanmaxLily Potter RanmaxKushina Uzumaki Ranmaxfemale Naruto RanmaxAnko Mitarashi RanmaxHana Inuzuka RanmaxFemale Ichigo Kurosaki RanmaxMoka Akashiya RanmaxYoruoichi Shihoin RanmaxYugito Nii RanmaxSamui RanmaxFuu(the Nanabi Jinchuriki) RanmaxFemale Choumei, the Nanabi RanmaxMatatabi, the Nibi no Neko RanmaxFemale Shukaku, the Ichibi no Bakedanuki RanmaxFemale Isobu, the Sanbi no Kame RanmaxFemale Yonbi RanmaxFemale Kokuō, the Gobi RanmaxFemale Saiken, the Rokubi no Namako RanmaxFemale Gyūki, the Hachibi no Kyogyū RanmaxKushina Uzumaki RanmaxTsunami Jurai RanmaxTokimi RanmaxWashuu Hakubi RanmaxDaphne Greengrass RanmaxSusan Bones RanmaxTracy Davis RanmaxHermione Granger RanmaxFleur Delacour RanmaxNymphadora Tonks RanmaxUsagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity RanmaxAmi Mizuno/Sailor Mercury RanmaxMakoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter RanmaxMinako Aino/Sailor Venus RanmaxHotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn RanmaxMichiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune RanmaxHaruka Ten'Oh/Sailor Uranus RanmaxSetsuna Meioh/Sailor Pluto RanmaxQueen Beryl RanmaxQueen Serenity Ranma: Nabiki or Kasumi BUT NOT AKANE, UKYO, XIAN PU, OR KODACHI AND NO MEN!!!!!!!!!! (I HATE AKANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Jack Darby (Transformers Prime)x Airachnid Jack Darby(Transformers Prime) x Arcee Percy JacksonxArtemis Percy JacksonxAthena Percy JacksonxMinor Goddesses/Primordials/Titaness/Rarely used Pairings Ash KetchumxCynthia Shirona Ash KetchumxSabrina Ash KetchumxClaire Ash KetchumxFemale Anthro Pokemon Peter Parker/SpidermanxJean Grey/Phoenix Peter ParkerxWanda Maximoff Ichigo KurosakixYoruoichi Ichigo KurosakixTier Hallibel Ichigo KurosakixFemale Zanpakutou Ichigo KurosakixAnko Ichigo KurosakixKushina Uzumaki Ichigo KurosakixTsunade Senju Ichigo KurosakixYugito Nii Ichigo KurosakixFemale Bijuu Ichigo KurosakixKaguya Otsutuki Bashing Preferences: Like to Bash: Ranma: Akane Genma Ryouga Kuno Kodachi Joketsuzoku Amazons in general Harry Potter: Ron Weasley Ginny Weasley Molly Weasley Albus Dumbledore Naruto: Sakura Sasuke Team 7 Don't Like to Bash: Ranma: Ranma Kasumi Nabiki Nodoka Harry Potter: Harry Hermione Weasley Twins Goblins Hagrid Fleur Delacour Susan Bones Nymphadora Tonks Luna Lovegood Naruto: Naruto Anko Kushina Uzumaki Yugito Nii Samui Fu Mei Terumi Female Bijuu Kaguya Otsustuki NARUTO AND THE ADAMS FAMILY CHALLENGE: What if Naruto was raised by the addams family? NARUTO, SPIDERMAN, GUYVER, AND BLUE BEETLE/YOUNG JUSTICE CROSSOVER CHALLENGE: What if Naruto found a guyver unit in the forbidden scroll of sealing? what if also later the blue beetle techno-organic symbiote crash-landed and fused with naruto while bio-boosting aswhile simultaneously the venom&carnage fused symbiotes decided to bond with him? this would cause them all to simultaneously fuse together and bond permanently with naruto HARRY POTTER CHALLENGE (GOT IDEA FROM READING AWAKENING OF THE SERPENTS' AVATAR BY Aarik076): Harry somehow uses parceltongue so much that it somehow evolves into being able to speak to dragons, i.e., dragonese. Harry saves a Celestial Lung Oriental dragon hatchling (think Shenron/Shenlong that appears when you bring all 7 Terran dragonballs together in DBZ) and its mother decides that as she's dying that harry should raise it as his own as well as making it his familiar as well Ranma Challenges Info: The following applies to all challenges of mine: Ranma knows Hidden Weapons (either he and Mu Tzu became friends and taught each other or Ranma learnt it by having it used on him all the time, you can pick which one). Ranma has already done and knows the Bakutsai Tenketsu Training Advanced Version by using all the blunt weapons of his suitors & rivals as well as wrecking balls and other such heavy duty equipment. Ranma knows the entirety of his father's 'secret techniques both the Yama-sen-ken and the Umi-sen-ken I'm assuming Genma and Ranma went to London, England during their 10 year training trip so Ranma can speak and read English fluently (come on, do you actually think that Genma would bother trying to learn also when he could just get Ranma to learn it for the both of them; Genma: Get to it boy! Learn how do it! It's Good Training! Oh, why did I have to suffer with having such weak, girlish son who cant learn how to speak and read english within a week!!!!!!!!!) I also assume that Genma took Ranma to America for special ops training and as such can speak and read English, drive military vehicles and/or aircraft. I'm also assuming