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![]() Author has written 7 stories for Star Wars, Naruto, X-Men, and High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D. Sex:Male Age:N/A(not going to tell) Likes: Godlike Naruto & NarutoxHarem to Biggest Harem Stories. Link to info on an interesting version/idea of the Tailed Beasts: https:///web/20101114113536/http:///showthread.php?t=57918 https:///forum/threads/the-legend-of-the-tailed-beasts-by-dyroness.12681/ The US government may take wolves off the endangered species list. that means hunters and anyone can kill trap and skin wolves or kill them for the fun of it. IF YOU BELIVE THIS IS DOWN-RIGHT WRONG AND WANT TO VOICE YOUR OPINON OR PUT A STOP TO THIS COPY AND PASTE THIS IN YOUR PROFILE WITH YOUR NAME AFTER IT!! 0x-i-Need-A-Hug-x0, darklightningdevil, 13IsTaLkThEaKaTsUkI13, RainLily13, Valleygoat,Naru-chan and Kashi-kun, miss-perfections, Mikie-From-Ireland, DarkIsRising, dracohalo117, Forgottenkami If you think Masashi Kishimoto is ruining Naruto and agree, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. The Fifth Rider of Armageddon, Hiroshima Namikaze, Zaara the black, desuta, Reikson, D-reaper X-20, blackstardragon624, chinoodin, The Silver Blossom, RasenganFin, Raidentensho, Knives91, Kingkakashi, DarkSamuraiX1999, THE HEE-HO KING, Wirespeed91, Naruto 21, GraityTheWizard, GuyverZero, durwin, Hakkyou no Yami, VFSNAKE, Stormrunner56, Haru Kitsune, DragonMaster4381,Terror of the Azure Flame, RoyalTwinFang,TheDemonKingNaruto, dracohalo117, Forgottenkami https://www.fanfiction.net/Naruto-Crossovers/1402/0/?&srt=1&lan=1&r=10&len=5&c1=2039 My links involving Rise of the Revanchist Empire Dream 1- http:///_cb20080912031319/starwars/images/4/47/Council1.jpg The crashed ship in the ravine- HWK-290 Light Freighter The ship they are using- TL-1800 Freighter This is how Naruto's Lava Lightsaber looks like, though imagine it darker and redder- Lava Saber Things That I Like Reading science Horror Novels Japanese Culture Surfing The Internet Playing video games Anime Action Movies Sci Fi Movies Horror Movies Dogs Big Cats Reptiles Dinosaurs Dragons Kodachi Nodachi Odachi O-Katana Knives Hand Guns Machine Guns Crime shows friends Music like Old School Rap, Rock, R&B, Reggae, Jazz, Japanese Music, and Techno. Least Favorite Pairings NaruxAnyYaoiPairing NaruxSaku NaruxIno NaruxHina(used to like this pairing, now I am developing a severe hatred for it...) Most Hated Naruto Characters: Namikaze Minato/Yondaime Hokage (would win the worst father of the century) Sarutobi Hiruzen (did hardly anything to help naruto) Jiraiya (Bad godfather) Hatake Kakashi (Should be demoted back to the academy to learn about teamwork) Things that I hate Pointless Movies animes that don't make sense Murderers Rapists Cheaters Stuck up snobs (sasuke) Bullies People who don't pay you back the money they owe you Racists math Favorite Animes: Naruto, Bleach Dragonball GT Inuyasha Yugioh One Piece Yu Yu Hakusho Rurouni Kenshin Devil May Cry (Anime series) Hellsing Teen Titans Favorite Fics: I like naruto fics that base Naruto being strong, has a harem, learns of his heritage and family and crossovers. Favorite Naruto Pairings: Naruto/fem Haku Naruto/Fuu (Seven tailed Jinchuriki) Naruto/Yugito Naruto/Hana Naruto/Shion Naruto/Temari Naruto/Shizune Naruto/Yugao Naruto/Kurenai Naruto/Anko Naruto/Kushina Naruto/Tenten Naruto/Tayuya Naruto/Kin Naruto/5th Mizukage Naruto/Koyuki Naruto/Harem Naruto/Karui Favorite Naruto Crossovers: Naruto/Bleach Naruto/Negima Naruto/Rosario Vampire Naruto/Devil may cry Naruto/Fairy Tail Check This Out... I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile MY Challenges that i make up when I am bored Naruto Challenge On the night of the Kyuubi's attack Minato sealed the Yang/light/physical chakra into Hikari while Minato seals the soul along with the Yang/dark/mental chakra into Naruto by accident, Minato only wanted to seal the soul (Both kushina and minato lived) Growing up Naruto was ignored by his family, godparents, and most of the village. Kyuubi met Naruto after being rejected from training at age 6. Kyuubi manage to convince Naruto to weaken the seal with the promise of training. Kyuubi told Naruto exactly how (because he lived in two seal master mito and Kushina) after he told him to reseach how to gather nature chakra. Naruto did after finding it in some of his father'snotes. Kyuubi explained why he need to (I will explain if you PM me or are intrusted). After that naruto wanted to know about different type of chakras that do not have to do with the elements. Naruto goes around looking for different forms of chakra (gelel, sage, meteor, Ryumyaku, demon, priestess/holy and hero water). Naruto uses his friendship with Mikoto, her three daughters , and Hibana (Hinata and Hanabi mother) to get the information while trying to figure out why there keep on trying to molest them. Later on (when Naruto is 10) Hikari and kushina are sorry that they are driving naruto away from the family and want him back in but he doesn't. Naruto uses them to get even more info on weird forms of chakra. Naruto must get all the different forms of chakra (gelel, sage, meteor, Ryumyaku, demon, priestess/holy and hero water) before the chunin exam, but must not have have experimented with any of them too much. He will experiment with it in his body after Madara gives him a curse seal that is more powerful but only has a one in thirty-five chance one working, which increase to one in ninty-seven chance in those who have demon chakra in them. Naruto uses a cocktail of the chakras (gelel, sage, meteor, Ryumyaku, demon, priestess/holy and hero water) to save him from death Naruto ends up Kushina, Hikari, Mikoto, her daughters, Hibana, female Kyuubi, and others if you want. Naruto Bloodline Re-creator A story were naruto is neglected and he only has kyuubi's soul/mind except naruto does not learn from anyone and teaches himself how to use seals. And the using seals and his brain power recreates black lightning, dark release, yin-genjutsu (second mizukage), yang seal, magnet release (iron sand, gold dust, and mercury water), and finally passive sage mode. The black lightning should be created by naruto studying the tattoos of the raikage (from a book) and the raijin (was not stolen yet). Dark release should be a seal that absorbs chakra and allows him to return it back to the owner as an attack or just freed it to the kyuubi to make it stronger (you can give him nara clan jutsus also). Yin-genjutsu and yang seal should be a seal the allows naruto to split his his chakra into yang and yin. The yang is sealed into a seal that will give "life" back to dead cell and yin used for the strongest genjutsu. The magnet release should be after he gains the black lightning he finds a way to use lightning to manipulate magnetism to control iron sand as a defense and gold dust and mercury water as attacks. Challenger's challenges that he is letting me post here NarutoxOne Piece: At 8 years, young Naruto runs away from the Leaf Village. He is smart & stronger then people think he is for he had meet & was trained by Kyuubi after an attack of anger villages & ninja when he was 3 years old & he knows of his parents as well, also Kyuubi has made Nauto a half demon & created bloodline for Naruto as well. They named the bloodline Arashigan(in english "Storm Eye" or "Eye of Storm"). It's powers give Naruto: control over the elements of water, wind, & lighting; to use water, wind, & lighting jutsu without handsigns & say the name out loud; all water, wind, & lighting jutsu take less chakra; to copy any water, wind, & lighting jutsu; can ture his whole or parts of his body into water, wind, or lighting; have an automatic defense of wind, water, & lighting; to pull water out of the air just like Tobirama Senju(the Nidaime(Second) Hokage; to use the Hiraishin no Jutsu("Flying Thunder God Jutsu") without the special kunai; & to use nature chakra without worry. Over years, on his travels Naruto meets & saves many people. He even gets train by people, besides Kyuubi. Some were of the "Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shu"(Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist), two were of the Sannin(Tsunade & Jiraiya; Jiraiya tried to take him back, but after Naruto told how they treated him, he understanded why he left so trained Naruto in everything including the sage arts), & even was trained by Hanzo of the Salamander after saving his life from the injuries he got from Pein. Years later, Naruto is 18 years old & has defeated Akatsuki & Orochimaru, he is know as the frist ever SSS rank ninja in the Bingo Book nicknamed the "God of the Sky & Sea", he is also now full demon after fully absorbing the Kyuubi on his 17th birthday(he stop aging when he reaches 20). Naruto is bored now for all his enemies are gone & everyone is to afraid to fight him so he makes a choice to leave the Ninja Countries to explore the world. Naruto ends up some island were he makes friends with people named Luffy, Zoro, Nami, & Usopp after he defeats a group of people the Black Cat Pirates on his own. Naruto joins Luffy's crew even if is pirate because he knows that Luffy is just like himself. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also side note, Naruto can help built the first ship or make the ship for the Straw Hat Pirates which would be cool for he has trained by Jiraiya in seals so ship would he can put self repair & cleaning seals on every part of the ship, the cannon balls can have clone seals & even elements seals on them, & the sails would have winds seals so the ship keeps move strong even with out any real wind. My idea of a ship Naruto would make would be some cross between the Black Pearl & the Flying Dutchman both from the Pirates of the Caribbean which gives me the idea he would create a seal that creates an air bubble around the ship so it can dive under water or like ship like the Delphinus from Skies of Arcadia. Lastly, Naruto is the only Naruto character. 2nd NarutoxOne Piece: Madara uses the Kamui to sends Naruto to another dimension just before he dies. Naruto wakes inside his mind scape were he learns from Kyuubi/Juubi that they are no longer in their own dimension & getting back is impossible do to that there are so many dimensions that pick their would be out one of one trillion chance & they wouldn't survive a second jump. The reason they survived this jump is because Kyuubi made Naruto into a half-demon, but there is strange side effect, he is a kid again! There guess is that Naruto's regeneration ability went into overdrive when becoming a half-demon(Naruto still looks like 16 in his mind scape being that his body may be younger, but not his mind). Outside his mind, Naruto has been found by the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates , who all saw bright flash, then decide to investigate, & they ends up finding kid Naruto in a orange rag which what is left of his clothing from the dimension jump. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, I well allow other pirate crews to find, raise, and train Naruto along with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates (Ideas/Suggestions: Cook Pirates(Of course this would be way before Zeff meets Sanji), Sunny Pirates , Golden Lion Pirates , and Rumbar Pirates). 3rd NarutoxOne Piece: Naruto finds one of Orochimaru's secret/hidden labs(You decide when this happens). Here Naruto finds and eats what Orochimaru was experimenting on, a Devil Fruit, but to be more precise it's the Ultimate Devil Fruit, which would give the person the powers/abilities of all the Devil Fruits and more without the weakness of the sea. The reason Orochimaru left it behind is because every test subject, who took a bit would die because of billions of changes done to body all at once at the same time. Luckily for Naruto, he well able to survive from eating the Ultimate Devil Fruit thanks to Kyuubi, the Uzumaki Clan's special Chakra, his extremely strong will to live, and high endurance to pain. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). Also Naruto can have/gain the power/ability of giving people Devil Fruit powers/abilities with or without the weakness of the Sea(Example: Naruto can give Tenten the powers/abilities of the Liquidmetal-Liquidmetal Fruit, which well give her powers/abilities like Mercury from Marvel and T-1000 from Terminator 2). Lastly, after Naruto eats the Ultimate Devil Fruit you are allowed to time skip many years to where Naruto decides to travel the world after peace is finally brought peace to all the Hidden Countries. NarutoxAvatar: The Last Airbender: 5 year old Naruto is attack by a mob in his appartment & after words is thrown out the window & falls into some power lines. Having all of Konoha's electricity run in his veins, Kyuubi goes into overdrive in keeping it's container alive so does dead with him these cause two things to happen Naruto gets a godlike influence over the element thunder/lighting and be sent to another world. In the new world, Naruto is found by Princess Ursa(wife of Ozai, mother of Prince Zuko and Princess Azula, and granddaughter of Avatar Roku and Ta Min), he is taken by her makes friends 6 year old Zuko, 4 year old Azula, Mai, & Ty Lee, but things change when Naruto is 8 year old, Ozai decides to send soldiers to bring Naruto to him to make him into one of his puppets, but see this coming runs away, but get trapped by when getting to cliff edge. Seeing no other way he jumps of the cliff is presumed dead, but is really saved & escapes by being caught by a giant Harpy Falcon(Hybrid of a Harpy Eagle & Falcon) that he secretly raised. Years later he hears of the Avatar return & decides to go help him to defeat Ozai & put end to the war. This story pairing most be NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have every main & major girl of Avatar & Kyuubi if you have it be female, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also he has his own State equal to the Avatar State called the Raijin(this the name of the Japanese God of Thunder and Lightning) State which makes Naruto look like a being of pure energy. If you wish Naruto use other elements beside Lighting/Thunder then they have to be Water & Wind and his state named change to Susanoo(this the name of the Japanese God of the Sea and Storms) State. 2nd NarutoxAvatar: The Last Airbender On his 3rd birthday Naruto is given a gift by mysterious man, who is fact the spirit of Aang the last Avatar. What Naruto was given box that had 6 items, 5 books on bending each for elements of Wind, Water, Earth, Fire, and Lightning(Hey it been couple thousand years since Aang's era so being spirit gave him plenty of time to make an art for Lighting Bending) and last was a book that held all the stories and adventures of every single Avatar. Watch out Ninja World because there is new Avatar and his name is Naruto Uzumaki. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto is the only one that well be an elemental bender and he is allowed to go to the spirit world. 3rd NarutoxAvatar: The Last Airbender: 5 years old Naruto is beaten by mob of villagers and ninja. He ends in his mind, were he meets Kyuubi, but he also meets 2 other spirits. The first one is Avatar Aang, who tells Naruto he is there because he is the next Avatar. The second spirit is the Sage of Six Paths tells Naruto he is there because he is his reincarnation. After some talking they all agree that Naruto should go to spirit world so that he train without anyone training to hold him back. So for 10 years Naruto is trained and raised in the Spirit world before he goes back. He is trained all of the Avatars in the art of bending. While the Sage trains him in the arts of the Ninja, The arts of Sage, and to master the Rinnegan. The Kyuubi teaches him how to use her/his chakra and some Ninja and Sage arts. Naruto is also trained by many of the spirits of the Spirit World. Watch out Ninja World because Naruto the Avatar Sage is here. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 4th NarutoxAvatar: The Last Airbender: There are 4 known nations of the Element Bending World. Those nations are Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, but there is a fifth nation. A nation that even the fire lord and his armies couldn't conquer even with the power of Sozin's Comet. The nation is the Lightning Realm and Lightning is the only element that the Avatars were never blessed to control for certain reasons and the nation possesses it's own gifted benders own gifted bender that could easily rival or even be stronger than the Avatar. The name of the Lightning Emperor is Minato and the name of the Lightning Empress is Kushina. Their son and the Lightning Prince is Naruto, who is also the nation's gifted bender. The is gift is the ability to bend White Lightning, which is the most powerful kind of lightning there is. Today he has been given a mission from his parents and the mission is to help the Avatar. Minato gained the title Hiraishin due to the fact that he had a rare lightning bending ability that allowed him to 'teleport' and strike like a bolt of lightning and he used this form of bending to wipe an entire battalion of fire Nation soldiers out during the war and was given a flee on sight order by the Fire Lord of the fire Nation. Kushina gained the title Aka no Rai because she possessed the ability to use red lightning, A feat no other lightning bending master has obtained due to how powerful and deadly it was. The Lightning Realm is the most advanced Nation in the five elementals, even more advanced than the fire nation and their military force is stronger. The Lightning benders possess the ability to manipulate the bio-electricity in their body to make them stronger and faster (The Yondaime Raikage's Lightning armor) and can also fire lightning from their arms and legs like the fire benders do and can also make the lightning non lethal unlike the fire bending masters. They can also create electromagnetic fields around their bodies, focus lightning on any part of their body, shape it into a weapon like a whip, spear, sword, axe, etc. Lightning bending masters can also absorb lightning into their bodies and manipulate it from the sky. There is also the sub element called storm bending which is the bending of storm clouds and combining water with lightning. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 5th NarutoxAvatar: The Last Airbender: After the Kyuubi was sealed inside Naruto, the Kyuubi decides to send himself/herself and his/her container to another dimension so Madara could never gain control over her/him. In the new dimension, Naruto is found by Iroh, who had recently lost his son so seeing baby Naruto he decides to take Naruto as his new son and to train him to be the ultimate fire bender so that he won't die like his son did. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxJak: Naruto is sent to another world by a jutsu Madara used after putting the finishing blow on him. An unconscious Naruto ends up at Sandover Village were he is found by Samos, who takes Naruto back to his home. Mean while, Kyuubi explains to what has happen to them. later on, Naruto wakes & his greeted by 4 people, Simos, Keira, Jak, & Daxter. In few days or weeks Naruto makes friends with all of them & the villagers, but one day Naruto, Jak, & Daxter decide go to Misty Island here Jak & Daxter's adventures begin and were Naruto's new adventures begins as well. The pairing well be a NarutoxHarem with Keira, Ashelin, Tess, & Female Kyuubi if you have Kyuubi female and also you may add other Jak girls if you wish, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also if you wish you can have Naruto teach Keira, Jak, &/or Daxter some thing, but nothing with chakra because they are to old to open their chakra paths so mostly basic Ninja stuff like taijutsu, stealth, & other things. Naruto's Kage Bride: If you read the manga you know how the Mei Terumi(the Fifth Mizukage) mistakes words for words that are something about marriage & gets mad about it. Well want if that reason was because she had been engaged to be married, but it had been called off? What if she was engaged to the Fourth Hokage's son, Naruto? But is runed when the Kyuubi attacks & her fiance was 'killed'. So when she decided to come for Chunin Exams she finds out her late fiance isn't dead after all(She finds out by just seeing him & hearing his last name, if you are thinking that shouldn't be enough for her to figure it out, then your an idiot because Naruto is the prefect copy of his father, also Uzumaki is last name(hay she should know her future in-laws names are), & also she is flipping Kage(one of youngest to be made Kage, 1st place going to Gaara than it is her or Minato getting 2nd) so putting simple puzzle like that would be like pasting Genin exams for her). Naruto does get trained by her a bit before the exams start & the rest after being train to summon toads by Jiraiya unless she offers a better summon for her future husband & father of her children. Finally, the pairing choices are NarutoxMei or NarutoxHarem to Massive Harem. NarutoxDragonball Z/GT: Instead of Kyuubi attacking a Giant Golden Ape attacks. That Giant Golden Ape was Broly who broke out Hell/HFIL came to kill to descendants of Goku/Kakarot. The descendants he came after were Minato & Naruto(Kushina well be the descendant of Vegeta). After sealing Broly's soul, Naruto's Saiyan blood awakes which cause his hair to turn black & grow a monkey tail. Seeing that the boy is a Saiyan, the Shinigami decides to take him to after so he be trained, but before leaving tell Hiruzen Sarutobi/3rd Hokage that he well bring Naruto back when children of his age take Genin Exams. So for 12 or 15 years Naruto is raised & trained in after life by his family & their friends until he has to go to back to . K, now here some important rules: Rule 1, Naruto is only Naruto character who is descendant of Saiyans, but does mean they can't become Saiyans as well. The only this can happen 2 ways if they make blood oath with Naruto or become one of Naruto's mates. Rule 2, Naruto becomes a full blooded Saiyan because seal is meant to have Naruto absorb Broly into himself. This can happen very soon in the story or later in the story. Idea on how it can happen sooner is Naruto's father during after life makes the seal work even faster so when Naruto leaves he is full blooded Saiyan. Also this gives Naruto the ability to turn into Legendary mode. Also if you wish you can have Naruto also have Gohan's hidden power which most people named it, Mystic mode which if don't remember was truly show when Gohan faced Super Buu. Rule 3, Naruto most meet the Jinchuriki & Kyuubi. Rule 4, only 5 Super Saiyan forms. The 5th one just being the 4th one with golden fur. Rule 5, this story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 2nd NarutoxDragonball Z/GT: After Sasuke's Cursed Chidori pierces Naruto's heart, Naruto uses the last of his strength to shove his Rasengan through Sasuke's skull, killing him as well. Naruto lays collapses onto the ground and dies. After this his body glows and he disappears in a flash of golden light. He finds himself in a realm filled with the statues of dragons where he meets a female dragon named Shenra (Shenron's Daughter). While he talks to her, Shenron appears before the blonde. The Eternal Dragon tells him that the reason why he brought Naruto to his realm was because he saw how terrible Naruto's life was in his world and how he managed to still have a strong will and spirit and didn't succumb to his pain,suffering, and dark emotions. He offers Naruto a chance to start his life over in a different world but that's not the only thing he offers. He wants Naruto to become his successor and become a dragon. He explains how his race was the most powerful race throughout the cosmos and the only race that could rival their power were a warrior race called Saiyans. Sadly him and his daughter were the last of their mighty raced due to the fact that a shadow dragon called Omega Shenron wiped them out while causing havoc across the universe. Shenron sealed the evil dragon and separated his soul, placing it into seven orbs called Dragonballs. He knows that sometime in the future Omega will return to finish what he started and Shenron want Naruto to finish what he started and destroy the evil dragon. Naruto thinks about it and takes the dragon's offer. After he accepts it the Shinigami appears and removes the fox from Naruto's body and devours the bijuu. Shenron explains that when Naruto accepted his offer he promise Shinigami the fox's soul in exchange for the boy to start over and he'd let Naruto meet his Father. The Shinigami brings out Minato's soul so that he can meet his son. After the tearful reunion, Shenron tells Minato about his son's demise and how he's giving the boy another chance at life in a different world and make him his successor. Before Minato left, he transferred his knowledge into Naruto. Naruto asks the Shinigami for one last request and let his father go to Heaven so that he may finally rest in peace. The Death God agrees to his last request and allows Minato to join his wife in heaven. So after that Shenron performs the ritual that'll transfer his power into Naruto and make turn the boy into a dragon and he wants him and his daughter to become mates. So for the next 3 years Shenron and his daughter train Naruto in the dragon arts and how to use an energy called Ki and to bend the elements and after that he sends them to earth where they assist a Saiyan by the name of Goku and the remaining Z-Fighters in dealing with Nappa and Vegeta. After that he and Shenra assist the Z-Fighters when they face the other villains like Freiza, the Androids, Cell, Majin Buu, Baby, Super 17, and many others. When the Z-Fighters try to restore the earth after 17's rampage the shadow dragons appear and head to the different corners of earth. After Naruto,Shenra, Goku, and Pan defeat the 7 dragons, they combine and once again become Omega Shenron. The Ultimate evil manages to take down Goku, Pan, Shenra, and and the other Z-Fighters and only Naruto is left standing and faces the shadow dragon in a battle that shakes the heavens. Naruto is on the verge of being defeated by Omega Shenron but refuses to give up he then does the one thing that turns the battle around. He gathers the cosmic energy, the energy that makes up the universe and transforms into a dragon whose power surpasses even Shenron's, the Cosmic Dragon. So with his new power Naruto manages to destroy Omega Shenron and restore the Earth as well as the Universe. After that, Shenron, the Eternal Dragon appears and congratulates Naruto in defeating Omega and officially declares him his successor and Shenron transfers all of his power into Naruto making him the Eternal Cosmic Dragon. To make sure that a dark being like Omega Shenron doesn't appear ever again, Naruto absorbs the Dragonballs into his being and leaves Earth with his mate Shenra. Afterwords, Naruto and Shenra watch the next generation of Goku's and Vegeta's family grow and live their lives. One day Naruto decides to restart his original life with Shenra by his side and the two dragons go back to the time where Naruto is reborn into the Ninja world. Here are story begins. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem and your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 3rd NarutoxDragonball Z/GT: Thousands of have pasted since Naruto had become the 2nd Sage of the Six Paths, become the 2nd Jinchuriki of the Juubi, and brought peace to his world. How this happen is that Naruto awoken his half of the Sage's chakra he already had for being a descendant of the Senju clan and awoken the other half of the Sage's, which he got from Itachi, which gave him the true Rinnegan during the his fight with Madara and the other tailed beasts, which he seals inside himself, which lead them becoming whole again. As for how he is still alive is because Naruto defeated Madara by taking his half of the Sage's chakra, which lead to Madara losing his immortality and his Sharingan. After that battle the Major Villages stayed to their alliance, which soon grew when the smaller villages joined, which lead to world peace. Right now Naruto is doing some R&R(Rest and Relaxation), but suddenly beings called Kais. They tell that they need his help for they saw the future of boy named Goku and they also say they well train him in everything they. Naruto agrees to this since he has nothing to do. K, now the story pairing can be anything except Yaoi. 4th NarutoxDragonball Z/GT: Minato and Kushina, the Emperor and Empress of the Saiyans and their home planets and their family were the true descendants of the legendary super saiyan. One day Kushina gave birth to a boy named Naruto but on that day the planet was invaded and attacked by an evil being who loathed the Saiyan Race and planned on wiping them off the face of the earth. lower ranked Saiyans manage to escape but the ones of royal blood stayed behind to face this terrible evil. Minato and Kushina knew that their planet would not survive the war so they did th only thing they could think of. They placed their only heir into a space pod and sent him off into space. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Now Naruto can land in the DBZ world, Marvel world, DC World, Street Fighter world, and etc. Lastly, Naurto well have a hologram that contains moves that are Dragonball Z/GT like. NarutoxEvangelion: Madara does a jutsu that sends Naruto to another dimension just before he dies. When Naruto wakes inside his mind scape were he learns from Kyuubi that they are no longer in their own dimension& getting back is impossible do to that there are so many dimensions that pick their would be out one of one trillion chance & they wouldn't survive a second jump. The reason they survived the first jump is because Kyuubi made Naruto into a half-demon, but there is strange side effect, he is a baby again! There guess is that Naruto's regeneration ability went into overdrive when becoming a half-demon(Naruto still looks like 16 in his mind scape being that his body may be younger, but not his mind). Outside his mind, Naruto has been found by Yui(Shinji's mom), who saw bright flash, then decide to investigate, & ends up finding baby Naruto in a orange rag which what is left of his clothing from the dimension jump(Yes, Naruto replaces Shinji). K, rest part Naruto uses his ninja skills of being undercover to act like a baby & little kid until Gendo(Shinji's dad) leaves, which then Naruto get himself a place to live & some jobs while still attending school with all thanks going of Transformation & Shadow Clones Jutsu. 11 years later(meaning Naruto physically is 14 years old and mentally he is 29 years old), Naruto has earned bachelor's degree(Shadow Clones plus Library equals super genius), but just hangs around his house & talking to Kyuubi because he has earned enough money to retire(Shadow Clones plus Jobs equals a whole lot of cash in short amount of time) for the rest of his life, but that changes all when he receives a letter containing a Nerv ID card, a sexy postcard from Captain Misato Katsuragi, and a note from Gendo simply stating "Come!"(second one Naruto likes & last one annoying Naruto). Now Naruto waits for Misato so his new adventure can begin. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you may mix the show, manga, game &/or movie of Evangelion. NarutoxSonic: When as a child, Naruto is taken to ROOT headquarters & is experimented in under ground lab by ROOT's top scientists & Orochimaru himself to create the Ultimate Life Form that is immortal which they named the project, Shadow. Sarutobi(the 3rd Hokage) & his ANBU go to rescue Naruto & are successful, but it is already to late Naruto is a new person completely. Naruto has to look like & act like Human version of Shadow the Hedgehog & have some of the same moves as Shadow as will. Also, yes other characters from Sonic can be in this the only thing is that they are in human forms. