Author has written 48 stories for Pokémon, and Harry Potter.
Welcome to my profile, and thank you for visiting!
/ female \ reader / writer \ working adult /
As any other person, I have a life besides fanfiction, which causes me to be busy and not able to work on my stories as much as I would like. In this section you'll be able to see what I'm currently working on and what's next on my to-do list.
Currently working on: finishing Days.
My to-do list:
1. Update In Love.
2. Write my entry for reminiscent-afterthought's challenge The Alphabet Prompts Challenge on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum.
3. Update Orange Juice.
My Stories
During my time on this site, I've written quite some stories. In this section you'll be able to see my list of stories with a (slightly more) detailed summary and background information.
General Layout
Title - Genre - Status - Rating - Published on - Last Updated on - Estimated Next Update on - Amount of Chapters - Estimated Amount of Chapters
Information and summary.
Main pairings/shippings, side-pairings/shippings, and pairings/shippings that are hinted at.
Multi-chaptered Stories
Leave It To Brocko - Romance/Humor - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 28-9-2012 - Completed: 28-9-2015 - Chapters: 36
My first story which really took me too long to finish, but which is now finally finished! A rewrite will be done at some point, probably, maybe... Anyway, the story is about Brock, who has to deal with Ash and Misty's sexual tension and stuff, and hatches a plan to get them together. However, he messes up, more characters get involved, more problems arise and our poor Brock has to deal with some romantically frustrated teenagers. Plus there's still the trouble of getting himself a girlfriend too... Now with a sequel!
Main Shippings are ContestShipping, IkariShipping, LeafGreenShipping, LuckSHipping, PokeShipping, RocketShipping and WishfulShipping. Side-Shippings are HandymanShipping and NeoRocketShipping. Hints of EarnestShipping, EgoShipping, FurtherShipping, GymShipping, IceBeamShipping, LilypadShipping, MedicineShipping and SmartSnakeShipping.
Tomboy - Romance/Humor - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 1-11-2012 - Finished: 11-9-2016 - Chapters: 20
My second real multi-chaptered story, which also took too long to finish, but I'm happy the way it turned out. It's set a few years into the future, and Iris plans on travelling on her own for a few months. But, travelling alone has gotten really dangerous for a girl, and to protect herself she disguises herself as a boy. All goes well, until she meets Cilan, who doesn't recognize her. She keeps up the act in front of her old crush, resulting in weird feelings, awkwardness and eventual romance.
Main Shippings are IkariShipping, PokeShipping and WishfulShipping.
Days - Romance/Drama - In-Progress - T-Rated - Published: 12-12-2012 - Last Updated: 11-3-2021 - Estimated Next Update: 23-11-2021 - Chapters: 86 - Estimated Chapters: 273
A very big story I've been working on for several years already, and now it's finally ready to be published on FFN. It was also my entry for Aiko Isari's A Completionist Big Bang challenge on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum. This is also my top writing priority right now, but it is difficult to predict the next update, as life has become rather busy. As for the story itself, this is my take on a pregnancy story, and with that comes relationships, friendships, and maturing into responsible adults. Oh, and maybe even some saving the world :P
Main shippings are ContestShipping, IkariShipping, PokeShipping and WishfulShipping. Side-shippings are HandymanShipping and LuckShipping, possibly more to come.
Basket - Angst/Romance - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 5-7-2015 - Finished: 19-7-2015 - Chapters: 3
A three-shot which is pretty much an experiment, both in writing style and plot. It's IkariShipping and PenguinShipping (my first time writing Penguin, too), and I'm trying to make all the characters and their relationships believable and realistic. Which is pretty difficult, especially as the characters grow older. Because how does a middle-aged man think? I'm pretty sure I'll never get to know that :P Anyway, the story itself is about Kenny, Paul and Dawn, and their lives and relationships. This story is a birthday present for Zoey, and written for The General Prompt Challenge on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum.
Main Shippings are IkariShipping and PenguinShipping.
Leave Brocko Alone! - Humor/Romance - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 31-12-2015 - Completed: 13-5-2016 - Chapters: 9
The sequel to Leave It To Brocko, now complete! About the story... Brock, unofficially the most amazing matchmaker of Kanto and offically retired as such, is trying to focus on his developing relationship with Lucy, but he finds that his old clients won't leave him alone, and that perhaps his help is needed once again.
Main Shippings are ContestShipping, GeekChicShipping, IkariShipping, LeafGreenShipping, LuckShipping, PokéShipping, RocketShipping and WishfulShipping. Side-Shipping is Brock'sHormonesShipping. With hints of AmourShipping.
