Author has written 50 stories for Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing/AC, Dragon Ball Z/Sailor Moon, Anime X-overs, Inuyasha, and Naruto. 07.15.11 - Alrighty peoples! I actually found a story I finished in June that I apparently never posted. I've since fixed that over sight, so go check it out and Review please! I'm slowly trying to get back into writing, and not reading so much.. so have patience... Though I've been reading all the intriguing sounding HP crossovers I can get my hands on... I'm leaning towards trying to write on some of my half-begun Naruto stories... I actually began another version of HTTH2... but seeing I already have two or three chapters up, of the original start here... I'm going to see if I can't just merge the two somehow... So that might take me a little longer. But I AM working on it!! Enjoy Minna-san! Ja matte! ~o~ @ ~o~ Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, nor any other Anime or show used in my writings. I only use them for playtime and the occasional angst moments or killing... Ya know, the normal things. Ya can't sue me. Well you could but you'd only get a few dimes and nickels. I only own meh truck, the plots and Shawn, Sean and Angelita_ Dankes! |
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