Hi guys. I'm fic_obsessed over at LJ, apparently there's a couple other people over here who are obsessed with fic too, lol!! Oh well. I guess the name wasn't that creative when I first came up with it anyway! :D So hello there to the other fictionally obsessed people out there!! Um, as my LJ says, I don't really write fic, I just read the stuff a whole damn lot! Lol. Having an id obviously makes life easier when it comes to finding fic I loved and wanna read again, sooo... Hi! :) Having said that, I have STACKS of plotbunnies free to good homes, if anyone's interested??? There are HEAPS of fics I WANNA read, but just can't find any of, or enough of, at least. So lemme know people! I'm Supernaturally obsessed with Supernatural fanfic. I'm also rather partial to NCIS and Dark Angel fanfic, oh! And Supernatural/Glee crossovers are my new drug of choice, they're BLOODY FANTASTIC, PEOPLE!! Hee. Because, of course, Sue Sylvester is CLEARLY a demon, and I would just love to read any and all fics where Dean and Sam get into awkward situations with all those lovely awkward teenagers, and even better if Dean and Sam are awkward teenagers themselves when this happens... I also love crossovers with my other previously listed fandoms, they seem to fit pretty well, in my opinion. I try not to have too many tv obsessions at the same time, so I tend to avoid fandom for most tv shows, and at the moment, I'm really only heavily into the SPN fandom, given that it's my biggest obsession right now. Anything else you wanna know about me, lemme know!! Buh-bye, Lovelies!! xoxo |