Drabble/One-shot Collections
In Love - Humor/Romance - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 11-10-2012 - Updated: 27-8-2015 - Estimated Next Update: Unknown - Chapters: 13 - Estimated Chapters: 27 162
Yeah, I know the number of estimated chapters is never going to happen, but that's why it's marked as complete. It's a collection, and you keep on collecting and collecting until there's no more left, but that doesn't mean your collection isn't complete before that big number of chapters is reached. At least, that's how it is in this case. This story is an one-shot collection about Pokémon Shippings. Each Shipping gets its own chapter, in which I tell an overly romantic story about the Shipping, with the in-character reactions from the characters.
Check the story for the list of Shippings.
Orange Juice - General - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 14-5-2013 - Updated: 25-1-2016 - Estimated Next Update: Unknown - Chapters: 29 - Estimated Chapters: Unknown
This is just a drabble collection about nothing and everything in the Pokémon universe. Each drabble is 100 words and that's about it. Prompts come from The Drabble Tag on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum and the PokeWrite forum.
Main Shippings differ per chapter, but include CurtainShipping, HandymanShipping, IkariShipping, LuckShipping and PokeShipping, with possibly more to come.
Once Upon A Time - Romance/Friendship - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 6-7-2013 - Finished: 12-7-2013 - Chapters: 7
Written for the OTP Week Challenge from The Legend of Chocolate on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum. The challenge was to write one drabble per day about your OTP using prompts and themes, and with only a limited amount of time to write them. Since my OTP is PokeShipping, this is how it ended up.
Main Shipping is PokeShipping.
Harry Potter
One - Romance/Friendship - Complete - K-Rated - Published: 25-3-2013 - Finished: 31-3-2013 - Chapters: 7
This was my first entry for my first competition. It was placed third too! THIRD! I have never been so surprised haha. It was a big competition too, the "One Day" Competition from alohamora080 on the Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges Forum. I'm pretty proud of it. It's a Hermione and Ron story, about seven moments in their life, all on the same day but taking place in different years. They're drabbles and each 100 words. Yes, I quite like this one.
Main pairing is HermionexRon.
The Arrow In The Apple - General - Complete - K plus-Rated - Published: 31-12-2013 - Finished: 19-1-2014 - Chapters: 8
Written as a thank you for my awesome teammates of the Appleby Arrows, which I had the honour of working together with during Season 1 of the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition. We got to round 1 of the Finals, so that's pretty good I'd think. Lots of fun too. Anyway, this story is a drabble collection, with one drabble for each teammate.
Main pairings differ per chapter, but include GinnyxHarry, HermionexRon, JamesxLily, MarlenexSirius, RemusxTonks, RosexScorpius and TeddyxVictoire.
(most of these *cough*all*cough* were written for challenges, competitions or as gifts)
Plan L - Romance/Humor - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 7-3-2013
My first one-shot! *cheers* It was for Empress Empoleon's first challenge on the PokeWrite forum and it was even placed third! At first I didn't like this story very much, because I was used to writing longer things, but now I actually quite like it. It's about Dawn, who - in diary entries - tries to get Ash and Misty together, only... well, I won't spoil it :P
Main Shipping is PokeShipping.
The Yellow Note - Friendship/Romance - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 20-3-2013
Second one-shot! Also for Empress Empoleon's challenge on the PokeWrite forum, only this time for round two. I really like this one, am pretty proud of it too. It's about Dawn and Paul, who pass notes in class, which of course leads to problems and... maybe more :P Third place too!
Main Shipping is IkariShipping.
Slipped - Romance/Friendship - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 11-5-2013
Also for Empress Empoleon's challenge on the PokeWrite forum, only this time - yes, you guessed it right - for round three. It's a GymShipping one-shot, and I liked it more than I expected. It's AU'ish, aka in a world without Pokémon. Brock tries to ask a girl out, only ends up with the wrong one and a whole load of trouble. Of course, he tries to take it as a gentleman, but only messes it up even further. And in the end, he somehow ends up with said wrong girl, drunk and angry in his house. It got placed fourth, by the way.
Main Shipping is GymShipping.
End of the Line - Angst/Romance - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 21-6-2013
So, this was my first shot at writing romance, and frankly, I got almost depressed by it myself. I didn't like it, and I have no idea how I managed to write it haha. I never thought I was able to write angst, I'm more the humour sort of writer, but I think I pulled off this one quite well. It's about Ash, how he is stuck between two women and well... it's angsty. It got placed third in Ebaz's The Key Signature Competition on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges Forum.
