Author has written 24 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers. I'm English, from the land of tea and scones; I'm a student and I love writing :) I also love comedy, cartoons and anime I'm really into slash pairings in my fiction, (so be warned) so far I've only done Hetalia fanfiction; One true pairing: Germany/Italy Ich liebe dich, ja Also ship: Also like: Hate hate hate: Italy/Germany forever! Never ever EVER put Italy or Germany with anyone else! Russia disapproves... Although I suppose you could call me a massive hypocrite seeing as I've paired Italy up with Spain a couple of times, it's fair to say I find them quite adorable long as Italy is put back with Germany again at the end I also love Rome/Germania!! (basically just another version of Italy/Germany really...) Favourite characters: Germany That's not in order of my favourites, they're all too amazing; (although I think Germany must be my favourite) Hetalia has managed to help me get over my fear of visiting Germany and I've now grown a strong attraction to the German accent and language, seriously; I thinks it's the prettiest language ever How did you find out about Hetalia? Back to fanfiction...I love writing fluffy cuteness (beware of serious were warned) but I will go to the dark side if needs be, and I've written a few smutty scenes although I'm not very good at it Also, I'm aware that in some of my stories the climate and weather tends to be...well, very wrong, depending on the country and the time of year and such, but you know...just roll with it XD My youtube channel was deleted :( I will try and get the videos back up but I'm not sure I had them all backed up... Anywho, I hope you enjoy my stories and as always reviews are greatly appreciated and I will do my best to respond :) |
CelestiaLily (16) chochochocho (0) EspeonSilverfire2 (31) LonelyHearts2008 (30) | OnceAWolf (0) PJTL156 (46) Preminiscence (0) RenaissanceRay (15) | xKainexx (9) |