Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, and Elder Scroll series.
I feel like I've been on this site forever, at this point. There are many stories that I eagerly anticipate the new chapters being posted and hope that anyone who reads what I publish will feel the same. I strive for excellence in my writing and don't mind criticism as long as it's constructive.
Currently writing Stargaryan Ring chapter 28. Chapters 1-23 were edited in late July 2023 for content and quality. I would advise re-reading the edited chapters if you have not already done so; the major plot points are the same but I like to think the quality has improved drastically.
Stargaryan Ring
My current passion project. This story was inspired by A Video Game of Thrones by Temairine and A Game of Ice and Fire by I'mjusttryingtofindmyway.
Ed Stark gives Jon a ring that turns his life into a video game. Jon will navigate the world of Ice and Fire while his skills and character grow and develop. Inspired by the other GoT video game plots (find them, read them, love them) and the Video Game Plot communities (check them out). Please review! Aiming for regular Sunday updates but may update sooner depending on response.
After writing the first two chapters, my biggest take away on the character leveling is that it is a tremendous pain and somewhat distracting to the overall flow of the story. I feel that my realization somewhat mirrors what the gamer may feel before he customizes his settings. Moving forward, I will strive to integrate the leveling better into the overall flow. Additionally, as the story progresses, the leveling will probably scale back significantly with the increased experience requirements.
No pairing decided for this story. When I first started the story, it was meant to show Jon's evolution and progression through the world. Right now Ygritte and Arachne seem to be vying for our hero's attention but there is a lot of story left to go.
Looking for a Beta reader to go through the earlier chapters to help clean up the various misses that I get too close to see during the writing process. PM if interested.
Progress towards Chapter 29: 0.2k/6k; target post date 9/3/23
Jon Snow – As of Chapter 28s ending
Jon Snow: Level 22 (4,518,899/4,670,322)
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Perks
Strength: 6
Perception: 6
Sixth Sense – The ability to read body language and situations allowing you to predict the most likely future outcome. What you choose to make of the information acquired by this perk is up to you.
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 5
Situational Awareness – Basic understanding of how to compose yourself in a given situation to help obtain your desired results
Intelligence: 10
Deeper Understanding – Get the most out of the books that you read. You can now find more insights in the books that you read.
Read-Absorb –Absorb the content of a book to increase your knowledge of its subject. Time taken for successful absorption is equal to the amount of time it would take to naturally read the book.
Read-Experience – Experience the content of a book. Choosing this method will provide a much more comprehensive of the contents of a book.
Intermediate Mysticism – Allows recovery of MP at a rate double to your current Intelligence level per minute outside of combat.
Agility: 7
Luck: 5
HP: 220/220
SP: 450/450
MP: 450/450
Archery 11: (204,700/205,000)
Overdraw 2: Bows do 30% more damage.
Tracking Shot: Anticipate the way your opponent will move and adjust your aim accordingly. Shots to the head do three times more damage than regular shots. Chance for instant kill based on level of opponent relative to level of Archery skill.
Blocking 12: (275,100/310,000)
Fundamental Defense: Blocks prevent 30% more damage
Evasion 15: (578,450/692,305)
Evasive Tactics: 35% more likely to evade enemy attacks
Light Armor 10: (54,450/102,400)
Agile Defender: 30% less damage taken when wearing Light Armor
Heavy Armor
One-Handed 16: (796,050/846,036)
Armsman: One-Handed weapons do 35% more damage.
Dual-wield: Use one handed weapons with equal proficiency with either or both hands.
Two-Handed 13: (356,201/425,500)
Barbarian: Two-Handed weapons do 30% more damage.
Lock Picking 7 (10,500/12,800)
Sneak 8 (16,780/25,600)
Stealth: You are 25% harder to detect when sneaking.
Speech 9: (29,751/51,200)
Taunt: Words have power. With your words you can cause people to act out of character often forcing errors and lapses of judgment. 30% chance of success against those with lower levels; effective reduced by 1% per level for targets with higher levels.
Negotiation: 20% more likely to reach a compromise
Command: The ability to give instruction and the likelihood that those instructions will be followed. The likelihood of a command’s success depends upon the level of the one giving and the level of the one receiving the command, reputation and other variables.
Alchemy 8 (16,667/25,600)
Alchemist: Brewed potions and poisons are 25% more effective.
Potioneer’s Instinct: Tasting ingredients will unlock their properties for use in poison and potion making.
Smithing 8 (18,000/25,600)
Novice Smithing: Craft beginner weapons and armor that are 30% more effective than standard weapons and armor.
Leather Working: Craft and improve leather apparel and armor twice as much
Enchanting 3 (500/800)
Destruction Spells 13: (331,150/425,500)
Fireball 5 – Intermediate (2,350/3,200): Destruction magic that allows the user to shoot balls of fire from their hands. Cost: 50 MP. Damage: 40 HP (Strong likelihood of causing burn).