Main Shippings are PearlShipping and PokeShipping.
The Act of Smiling - Romance/Friendship - Complete - K plus-Rated - Published: 9-7-2013
Ah yeah, this one. I quite like it, though I have no experience with the manga - never read it - and had never written this shipping nor its characters before. It's cute, I think, and could easily work for other characters as well. But anyway, it's about Red and him contemplating Yellow's smiles. And that's about it :P It was placed second in Empress Empoleon's fourth challenge on the PokeWrite forum.
Main Shippings are OldrivalShipping and SpecialShipping.
Payback - Horror/Friendship - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 2-8-2013
This was weird but enjoyable to write. I had never written horror before, nor had really read about it either. So it was a bit a jump in the dark, but nonetheless fun to write, no matter how weird and gross it turned out to be. It's about Ash, who gets stuck in an old, deserted mansion while there's a thunderstorm outside... yeah, he should've expected it really :P It's my entry for andrewmcmahons's (whose name is probably already changed haha) challenge Pokemon Horror Oneshots Challenge on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum.
Main Shipping is PokeShipping.
Coffee - Romance/Friendship - Complete - K plus-Rated - Published: 11-8-2013
This was a hard story to write, because it was part of the challenge to write a story without mentioning the names of the main characters. Can't tell a lot about it either, only that it's about a guy and girl who meet and the predictable thing happens and blah blah blah. Still, it isn't that bad, I think. It's for The Legend of Chocolate's competition The Guess-That-Pairing Competition on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum. Still needs to be judged.
Unknown Shipping.
Accidentally - Humor - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 11-8-2013
Well, not quite sure about this story. It isn't bad or anything, but I think I could've done a better job of it. Might rewrite it later (oh who am I kidding I'm never going to do that anyway :P) It's about an awkward situation between Iris and Cilan, so might be considered light WishfulShipping, but that wasn't really my intention. But it feels too rushed to me to really like it. It's my entry for The Light's Refrain's competition Light's Illusion wore off! –The Zorua/Zoroark Contest! on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum. It was placed first!
Main Shipping is WishfulShipping.
Home Again - Family - Complete - K-Rated - Published: 12-8-2013
Just a cute family one-shot, about Delia and Ash. Ash comes home after travelling and Delia welcomes him. It's my entry for A Night in Paris's competition 6th Generation Run-Down Competition on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum, and it was placed first.
Cake - Friendship/Romance - Complete - K plus-Rated - Published: 12-9-2013
A WishfulShipping one-shot, written as a birthday present for Glaceon MageTo fit the theme, Cilan forgets something very important... Iris's birthday. And how, oh how is our Connoisseur going to fix that.
Main Shipping is WishfulShipping.
The Plan - Romance/Humor - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 22-9-2013
Something I thought that was a horrible idea at first, but I still like how it turned out. Though I do think it could be better, I think it's good enough though. It's a present for The Legend of Chocolate, a funny-ish ContestShipping story.
Main Shipping is ContestShipping.
Of Butterfrees And Battling - Humor/Romance - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 1-10-2013
Meh... I really just wanted to write a DualRivalShipping story, and well, obviously I did, but I'm all that happy with the plotline to be honest. Nonetheless, it came out better than expected, so that's a plus. And it was fun to write. It's also a present for Nike Slash.
Main Shipping is DualRivalShipping.
Duties - Family/Humor - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 8-10-2013
Well, considering I had only one anime episode to base their characters on, I think I did rather well. It's just some family fluff about the Gym Leaders and twins Liza and Tate. Written as a present for MintColaNihil.
Games of Time - Romance/Drama - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 3-11-2013
Ah, this one was written for a challenge about crack pairings. You got randomly assigned two characters and you had to write a romantic story about them. I got Hilda and Blaine. It could be worse. I just used timetravel to get them together, and then have them dramatically seperated again, because they're from different times and all. Like I said, written for Glaceon Mage's The Random Number Challenge on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum. And it got placed first too ;)
Main Shipping is WhiteHotShipping.
The Egg Cozy - Romance/Humor - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 23-12-2013
This one was rather fun to write, albeit difficult to keep the characters in character. I think I pulled it off quite well though. I hope so at least. Just a funny IkariShipping story written as a Secret Santa present for reminiscent-afterthought.
Main Shipping is IkariShipping.