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Ultimate Naruto: Instead of Kyuubi all tailed beasts attack(the orginals not Masashi Kishimoto's version). Minato seals them all by summoning Kami(Goddess of Heaven, Life, & Light), Shinigami(Goddess of Hell, Death, & Darkness), & Tozi(Goddess of Nature). Each Goddess gave Naruto a power. Kami gives Naruto the powers of Light & heal to any injury to mind, body, and soul. Shinigami gives Naruto powers of Darkness & to injury the soul. Tozi gives Naruto the powers of Nature(Meaning Water, Earth, Wind, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Sand, Lava, Crystal, Planets, & ect.), to talk & understand all animal & insects, and his 5 senses equal or better then any animal & insect. But they give him a dojutsu which they name Twilight which powers infinite for it is dojutsu that keeps evolving which already has powers of a fully develop Sharingan & Byakugan(My idea for what it would look like is that whites of his eyes turn black, his eye color a forest green, his pupil always changing colors, & the pupil in center of of white star shaped like a compass rose). They also have sealed Naruto's parents' soul inside him. When Hiruzen/Thrid Hokage tells the people of Konoha/Leaf Village about Naruto, the ones that don't call for his head are the Ninja because they all respected their leader & the civilians that were friends of Naruto's parents(The reason I did this was so Naruto wasn't spoiled & was still determined to prove them wrong & not be held back this time). The Hiruzen/Thrid Hokage immediately call the council which is made of all the ninja clan heads & civilians that were friends of Naruto's parents(which well be Tenten's parents, Sakura's parents, & Ayame's parents), but are rudely interrupted Danzo, Homura, & Koharu demanding Naruto to be made into a weapon, but are immediately killed because of some evidence that were or helped the cause of all tailed beasts attacking. Naruto is then raised & trained by his big Sister with his twin Sister in their family home. The pairing is NarutoxMassive Harem which can have both his sisters, the goddesses in it, & all tailed beast in it, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Finally, no crossover until the squeal, which well be Naruto going into other worlds, also the tail beasts well train Naruto, & the Uchiha most be good, but you can still have Sasuke be a jerk if you wish. 2nd Ultimate Naruto: Naruto is the Chosen One of the 3 most powerful beings. Kami(Goddess of Heaven, Life, & Light), Shinigami(Goddess of Hell, Death, & Darkness), & Tozi(Goddess of Nature). Each Goddess gave Naruto a power. Kami gives Naruto the powers of Light & heal to any injury to mind, body, and soul. Shinigami gives Naruto powers of Darkness & to injury the soul. Tozi gives Naruto the powers of Nature(Meaning Water, Earth, Wind, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Sand, Lava, Crystal, Planets, & etc.), to talk & understand all animal & insects, and his 5 senses equal or better then any animal & insect. They also give him a dojutsu which they name Twilight which powers infinite for it is dojutsu that keeps evolving which already has powers of the Sharingan, Byakugan, and the Rinnegan(My idea for what it would look like is that whites of his eyes turn black, his eye color a forest green, his pupil always changing colors, & the pupil in center of of white star shaped like a compass rose). The Goddesses also plan to train Naruto at a early age so he can be ready for his mission. His mission is to gather all the other pieces of the Juubi to bring her back and defeat the evil demon named Yami. Yami is a demon who wishes to take over Kami, Shinigami, and Tozi's position. Also he/it was the one who made the Guardian of the Earth and friend of the Goddesses, the Juubi do such evil things. This is going to be one epic journey for Naruto as he faces Yami and all those who are on his side. The pairing is NarutoxMassive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto parents are allowed to be alive. Naruto Ultimate Sharingan: Madara & Sasuke(they are the only one left of Akatsuki) have finally caught Naruto and are removing the Kyuubi, but it is a trick because Naruto created a jutsu that counters the demon removing process. What the jutsu does is it reverses the pull so it allows Naruto to absorb all tailed beasts. Madara and Sasuke try to stop this, but end up being absorbed as well. This leads Naruto gaining the Ultimate Sharingan and the Power of the Juubi. So with this new power, Naruto sends his mind back into the past to stop Madara from uses the 8 tailed beasts he had collected, which lead to millions of people be killed and 5 major ninja villages being destroyed. He wakes up in his 6 year old body and still has his Sharingan and the Power of the Juubi. From here it is up to you on what Naruto does. The pairing is to be a NarutoxMassive Harem, also you're allowed to turn guys into girls(except Naruto). Finally, no crossover until the squeal, which well be Naruto going into other worlds(examples: Bleach, One Piece, and Inuyasha). NarutoxNegima: Naruto when he is 4 years old is attack by a mob of villagers & ninja. He is sent to his mind where Kyuubi & finds out Kyuubi is the "Supreme Master/Mistress of All Magical Arts". Kyuubi decides teach him every about magical arts. 5 year later, Naruto he is attack again by a mob, but he fights back. After it is Naruto fears of the council because he injuring & maybe even killed some of the people in mob, he uses a spell to open a portal to a new world. Here Naruto ends up at a village in Wales which is under attack by demons. When fighting to save the village, he meets a another person also fighting the demons. The person tells Naruto his is Nagi Springfield, who hides his surpises of that young boy like has magical skill & power already equal or even better then his own(Hey, when Naruto got serious teacher like Papa Toad for 3 days, he was able to beat all the Paths of Pein so having Kyuubi teaching him 24 hrs.(in his mind when asleep) 7 times a week for 5 years, he could be the Ten Thousand Master). After all demons are gone Nagi goes to his 4 year old son, Negi & gives him his staff. Before he leaves Nagi asks Naruto to be Negi's guardian & to help in the future. 6 years later, Naruto & Negi graduate from magic school & are given their last assignment to be Master Mages(Reason Naruto to the magic school went was because teachers & students were only allow on the grounds so became a student to keep an eye on Negi). Their assignment is to be teachers in Mahora Academy in Japan. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 2nd NarutoxNegima: Nagi is in leaf village, the reason why he is there was because Minato, who is his best friend & the only man to tie and sometimes beat him in battle, child was being born today, but unfortunately it same day the demon lord Kyuubi attacks. When Nagi sees who village reacts to Naruto having Kyuubi sealed inside him, he gets pissed so he decides to take Naruto with him, but not before getting scrolls that hold Naruto's parents jutsu & some scrolls from the 3rd Hokage/Hiruzen, Tsunade, Jiraiya, & Kakashi(Allowed to add others). For 13 years later, Naruto is still being raised by Nagi, who helps him in his training/mastering of the Ninja and Sage arts already at a level were he can even give Nagi a real challenge and sometime end with tie in their one on one battles, but things change when they go back to Nagi's home world and village. There they see the village is under attack by demons, they fight till all the demons are gone. After the battle they find an injuried and unconscious Nekane and scaried 8 year old Negi. Nagi heals Nekane & talks to Negi and gives him his staff, he than asks Naruto to stay to help guide his son to be a master mage, Naruto promises that he well. 2 years later, Naruto has master & prefected all jutsu from the scrolls including his father's, he has also learn everything about Nagi's world thanks to the Shadow Clone Jutsu, also today is the day that Negi graduates & get the assignment that he most do to become a Master Mage. When Naruto hears the assignment is to be teacher at all girl scool in Japan, he knows that he most go with him to keep his promise to Negi's father. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto cannot go back to his world until Negi becomes a Master Mage. 3rd NarutoxNegima: It be thousands/millions of years since Naruto became Kishin(English-Demon God), but still remembers how Kami asked him to kill the Devil and become it's ruler so that there can be peace between Heaven and Hell. Today Naruto hears from one of men that some of evil Demons are attacking a village and are turning people into stone so Naruto decides goes there himself to take care of the problem. After killing most of the evil demons, then curing the villagers of the stone curse he runs into Nagi and Negi Springfield. He learns the reason the evil demons attack the village was because they where after Negi since he was Nagi's son so with this new info Naruto decides to stay to watch over Negi incase anymore bad demons attack him. Years later Naruto goes with Negi to complete his assignment to become a Master Mage, but know they are both about to start a great adventure. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxStar Wars: At young age Naruto finds a temple that belonged to anicents, the being that were the first masters of cosmic engergy know as the Force. Naruto learns how to use the Force like no other Jedi Master or Sith Lord can because Naruto learns not the light or darkness of the Force, but the very thing that makes & is the Force itself. Star Wars chracter well show up, but not until Naruto is in his late teens/young ault(so these would be the sequal after Naruto takes care of all his enemies on his own world), but that is only if they show up, you can Naruto use a ship he finds in the temple & travel the galaxy at young age if you want(It most be during the Clone Wars). Naruto & Anakin are to be the same age. Naruto is also train by Kyuubi in the ways Ninja so Naruto well become a master of the Force which is an energy of the universe & Master of Chakra which is the energy of the body & in nature. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxPokemon: Kyuubi instead of being of Chakra it was a being of Aura. So when mob attacks when he is 5 years old, Kyuubi open a portal that sends Naruto to a world of Aura instead of Chakra. Here an unconscious Naruto is found by Delia Ketchum(Before you ask, yes Naruto replaces Ash, unless Ash is female and paired up with Naruto). Meanwhile Naruto in has woken up inside his mind & meets Kyuubi. Kyuubi tells Naruto of new world & decides to teach Naruto how to use Aura(Before you ask, no Kyuubi is not pokemon, he/she is the Demon King/Queen so whatever new world he/she steps into he/she learns everything about it in a instant). 3 years later, Naruto Uzumaki Ketchum(or Naruto Ketchum Uzumaki, whatever sounds best to you) goes in the woods & saves a Riolu(male or female) from a flock of Spearow attacking it(Before you ask, yes Riolu well replace Pikachu).5 years later, Naruto starts his journey to be a Pokemon Master with his best friend & partner Lucario (Yes, Riolu evolves & is at high level because Kyuubi decided to him train him/her as they well because she felt how closer he/she is to Aura then other Pokemon & he/she is the Demon King/Queen so his/her teaching style would be no holds bar). Naruto well be interested in all fields that involves Pokemon so he well be going to Gyms & Contests(Naruto well know everything about the fields of Pokemon thanks to Kyuubi inputting the knowledge & having him practice & master those fields because he ask for it so he would Best Pokemon Master ever). This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also female Pokemon are allowed only if they learn to use Aura to turn into a human form or into a Pokegirl(Hay, no has said what all powers/abilities of Aura can do), also you can have the guys turn into girls(except Naruto). Also Naruto is allowed to catch Legendary Pokemon. Also you may have Naruto turn into a half-demon from all from Kyuubi's Aura that got into him from he/she used to send him to Pokemon world. Lastly, Naruto and Kyuubi are the only Naruto characters. NarutoxUnderworld: Naruto's parents were of two lost clan. Kushina(Naruto's mom) was of the Koumori(In English: Bat) clan which was the main branch of the Uchiha clan. Minato(Naruto's dad) was of the Okami(In English: Wolf) clan which was the main branch of the Inuzuka clan. When attacked by a mob, Naruto awakes his parents' bloodline which have fused together(Meaning goes all Hybrid on the mob). Now the Uchiha clan are good in this world so no plan of overthrowing the village. Naruto does get trian by both the Uchiha clan & the Inuzuka clan. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Hana, FemKiba, FemSasuke, & FemItachi in it, also your allowed to have turn other guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxInfamous: Hiruzen Sarutobi(3rd Hokage) gives Naruto an artifact(the Ray Sphere) from old era as gift for his 4th birthday. At night Naruto gets attack for the very frist time is attack by a mob. Being afraid Naruto starts to runaway, but turns back to get his gift from Hiruzen, but the time he gets it the mob has finally broke in his apartment. Naruto sends out a pulse of chakra for help, but that pulse actives his gift wiping out six city blocks. The only survivor is Naruto, when awaking discovers his new powers. When Hiruzen sees this he asks a favor from the Raikage(who is Kirabi's/Killer Bees's Big Brother & the Hyuga event never happend, meaning Neji father is alive & Konoha and Kumo are allies)to have him train Naruto. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Yugito, Samui, & Karui in it, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxBleach: The Shinigami that was summoned by Yondaime/Minato Namikaze to seal Kyuubi no Kitsune was no normal Shinigami, it was the First & King of Shinigami. After the sealing has been done the Spirit King decides to unlock Naruto's Zanpakuto spirit so it can act as a guard prison for the Kyuubi. 6 years later, Naruto, who hides his true power & genius behind a mask of stupidity & smiles gets attacked by a mob, but here fate changes for Naruto when he unleashed Kyuubi’s Chakra & unlocked his own Shinigami powers. Later Naruto when he wakes in his mind here meets Kyuubi(who is no along under the control of Madara Uchiha) & his Zanpakuto's spirit. They all agree that they have to leave the village for time being because of Naruto unleashing Kyuubi’s Chakra the council may go after his head. During his time outside the village Naruto well be trained by Kyuubi in the Ninja arts (this well include his parents Jutsu because Naruto does know how his parents are already) & Sage arts & by his Zanpakuto in the Shinigami arts. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Oh, couple more things, one is that Naruto's & Ichigo's world are in separate dimension, but are close on how time moves so meaning Ichigo & Naruto are close to being the same age this also gives a reason on why there aren't any Shinigami & Hollows in Naruto's dimension because it would be impossible to sense any Reiryoku(english-Spiritual Power)/Reiatsu(english-Spiritual Pressure) from another dimension, but if your thinking then this well be just Naruto with Shinigami powers than no because of the Garganta if you don't know what this is, it is the Technique used by Arrancar & powerful Shingami(Kaname Tosen and Kisuke Urahara have demonstrated the ability to use the technique) to move to and from Hueco Mundo(or better known as the Hollows' home world). What Garganta does is that it literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating worlds so you have were Arrancar/Powerful Shingami use it & accidentally end up going to Naruto's world or Naruto learns it & travels to Ichigo's World(This info is base of fact that I got from bleach websites). Last things is that I already have some ideas for the spirit of Naruto's Zanpakuto which I well only tell the person who takes this challenge, but that doesn't mean you can't come up with your own, but just remember it was to Kyuubi's better or equal. 2nd NarutoxBleach: After his death, Naruto is taken under the wings of the Death God & later is made into the King of Shinigami bcause he is the frist human to gain the powers of death. Thousands maybe even Billions of Years later, Naruto gets bored & decides to take break so give the control back to the Death God and goes to Soul Society where after exploring all of Rukongai/Rukon districts he decides to go under cover by become student at the Shinigami school & later a Shinigami. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Naruto can be a Vizard or even the perfect hybrid between a Shinigami and a Hollow if you wish. 3rd NarutoxBleach: After his death, instead of going to Heaven, Hell, and even Soul Society Naruto becomes a Hollow, but not into a normal Hollow because of the seal Naruto absorbes of Kyuubi spirit energy. This makes him evolve into a Hollow stage that is even stronger than the Vasto Lordes, which almost looks like a fallen angel, but what is most intresting thing is Naruto doesn't have a Hollow's hole & he has no hunger for souls, Naruto has become the immposible a Hollow who's hunger that has been filled. Millions of years later Naruto is living on the moon of the Hollow World and has master all the skills/abilities of Hollows below his level & also skills/abilities that only he has and he has being every were in the Hollow World, but now he is bored of the Hollow World so he decides to good to Soul Society where he ends up in Rukon/Rukongai District 80(or goes to the human world when he feels Ichigo become a Shinigami). This is were Naruto second adventure beings. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, there is no other Naruto characters allowed. 4th NarutoxBleach: It been a couple thousand years since Naruto had to become the new Kyuubi in order to defeat Madara & the other 8 tailed beasts, also was forced to leave his friends and family to hide so that no one would look for the power of tailed beasts. Over the years Naruto has completely mastered the Ninja arts, completely mastered the Sage arts, he has grown 3 tails making him even stronger then the Juubi, and has been named Inari/Oinari the Fox God because when ever he left his hiding place to help people he disappear, which made people think he was God who comes heavens to help them. Also, Naruto has notice many changes over the years. The most important ones are that the ninja world he knew has completely disappear(his guess on this is the people of his era destroyed all knowledge of their era so people wouldn't know of the tailed beasts and that 2nd Madara wouldn't come about), spirit eaters named Hollows have shown up, & lastly human spirits have some how become Shinigami(his guess on this is the original Shinigami just decide to be lazy and let humans do his job for him). For a time Naruto watches the fights between the Hollows and the Shinigamis, also stealthly hitchhiking a rides from Shinigamis to go check out Soul Society(were Naruto can meet Shinigami and the future Vizards) and Hollows(were Naruto can meet the future Arrancars) to check out Hueco Mundo so that he can have better understanding on two beings, but things interesting thing when living human boy named Ichigo gains the powers of a Shinigami and so Naruto's next great adventure begins. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, there is no other Naruto characters allowed. 