Flames 9 – Basic (27,000/51,200): Destruction magic that allows the user to shoot a torrent of fire from their hands. Cost 8 MP per second. Damage: 5 HP per second (Low likelihood of causing burn).
Frost 10 – Intermediate (64,700/102,400): Destruction magic that allows the user to shoot frost crystals from their hands in an arc that can hit multiple enemies at the same time. Currently shoots three snowflakes. Cost 10 MP. Damage: 5 HP per frost crystal (Low likelihood of freezing opponent).
Sparks 7 – Basic (11,500/12,800): Destruction magic that will call down the power of lightning from the sky that will home in on an opponent within 15 feet of the caster and strike without fail. Cost: 16 MP. Damage: 12 HP.
Magic Manipulation 12: (225,100/310,000): The ability to control the world as you see fit. The application of this skill is only limited by the creativity of the manipulator. If you can dream it, you can do it with Magic Manipulation. Level 10 Bonus: Your increased magical aptitude has increased. Damage from Destruction magic doubled and spells’ cost for basic level destruction reduced by half.
Conjuration 10 (62,500/102,400)
Light 10 (62,000/102,400): Creates a ball of light that will float above you, illuminating your path. This ball of light will follow the caster as they move through the world. With finer control of your magic, you will have the ability to direct the ball of light as you please. 10 MP used per 30 seconds that the ball of light remains in existence.
Alteration 10 (105,500/102,400)
Warg 8: (20,000/25,600): The ability to enter and take control of another creature. The cost of this ability along with the variety of creatures that you can control is based on your relative levels and the familiarity between yourself and the creature that you wish to control. It will cost more MP to attempt to warg into a creature that is closer to your level and hostile towards you than it would to warg into the same creature if it was lower level and friendly towards you. The first time warging into a creature will have an additional MP cost to establish the warg link. As you warg more frequently with the same creature, the cost of warging into that creature will decrease.
Transfiguration 10 (85,000/102,400): Transfiguration is the ability to change the shape or properties of an object. The magical cost of this type of spell varies depending on the magical density of the subject. Magical density is determined by the magical potential of an object. Items with low magical potential, such as cloth, will require less magic to Transfigure than items with high magical density, such as dragon scale. When it comes to Transfiguration, what you can accomplish is limited only by your imagination and your magical reserves and if both are sufficient then there is nothing that you can’t accomplish.
Illusion 12: (210,500/310,000)
Magical Distortion 10: (94,000/102,400): Using magic, blend an object perfectly with other objects in the vicinity to hide it perfectly from the untrained eye. The number of objects that can be placed under a magical distortion vary based on magical reserves and the cost of the magical distortion will vary based on mastery of illusion magic.
Calm 8 (15,000/25,600): Calm is a novice spell that will cause a hostile creature or person to cease their aggressions until they are enraged for any reason. Spell cost determined by the level of the target relative to your level; base cost 50 MP /- 1% for every level higher/lower the target is when compared to the caster.
Restoration 11: (170,900/205,000)
Magic Ward 10 (101,400/102,400): There are two varieties of the basic Magic Ward. For 5 MP you can create a Magic Ward that will negate any damage from being taken from this spell. For 10 MP you can create a Reflective Magic Ward that will reflect the spell back upon the caster. Depending on your skill levels in other skills, either variety can be applied in a variety of ways which can then be used to negate damage.
Heal 10 (69,000/102,400): Restores 10 health points per second after being cast. Spell cost 12 MP per second when used by the caster on him or herself. Spell cost 15 MP per second when used to heal another.
Ancient Greatsword of the First Men 15 Attack
Ancient Sword of the First Men 8 Attack (5)
Ancient Sword of the First Men (Honed) 13 Attack
Castle-Forged Steel Sword 12 Attack
Hawksflight Bow 20 Attack
Kobold Iron Axe 14 Attack (3)
Kobold Iron Broadsword 17 Attack(2)
Kobold Iron Mace 15 Attack (2)
Long Bow 8 Attack
Steel Arrows 10 Attack (27)
Steel Mace: 14 attack. Though the mace is the slowest of all the one handed weapons, it can also cause much more damage than other similar weapons if you manage to land a blow on your opponent. This weapon most compliments a warrior with great physical strength who can overcome the natural limitation caused by the increased weight of the weapon.
Ancient Shield of the First Men 11 Defense (4)
Apprentice Robes of Destruction: Damage from Destruction magic doubled and spells’ cost for basic level destruction reduced by half; magic regeneration rate doubled.