The Present - Friendship/Romance - Complete - K plus-Rated - Published: 26-12-2013
I'm a multishipper. So I had no qualms writing a BurningLeaf story (and enjoying it) while also having an OldrivalShipping and SpecialShipping story on my list. They're all so cute! So yeah, a Christmas-themed BurningLeaf one-shot, as a Christmas present for Ebaz.
Main Shipping is BurningLeafShipping.
Date For Three - Romance/Humor - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 19-1-2014
Exactly, here's that Oldrival story. Though Red is thrown in here as well, this time as matchmaker. Shame he's not as good as he thinks himself to be... Was written as a birthday present for SnowGlaceon.
Main Shipping is OldrivalShipping.
Downfall - Tragedy - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 16-5-2014
A rather depressing story, pretty dark. But I like it. The myth and the characters just seemed to fit perfectly. This was placed third in Empress Empoleon and The Light's Refrain's fifth challenge on the PokeWrite forum.
Revenge - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 11-7-2014
An Alternate Universe story in which I got to play around with Ash's mysterious father and Delia's past. Also tried out some new techniques - it was fun to do, but I'm not all too sure about the outcome. Second place in the competition on the PokeWrite forum, in Empress Empoleon and The Light's Refrain's final challenge.
Main Shippings is PokeShipping. Side-shippings are ElderShipping and FatherShipping. With hints of DiamondShipping.
Flames and Poison - Adventure/Romance - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 30-8-2014
A battle fic! My first proper Pokémon battle, and I like how it came out, actually. An one-on-one battle between Chili and Roxie, with a dash of FlamingGuitarShipping in it to keep it romantic :P A (very late) birthday present for The Light's Refrain.
Main Shipping is FlamingGuitarShipping.
Ever After - Tragedy/Angst - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 27-9-2014
A rather dark fic about the doomed love between Proton and Domino. This was written as a birthday present for Flaming Platinum, and she asked for something about Team Rocket... and this was what I came up with. It's a bit experimental, but I had fun writing it.
Main Shipping is KismesisShipping. With hints of CutpurseShipping.
About Love - Angst/Romance - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 24-10-2014
What started as a PokeShipping story, with Misty angsting over AmourShipping, turned into this. I found it rather unfair to 'use' Amour just like that, and then I decided to try and make it a bit more fair towards it. And so MesaFanShipping and GeekchicShipping were added, though admittedly, it's still angsty. Also, this was written as a birthday present for reminiscent-afterthought.
Main Shippings are AmourShipping, GeekchicShipping, MesaFanShipping and PokeShipping.
Losing - Angst/Romance - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 31-12-2014
Not something that I'm really proud of, because I'm not very familiar with the characters, and though it's definitely better than when I started, I'm still not entirely too sure about it. But that aside, it's a short one-shot about Cynthia and Steven. Somewhat romantic, somewhat angsty... Written as a Secret Santa present for Time Signature.
Main Shipping is LoliShotaShipping.
The Usefulness Of An Escape Rope In The Anime - Parody/Humor - K plus-rated - Published: 14-5-2015
I just started writing and it turned into... this. It's pretty much what the title says. A parody of the anime, short, starring Ash, Misty and Brock, plus the Team Rocket Trio. It was fun to write though. Written as a birthday present for Ebaz.
Of Little Sisters And Their Wife-Hunting - Family/Humor - K plus-rated - Published: 21-8-2015
Originally I had planned to write something GeekchicShipping, then it turned into a family-story with Bonnie and Clemont, only for GeekchicShipping to find its way back in again. The world works in strange ways, that's for sure XD Nonetheless, this is just a cute little story about Clemont trying to talk with Bonnie about her attempts to find a wife for him. Written for Ebaz's Gym Leader Challenge on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum.
Main Shipping is GeekchicShipping.
rosa - Angst/Horror - T-rated - Published 17-1-2016
This was really a difficult one to write, as in that I thought it was creepy, the prompts and theme were difficult, and the word limit was really... limiting :P Anyway, this is somewhat an AU, in which Hilbert becomes Champion, can't handle it, and things spin out of control fast with far-reaching consequences. Written for formalin's the lowercase challenge on the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum.
Main Shipping is ElectricBlackShipping.
Harry Potter
Love Does Not Age - Romance/Family - Complete - K plus-Rated - Published: 24-6-2013
An overly fluffy one-shot, maybe a little too fluffy even, about Arthur and Molly Weasley. Arthur sees Molly pulling out grey hairs and tells her she's beautiful. Like I said, just pure fluff. It was written for Round 1 on the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition forum.
