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Joined 06-05-11, id: 2964520, Profile Updated: 03-04-16

Hi! I'm CC, a career girl in her early 30s, who is totally addicted to Twilight and fan fiction! I started writing after reading for a while, when plot bunnies formed in my head and wouldn't go away until I wrote them down. Now it's my major source of stress relief from my hectic work life, my ridiculous love life and my huge crazy family.

I'm from the North of England, and that will no doubt come across when I write!

Thanks for reading!

Updated October 2013:

I'm very proud of all my stories, and delighted that people want to read them. If you want to download them, read them again and share them, please feel free, as long as you keep my name attached. If your downloader of choice suddenly, inexplicably, decides to get blocked, and you want a PDF copy, please message me with an email address or find me on Facebook, and I'll send you a copy. My stories are also on FictionPad. I would really appreciate a review in return!

Update August 2014:

Those of you reading The Fox and As Long As You Want Me know that I'm dealing with some major family stuff right now and as a result my writing as come to a halt. Thank you very much for your kind words of support and reassurance. Some of you shared your own stories and I very much appreciate it. I can't tell you when I will be back, but I'm hoping it will not be too long.

Updated November 2014:

Thank you all for your patience. My family and I have been through a very difficult time over the past few months, but it is coming to an end. I will be returning in the New Year to finish off my unfinished stories. You may have noticed that I've taken down a couple of stories- The Sun Rises Every Day and The Tide is High/High Stays The Tide. Having read them over recently, I think they need some reworking and rewriting. They are still up on my FictionPad account if you want to read them as they are now.

Updated March 2016:

My father died. Having tried to be so strong for my family while my aunt was dying, I couldn't do it again so soon. The Fox won an award, and it passed me by. Three months just passed me by.

I am now back, but on a go-slow.

Thanks again

CC xxx