Author has written 170 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Dark Angel, Harry Potter, Labyrinth, Supernatural, X-Men: The Movie, Firefly, Doctor Who, Big Bang Theory, Heroes, Sherlock, Once Upon a Time, and Community.
Trekkie (not trekker)
Geek and proud
Interests include/ have included: (underlined ships I have written fic for)
Heroes Sylar/Claire, (Bad boy good girl. You may see a theme here. Plus Sylar is hotness personified, if i could i would.)
Alice syfy 2009 Hatter/Alice (Good lord how much do I love this man!)
Doctor Who Rose/Ten, Rose/Nine (Any Doctor, any time. I really don't mind. Just don't mention GitF and we'll get along all right!)
Sherlock Molly/Sherlock
The Big Bang theory Sheldon/Penny (Another doctor, hmm)
Star Trek Spock not in a ship I just love him!
Star Wars Han/Leia
Cabin Pressure- No ship, just awesome!
Castle Castle/Beckett (Nathan Fillion how cute yu are!)
Leverage Eliot/Parker (Bad boy, psycho girl)
Veronica Mars Veronica/ Logan (Bad boy good... i think you're getting it)
Firefly/ SerenityMal/ River Jayne/River (Cute and yet a little weird. like me, i guess)
Dark Angel Max/ Alec (Malecy goodness! Die Logan die!!)
Harry Potter Hermione/ Snape (It's sick and it's wrong, but damn does it work!) Hermione/Draco, Hermione/Sirius
Buffy Willow/ Spike (Devout Spillowist- No Spuffy- Spuffy BAD)
Angel Angel/ Willow (Just to mix it up. Also kinda like Cordelia/ Lindsey.)
Xena Gabrielle/ Ares (Young girl, gorgeous guy. I love Kevin Smith, may he rest in peace.)
X-Files Mulder/ Scully (Remember- if it didn't happen, it's not canon!)
West Wing Donna/ Josh, CJ/ Toby
Robin Hood- Marian/ Guy (because Robin is a pretty boy poser!)
Torchwood Gwen/Jack (Oh, come on you can sooo see it coming!)
Pride and Prejudice Darcy/ Elizabeth (Just because I can.)
Green Wing Caroline/ Mac (Caromac-- who comes up with these names?)
X-Men Wolverine/Rogue and more recently Scott/ Rogue (Two ships in one fandom- highly rare.)
Labyrinth Jareth/ Sarah (Bad boy good girl. Are we seeing a theme here yet?)
The Tribe Bray/ Amber (It's kiddified, but kinda fun too.)
Roswell Micheal/ Liz (Polar girl. But Liz is really annoying)
Just about any Sci-Fi series actually. I'm pretty easy.
As for books if you haven't read the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins go and read it NOW!
Charlaine Harris, Early Laurel K Hamilton, Stephen King, Tamora Pierce, J.D. Robb, Stephanie Laurens, Julia Quinn, Georgette Heyer, Orson Scott Card, Kelley Armstrong.