Main pairing is ArthurxMolly.
Shouldn't - Romance/Friendship - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 14-7-2013
I like this one, though it was hard to write. Draco is a hard character to write, though Astoria was pretty easy. I still like it though. It's about well, Astoria and Draco's relationship. It's pretty cute, I think, I like them together too. This was written for Round 2 on the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition forum.
Main pairing is AstoriaxDraco.
For Two - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 9-8-2013
Meh, I'm not sure about this one. Like I've said before, I'm more a humour writer, and here I had to write angst... didn't really go well, in my opinion at least. It's about George, who just lost Fred and how terrible and angsty he feels. Gah, even the plot is bad. Anyway, it was for Round 4 on the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition forum.
Spider - Family - Complete - K-Rated - Published: 25-8-2013
Actually, I quite like this one. Maybe the writing could've been better, but I like seeing Ron's whole teddy-bear-turned-into-spider-incident from Fred's POV. Which is where this story is about. About Fred, who pulls his first prank and transforms Ron's teddy bear in a spider. Hence the title and the cover. It's my entry for Round 5 on the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition forum
Oh The Drama! - Parody/Humor - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 6-9-2013
Now, this is one my better Harry Potter stories. It's a parody, which I always love to read, and I think I pulled off this one quite well. It's well... a parody, mostly on some of the Dramione fics, but also on the soap opera style, in which totally unrealistic things happen. It... well, I like it. Yeah, I like it. My entry for Round 6 on the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition forum.
Main pairing is DracoxHermione. With hints of HermionexRon.
Post Scriptum - Romance/Drama - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 22-9-2013
My first slash fic! I wasn't really happy with it, and I'm still not all that satisfied. Still, I think it's good for a first attempt. I put a lot of effort in it, rewrote it almost entirely, so yeah... My entry for Round 7 on the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition forum.
Main pairing is HugoxScorpius.
The Attic Adventure - Family/Friendship - Complete - K-Rated - Published: 31-10-2013
Nothing all that special, but I like it anyway. A story about Petunia and Lily before Lily discovers magic. Just sweet family stuff. And rather bittersweet if you think of how Petunia turned out. My entry for Round 10 on the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition forum
No - Romance - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 3-11-2013
Written in a rush, but still happy with how it turned out. Proud even, all the prompts fell perfectly in place. Just another LilyxJames story, nothing special, but I had fun writing it. My entry for Round 10 on the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition forum, as a replacement for one of our other players.
Main pairing is JamesxLily.
Letters - Family/Angst - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 15-11-2013
Another story written for the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition forum, for Round 11. About Sirius and Regulus, and their family and the war, and well, it's angsty. That's about it.
A Thief - Romance/Drama - Complete - T-Rated - Published: 13-12-2013
I don't even know why I chose this couple to write about, to be honest. At the time, it seemed like a good idea. I guess they're cute... Written for Round 13 on the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition forum, as replacement for a teammate.
Main pairing is Mundungus FletcherxRita Skeeter.
The Third Weasley - Family/Friendship - Complete - K plus-Rated - Published: 15-12-2013
Ah yeah, this one. It's about Errol, how he sees the Weasley family life. It was amusing to write though. Also for Round 13 on the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition forum.
Framed Friends - Friendship/Humor - Complete - K plus-Rated - Published: 31-12-2013
The last one written for the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition forum, for the Finals Round 1. Yeah, my team got quite far. It was a lot of fun too, I learned a lot. Anyway, it's an one-shot about The Fat Lady and her friend Violet, as they gossip and drink. Just friendshippy-fluff with some humor.
Main pairing is RosexScorpius.
Although lately I've been spending less time on forums, below are the forums I've spent (and hopefully will spend) quite some time on.
If you like writing and Pokémon, and are looking for a competition or inspiration, please check out this forum, PokeWrite! It's amazing!
A writing forum with challenges and competitions about Pokémon perfectly describes the Pokémon Fanfiction Challenges forum. Meet new people, find inspiration, win prizes and most of all, write!
Update 23-5-2021
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Update 16-9-2019
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Update 23-7-2019
Updated My Stories.
Update 17-7-2019
Updated My Stories and Milestone Checklist.
Update 16-7-2019
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Update 9-3-2019
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Update 28-2-2019
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Update 29-1-2019
Updated My Stories.
Update 24-1-2019
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Thank you for visiting, I appreciate every little bit of support, and if you have any questions feel free to PM me :)