I discovered Fan Fiction and Robsession during the spring of 2011. Ever since, I have been going without sleep trying to read some of the classic, highly recommended Twilight fics... past and present. Background of my Twilight FFn discovery: I'm married to a soldier and he is gone a lot (deployment/training/etc.) When my hubby is around, we normally love to go to the movies... however, we bypassed Twilight because we believed it was just a teen vampire flick. (Hey, I was unaware!) In late March 2011, my husband had already been away for what seemed like forever. One night, after my son was asleep, I was really bored and missing my husband. I turned the TV on to Showtime. Twilight was about to come on and I thought... I'll give this movie a shot to see what all the fuss is about. If it sucks, I'll laugh at it and stop watching after 10 minutes. I watched the entire first film and found myself hooked. Because of my age, I even felt a little embarrassed about it and had a fleeting funny thought... Damn, I want my husband to come back and I want to gaze at him in a meadow somewhere! Immediately after watching Twilight, I clicked On Demand and got started on New Moon, thinking to myself, It's getting late... I'll just watch half of it tonight and finish up tomorrow. That thought process didn't fly... I watched the whole thing and then decided that the next day I HAD to know what happened in Eclipse. I rented and immediately watched the DVD on Day 2 when my son went to bed. On Day 3 I got started on the books and read them all as quickly as I could. I don't really know *exactly* how my Robsession started, because I know I looked at website somewhere in this short process. I think it was because I quickly learned of Water for Elephants and started watching some of Rob's old interviews out of boredom. I was captivated pretty much immediately by the Non-Edward real Rob. I thought he was so charismatic, funny, etc and seeing him laugh and smile made me follow suit. So I kind of started catching up on fangirl behavior and I saw WFE by myself on opening day. The fangirl-ing continued and progressed. I had no concept of fan fiction before my Robsession led me to it out of curiosity. I believe Rob's infamous Green Pants P33n led me to fic recs, and at first, I was really surprised that there were stories written about Twilight/Rob. I had no idea what the abbreviations, lemons, etc were. I caught on quickly. ;) I have always liked to go to bed late and FFn is feeding into that. Late bedtimes are common for me, which is not a good combo because my son really keeps me on my toes and I work full time. I try to keep things into perspective though. Anyway... My fics will be called: Man Candy and most likely, a sequel called Candy Hearts Follow me! :) My info: Email: featheredheadboard@ Twitter Username - it's an abbreviation: FeatheredHdbrd tumblr: http:/// It's probably obvious to almost everyone, but I chose my pen name, username, email address and profile "Feathered Headboard" in honor of Edward biting the feather pillow and passionately destroying the headboard in Breaking Dawn. Hot vampire sex, hee hee! |