Author has written 8 stories for Lord of the Rings. I swear I'm not dead, and I've not abandoned my stories, I promise. I'm just exhausted. RL is kicking my ass up and down the block. But I will prevail! Meantime, well, the stories are... well, "languishing" sounds so bad. Relaxing. The stories are relaxing a bit, napping in the sun, awaiting my eventual victory over RL.Note regarding the songs in An End To Innocence chapter 19: "The Hour Of Doom": The poem "All Of Them Together" is in the story of the same name (which, I have to add, she wrote for my birthday - thank you, fileg!), and the snippet Boromir sings is from the breathtaking poem, "Home By Morning." Go, read. fileg is a wonderful, wonderful writer. Regarding An End To Innocence and Undertow: quick word of advice - don't try to write two long stories at once. Argh. However, neither of these stories will be abandoned. I promise that both will reach their conclusions, though it may take me quite a while to manage it, what with work and life and all. And if for some reason I have to break that promise, I'll post notes to the abandoned story explaining why. Meantime, remember that feedback is much appreciated, both positive and negative. If something doesn't work for you, please let me know - especially on Undertow, which for me is somewhat dicier than AETI. Pika rules - look here for my fave sons of the Steward all decked out in black leather: http:///LOTR/fanart.html *swoon* Good lord, has gotten big and weird. Anyway, big thanks to the lovely archives that have been kind enough to archive my stories: Henneth Annun Tower of Ecthelion The Hidden Archives of Middle-earth (I've been translated!) Since I can only keep 30 stories in my favorites list, here are the ones that are complete, but that I can't bear not to link to - these authors are lovely, and when I have more time, I'll add their names here: Weregild: LOTR: FOTR: Breadbox Edition: Where The Shadows Lie: Where Dreams Take You: Death By Water: Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire Care And Feeding Of Hobbits: The King Is Dead: Ashes, East Wind, Hope That Rises: Turning Of The Page: Hello? Two Kings: Fear and Desire: The Captain and the King: Gaming: Singing in the Sun: Chasing the Moon: Random notes: Love Sean Bean? Watch "The Sharpe Series". http:///sharpe.html Brazilian jiu-jitsu - it is unquestionably the most fun I've ever had. It's better than anything. And to the people who say, "isn't it dangerous? aren't you afraid you'll be injured? doesn't it hurt?" First, you will learn how durable you really are. Second, you will learn how vulnerable you really are, and how to trust your teammates *not* to damage you. Too badly. Third, of course it hurts! So? I got my BA in English Literature (magna cum laude - go me) after ten years of dilletanting my way through college, with long stops in art, writing, communication, and media criticism. Learning stuff is fun. |