5th NarutoxBleach: It be thousands/millions of years since Naruto became Kishin(English-Demon God), but still remembers how Kami asked him to kill the Devil and become it's ruler so that there can be peace between Heaven and Hell. There is still few evil demons after the devils death, but they where easily taken care of. Today tho the Death God has come to him telling that 3 of his/her Shinigami( Aizen, Gin, and Tosen) had betrayed him/her and plan on killing her/him. Naruto being bored and not wanting to do anymore paper work decide to go himself instead sending one of his fellow demons to help out the Shinigami. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 6th NarutoxBleach: Naruto Uzumaki, he is the Captain of Zero Division, he is last of the first human spirits to become Shinigami, he is first Shinigami to gain Hollow powers(when this happen way before Central 46 was made), he is the only Shinigami to have become a captain for every division, and is the only Shinigami to have 3 Zanpakuto with 3 different spirits. His 3 Zanpakutos' names are Honou no tenshi(The Angel of Great Flames), who was born from Naruto's great belief of the Will of Fire that the 3rd Hokage had taught him, Fujin(The Wind God), who was born from Naruto's spirit by being one with the wind, Inari/Oinari(The Fox God/Goddess), who was born from the purified spirit of Kyuubi inside of Naruto(PS-Inari/Oinari makes Naruto immune to Aizen's illusions). Today Naruto has been given a mission by the Original Shinigami. His mission is go undercover at Soul Society because he fells there are traitors that seek to kill him. From here it is up to you on what happens. K, the pairing is to be a NarutoxMassive Harem, also you're allowed to turn guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto is the only Naruto Character and don't have to use my Zanpakuto ideas. 7th NarutoxBleach: After the Kyuubi was sealed inside Naruto, the Death God decides to bless Naruto by giving him bloodlines that have never been seen. The names for bloodlines are Spirit Sword, Spirit Fist, Spirit Arrow, Spirit Fairies, Spirit Puppet, and Spirit Mask(Basically Naruto is given the powers of a Shinigami, Sado/Chad's Armored Arms, a Quincy, Orihime's Fairies, a Bount, and a Hollow). How well the future change with this development. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto and his children are the only ones to have the powers from Bleach. 8th NarutoxBleach: After Naruto dies(You decide how Naruto dies), he goes to Soul Society's Rukon District 80 instead of going to Heaven or Hell. Here Naruto becomes a legend with his Zanpakuto, Bishamonten(The Japanese God of War, Warriors, Fortune, and the Punisher of Evildoers). He becomes man that cleans all of the rukon district of crime and is the only man to ever make Kenpachi feel fear for his life once. He also some one that is impossible to find for the Shinigami, even for 2nd Division. Many years later, Naruto finally decides to pay a visit Seireitei after hears of group of people have blasted themselves in. Watch out Shinigami because Naruto about about to cause some chaos. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto and maybe Kyuubi are the only Naruto characters allowed, also Bishamonten doesn't have to be Naruto's Zanpakuto. 9th NarutoxBleach: Minato Namikaze, he was one of the greatest Shinigami/Soul Reaper to ever come. He was Shinigami/Soul Reaper who has been and mastered everything you could learn in all Gotei 13/13 Court Guard Squads, he was personally trained by Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, he became the Greatest of 2nd Division, he was the creator of the Onmitsukido/Stealth Force, he had gained the title "Flash God", he was teacher of Yoruichi Shihoin(You may give Minato other students like Kisuke Urahara and Isshin Kurosaki)he was given a Noble Status and his family would become the 6th Noble Family of Soul Society(If you don't remember the 5th Noble Family was once the Shiba Family, but later they loss/drop their Noble Status after Kaien Shiba's death), and he was one that was going to replace Yamamoto as Captain of the 1st Division and Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13/13 Court Guard Squads. But one day, Minato left Soul Scoity forever when he fell in love with Woman/Female Quincy/Female Fullbringer named Kushina Uzumaki. Together they got married and had child named Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. Here our story begins. Okay now let me explain some things about this challenge. First this challenge is basically a "What if?" Naruto and his parents are part of the world/dimension of Bleach instead. Now, the story is about Naruto not Minato, I was just giving Minato a back ground story for you guys who take on this challenge. Now let explain the rules of this challenge. First is Naruto and his parents are the only Naruto character allowed in the story. Second the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Finally, I well allow Naruto's parents to tell about their secret and train Naruto in his Shingami powers and his Quincy or Fullbring powers if you decide Kushina not to be a normal human. 10th NarutoxBleach: How was Ichigo able to win against Aizen when he had Hogyoku an item said to grant anyone's' desires? The answer is that Aizen didn't have the Real Hogyoku! Here it turns out that the Hogyoku some how became sentient and decided to look for the right person to become it's master. It leaves a weaker copy of itself in the Bleach Dimension as it leaves to travel through Time, Space, Realities, Dimensions, and ect till finds one worthy enough to be it's master. It finally finds the one to become his master and it's a boy named Naruto Uzumaki, who has chosen because of his strong will against the pain he endures thanks to him being the Jinchuriki of Kyuubi. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, this can become a Massive Crossover story. NarutoxDot Hack: Naruto finds a bracelet in seal on forbidden scroll & decides to put it on. When suddenly it glows & shots out something which opens a portal that suck Naruto in. Naruto wakes in world of shadows until a voices asks somethings ask things like "Name ?", "Were you live?", & "What class you want to be?". The last one Naruto doesn't understand ask what does it mean. A list appears before Naruto showing him all the classes & the voice tells what each of are & what they can do. Naruto see who they are all so cool wishes he can be all of them. Suddenly the bracelet glows & class called "Master" appears & the voice says it has power of all classes put together(As you can see the bracelets power is to control or hack into "The World") and more. Naruto takes it & is then sent into the world. Many months/years later, Naruto in "The World" has made may friends & has becomes very powerful, he finally learns how open portal back to his world. Naruto awakes to see that not even a second has gone by in his world & that everything from "The World" is with him, including the power & abilities(This works the same for Dot Hack chracters when they go to Naruto's world so that way people from their world don't get worried). This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxTenjho Tenge or/& Ikki Tousen: When Kyuubi was sealed inside Naruto awoken the Rinnegan. Seeing that boy has/her creators bloodline & hearing the villagers & ninjas wanting his death, Kyuubi decides to send Naruto to another world were Naruto is found by monks of a near by Temple(Your choices of which God/Goddess the temple is for & who the monks praise: Inari/Goddess of Foxes, Fujin/God of Wind, or Kami/Goddess of Heaven). For 15 years Naruto lives with monks & is trian by them and he has also made contact Kyuubi, who also trians him. But now Naruto has to leave now & go to high school which Naruto thinks well be boring, but does know how wrong he is because on very frist day of school an adventure awaits for Naruto. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lasly, Naruto is the only Naruto character. NarutoxOh My Goddess!/Ah! My Goddess: Naruto has been keeping a secret from everyone & that secret is that he isn't human, well else not fully human. He really is 1/3 God, 1/3 Demon, & 1/3 Human, the reason for this is because one of his ancestors had feel in love & child with a First Class Goddess & another ancestors had feel in love & a child First Class Demoness so when Kyuubi, who is an Earth Spirit was sealed inside him it awoken the 2 bloods with in him which is shown by what people think are whisker marks because of Kyuubi are really marks of his demonic & holy hairitage. So Naruto hides who really is behind a mask of idiot & weakling when he really smarter then the whole Nara Clan & strong enough to destoy the Ten Tail Beast/Jubi, but now his secret is at risk at being dicovered all because he made one call for home delivery Ichiraku Ramen, but instead he gets the Goddess Help Line. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Belldandy, Urd, Peorth, & Skuld in it(You are allowed to make Skuld older), also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Now if you reading this closely you would have notice I haven't writen when this begins, the reason is because I am allowing you to choose so it can be before Naruto becomes a ninja, during Naruto part 1, during Naruto Shippuden, or even after Naruto Shippuden. 2nd NarutoxOh My Goddess!/Ah! My Goddess: Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, a boy who had saved the world from Madara, defeated the Jubi, & brought peace to the world because of this he is know as the world's strongest ninja & world's greatest hero. But there is there one thing Naruto whats & that is a girlfriend, but unfortunately for Naruto all girls he knows are now taken by all boys he knows leaving him with just fangirls that lust only for his body & family fortunate, but fate decides to help Naruto out. When Naruto decides to call for some home delivery ramen, he instead Goddess Help Line & meets the goddess named Belldandy. Here a another new adventure beings for Naruto. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Belldandy, Urd, Skuld(Older), & Peorth, other female characters of Oh My Goddess!/Ah! My Goddess are allowed to be in the harem, but there some Naruto girls are aloud as well(examples: filler/movie girls, Konan, & the Fifth Mizukage). NarutoxRosario Vampire: When Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze died, the Shinigami choose him to be his avatar, better known as the Grim Reaper, Angel of Death, or Kamikage(this my idea what they called the Death Avatar in the Ninja Era), to collect the souls of the damned. After his training under the Shinigami, Naruto is sent to Yokai Academy so he can learn to blend in the New Modern Era. Here Naruto meets a Vampire named Moka Akashiya by being hit with her bike & here is were Naruto's new adventure begins. K, The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also Tsukune is not part of the story at all, but you can have his cousin, Kyouko in it or Tsukune is a girl instead. Lastly, there are no other Naruto characters, but Female Kyuubi is allowed, but has to be in the harem, if not then Kyuubi was Male & was absorbed by Naruto. 2nd NarutoxRosario Vampire: It be thousands/millions of years since Naruto became Kinshin(English-Demon God), but still remembers how Kami asked him to kill the Devil and become it's ruler so that there can be peace between Heaven and Hell. There is still few evil demons after the devils death, but they where easily taken care of. Today Naruto has gotten very boredso decides to good under covered as a student Youkai Academy so he can see how things are going with the school built Demons could live among the humans in peace. On first day there Naruto is almost hit by a bike, but he is able to dodge and catch the girl how fell off it. The girl says her name is Moka and she is Vampire. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 3rd NarutoxRosario Vampire: Instead of being born in his world Naruto was born in the world of Rosario Vampire. Here Naruto is the last of the Ice Dragons(or Elemental Dragon, which basically means he controls all the elements), which are the most powerful race of monsters, but though to be gone forever when the last of them disappeared, which means no one knows that Naruto is an Ice Dragon so at first they think he the same type of elemental monster as Mizore. K, choices are that Naruto replaces Tsukune or Naruto comes later on in the school, where Tsukune is female or cousin took his place. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Mizore and Tsurara(Mizore's mom) because in this their monster race worshiped the Ice Dragons(or Elemental Dragons) for their Godlike Control over Ice. Lastly, Naruto has already completely mastered his powers/abilities so he doesn't need a seal like Moka. NarutoxTekken: The Jubi was know to be a beast of unstoppable power, but what people don't know is that the Jubi was once human. That person became the Jubi was given a power from an unknown origin & that he or she lost control of power which caused her or him to become the Jubi. The name of this power was called the Devil Gene. Now we go to 6 year Naruto, who is being attack mob of villagers & ninjas that tell him reason why they hate him so much before setting him on fire, but Naruto is fated to die instead he some how awakens the Devil Gene himself & absorbs Kyuubi completely. Naruto takes his vengeance on, then leaves to the village to the home that belong to person that became the Jubi, how he know it's location is because when Naruto absorbed Kyuubi, he got not just Kyuubi's memories, but also some of the Jubi's & the person that became the Jubi memories. There for 6 years before going back to the Konoha, Naruto completes the trianing the last holder of Devil Gene couldn't. K, now rules: NarutoxTotal Drama Island/Action: Naruto is an ANBU Captain, who has been taking a lot of mission, even sometimes alone which cause Tsunade to worry so she decides to give/force Naruto a vacation at five star resort, but what she really has done is put Naruto in reality game show called Total Drama Island. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). This takes place after Naruto Shippuden so is mostly focused on humor & only action well be from challenges of Total Drama Island/Action. NarutoxFinal Fantasy 7: The final battle between Cloud & Sephiroth, they rip a hole in space & time which sucks them in & sends them to Naruto's world where they end up being sealed inside Naruto along with Kyuubi. 4 years later Naruto ends up in his mindscape after mob attacks him, here he meets Cloud, Sephiroth, & Kyuubi, who all decide to train Naruto, but for their own reason, Sephiroth who wishes to make Naruto just like himself, Cloud because it is the right thing to do after seeing how Naruto has been treat all his life & to make should Sephiroth doesn't make Naruto just like him, & Kyuubi because it does want weak jailer(if Kyuubi is female, then another reason would be because she plans on making Naruto into her mate). K, now rules: 2nd NarutoxFinal Fantasy 7: 3rd NarutoxFinal Fantasy 7: After failing to retrieve Sasuke the Civilian and Elder council banish Naruto from Konoha. Before he leaves, Tsunade and Jiraiya gave Naruto his parent's wills and all of his inheritance, also he is given many gifts from his friends, family, and allies. After leaving Konoha, the Kyuubi no Kitsune offered to send him/her and Naruto to another dimension where he could start a new life. Naruto agrees and Kyuubi creates a dimensional portal. He crashes into the forests of Neibelheim and when he wanders around the forest, he sees a 12 Year old Tifa Lockhart being attacked by a pack of monsters and Naruto fights them off but gets severely injured during the process. When he awakens, Naruto finds himself in the Lockheart's home recovering and meets Tifa and her Father. From here you decide what happens. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Cloud isn't in this story, Naruto has taken his place. 4th NarutoxFinal Fantasy 7: During a battle between Vincent & Weiss, they rip a hole in space & time which sucks them in & sends them to Naruto's world where they end up being sealed inside Naruto along with Kyuubi. 4 years later Naruto ends up in his mindscape after mob attacks him on his birthday. Here he meets Vincent, Weiss, & Kyuubi, who all decide to train Naruto. After some talking, Vincent, Weiss, & Kyuubi decide to train Naruto. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 5th NarutoxFinal Fantasy 7: During a battle between Cloud and Vincent vs Weiss and Genesis, they rip a hole in space & time which sucks them in & sends them to Naruto's world where they end up being sealed inside Naruto along with Kyuubi. 4 years later Naruto ends up in his mindscape after mob attacks him on his birthday. Here he meets Cloud, Genesis, Vincent, Weiss, & Kyuubi, who all decide to train Naruto. After some talking, Cloud, Genesis, Vincent, Weiss, & Kyuubi decide to train Naruto. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Sephiroth could show inside Naruto as well because Cloud and Genesis have Jenova cells inside and Sephiroth is the so called Son of Jenova. 