Author has written 21 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Fruits Basket, Slayers, Prétear, Naruto, Get Backers, Bleach, and D.Gray-Man. My name is Kia, I'm 18, my birthday is January 22, and if you so much as diss a pug in my vicinity, I'll menorah your ass. ~Fic progress- Shikizaki: ...right. x.x I have 18 chapters, and only eight done. The Trouble with Babysitting:Four chapters down, one more to go! XD Shouha- I think there are...17 chapters in this one? Eh heh...heh. I have some work to do. Therapy for Shinigami- You know it'll never be truly over. XP Art Site : http:// Chiyuu Pic: http:///albums/v674/kaeru_chan/?action=view¤t=chiyuu.jpg ~Dem sayings dat we loves...- I love quotes. if you want to borrow mine, ASK. Someone borrowed mine and didn't ask...murderous glare QUOTES! "Hey, Bettles. The pug says your time is nigh."-me to Joe...long story, but he now fears Emily the pug. "Zey do not have ZIS color in ze Old Country!"-me, experimenting with Tessie Tura's gaudy bra during Costume crew...hence the old Country. "I see all. I know all. For the third eye on my butt tells me so."-Acacia "Joy and Astringent Pomite fruit."-me "It buuuuuurns! It burns like acid-washed jeans!"-me "I love you, Boo boo bear!"-Acacia to Chris...just before she hit below the belt. "You live with the pug, you associate with the pug on a daily basis, you learn the lingo."-me "Subbie-Wubbie could be the long-lost Tellie Tubbie..."- Acacia, being weird with me on the phone...on Subaru...o.o Random Soprano: Why do the ALTOS get to sing the high part? Me: Because we're singing the part of the castrated male. Whitney: Who's wearin' the pants NOW? "Why do they ALWAYS get shot in the groin?"- Kelly on Alexander's Hamilton's death. o.o I had no idea...poor guy. "Bring me my longsword, ho! pause Bring me my LONGSWORD, ho! Bring me my longsword, HO! Bring me...oh, never mind."- Charlie, in our ninth grade English class, trying to read Montague's line. Poor guy. "A hormonally unbalanced dishwasher in disguise."- Me, in a very odd conversation with Kelsey...o.o "Just remember that Orson is not a dishwasher and you'll be fine..."- Me to Kelsey...she's probably going to be the only one who gets that. ~Spanish Class... (Note: I was the taxi driver, Valerie was the passenger.)- Valerie: Umm...que puedo aprendo hacer aqui? (roughly "What can I learn to do here?") Me: Puedes aprendes bucear, hacer surf y windsurf, navegar, nadar, y...ahogar. (You can learn to dive, to surf and windsurf, to sail, to swim, and to drown.) Valerie: o.o Kia? Me: o.o Oops. Well, you didn't give me 350 pesos. I could just drive you off a cliff and parachute to safety. Keyna: I taught her everything she knows. Me: Whoo! (Note: God, I'm evil. _) ~U.S. History- "Can we do toilet paper? It revolutionized shitting!" Rock, one of the fellow students in U.S. history on our timeline project. x.x "If there's no original dates, if it's hand-written on cardboard ripped from a Domino pizza box-don't laugh, people have done it."- Mr. Wyant, our history teacher, on timeline rules. "No more salmon! How about puppies?" -Mr. Wyant again on Lewis and Clark's food preferences. We sort of gaped at him... Wyant: Insults don't hurt people, unless there's a grain of truth in them. If you called me fat, I wouldn't be insulted. Rock: So if I said you had a receding hair line, would that work? Class: choking Wyant:...Yes. x.x |