that when Genma took Ranma to China, Ranma picked up a little Chinese and/or Mandarin so he couldn't make out what the Guide was saying (different dialect) and by the time they got to Japan, Ranma was even more fluent in speaking the common Chinese dialect (didn't come across Amazon dialect until he went to Joketzuzoku Village). I also assume that Genma would have made sure that Ranma could at least speak enough Chinese and/or Mandarin to get his point across to his senseis (Come on, you can't expect Genma to make Ranma learn under a sensei that he doesn't understand at all, even Genma isn't that stupid if he wants his son to learn from a famous school of Chinese martial arts)! Pairings: no female Ranma with male characters, would prefer Ranma to be with a non-fiancée and no Akane or Kodachi but wouldn’t mind if others (Kasumi, Nabiki, Ukyo, Xian Pu, etc) since the fun of crossovers and fusions is the ability for Ranma to be paired with non-fiancees. Ranma Challenges: RANMA AND POKEMON CHALLENGE: Timeline: Post failed wedding Ranma gets sent to the pokeverse when Happosai pisses off a spirit whom in revenge decides to deny Happosai his heir by sending Ranma to the pokemon universe where Ranma teams up with his first pokemon partner a riolu that soon evolves into a lucario. This is the pokemon that will travel around with Ranma outside of a pokeball Ranmas Pokemon Team?: LucarioUmbreonEspeonGarchompLaprasTyranitar If you have any other suggestions for his 5th and 6th pokemon please let me know I’m also thinking of Ranma having Pidgeot, Braviary, and Charizard If you have questions comments or other ideas please review! RANMA AND INFINITE STRATOS CHALLENGE: Type= AU/Crossover/Fusion Story Idea: Timeline=post failed wedding Ranma gets malleted after Akane comes back from failing the Infinite Stratos test. Ranma knows Hidden Weapons (either he and Mu Tzu became friends and taught each other or Ranma learnt it by having it used on him all the time, you can pick which one). Ranma somehow met the main characters of the anime/manga on his training journey (Ranma is engaged to them as joke on their parents part but turns out to be taken seriously when they meet and fall for him at IS Academy and learn about it through their parents who tell them about it thinking they won’t go through with it. Though they heard about what happened to him in Nerima so they keep it amongst themselves and try to be friends first and something more later [doesn’t mean they will let anyone else try to get close to him but aren’t as jealous possessively like the NWC]) Ranma replaces main male character except sister was someone on training journey who met with him and adopted him all but legally as her brother and Ranma has kept in contact with her ever since and after he gets malleted he contacts her and she formally adopts him into her clan and after Ranma somehow pilots IS, she picks him up. Ranma somehow is able to pilot an IS but has to have one custom made for him with Bit Cloud’s Liger Zero that can go on two or four legs because of the neko-ken) RANMA CAN PILOT THE IS B/C HE’S RANMA AND NOT B/C OF HIS CURSE (although it doesn’t exactly hurt). Pairings: no female Ranma with male characters, would prefer Ranma to be with a non-fiancée like for example the sister who makes the black cores of the IS’s and no Akane or Kodachi but wouldn’t mind if others (Kasumi, Nabiki, Ukyo, Xian Pu, etc) since the fun of crossovers and fusions is the ability for Ranma to be paired with non-fiancees. Knowing Ranma’s luck he’ll have the entire school chasing after him all the time. It wouldn’t surprise me if some tried to sneak into his bed just to be near him even if they already had assigned rooms. RANMA AND THE LEGEND OF MAIAN CHALLENGE: Type: AU/Crossover/Fusion Timeline=Post wedding Story Idea: Genma conned some kind of female guardian spirit that Happosai would later summon to get back at Ranma for not wearing his ‘silky darlings’ so the spirit decides to get back at Happosai (since Happosai glomped her upon seeing her) and Genma by sending Ranma to the legend of maian universe and somehow has the descendant of the guy who locked the Feicia Rand Philistine in. Ranma frees her, sees her use those spells, wants to learn them, Feicia is intrigued by Ranma and is amused by his curse (which now looks like a red-haired twin of Feica Rand Philistine) as well as impressed by his martial arts skills and decides to amuse herself watch Ranma try and fail to pull it off but is blown away when Ranma somehow pulls it off and she decides that he just might be