![]() Hi, my name is Sammy but you can call me Sam if you want & I'm Australian, I live in Brisbane. Hobbies/Intrests: Horse Riding, Reading, writing, watching stuff, Listening to music, chillin' with mates, swimming, shopping, Dancing, FUN, talking TV show/DVDs: Naruto, Victorious, The Secret Circle, Danny Phantom, Vampire Diaries, Thunderbirds, Ben 10, AVatar; The Last Airbender, Good Luck Charlie, Another Cinderalla story, Camp Rock, Lion King, Wild CHild, NCIS, Law & Order; SVU, The Mentalist, SHake it up, Wizards of Waverly Place, Icarly, Just go with it, Scooby Doo, Veronica Mars, Harry Potter, Starstruck, Parnormal acticities, Deltora Quest and heaps more Books: CRYPT (Cover Response Youth Paranomal Team), My love Lies bleeding, Deltora Quset Series, Dragon Chronicles, Music: Lots Colours: Da rainbow (minus brown) |