Author has written 57 stories for Cowboy Bebop, Gundam Wing/AC, Beyblade, Zoids, X-Men: Evolution, Count Cain: God Child, I'll Generation Basket, Yami no Matsuei, Black Cat, Tsubasa Chronicle, Demon Diary, Kaine, Eyeshield 21, Harry Potter, Neverwhere, Misc. Movies, Torchwood, Mighty Boosh, Life on Mars, Supernatural, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, and Watchmen.
Science graduate who only plays a writer on the internets. Procrastination is a way of life.
my writing style--»
Melodrama on the rocks with a twist of homoeroticism; purple prose is the little paper umbrella.
Any and all fics are subject to editing and/or deletion on a whim, just so ya know. Questions, comments, complaints, requests? Email me or use the spiffy new PM feature; I never bite on the first date.
Most all of the fic I write gets posted at my livejournal first; some stuff never makes it over here.
02/03: New name for the lulz or something. Content may follow soon.