the one for her as well as cant wait to see what Ranma will pull out of his ass. Pairings= obviously the main one would be Ranma and Feicia (who I see as a cross of Urd and Inner Moka except without the goddess of love part; can’t see Feica acting like that part of Urd ), no female Ranma with male characters, and maybe add some more to the mix, I mean this is Ranma we’re talking about! P.S. Ranma knows Hidden Weapons style already (either he and Mu Tzu became friends and taught each other or Ranma learnt it by having it used on him all the time, you can pick which one). RANMA AND WAREHOUSE 13 CHALLENGE: Timeline: Post failed Wedding Story Idea: the gekkaja and the kinjakan were dormant artifacts but now they are activated and linked solely to ranma so he hired by mrs. frederick whom offers him a way out of the fiancee mess by having him or genma erased from all the clans registry thereby making all of genma's deals invalid. also the gekkaja and the kinjakan now have to travel with him as sentient battle artifacts as they were not only activated by him but linked to him as well. my other idea is much of the same but no mrs.frederick and artie and the gang were alerted to the ping of the two battle staves that are now sentient battle staves usable by and can not be parted from ranma so artie sends myka and pete to check out nerima. i really cant think of more to add but if i do ill update as needed. RANMA AND SLAYERS Challenge: i just had a thought of ranma getting chased by a dragon and when it catches up to him ranma responds: "Hey, are you done with your morning run, when are we going to spar?" couldnt get that thought out of my head it just seems like ranma for that to happen doesnt it? please let me know what you think of this idea using the above scenario after failed wedding where ranma has both gekkaja and kinjakan with him when happosai banishes him for destroying his "silky darlings" RANMA AND ANIMORPHS CROSSOVER CHALLENGE: Ranma falls in Spring of Drowned Andalite Ranma and Nabiki Pairing strengthens entire andalite body with the breaking point training as well as regular stamina and endurance training RANMA AND JENNIFER SCALES CHALLENGE (the jennifer scales series by MarJanice Davidson and Anthony Alongi) timeline: after failed wedding Ranma falls into spring of drowned girl as usual but soon after the failed wedding, all the magic that Ranma's been exposed to somehow wakes up his weredragon heritage and through some fluke, his dragonform is also an ancient furnace dragon. the neko-ken gets absorbed into the mix, allowing him to summon and control cats and phoenixes/firebirds b/c of his exposure to Saffron in dragonfrom Ranma can use the neko-ken kic/chi-blades through his claws use ki to make his wings hard and adapt the following pokemon moves for use when in dragonform: Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Aeroblast, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Gust, Twister, Hurricane, Brave Bird, Ice Beam, Solarbeam, Hyper Beam. Ranma & Jennifer Scales pairing RANMA AND THE RESISTERS (The Resisters by Eric Nylund) CHALLENGE: background info on the resisters books: world war IV has already occured, an hive-live alien race conquered earth via mind control the population but can only control the adults and those who've been througj puberty but not the children. the aliens& the resistance (which consists of children and adults who remain underground safe from cha'zar control) use giant insectoid fighting mechs, I.C.E suits or Insectoid Computerized Enviromental suits. timeline= after the failed wedding Ranma somehow ingests the magic aging mushrooms, de-ages to 12-13, gets sucked up when the different magical items used on him at once by the NWC collide and gets teleported to The Resisters universe in America. gets found by resistance, hooks up with them. What bug should Ranma get? Ranma can use ki to increase sync wl bug Ranma's bug somehow b/c of Ranma's ki, symbiotically&permanently bonds with Ranma (only ranma can pilot it) as well as continually evolves and adapts (what other way would it fit into anything goes?) so much so that it also starts to develop a ki/chi/chakra system and uses ki Ranma creates the Bug Fu art for Anything Goes Ranma is immune to mind control (b/c from different dimension/universe) so Cha'zar (hive-like aliens) cant mentally get info out of him, but can torture it out of him. RANMA AND PRIMEVAL CHALLENGE: timeline= after failed wedding, right before Primeval begins; expect to go through entire series 1-6 soon after failed wedding, ranma is trying