Bearskin Leather Cuisse 10 Defense
Bearskin Leather Greaves 10 Defense
Bearskin Pauldrons 10 Defense
Black Cloak 1 Defense
Black Leather Belt 1 Defense
Black Leather Boots 1 Defense
Black Pants 1 Defense
Black Tunic 1 Defense (Damaged, -1 Defense)
Blackflame Cape of Wanton Destruction: 30 defense, 50% resistance to fire, -50% cost to fire-based attacks, 30% resistance to physical attacks and projectiles
Gold Necklace
Kobold Leather Armor 16 Defense (7)
Kobold Leather Helmet 15 Defense (7)
Leather Gauntlets of Vigor 3 Strength50 SP
Mirelurk shield: 35 Defense, 20% resistance to physical damage
Sea Serpent Bones (5)
Sea Serpent Scale(20)
Sea Serpent Scaled Boots of Winter. 30 Defense. 50% resistance to frost, -50% cost to ice-based attacks, MP doubled.
Shield of House Stark 15 Defense
Silver Ring
Stargaryan Ring: This ring was ????????? to activate when slipped on the finger of the intended wielder. When activated, the Stargaryan Ring will provide an accurate assessment of his/her abilities among other things. The perks that the ring grants to its wielder will allow much faster skill growth than unmeasured leveling that occurs as a result of the typical human experience. The full potential of the ring has not yet been realized by the current wielder. Only the wielder of the Ring can see it once it has been activated.
Winterfell Captain’s Jerkin: A black leather jerkin lined with a layer of chainmail that has been embroidered with the direwolf sigil of House Stark. It is an upper body armor that provides increased protection to the wearer. 20 Defense
Bleeding Mushroom (14)
Creep Cluster (12)
Imp Stool (17)
Skeever Tail (14)
White Cap (12)
Breathing Water and Spitting Fire
Daughter of the Old Ones
Sithis and the Many Faced God
The Lunar Conspiracy
Father of the Niben
The Gold Ribbon of Merit
Vernaccus and Bourlor
Battle of the Fields of Fire
Death Blow of Abernanit
The Black Mirror
The Warrior’s Warrior
Frostfall: The Coming of Winter
The Great Hearth, Bridges in the Sky
The Warrior’s Charge into Doom: The Fall of Ziggimus Zaggurat
Treacherous Destruction
Horror in Asshai
Mystery of the Landing
The Terror of War
Twin Secrets
The Seven Knights of the Faith
The Dawn of the Red Dragon’s Tail
Ice and Chitin
The Red Dragon Takeover and the Flight of the Black Dragon
Surfeit of Theives
The Werequeen
Morning Star
Fighting Fire and Darkness
Mace Etiquette
A Bastard’s victory over a King
The Importance of Where
The Exodus
Sacred Witness
Three Theives
A Dance with Fire
The Strike of the King
Bear Claws (60)
Bear Teeth (90)
Coin - Bronze (12)
Coin - Gold (104)
Coin - Silver (10)
Fanged Weaver Venom (22)
Ivory Tusks (2)
Lock Pick (10)
Mirelurk Chiton: Very rare, seen as a collector’s item by those who know what a formidable enemy a mirelurk is to those who venture into their domain (2)
Mudcrab chiton: Common item for those who travel the wetlands of Westeros. (20)
Mysterious Black Treasure of Qarth
Petty Soul Gem
Pork (6)
Torch (Lit)
Torchlength Wood (5)
Weaver Silk (68)
Wolf Pelt (9)
Wolf Teeth (48)
Active Quests:
Quest Alert! Broken Treasure
Main Objective: Though she made it out of the cave, Arachne is not out of the woods yet. The final temptation of the Old God is attempting to enslave Arachne to continue the punishment that started so long ago. To save Arachne from a fate worse than death, find a way to break the curse within a year.
Rewards for Completion: 2,500,000 experience, ?, ?, ?
Penalty for Failure: Arachne will be forever lost to the power of the Old One.
Quest Alert! Vengeance is Coming
Primary Objective: Investigate Bran’s fall and determine who was responsible for the fleet-footed Stark’s fall. Deliver vengeance to that person with the fury of winter.
Second Objective: Deliver your vengeance in a way that does not compromise Hose Stark’s standing amongst the great houses of Westeros.
Tertiary Objective: Let the tears weep over their halls with no one left to hear. Destroy the house root and stem so they can never again threaten the realm.
Rewards for Primary Objective: 500,000 experience
Rewards for Secondary Objective: 1,000,000 Sneak experience
Rewards for Tertiary Objective: 250,000 to Archery, Blocking, Evasion, either Light Armor or Heavy Armor and either One-Handed or Two-Handed
Quest Alert! Fire and Blood
Main Objective: Reclaim the Iron Throne in the Name of House Targaryen. Unite the kingdoms of Westeros under the banner of your father’s house and usher in a new era of prosperity for the Seven Kingdoms.
Rewards for Completion: 10,000,000 experience, ?, ?, ?.
Penalty for Failure: The subjects are Westeros are at the whims of the one who sits the Iron Throne. While there are no explicit consequences for failure, you and those you care about may find yourself at the mercy of those that would sit the throne in your stead regardless of their affiliated House.