Hello readers. C: My name is Ana, I'm 15 (soon to be 16, I can't wait). I live in Portugal though I don't like living in here. :/ My fave colors are: Purple, blue, black and red. I don't like school, and I find it difficult not to be distracted while on classes. I miss my art class very much, I considered it my fave subject, but since I'm taking a load of science related classes (so I can go to college) I had to say 'bye bye' to it... So now my fave subject is Periods and Lunch time. :D I also LOVE to hang out with my friends, it's one of my favorite things to do. However, I love school! It's a lame excuse for me to be with my friends :D So my friends are a big part of my life, I don't have many but quality is much important than quantity. ;) I'm trying to learn guitar, I couldn't live without music. Life wouldn't be the same :D My favorite genres are Metal (mostly heavy music) and maybe House and Pop. I'm cellphone addicted, I'm texting every time, everywhere, and I only stop when I don't get an answer. I like drinks better than food. I didn't/don't like to eat, I used to eat only when it was really necessary and when people told me to do so. Recently I had a problem for not eating properly and it wasn't a lovely experience. So even if I don't like to, I have to. :/ That's the reason why I don't know what my favorite food is xD I love night time. I like the cold better than the heat, but I love summer time, I wouldn't trade it (with it's heat) for anything! I used to be a compulsive liar when younger, it brought lots of problems to me and I had to stop it because I was trapped in a web of lies and I hated it, so now I don't lie. Instead of lying, I day dream a lot! It's much better, but yet, weird xD I can't stand people that act like the world spins around them, people that judge others for their appearance, skirts, pink, and a lot more (but I can't remember anything at the moment). I think that explains more or less who I am :) Cya until further activity :b |
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