Author has written 21 stories for Incredibles, Stargate: Universe, StarTrek: Enterprise, Star Wars, StarTrek: The Original Series, StarTrek: Other, Homeworld, How to Train Your Dragon, Cherub, Girls und Panzer/ガールズ&パンツァー, Evangelion, Stargate: SG-1, Babylon 5, Arpeggio of Blue Steel/蒼き鋼のアルペジオ, Kantai Collection, Spinnerette, and Pacific Rim. Account renamed to still_guns. That's the name I prefer these days. I think I'll make some things clear here. There were NOT two users on this account. There was only one. Me Fanatic, who wrote the hit futa-fic Transformation, is me. Fanatica, who wrote all the others, is me. I was afraid to associate myself with Transformation. Now I don't care. It's just another chapter in my life, in the past. there will not be a sequel, or a rewrite. Many of my fics are on hiatus or cancelled. Blame life problems, writers block, and just general lack of motivation. Updates will come whenever I have the muse. Here's how things are here: The Defilation of Asuka Langley Soryu Lone Warrior SpinnyTrek Sisterly Bonds The Time of Sorrow NERV: The Transom \/ Physical Impossibilities \/ Conundrum Mind-Break \/ The War Before the Peace Star Trek: The Promellian War Finished Fics (yes, there are some finished fics here): Transformation (Thank god for that) Two Minutes Later (An early, rubbish attempt at non-erotica) Unusual Happenings (So frakking scary, I had to modify it) SHIPPING Yes's Babylon 5 John/Delenn: It's canon. Susan/Marcus: They really needed more time together. All Star Trek's Picard/Beverly: Come on, they're besotted with each-other! Worf/Jadzia Dax: Jadzia, the least Klingon-like Klingon around. Neelix/Kes: I'm actually one of the few people out there who actually liked Neelix. Deanna/Beverly: Sometimes, femslash is best. The Incredibles Helen/Bob: Contrary to popular belief, I am actually sane. How to Train Your Dragon Hiccup/Astrid: 1. it's canon, 2. it just fucking works. Battlestar Galactica Bill/Roslin: Because even old fogies can have cute relationships. Lee/Kara: I dunno, I was never really too fond of Sam and his part wasn't overly massive. Helo/Athena: Because... JUST BECAUSE! Stargate Jack/Sam: You know they want each-other! Jennifer/Rodney: Yep. R/J is actually pretty sweet. Vala/Daniel: These two are made for each-other. Sha'Re/Daniel: It's freaking obvious. Evangelion Shinji/Asuka: I do not care what anyone else says, THIS is the Eva ship to sink all ships! Shinji/Rei: Whilst it's technically incest, S/R done well can be great to read. Misato/Kaji: Coz you know they still love each-other and he did not deserve to go. Hikari/Toji: They are besotted with one-another... They would fall for no-one else. Shinji/Misato(!): Once again, S/M done right can be great, but there's only one S/M that does it right. SHIPPING No-No's Anything yaoi... unless it's erotica... and it has traps... because then I can pretend they're futa or something. Babylon 5 Delenn/Susan: They were nothing more than friends, that's all. It couldn't POSSIBLY work. (Says the guy who wrote a fic with pairing that was so bad, he actually deleted it) Anything with Neroon Star Trek Worf/Troi: No. Juusst Neow. The Incredibles Helen/Violet: Yup. It's WRONG, especially if you involve dick-chicks. (Fuck, it's a fetish I have, I ain't proud) Syndrome-Frozone/Helen-Violet: I think it's obvious, don't you? HTTYD Hiccup/Heather: Yeah, coz Hiccup totally kissed Astrid for a dare. Hiccup/Ruffnut: Nope nope nope nope, Ruff is exactly that, Ruff! Stargate Anything with a Wraith or Goa'uld *shivers* Evangelion Shinji/Misato: We have to remember here, Misato is 29 years old. And there is only ONE fic that did it right. Shinji/Mana-Hikari-anyone who isn't Rei or Asuka: Shinji and Asuka are opposites. Opposites attract. End of Story. Asuka/Toji: Yes BrokenChosenofEva, I'm looking at you. 1. Toji is besotted with Hikari and vice-versa, 2. Two abrasive personalities DO NOT MIX. Hikari/Kensuke: As above, Hikari is besotted with Toji. Shinji/Ritsuko: This is even worse than S/M. Ritsuko/Gendo: For obvious reasons. Gendo doesn't actually love Ritsuko, he just pretends she's Yui. Anything regarding Thomas the Tank Engine Yes. Someone has defiled poor fucking Thomas the Tank Engine with SEX SCENES. HE'S A FUCKING STEAM TRAIN!!! |
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