Hi! I just wanted to add something to this blank profile. For the most part I've been a lurker regarding fanfiction. I haven't written any stories myself but have read some very good Harry Potter fanfiction here. There are a couple of things I look for when I'm searching for a new story to read. 1. The stories should be completed or currently being written. I probably will not even read a story that hasn't been updated in the last six months. 2. For the most part I like stories that stick to canon closely, although I have read a few AU stories that have been very good. That means no exchange students, Snape is not Harry's father and Lily, James and Sirius do not come back from the dead. 3. I will not read crossover stories. 4. I do not care for slash stories. If you do write those kinds of stories, please make sure you note it in the summary. Once I've chosen a story: 1. I usually read at least five chapters of a story. You have that long to keep my attention. At that point in the story Harry should be away from Privet Drive and probably on his way to Hogwarts. 2. I don't care for stories which continually bash Dumbledore. Yes he's made some mistakes but he's only human. 3. Same goes for Ron 4. I don't care for stories where Harry spends every other chapter in the hospital wing. Think about it! He doesn't spend THAT much time there in the books. It's usually only about once or twice in the whole book. 5. I don't care for stories where Harry starts running amok and casting unforgivables or very violent curses everywhere overnight. Since Voldemort uses them so freely, I like to read stories that has Harry defeat him some other way. 6. I don't care for stories where Harry is so depressed he wants to commit suicide. I've read some good stories where Harry works through his grief and is stronger for it either from having summer job or through someone he meets. 7. There is no excuse for misspelling ANY of the characters' namesin the Harry Potter books all you have to do is pickup any of the six books in the series. Therefore names like Dumbledore, McGonagall, Dursley, Weasley, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff should always be spelled correctly. Those are just a few of the names that I see misspelled often. Also general terms like quidditch which is unique to this series should be spelled correctly. There are ways to add terms to your current spell check dictionary. Add them now! |
Chris Widger (6) FeenixFyre (5) | Gryffonfanwriter (2) Jelsemium (121) Prairie City (1) | RossWrock (2) the-dreamer4 (0) |