Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Good Omens. I thought maybe I should finally put something here. I'm just someone who has enjoyed reading fanfiction over the years and thought I'd finally try my hand at writing a little story. Well, my "little" story turned into an 85,000-word fanfiction novel, which took me a full year to write, edit, and polish. For a long time, this profile said that I wasn't going to be writing any more fanfiction. As it turns out, I totally lied. I've done a few things in the Dragon Age fandom, a little Mass Effect, and currently am in the process of editing and publishing another novella-length Snape/Hermione story. My tumblr is located at mswhich dot tumblr dot com if you want to find me there. Cheers. |
Colubrina (27) | Eliza Darling (52) | OrilliaOrange (18) |