to find a secluded place to use the Nanban Mirror. He soon does and just when he uses the Nanban Mirror, rift appears right in front of him, causing the Nanban Mirror to react violently w/ the rift and Ranma is sent/travels from his universe/dimension to the Primeval universe/dimension RANMA AND JAMES CAMERON'S AVATAR CROSSOVER CHALLENGE: Ranma falls into spring of drowned thanator ranma falls into spring of drowned great leonopteryx RANMA AND GODZILLA: THE ANIMATED SERIES CROSSOVER/AU CHALLENGE: TIMELINE: Beginning of Godzilla, During Neko-ken Somehow during the Neko-ken, a female Godzilla egg(that was somehow transported from the nest in New York via a mispronounced spell genma used to suppossedly make ranma learn the neko-ken faster; and is the only other surviving egg besides the one Dr. Nick Totapolous found) was unearthed in the cat pit and the egg hatches and imprints on ranma just as he goes neko as well as neko-ranma-so has a dual bond with him, but neko-ranma realizes that he's dying and somehow instinctively knows that his only hope of surviving lies with the female godzilla hatchling so neko-ranma somehow blood bonds with the godzilla hatchling similar to the bond between dragon and rider in Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Quartet so ranma can communicate telepathically to the godzilla hatchling and vice versa. The difference between this godzilla and nick's godzilla is that A) It is female and B) where Nick's is grey, Ranma's is blue. The mental bond between Ranma and Azure (Female Godzilla's name) is really strong and ranma decides that he has a new friend that he decides to teach whatever martial arts and other skills he learns so as to have a friend and eternal sparring partner. Azure decides to travel along with Ranma (genma isn't too happy about this but is too scared now to do anything about it) but stays aways from Jusenkyou, avoiding the curse. Eventually this bond between Ranma and Azure will strengthen enough that she can help him gain mastery and control over the Neko-ken. Im thinking of having Azure fall in love with Ranma and eventually absorb his curse so she gains the ability to shapeshift into a human girl with golden colored slitted eyes, blue-grey hair, and scaly/rhinestonelike clothing. let me know what u guys think of this please RANMA AND NARUTO CROSSOVER CHALLENGE: Ranma somehow signs any of the following Summoning Contracts: Dragon Cat Phoenix Imagine if Saffron is the Boss Summon of the Phoenix Tribe and Kiima is his Second-in-Command? What if someone summons the Boss Summon of the Cat Tribe and Ranma goes Neko on it and the Boss Cat Summon is greatly amused and shocked by it so much so that it decides that Ranma would be a good contractor to sign with. Or it decides to teach Ranma the True Neko-Ken as that is probably the main style of most of the cat summons. Another idea is that one of the high-end cat summons decides to fuse with the cat spirit possessing Ranma whenever he goes neko RANMA AND PERCY JACKSON&THE OLYMPIANS CHALLENGE: What if Ranma also was a son of Poseidon and the grandson of the greek god/goddess of chaos and luck? let me know what you think please Questions? Comments? Just PM me to send ideas, questions, comments, etc. RANMA AND HARRY POTTER CHALLENGE: timeline=after catfist at age 6 requirements= Ranma still continues to train in and improve upon the Anything Goes Style and using that mentality somehow manages to become a Beast-Speaker allowing him to fully accept his neko side and communicate with his adopted family; he still is as skilled as in canon but becomes able to use pure ki/chi and wandless magic what would happen if Genma somehow got a Nundu cub for the Neko-ken? what if afterwards when ranma goes neko, he tries to befriend the nundu cub and then the mother comes along and decides to adopt ranma? RANMA AND NARUTO CHALLENGE: Ranma, Anko, and Yugito Pairing What would happen if Dano came upon Ranma after Genma decides to use the aging mushrooms on ranma to get back at him for ruining his retirement: i.e. the failed wedding; by putting him through a strange variation of the neko-ken that teleports hims to konoha in root cave in neko mode, ranma neko shreds through root to find anko and danzo decides to train him in sealing and ninja techniques to see if he could produce alternate sharingan. anko likes ranma because for some reason ranma now speak to snakes and felines. On the Wiki Wiki Activity Random page Videos Photos Characters Media Universe Community Contribute Share Watchlist Random page Recent changes Joketsuzoku |