6th NarutoxFinal Fantasy 7: On Planet Gaia there existed three superpowers. They were Shinra, Wutai and another called Elementia. Like Wutai, Elementia is a continent that is based off of ninja and samurai and is based off the Five Main Elements. They are Fire Country, Water Country, Earth Country, Lightning Country, and Wind Country which are ruled over by two powers the Elemental Lords and the Kages who are considered to be the strongest in their country and rule over the ninja of the country. The Strongest out of the five is Fire country and the continent has been allied with Wutai ever since. Shinra decided to go to war with the two super powers for their resources. NarutoxMetal Gear Solid: 4 year old Naruto wakes inside his mind after being attack by a mob. There he meets Kyuubi & his father, but also someone else as well. The person is Big Boss himself, who than tells Naruto that he is his reincarnation. What end up happening from there is Naruto gets taught by both Big Boss & Kyuubi well his father downloads info into his head on training steps on his jutsu before going to the after life. Over the years Naruto hides his true skill, knowledge, & power which is already above Kage level behind a mask of idiot & what he really looks like under a Demon Genjutsu & as well as makes guns by sneaking into forges late at night to make them. Naruto also plans on leaving Konoha because doesn't want to deal with the all trouble the village well give him in long run & also way should work for village that wants to kill him so when ever he sees a the chance to leave he well take it. The chance finally comes when Mizuki comes to him after 'failing' his 3rd time so what happens that night is Naruto steals the Forbidden Scroll. Later Iruka finds him, but is soon attacked by Mizuki, here Naruto puts his plan into action so what he does is make two clones one to take his place & the other one to take the Forbidden Scroll's place by using a Demon Genjutsu & has them jump Mizuki and has them use a Paper Bomb/Exploding Tag to make it look like he sacrificed himself taking Mizuki & Forbidden Scroll with him. After finally being free of the village, Naruto than starts his other plans which is to gather all the other Jinchuriki & start his own village as well(You choose which plan goes frist). The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). One last thing, Naruto can make Metal Gears & Super Ninja/Soildier Suits, if you are thinking that is impossible because Naruto is technology level is to low than can you explan to how they were able to make the Chakra Armor from Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, the device that turned Land of Snow to the Land of Springs from Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, the giant mobile fortress that could drill under ground from Naruto The Movie 2: Legend Of The Stone Of Gelel, the weapons that Ninjas from Takumi Village had in final filler/episodes of part 1 of Naruto, the gliders which allowed the Sky Ninja wore to fly in Naruto Shippuden 2: Bonds, the flying island known as Land of the Sky from Naruto Shippuden 2: Bonds, & Pein's Asura path which was just like an android, if anything Naruto technology level is higher than are own which means Naruto could make even better versions of Metal Gears & Super Ninja/Soildier Suits. NarutoxTenjho Tenge: Naruto is from lengendary Namikaze Clan which had the 13th & most powerful red feather power of all, the Dragon's Heart. This power allowed the clan to go beyond the limits on what man can do which also allowed them to master master the other clans red feather powers which was why they were all killed by the other clans in one night & the only survivor was 6 year old Naruto Namikaze because he ran away with the family scrolls(this causes Naruto to later make promise to never run away again). 9 year later, Naruto has mastered his power & his family techniques thanks to Monks from the Dragon Temple that raised him who also help get rid of his want of revenge, but Naruto wants pay back by showing everyone that the Namikaze clan is still on top, he now is going in his frist year at Toudou Academy, but instead of going under the name Namikaze he goes under the name Uzumaki because he wants it to be a surpise that there is still one Namikaze alive & they are still on top. As have you seen/read the basic idea of this challenge is Naruto being part of Tenjho Tenge world instead of his own world. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Aya & Maya in it, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto is the only Naruto character in this story. NarutoxThe Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: After listening to Naruto's words, Pein decides to test Naruto by sending him to another world where an evil that keeps returning even tho it has be destroyed many times, which is about come again pretty soon. Naruto agrees to test before he leaves tho Pein gives Naruto all his knowledge on Wind Jutsu to help him on his quests. Naruto is sent through a portal where he finds himself in Ordon Village & he also finds a strange tattoo of 3 gold triangles, which are all glowing in a different color, the top triangle glows red, the bottom left triangle glows blue, & the bottom right glows green. Months go by, the evil that Naruto waits for has yet to come, but the meantime he has made friends with all people of the village, the cloest be Link & Ilia. During that time Naruto stays at Link's place and discoveries what the tattoos mean when he saw Link had one & asked what it meant and Naruto also masters all Wind Jutsu Pein gave to him. The day finally comes for Naruto when strange creatures appear when he and Link were suppose deliver gifts to the royal family of Hyrule Castle & so adventure begins. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also if wish Naruto learn more than just Wind Jutsu, then it has to be Fire & Water. NarutoxNinja Gaiden/Dead or Alive: 22 year old ANBU Captain, Toad Sage, & 2nd Yellow Flash, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze has been invited to join next Dead or Alive tournament. Whenhe gets there he runs into an old childhood friend and rival, both never thought they would see each other when his clan moved out of the Hidden Nation. Who is his friend you may ask, well it is Ryu Hayabusa himself. This takes place after Naruto Shippuden so no Akatsuki & Madara. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Ayane & Kasumi it, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 2nd NarutoxNinja Gaiden/Dead or Alive: Instead of being in their world Naruto's family was in Ninja Gaiden/Dead or Alive world, where they are know as the Storm clan, They also had sword called "Susanoo's Blade", which was the equal of Hayabusa clan's "Dragon Blade". They were allied withHayabusa clan, but not weren't allied with Mugen Tenshin clan because of how they treat Ayane. Now you decide how Naruto life turns out from here on. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, your allowed to have Naruto's family take Ayane from theMugen Tenshin clan. 3rd NarutoxNinja Gaiden/Dead or Alive: When 4 years old Naruto, he was attacked by a mob of villagers and ninja. This causes him to go to his mindscape, were he meets Kyuubi and a man named "Ryu Hayabusa", who tells Naruto that he is his reincarnation. After some talking, they all agree that Naruto should leave the village because it well only hold him back and that it doesn't deserve someone like him. In 12 years, Naruto becomes a true master of ninja and sage arts. He is also the very first summoner of dragons, who have given him two very special gifts. One is called the "Ryuugan"(In English it means "Dragon's Eye"), which is dojutsu that is equal or even better than the legendary Rinnegan. The other one is a Dragon Sword, which is even better than Ryu's because his made by actually dragons. Because of all these things, Naruto gains the title of "Ryuukage"(In English it means "Dragon Shadow") and becomes the first to gain SSS-Rank in all Bingo Books. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you are allowed to have reincarnations of the girls in Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive. 4th NarutoxNinja Gaiden/Dead or Alive: 3 year old Naruto is dealt a mortal blow from mob that slowly kills him and the Kyuubi grew desperate to save him used an unknown power that only she/he possesses because she is the largest fragment of the original Juubi's power and mind. When she uses that power it calls the other tailed beasts to her regardless of being sealed or running wild. The hosts of the tailed beasts live from the removal, keep the powers they had gain from their tailed beasts, and get to live normal lives. Kyuubi than becomes the new Juubi and gains all the power and memories of the original Juubi, the other fragments, and some memories of Sage of Six Paths. With this new power, she/he rips hole in time and space to send her and Naruto to another dimension. Here Naruto is found found by Ryu Hayabusa's mother(You well be the one to give her name). After talking with her husband, they take Naruto in as their son. Over the years, Naruto is taught by Joe/Ken and by the New Juubi(You well be the one to give him/her name) in the Ninja Arts. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you are allowed to have Naruto replace Ryu. NarutoxFullmetal Alchemist: The were Naruto was suppose to become a ninja instead becomes the night Iruka dies. Kyuubi feeling sorry for it's container decides to talk to Naruto & some how end up being good friends quickly. They talk a bit more & both decide to go to another dimension because Naruto failed his 3rd time can't try again to become a Ninja and can't leave the village because the council would have him hunted down. Years later in his new home, Naruto has learned many thinks thanks to Shadow Clone Jutsu & Kyuubi, he has learned how to fight from the Ishvalan Warrior Monks, Ninjas from Xing nation, & Kyuubi, he knows how to use every gun that has been ever made, & finally he invent a type of Alchemy that is impossible to beat for the source need to use it can never run out & when fully unleashed could destroy a whole city, but also can heal any injury. The Alchemy that Naruto has made is Lightning Alchemy. Now Naruto is either going to join the military so head of the military and bring peace to the land or he stays as freelancer. Lastly, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Olivia Armstrong & Riza Hawkeye in it, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 2nd NarutoxFullmetal Alchemist: When mob attack on 6 year old Naruto leads to him losing both his arms and legs the 3rd Hokage/Hiruzen Sarutobi finally grows a back bone and takes Naruto immediately to world's most advanced village. Here the people create Naruto prosthetic limbs, which named Automail. They use the strongest metal that with stand anything, places seal so they can use chakra so Naruto can still use Jutsu, gravity seals to make them light as feather so they don't weight Naruto to stop him from growing, growth seals so they grow with Naruto, & even place hidden weapons on them(examples: elbow blades and heel blades). Before leaving they give Hiruzen special Jutsu only Naruto can use because of the Automail and also ask to keep in contact so they can tell him when they can give Naruto upgrades & even more Jutsu. When getting back to the village, the Hiruzen finds out that some of the council is trying to make Danzo the Hokage, how unfortunate for those council and Danzo that Hiruzen has grown a back bone and takes care of them quickly by showing why he was nicknamed the God of Shinobi. After taking that little problem, he decides to take care of other problems like how easy the Ninja School is(one thing he does is increase the age of graduation to 15 or 16), how people don't listen to law of missing around with Naruto, & finally how he is the only taking care of Naruto(Major Bashing against Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kakashi, Rin(if Alive), Minato's friends, Kushina's friends, & Kushina's students(if any) during this part). After all this he decides to tell Naruto of his parents and takes him under his wing, also maybe allow some people redeem themselves by help out with the training. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto), also Fullmetal Alchemist girls are allowed and idea how is they be daughters of the people that made Naruto's Automail or be just people of that village. 3rd NarutoxFullmetal Alchemist: When Naruto is beaten near to death by a mob on his 6th birthday, he ends up in his mindscape. Here he some how finds the Gate of Truth and opens it, which causes him to gain all the knowledge of Alchemy and Alkahestry(You can also add Jutsu if you want), also gaining the powers of a Human Philosopher's Stone and Homunculus. From you decide what Naruto does. Also you can have it that when Naruto opens the Gate of Truth, he absorbs Kyuubi, which means he gains all of Kyuubi's memories and powers, also he could become a human chimera. Lastly, when Naruto opens the Gate of Truth, you can have him been sent to the World of Fullmetal Alchemist and is allowed to go back his world afterwords. NarutoxClaymore: 4 year old Naruto was taken by "The Organization" to the other side of the world. What they did next to Naruto was they turned him into a Claymore, but they didn't just use the flesh and blood of Yoma. They also used the flesh and blood of Awakened Beings and other Claymore, which included the rest of the flesh and blood of Teresa of the Faint Smile that they didn't use on Clare. For 11 Years Naruto is trained by "The Organization" to become the Strongest and first ever Number Zero Claymore, but what they don't know when they were turning Naruto into a Claymore, he had meet the Kyuubi & the spirit of Teresa, who both secretly train Naruto in mastering the arts of the Ninja, Sage, & Claymore. Naruto finally decides to leave and go back to Ninja Nations, but first he kills some "The Organization" members, which puts him immediately at top of their wanted dead list. When Naruto reaches the Ninja Nation where his journery begins. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also Naruto is allowed to join any Ninja Village or even none at all. NarutoxBen 10: Naruto instead of being found by Kakashi after his battle with Sasuke at the Valley of the End is found by a Galvan, but not just any Galvan. This Galvan is Azmuth's older brother, Merlin, who was banished from his home world when he was found with blood of many alien races, which he planned on using the blood to create the ultimate life form(Rule, no evil Merlin). This where Naruto comes in because Merlin has been keeping an eye on Naruto wait for the chase to take him & turn him into the ultimate life form because Kyuubi makes him prefect to survive the operation need to be done on him. Naruto wakes on Merlin's ship and at first is ready to fight, but Merlin decides to tell Naruto what plans to do with ands says who he can use the power he gains to protect his important people. This convinces Naruto to go though the operation of having every alien DNA enjected into him, which also includes the DNA of the Anodites and the Celestialsapien. After the operation Naruto was put in a hyperbolic time chamber were 1 year in there is 1 day outside, the reason is so Naruto can master his new abilites/powers so he doesn't hurt anyone, but even better for Naruto is Merlin gave him a holocron that holds all his world's jutsu, which Merlin got by sending mini scan bots to scan all the scrolls on jutsu. 3 years later, which is 1096 years for Naruto if he stayed in hyperbolic time chamber the whole time, Naruto has master both all his alien abilities and all the jutsu in the holocron. Beforehe leaves to his home world Merlin ask Naruto to find & fight a boy named Ben Tennyson because he hold his little brother greatest creation & wishes to see how well his greatest creation fairs againist it. After the fight or more like Naruto kicking the shit out of Ben and Kevin & making Gwen whole body blush, Naruto becomes plumber, who is to be called on when something major happens and goes back to his world. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Gwen & Charmcaster in it, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto doesn't have to go back to the Leaf Village, he make his own village, which can even be in be space &/or on the moon. NarutoxZero no Tsukaima/The Familiar of Zero: It be thousands/millions of years since Naruto became Kishin(English-Demon God), but still remembers how Kami asked him to kill the Devil and become Hell's new ruler so that there can be peace between Heavenand Hell, which there is now. There is still few evil demons after the devils death, but they where easily taken care of. One day tho a portal opens in front of Naruto and him being bored at the time decides to go through it, which leads him being transported to another world by one girl, who is mage in training named Louise. Here Naruto 2nd greatest adventure begins as the Louise's familiar. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 2nd NarutoxZero no Tsukaima/The Familiar of Zero: It been a couple thousand years since Naruto had to become the new Kyuubi in order to defeat Madara & the other 8 tailed beasts, also was forced to leave his friends and family to hide so that no one would look for the power of tailed beasts. Over the years Naruto has completely mastered the Ninja arts, completely mastered the Sage arts, he has grown 3 tails making him even stronger then the Juubi was, and has been named Inari/Oinari the Fox God because when ever he left his hiding place to help people he disappear, which made people think he was God who comes heavens to help them. One day tho a portal opens in front of Naruto and him being bored at the time decides to go through it, which leads him being transported to another world by one girl, who is mage in training named Louise. Here Naruto 2nd greatest adventure begins as the Louise's familiar. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, there is no other Naruto characters allowed. 3rd NarutoxZero no Tsukaima/The Familiar of Zero Thousands of have pasted since Naruto had become the 2nd Sage of the Six Paths, become the 2nd Jinchuriki of the Juubi, and brought peace to his world. How this happen is that Naruto awoken his half of the Sage's chakra he already had for being a descendant of the Senju clan and awoken the other half of the Sage's, which he got from Itachi, which gave him the true Rinnegan during the his fight with Madara and the other tailed beasts, which he seals inside himself, which lead them becoming whole again. As for how he is still alive is because Naruto defeated Madara by taking his half of the Sage's chakra, which lead to Madara losing his immortality and his Sharingan. After that battle the Major Villages stayed to their alliance, which soon grew when the smaller villages joined, which lead to world peace. Right now Naruto is doing some R&R(Rest and Relaxation), but suddenly a portal opens up in front of him. Naruto being curious decides to see were the portal leads. He ends up at a magic school, where he has become the familiar of Louise. K, the pairing is NarutoxHarem to Massive Harem, also you're allowed to turn guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto and Juubi(if Naruto hasn't absorbed the Juubi) are the only Naruto characters. NarutoxDanny Phantom: After Naruto died instead of going to Heaven or Hell, he went to deepest parts of the Ghost Zone/World where the ghost are so strong that the weak one are just as strong as Pariah Dark the so called King of Ghost and it is even a place where the Observants can't see. After thousands/millions of years Naruto has become the ruler of deepest parts of the Ghost Zone/World(Can't think of name for it) and has completely master master both human ghost powers and his demonic ghost powers(Now Naruto demonic spirit either a Kitsune or a Spirit of Fire like from Shaman King because demonic spirits generate heat instead the cold). One day tho Naruto feels some ripe a portal to into the Ghost Zone/World and he decides to go see what the world looks like now. Watch out Amity Park because if you though ghost where bad before, then you really going to hate when Naruto comes to town. This story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly there is no other Naruto characters allowed. 2nd NarutoxDanny Phantom When Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze died, the Shinigami choose him to be his avatar, better known as the Grim Reaper, Angel of Death, or Kamikage(this my idea what they called the Death Avatar in the Ninja Era), to collect the souls of the damned. After thousands years of training under the Shinigami, Naruto is sent to Amity Park so he can take care of the ghosts/spirits that are causes chaos there. Watch out Amity Park because the Avatar of Death is coming. K, The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, there are no other Naruto characters, but Female Kyuubi is allowed, but has to be in the harem, if not then Kyuubi was Male & was absorbed by Naruto. NarutoxAvatar: The Kyuubi has had enough of how the villagers treat Naruto so she/he decides to contact the 4 year old boy. She/he tells Naruto that she/he well take him to another world where she/he well train him for 11 years, also she/he well make him into a half demon so that he can be even stronger than any normal human ninja and Jinchuuriki. The world that Naruto ends up on is Pandora where he is found by the Na’vi and after seeing all they could do Kyuubi and set deal with them, which is if they teach Naruto everything they know than Naruto well teach them the Ninja and the Sage Arts. After 11 years Naruto has learned learned everything from the Na'vi, is Kage level ninja in almost in all fields, is Master Sage, and has mastered Kyuubi's chakra which is all thanks to the special training of the shadow clones and little of him being a half-demon, but it is also his time to go back to his home world so this maybe the last time he sees them, but Naruto well miss his best friend, Neytiri the most(The events in the movie never happen). Tho luckily, Kyuubi gets a brilliant idea of make summoning contract for the Ne'vi where Naruto's family can only sign it. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly Naruto isn't allowed to be taller than 7 feet. NarutoxDigimon: During the final battle between Naruto and Sasuke, Naruto is able to put the finishing blow on him, but Sasuke uses Kamui, which sends Naruto to another world. The world that Naruto is sent to the Digital World where he is found by Fanglongmon/Huanglongmon, who after seeing the damage on Naruto tells Naruto that only way for him to be saved is that he becomes the tamer of two Digimon so he summon two digimon that become Naruto's partners, but their is side effect Naruto becomes 12 years old and the Digimon become a new type, which Fanglongmon/Huanglongmon decides to call Z Digimon, which are more powerful than the X Digimon and can use Chakra(K, now the choices for Naruto's digimon and who become Z Digimon are: Flamemon and Strabimon, Agumon and Gabumon, Dorumon and Ryudamon, 2 Dracomons, or the Dorumon from the 8th Digimon Film called "Digital Monster/Digimon X-Evolution"). After 6 years Naruto has his body back in shape and his Digimon have learn everything they could of the Ninja and Sage arts from Naruto. Now Naruto and partners decide to go to the Human World that is connected to the Digital World so Fanglongmon/Huanglongmon opens a portal for them, but unknowingly when they enter the Human World that they have attracted DATS and here their adventure begins(K, even tho this is during the tme of Digimon Data Squad/Digimon Savers doesn't mean kids from the other Digimon animes can't show. Like the children of the kids from the first and second digimon anime could be part of DATS, also the kids from Digimon Tamers and Digimon Frontier could be older now and be part of DATS). K, the story pairing is NarutoxYoshi or NarutoxHarem if it is just Digimon Data Squad/Digimon Savers, but add any other Digimon anime add means it has to be a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem. Also your allowed to have Female Digimon and turn the guys into girls(except Naruto) into the Harem. Lastly, Naruto is the only Naruto character and the main enemy/enemies of the story are the Seven Great Demon Lords of the Digital World and/or Chronomon. The Return of the Onikage: When the seal is damage by mob of villagers and ninjas when Naruto is 4 years old it rushes all of Kyuubi's chakra into his body, but instead of Naruto dyingand Kyuubi being released Demon Blood in Naruto is awaken and he absorbs Kyuubi, which means Kyuubidies and Naruto gets all of it's power and knowledge. The demon race that was inside Naruto was the blood of a Onikage, who were the most powerful and feared demon race ever because they where the masters of Shadow, Darkness, and Void, but thought to be long dead, but it seems now Naruto is last one alive and about to show world the true power of the Onikage. From here you decide what happens. Well Naruto be good,evil, or somewhere in between. Naruto'spowers/abilities well be similar to Alucard's from Hellsing, Pride's from Fullmetal Alchemist(the Manga and the 2nd Anime), Blackbeard's from One Piece, and Heartless from Kingdom Hearts, but also get added bonus of Shadow Jutsu, Darkness Jutsu, and Void Jutsu. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, only demons are know of the Onikage since they where thought to be dead for long time, also this can become a crossover with Rosario Vampire or Disgaea. NarutoxFairy Tail: Today is Naruto's 3rd birthday and after being attack and tortured by mob of villagers and ninja all he wishes is that he could leave the village and never come. Meanwhile Kyuubi, who finally has had enough of how Naruto is treated decides to make his wish come true by send him to another dimension. After reaching the dimension the badly injured Naruto is found by a dragon, but not just any dragon, but Bahamutthe King of Dragons himself and he has decided to raise Naruto. 18 years later Naruto has master all of magic and spells that Bahamut has taught him and has also meet Kyuubi and had forgiven her and had released her from the seal and both are lovers now. Today Naruto decides to leave to travel the world so with good bye to Dragon he thinks of as his father leaves to start his journey. The first Naruto goes to is town called Hargeon where he meets a boy with a weird cat named Natsu Dragneel. Naruto and Natsu become friends very quickly. Later that day they save a girl they meet early named Lucy from being turned into a slave. After saving Lucy, Natsu asks her and Naruto if they would like to join Fairy Tail and so here Naruto adventure as Fairy Tail member begins. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto and Kyuubi are the only Naruto character. 2nd NarutoxFairy Tail: Naruto is sent to the Fairy Tail Dimension near a lake(You decide how that happens). Here he is found by Nyneve the Queen of Fairies(Nyneve is one of various names given to "The Lady of the Lake", who is suppose to be Fairy and a ruler of a magical kingdom), who decides to take Naruto to her realm where her magical kingdom is at. Here Naruto is taught many forms and types of magic for many years, especially Fairy Magic. After many years, Naruto decides to leave and explore the realm where humans live, which is called Earth Land/Edolas(Yes, I am allowing you have Naruto's adventures to begin at Edolas, but remember because Naruto has magic he well be sent to Earth Land when Magic gets removed from it). Here Naruto's grand adventure life long begins. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, I well allow Nyneve can be the Queen of All Magical Creatures, which means she can ask/order someone like the Dragon King/Queen, Celestial Spirit King/Queen, Elf Queen/King, and etc to train Naruto. 3rd NarutoxFairy Tail: Naruto is sent to the Fairy Tail Dimension(You decide how that happens), where he is found by two extremely powerful mages, Fujin and Raijin. Here the two mages decide to take Naruto as their apprentice and teach him their most powerful magic, Lightning/Thunder God Slayer and Wind/Sky/Air God Slayer. Watch out Mage World because Naruto has arrived. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also Fujin and Raijin can teach Naruto other forms of magic(Examples: Speed Magic, Strength Magic, Flexibility Magic, Sound Magic(Raijin the Japanese God of Lightning is typically depicted as a demon beating drums to create thunder, usually with the symbol tomoe drawn on the drums), Molding Magic, and etc). Lastly, you can have Naruto also be trained by Suijin to learn the Water/Sea God Slayer Magic so that way in the future Naruto can create the Storm God Slayer Magic and maybe even Ice God Slayer Magic. 4th NarutoxFairy Tail: After having Kyuubi sealed inside him, new born Naruto is taken away from his dimension by Anima because the Kingdom of Edolas was ability to detected Kyuubi's power/Chakra after it was released from Kushina seal. Kyuubi sensing was is happening uses his power/Chakra to stop it, which makes Naruto appear in the Earth Land dimension, where he is found by Igneel, who takes Naruto back to his cave(Naruto well be replacing Natsu in this). Here Igneel goes into Naruto's mindscape because he feels Kyuubi's presence inside of Naruto. Here Kyuubi and Igneel agree that they well train and raise Naruto together so he can the world's strongest Ninja Mage. Over the years, Naruto shows he is a prodigy of the highest/rarest caliber and a hard worker that pushes pass his limits to extreme levels. Igneel being massively proud of his adopted son decides to make Naruto into his real son with Kyuubi's help of course. So one day, Igneel fills up a large cup/bowl with his blood and has Naruto drink it all, than starts pouring all of his magical into Naruto. Meanwhile inside of Naruto, Kyuubi fuses Igneel's DNA from his blood with Naruto, while he/she fuses half of Igneel magical energy with Naruto's own magical energy, and while he/she turns half of Igneel magical energy into Chakra and fuses it with Naruto's own Chakra. Here the most powerful and one of a kind Generation of Dragon Slayer is born. Many years later, Naruto masters his powers/abilities of being a True Dragon Hybrid, but unfortunately today is now 7th July of X777 and the Dragon King has summoned all Dragons to come to him. Naruto and Igneel have tearful goodbye and promise each other that they well meet again in the future. Here Naruto travels all over Earth Land having adventures, getting into trouble, making friends, saving peoples' lives, help people out, and learning more magic till he meets Makarov Dreyar the Master of Fairy Tail and decides to join Fairy Tail. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). 5th NarutoxFairy Tail: Naruto is sent to the Fairy Tail Dimension(You decide how that happens), where his unconscious body is found by a spirit/ghost, who takes Naruto to it's hidden home. Here Naruto wakes up and meets the spirit/ghost, who tells Naruto that he/she is "The Sorcerer/Sorceress Supreme", "The Grand Master/Mistress of All Magical Arts", "The First Mage", and "The Founder of Magic"(Yeah, basically the ghost/spirit is Fairy Tail's version of the Sage of Six Paths). He/She also tells Naruto that sees and feels that Naruto well be the one to become his/her one true student that well finally learn "The One Magic" from him/her and be given everything that she/he owns. After many years, Naruto has learned everything from the spirit/ghost including "The One Magic" and has been given everything that the spirit/ghost owned. Here Naruto starts his journey, but not before saying goodbye to the spirit/ghost, who is now moving on to the afterlife because he/she had finally found his/her one true student. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxShaman King: After Naruto had Kyuubi's chakra sealed Orochimaru during the 2nd part of Chunin Exams he wakes up inside his mind. He meets Kyuubi as predicted, but he meets two other people there as well. The first one says his names is Asakura Hao the Shaman King and that Naruto is his reincarnation, but they weren't able to fusesouls because of the Death God's seal and says if they could that Naruto would Master of the Godaiseirei(Five Grand Elemental Spirits). The other one says he is True Naruto and is here because when he was a baby council members put Restriction and Suppression seals all over his body, but has been trained by Kyuubi ever since than and is now master of all arts of Ninja and Sage including all of their father's jutsu. After hearing all of these Naruto wants them become one like should have been in the first place, but doesn't know how. Here Kyuubi decide to tell them there is way, but to do it is by removing half of the seal, but this well turn Naruto into a half-demon. The 3 spirits think for second before they all agree to do it. Here the Shaman King Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze's adventure begins by him waking up to the Sound Team attacking his team(or you can him wake earlier on so he can kick or kill Orochimaru's ass). The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto most find the Great Spirit/King of Spirits and become it's master later now and Naruto is to be the only shaman. 2nd NarutoxShaman King: Instead of being born in the ninja world Naruto Namikaze was born in the world of shamans, where he becomes best friends with Hao, but that changed when Hao's mother is killed. Hao started to believe humans are trash and the world should only have Shigami in it, but still believe humans could change and be saved. This lead the 2 fighting for thousands of years because even time they end up killing each other wouldreincarnate themselves in their clans, who became allies because of this. Thousands of years later Hao and Naruto are reborn again, but things are different because Hao has a twin brother with him. From here it is up to you on what happens. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto is the only Naruto character and his spirits have to be Seiryuu(The Azure Dragon of the East), Genbu(The Black Tortoise of the North), Suzaku(The Vermilion bird of the South), Byakko(The White Tiger of the West), and Huang Long(Yellow Dragon of the Center), who are the equals tothe Godaiseirei(The Five Grand Elemental Spirits). Naruto: The Birth of a Dragon God: When the Kyuubiis sealed inside Naruto it awakens a power that is in his blood. The unknown power is so strong that it devours the Kyuubi. This power is power of the Dragon. How Naruto got is that it seems his father's family are the descendants of Bahamut the Dragon God, who gave theSage of the Six Paths the Rinnegan and the knowledge of chakra to defeat the Juubi. Now watch as Naruto become a dragon so powerful that he can even make the Juubi shake in fear. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Bahamut is allowed to come take Naruto and raise/train him in the realm of god so Naruto can also get Goddesses in his harem. NarutoxWorld of Warcraft: After his death Kami asks Naruto to become Guardian of planet that is being created called Azeroth. Naruto agrees to this so Kami makes Naruto into the first Dragon and the only Golden Dragon. Now let set some thing straight. First, Naruto is going to be as old as the Titans/Makers/Travelers/Great Ones, but is more powerful than them because his powers came from Kami. Second, Naruto is natural so he wouldn't be on Alliance's side and Horde's side, but Naruto well be trying to end the war to bring world peace. Third, Naruto stays mostly in human form so everyone doesn't know of the Golden Dragon except for the Titans and Dragon Aspects, but they heard only about Naruto from the Titans and Alexstrasza searches for Naruto because he is suppose to be her husband. Forth, the story pairing most be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Alexstrasza in it. Fifth and Lastly, Naruto is the only Naruto character. 2nd NarutoxWorld of Warcraft: A rip in space and time appears in Valley of the End, when Naruto and Sasuke clash with the Cursed Chidori and the Kyuubi Rasengan. Naruto won the clash, which lead Sasuke slamming into the valley wall and going unconscious, but Naruto is unfortunately sucked inside the rip. The world that Naruto end up in is a world of Azeroth. When Naruto see the arts of the world, he decides to learn them. 6 years later, Naruto has mastered every art of Azeroth and his old home world, which thanks to the Shadow Clones special ability and Kyuubi. He also can use jutsu with seal because he learned how to copy the mana flow used for magic. He has also learned how to mix Mana and Chakra, which makes his jutsu and spell even better. Naruto is known as the Master of All Trades and the best freelancer/bounty hunter through out the world, but he is also one of the most hardest people to find, which makes many think he is just a myth. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also a suggestion(which means you don't really have to do this) for Naruto's look would be something like Jack of Blades's look from Fable. Lastly, Naruto and Kyuubi are the only Naruto characters. NarutoxSuperman: During the sealing of Kyuubi a space ship with a baby inside in it got in the way of the sealing so the baby's soul is immediately becomes one with or is absorbed by Naruto well the Kyuubi still gets sealed inside Naruto. Who is this alien baby you may ask? Well he would have be know as Superman if he had not got to Naruto's world. K, here is a list of Naruto's a things he gains, but remember these well be better and develop quicker than Superman's because of the Kyuubi: Kryptonian Physiology: Structure is more dense, resilient, and biologically more effective than human body. Superhuman Strength: The exact magnitude of his strength is unknown, but he can easily left a 100 Tons with one hand. Superhuman Intellect Regeneration Invulnerability Superhuman Stamina Flight Superhuman Speed: He is capable of enhanced reflex action and the ability to move at incredible speeds by sheer force of will. He is even faster than the Flash because of Kyuubi and him using chakra to give him a even greater boost. Superhuman Senses Self-Sufficiency: Doesn't need to eat and sleep. Super Scream Super Breath: The ability to create hurricane force winds by blowing, and to chill his breath in order to freeze a target (this latter ability has also been called "freeze breath" and "arctic breath"). Heat Vision: The ability to fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it with the conscious act of activating this power. Super Vision: He also possess a superior sensory arrangement of microscopic, telescopic, infrared and ultraviolet visual capabilities. Electro-magnetic Spectrum Vision: He can see into all of the EM Spectrum. He can see and identify radio/television and any and all broadcast/transmitted frequencies, allowing him to avoid detection through radar or satellite monitoring methods. He can see the aura that every living thing generates. Telescopic Vision: The ability to focus his vision to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics. Microscopic Vision: The ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the sub atomic level. X-Ray Vision: The ability to see through anything. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly. Naruto doesn't have Superman's weakness thanks to Kyuubi and you can have it that after the sealing Kyuubi sends Naruto to the DC world where he well found by the Kent family, but Kyuubi most teach him jutsu. If you don't do this than you well have to wait until after Naruto brings peace to his own world before going yo the DC world. Naruto at the Love Academy: Naruto Uzumaki is your normal 15 year old boy, who lives with his two older twin sisters(They look like his sexy jutsu. One has blonde and the other is a red head. A third sister, who is a carrot top is allowed, which means Naruto well have 3 triplets older sisters) and Mom(Minato is dead), but his family rich thanks to his mother's company. Things change tho when his family moves after his last year of Junior High because the only school in the area they move to is an all girls academy. How he gets in is because headmistress of the academy is friend of his family(coughTsunadecough). What Naruto is in store for this year is love and lots of it. K, the story pairing is NarutoxMassiveHarem, which can have Naruto's mother and sisters. Lastly, no other male Naruto characters are allowed unless you turn them be girls, which means they most be in the harem. Naruto: Father Nature: What if Naruto was Tsunade grandson, which means he is the decedent the Sage of the Six Paths and part of the Senju clan, who's bloodline connects with nature. Also, when the Kyuubi was sealed inside him it activated his bloodline, but it was way stronger because of Naruto absorbing the Sage of the Six Paths' Chakra that was left on Kyuubi. The powers that Naruto gain are the absolute control over all of the Main Elements(Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, and Lighting), all of theSub-Elements(Blaze, Lava, Boil, Crystal, Dust, Sand, Ice, Swift, Storm, Steel, Plants/Wood, & ect...), and the most powerful Nature Element, Yin and Yang. With this power well Naruto destroy the world or save it? The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxDuck Dodgers: What if Martian had invaded Naruto's Earth, but it was stop by his father the 4th Hokage and alliance between Mars and Left Village was formed, but make it solid Minato and Kushina's future son, Naruto most marry the Martian King and Queen's future daughter, Tyr'ahnee. K, now the Kyuubi still attacks and is still gets sealed inside Naruto, but you choose if his parents live thanks to the Martian Technology the Leaf Village gets from the alliance. Lastly, the pairing is either NarutoxTyr'ahnee(I think that was the name of Martian Queen) or NarutoxHarem. NarutoxXiaolin Showdown: The Shen Gong Wu are magical items believe to be made by the Xiaolin Dragon Dashi, but that is wrong. The creator of the Shen Gong Wu was Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze the new Juubi and Sage of Six Paths. He come to asking for his help to defeat the Heylin Witch Wuya Dashi so Naruto created him the Shen Gong Wu. Thousands years later Naruto decides to reclaim his creations that he had created so long ago. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, other Naruto characters are allowed, but only female one since they well be Naruto's mates. 2nd NarutoxXiaolin Showdown: After being chased/beaten by a mob of villagers, 4 year old Naruto some how finds himself at the Secret Dragon Temple. Here the spirits of the temple find him and after going his memories find that he is worth to learn from them. So for 11 years, Naruto is trained by the spirits until he has mastered everything they could teach him. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). PS- The reason for lack of detail is because it leaves more choices. Like my reason on for not telling were the temple is found. Naruto could find the temple under the Forest of Death, Inside the Hokage Mountian, or he could even find something that teleports him to temple, which could be very tech temple if Jack helped built it, which means the temple could be under water, in the sky, or even in space. 3rd NarutoxXiaolin Showdown: When 4 years old Naruto, he was attacked by a mob of villagers and ninja. This causes him to go to his mindscape, were he meets Kyuubi and a man named "Chase Young", who tells Naruto that he is his descendant(You can also have Naruto be his reincarnation as well). After some talking, they all agree that Naruto should leave the village because it well only hold him back and that it doesn't deserve someone like him. In 12 years, Naruto becomes a true master of the Ninja, the Sage, and the Xiaolin Dragon arts. He is also the very first summoner of dragons, who have given him two very special gifts. The first gift was that they made him into a half-dragon, which caused him to get a dojutsu called the "Ryuugan"(In English it means "Dragon's Eye"), which is dojutsu that is equal or even better than the legendary Rinnegan. The other one is a sword, which was just like Chase's double bladed sword, but better because it was made by actually dragons. Watch out world for there is a new Dragon of Balance/Yin-Yang. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxGI JoexMetal Gear Solid: During the battle with Sasuke at the Valley of the End there is rip in space and time, which sucks Naruto up. The world that Naruto ends up at is world that has few wars , but has more death and crime in it than his own. With that knowledge Naruto decides to do is to take over the world so he can bring peace so he goes to Kyuubi for help. The Kyuubi, who is free of Madara's control decides to help Naruto by turning him into a half-demon, giving him the Kitsune contract(his name is erased from the Toad contract, which makes everyone back in his world believe he is truly dead), training him in the Ninja arts, training him in the Kitsune Sage arts, and lastly a bloodline(you get to choose what the bloodline does). 10 years later Naruto is 22 years old and his hidden army is ready to attack, which are equipped with highest tech there is(the army is mostly like Grey Fox, Raiden, and The Beauty and the Beast Unit from Metal Gear Solid since Naruto trains them in some Ninja arts). The only thing that stands in Naruto's way are two groups Cobra and GI Joe. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Kyuubi, Laughing Octopus, Raging Raven, Crying Wolf, and Screaming Mantis. Lastly, this well be the Sigma 6 version of GI Joe, but you are allowed to add parts from the other versions into this. NarutoxDevil May Cry: After the sealing Naruto's hair had turned silver and his eyes red, but everyone just thought it was because of the Kyuubi, but they where all wrong. When Naruto is 5 years old he wakes inside his mind where he meets 6 people. The first 4 where Dante, Vergil, Nero, and Sparda, who say that he is their descendant and they well be training him to use their swords(which well be Naruto's Devil Arms of them), their Styles, thier Devil Hearts(the Hearts well become one after learning to how to use them), their Devil Arms(Naruto well have all Devil Arms from DMC 1 to 4 and more because Sparda), his Devil Bringers(Naruto well both arms be Bringers, which can go on or off), his Devil Trigger, and his Majin Form. The next one is Kyuubi, who says her real name is Benihime and she is very sorry for what she has done so she decides to become one his Devil Arms(Yes, it well Kisuke Urahara's Zanpakuto from Bleach) and teach him Kido(Yes, the same Kido from Bleach because it means Demon Way). The last one has his father Minato, who is sad/mad on how the village has treated his son and he says he train Naruto in Ninja and Sage arts. After this meeting Naruto leaves the village(During his travels Naruto can do many things like stopping Gato from taking over wave and Shion's mother sacrificing her self). 10 years later Naruto has Master everything from his teachers, but his father had to leave him after he had learned everything from him. From here it's up to you on what Naruto does. Well he go back to Leaf Village, go to another village, start his own village, or stay as hired Ninja andbounty hunter. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Kyuubi/Benihime. Lastly, you are allowed to Trish, Lady/Mary, Kyrie, and Lucia be reincarnated or in the cases of Trish, Lucia, and maybe Lady/Mary be still alive, but they most be in the Harem if you do and your allowed to have Gloria be her own person. NarutoxInuyasha: It been a couple thousand years since Naruto had to become the new Kyuubi in order to defeat Madara & the other 8 tailed beasts, also was forced to leave his friends and family to hide so that no one would look for the power of tailed beasts. Over the years Naruto has completely mastered the ninja arts, completely mastered the sage arts, he has grown 3 tails making him even stronger then the Juubi was, and has been named Inari/Oinari the Fox God because when ever he left his hiding place to help people(especially since there more demons around) he would disappear right after he is done, which made people think he was a God who comes heavens to help them. As time went on the knowledge of chakra and his era had disappeared, which means the true power of the arts of ninja and sage where lost to everyone except for Naruto. One day tho a person had came to Naruto for first time since his friends had died. The person name Midoriko, who says she is priestess starting her journey to slay demons and had found him by feeling his youkai. After very, very quick battle Naruto decides to teach Midoriko and she decides to say her thanks by teaching him the arts of a Miko so over the years Midoriko and Naruto become close friend and they even save the life of two tailed cat demon(cough Kiraracough), but time comes where Midoriko most continue her journey as priestess so Naruto has her take the two tailed cat demon they had saved with her. Years later Naruto is proud to hear that Midoriko had the world greatest priestess, but years later is than sadden to hear that she dies. He hears of the Shikon Jewel that she had made from her death and decides to let the humans watch over it, but if they mess up even once he promises that he well take the jewel and that mess up comes years later when hears that the jewel has shattered. With that Naruto starts his journey to find the shards of Shikon Jewel. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto).K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Midoriko in it. Lastly, you can have it that Naruto also trained Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's father, Inu no Taisho. 2nd NarutoxInuyasha: After the sealing Naruto's hair had turned silver, his eyes turned golden amber, his nails where claws, and his ears had turned elf like, but everyone just thought it was because of the Kyuubi, but they where all wrong. When Naruto is 5 years old he wakes inside his mind where he meets 5 people. The first 3 where Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Inu no Taisho who say that he is their descendant and they well be training him to use their swords, their demon arts, and his own Inu powers. The next one is Kyuubi, who says that she is very sorry so she teach him all of her demon arts and train him to use his Kitsune powers(Naruto is 1/3 Human, 1/3 Inu, and 1/3 Kitsune). The last one has his father Minato, who is sad/mad on how the village has treated his son and he says he train Naruto in Ninja and Sage arts. After this meeting Naruto leaves the village(During his travels Naruto can do many things like stopping Gato from taking over wave and Shion's mother sacrificing her self). 10 years later Naruto has Master everything from his teachers, but his father had to leave him after he had learned everything from him. From here it's up to you on what Naruto does. Well he go back to Leaf Village, go to another village, start his own village, or stay as hired Ninja and bounty hunter. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Kyuubi. Lastly, Naruto well have the ability to fuseTetsaiga, Tenseiga and Sounja into the ultimate fang. Naruto:The God of Beasts: Naruto at age of 5 awakens a whole new power Ninja would has never seen when he is attack by some ninja dogs and it so powerful that even the Juubi would've called him master. After awaking this power Naruto has ninja dogs attack thier owners and an immediately moves to the Forest of Death where animals and insects either bow down or shake in fear for their God has been finally been born. K, the Naruto's powers are that he can controls every single animal and insect, transform into any animal and insect, and he can mimic the powers and abilities of any animal(Before you ask, yes this includes the tailed beasts and summons). K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you are allowed to have Naruto to have the master contract or even add power to where Naruto can summon any of the summons. Naruto: Nature's Blessing: When Naruto was born he was blessed by Tozi the Goddess of Nature because she and her sisters have his future so they agreed that she would give him the ultimate gift of nature. The powers that Naruto gain from the gift where unbelievable. He was given the powers to absolute control over all of the Main Elements(Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, and Lighting), all of the Sub-Elements(Blaze, Lava, Boil, Crystal, Dust, Sand, Ice, Swift, Storm, Steel, Plants/Wood, & ect...), and the most powerful Nature Element, Yin and Yang. He was also give the power to controls every single animal and insect, transform into any animal and insect, and he can mimic the powers and abilities of any animal and insect(Before you ask, yes this includes the tailed beasts and summons). Watch out ninja world for Naruto has been given Narture's Blessing. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you are allowed to have Naruto to have the master contract or even add power to where Naruto can summon any of the summons. NarutoxMatrix: 6 year old Naruto after being attacked by a mob ends up in his mind, where he meets two people, who say that he is their reincarnation. The two are Neo and Agent Smith, who are going train in everything including the arts of the Ninja and Sage. How they know the arts of Naruto's world is that they had linked Naruto's mind with every single person on the planet including the dead, which means they know every single jutsu from the beginning to the present and have had made new jutsu for Naruto as well. The first thing they trained was Naruto's mind and chakra control. When done Naruto's IQ is over 500 and his chakra is absolutely prefect thanks to the chakra control exercises that Neo and Agent Smith had made. The second thing they train is Naruto's body and how to use ninja weapons. When done Naruto's body is that of a god, he had mastered the Ultimate Taijutsu, and has reached his full potential with every single weapon of ninja world. The third thing they train Naruto in Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Fuinjutsu. When done Naruto doesn't need to use hand seals anymore, he has mastered millions/billionsof Ninjutsu/Genjutsu, and his seals make the seal that holds Reaper Death Seal and Curse Mark look like a joke. The forth thing they train is Naruto's Elemental Control and the Senjutsu. When done Naruto can bend all of the elements and master the Sage transformation to point where he transform in a blink of an eye and be in that form for days. The fifth and final thing train Naruto is the ability he gained from them, which is psychokinesis. During his time inside his mind Naruto meets Kyuubi and he either kills Kyuubi taking all of it's chakra, power, and knowledge or befriends Kyuubi. Finally it is time for Naruto to wake and he does he learns only 5 hours have pasted even thought he was inside his mind 300 years had past(1 minute outside equals 1 year inside). From here it is up to you. Lastly, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxMegas XLR: Instead of being sent to past of New Jersey Megas was sent to Naruto's Alternate Time Line, where Naruto is 22 years old and is leader of his peaceful world after defeating Madara, Sasuke, and the tailed beasts under thier control 5 years ago. When Megas crashes on his world Naruto is first one to check it out. He goes inside of Megas's head and meets the AI of Megas, who tells/shows Naruto where it's from. After getting to know the AI for bit Naruto asks if it needs help and the AI says yes because the body of Megas has been damaged from laser blast that was aim for Megas's head, but she/he had Megas move so she/he wouldn't be destroyed. During the repairs the AI takes a liking to Naruto so it decides to teach Naruto how to pilot the Megas. During the repairs they find out the time travel device has damage/destroyed and the AI tells Naruto that he is Megas's pilot because he was the one to first enter it so the AI teaches Naruto how to pilot Megas. After the repairs and Naruto learning to pilot, the AI says it well now send a single to bring those that travel with it to the pasts with Megas so here Naruto' sExtreme Robot Adventure begins. Lastly, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Kiva in it. NarutoxD. Gray-man: After Naruto had mastered the Shadow Clone Jutsu he decides to see if there is anything else he can learn from the Forbidden Scroll. Here Naruto spots a strange seal so when he touches the seal it actives sending Naruto to some flying temple. Naruto decides to explore the place, but when doing so trips and falls on a platform that looks like a yin-yang symbol. When Naruto lands on it the seal absorbs the 2 energy that were inside the platform. The pain from absorbing the two different send Naruto inside his mind, where he meets the Kyuubi, who tells Naruto he has absorbed the energies called Dark Matter and Innocent. Kyuubi tells Naruto to back to library they had passed and not to worry about going yet since time moves differently here(1 minute equals 6 to 12 months) so that Naruto goes to library, which holds everything about Dark Matter and Innocent. Here Naruto trains to master the two energies and during this Kyuubi decides to teach Naruto in the Ninja Arts. After years of training in the flying temple Naruto has mastered both Dark Matter and Innocent. He also now has the Ninja skills and intelligence equal to that of Itachi when he was an ANBU Captain. When Naruto gets back he going to show Mizuki what happens to people that use him. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). As for the seal that took Naruto theflying temple it either disappears or it appears on Naruto so he can go back there when ever he wishes. Lastly, the flying temple can be in the D. Gray-man world if you wish. Naruto Ultimate Shinobi: 3 year old Naruto is kidnapped by Danzo, who has Naruto injected with the DNA of Madara Uchiha, Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Minato Namikaze(He is still Naruto's dad, but Danzo doesn't know that), Kushina Uzumaki(She is still Naruto's mom, but Danzo doesn't know that), Sakumo Hatake, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Hanzo, Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato/Pein. 5 years later Naruto is saved by the 3rd Hokage and his ANBU after he has been trained by the Root and Dazon right after he had the DNA injected and he has been able to resist Danzo's brain washing(You decide if either Danzo is killed or chased out of the village). After Naruto is saved the 3rd finally decides to take Naruto in and train Naruto himself. K,the pairing is to be a NarutoxMassive Harem, also you're allowed to turn guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto has the Salamander Summoning Contract. NarutoxRave Master: Instead of going to Garage Island, Shiba went to the Land of Ninjas, where he meets 18 year old Naruto, who is now an ANBU Captain and is the hero of the land because he had stopAkatsuki and Sasuke. Later on Naruto and Shiba find out that the Rave have chosen him to be the new Rave Master. After getting permission from Tsunade, Naruto leaves the Land of Ninjas to start his journey as the Raven Master. Lastly , the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxZoids: At the Valley of the End Naruto ends up killing Sasuke. Naruto knowing how the village would react to this decides to ask Kyuubi for help. Kyuubi decides to send Naruto to another world, where Naruto ends up atsome ancient ruins. Here Naruto finds one of the powerful and legendary Zoids. It is the Kyuubi no Kitsune Zoid, but it's very damage from it's last battle or/and it has rusted from it's old age. Kyuubi tell Naruto to use his/her chakra on the Kyuubi Zoid so it can be restored and maybe even come out even more powerful. After the Kyuubi Zoid is restored, Naruto decides to learn/master the Kyuubi Zoid before he leaves the ruins and Kyuubi decided to teach Naruto the Ninja arts, but mostly in Seal because that way they make the Kyuubi Zoid even better by placing some seals on it. This takes Naruto a couple of months to do, but he is ready to take on the world of Zoids. K, the story pairing is NarutoxHarem to Massive Harem. Also you get to choose which Zoid series. Lastly, Naruto and Kyuubi are the only Naruto Characters. NarutoxMegaman X: Madara sends Naruto is sent to another world during their final battle. He ends up in the lab of a Dr. Eguchi(He is better known as Dr. Famous from Megaman Battle Network, but I decide to use his last name of his Japanese name), who was the student of Dr. Light and Dr. Wily before Dr. Wily had become a villain. Before Naruto had appeared in his lab,Dr. Eguchi had been building the ultimate reploid using some of the parts of Bass/Forte so when the unconscious body of a very injured Naruto appears in his lab, he decides the only way to save Naruto is by making him apart of his ultimate reploid. After he saves Naruto by making him into ultimate reploid, Dr. Eguchi puts Naruto in pod that is set to wake up and hides him because he knows he well be killed soon because of all tech he stole from themilitary. Meanwhile Naruto wakes in his mind, where he meets the Juubi(Naruto had sealed the other 8 tailed beasts inside him, when Madara used them in their battle) and the spirit of Bass/Forte. He learns what has happen so 3 agree that Naruto most train to use his new body so after many years Naruto has mastered his new body and it is time for him to wake up. K, the pairing is NarutoxHarem to Massive Harem, also you're allowed to turn guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto is the only Naruto character and that he is like Red-X from Teen Titians, which means he isn't good or evil. NarutoxMegaman Starforce: During the Kyuubi attack, the most powerful EM(Electromagnetic) Being comes and ends up being sealed inside Naruto along with the Kyuubi. 6 years later Naruto is attacked by a mob, which leads him to waking inhis mind. Here Naruto meets the EM Being, who has absorbed/devoured the Kyuubi. She/He says her/his name is Chaos and she/he has decided to train Naruto in to using her/his power because it knows it can't be free from the seal of the Death God. Chaos also says he/she teach Naruto all of the arts of his world. How well Ninja world handle now that Naruto is half-human and half-EM Being? K, the pairing is NarutoxHarem to Massive Harem, also you're allowed to turn guys into girls(except Naruto). Also Naruto is allowed to go to theMegaman Starforce world. Lastly, Naruto's EM form most be like Bass/Forte. NarutoxMegaman Battle Network: A rip in space and time appears in Valley of the End, when Naruto and Sasuke clash with the Cursed Chidori and the Kyuubi Rasengan. Naruto won the clash, which lead Sasuke slamming into the valley wall and going unconscious, but Naruto is unfortunately sucked inside the rip. Instead of a world of flesh and blood Naruto ends up in a digital, but to be more specific the Undernet. Also Naruto has also some how transformed into a NetNavi with red armor. Here Kyuubi tells Naruto what has happen and says there is no way for them to get back so they agree that Naruto most master his new powers. 3 years later Naruto has mastered all of his powers/abilities and has learned that he can go to the world that is connected to digital world. Here Naruto finds some kids haveNetNavi battle and Naruto decides to join by having a clone play his part as operator while he goes as the NetNavi, but he than remembers that he can't use the same names for both his human and NetNavi form so he decides that his NetNavi name well be Zero. K, the pairing is NarutoxHarem to Massive Harem, also you're allowed to turn guys into girls(except Naruto). Also Naruto is allowed to go to theMegaman Starforce world. Lastly, Naruto and Kyuubi are the only Naruto characters. NarutoxGundam: A rip in space and time appears in Valley of the End, when Naruto and Sasuke clash with the Cursed Chidori and the Kyuubi Rasengan. Naruto won the clash, which lead Sasuke slamming into the valley wall and going unconscious, but Naruto is unfortunately sucked inside the rip. The world that Naruto end up in is a world of mobile suits. Here Naruto uses his Ninja skills to learn every about the mobile suits. After every about the mobile suits, Naruto decides to make his own mobile suit. He makes the mobile suit a one of kind by using tech he had invented, which is so advanced that it means his mobile suit is the most advance thing on the planet. The Kyuubi also helps make it by put some of his/her chakra in it and teaching Naruto seals that he can place on the mobile suit, but only if the mobile suit is designed after her/him, which was what Naruto was going to do any way. Watch out world for the Kyuubi Gundam has been born. K, the story pairing is NarutoxHarem to Massive Harem. Also you get to choose which Gundam series. Lastly, Naruto and Kyuubi are the only Naruto Characters. Naruto: The Guardian of the Center: After being beaten by a mob, 6 year old Naruto is left in the forest to die, but is found by someone. The person is Suzaku the Guardian of the South and the leader of Phoenixes, who are one of the 4 Divine Beasts. When she finds Naruto, she takes him back to her realm. After healing Naruto, Suzaku goes through his memories and what she finds makes her furious. She summons the other Guardians and leaders of the Divine Beast, Genbu the Guardian of the North and leader of Tortoises, Byakko the Guardian of the West and leader of Tigers, and Seiryuu the Guardian of the East and leader of Dragons. When they get there Suzuku show them all of Naruto's memories, which makes them just as furious as Suzaku. They talk and decide to give Naruto the ultimate honor, which is to become the Guardian of the Center and to him themselves. When Naruto wakes, he agrees to this so they do ritual and when finished Naruto hair and eye color have turned gold. Watch out world Naruto has been given a power that equals a Demigod. Now it lets put some things down. First is something happens to Kyuubi during the ritual, which are either it is completely absorbed by Naruto or it loses half of it's power and separates from Naruto, but Kyuubi most be female and be paired up with Naruto if you choose this choice. Second Naruto well have beast form so choices are a Kitsune or a Dragon, which is just like the original Guardian of the Center, but if do this choice than Seiryuu most be paired up with Naruto. Third and lastly is the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxResident EvilxPrototype: 6 year old Naruto after being beaten by a mob wakes up in his mind. Here he meets Kyuubi and Albert Wesker, who say that Naruto is his reincarnation. After Naruto wakes up, Wesker tells Naruto to go to place he hides from the mobs, which in fact is one of Orochimaru's hidden labs in the village. Here Wesker has Naruto make the ultimate virus and Kyuubi helps by put his chakra into it. Also during breaks of making the virus, Wesker and Kyuubi tor...I mean train Naruto. After 2 years it has been completely made, Wesker has Naruto inject him self with the virus, which they named Blacklight. After the inject, Naruto leaves the village, but not before going to the hospital, where he breaks into the Blood Bank and drains all of blood there, which gives Naruto every single memory of every single person of theKonohagakure and also give him very single bloodline of the Konohagakure. Watch out world for a God has been born. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 2nd NarutoxResident EvilxPrototype: During the fight with Sasuke at the Valley of the End, Naruto is sent to another dimension. Here Naruto ends up in a random alleyway in Raccoon City, where he is found by the Umbrella Corporation. Here the Umbrella Corporation take him to a secret laboratory and forced to join a secret super soldier project along with orphan and homeless children. Over the years, Naruto and the other children are trained to become the ultimate soldiers before they get inject with the super soldier serum, which turns out to be a virus of some kind that was created by the person in charge of the project, Doctor Alexander J. Mercer. During these years, Naruto talks and befriends the Kyuubi to a point where she/he tells Naruto her/his real name. Finally the today is the day, where Naruto and the children are inject with the super soldier serum and is last one alive to be inject with it because all the others have died. When Naruto gets inject with it, Kyuubi makes sure he doesn't die and he super charges the so called super soldier serum. Here Naruto mutants, kills and absorbs/consumes everyone at the secret laboratory, and finally escapes. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxAfro Samurai: When he was 4 years old, Naruto decided to explore the deepest parts of the Hokage Mountain Caves. Here he finds a legendary item from the old world, the Number One Headband. Naruto decides to put it on and when does he suddenly goes unconscious. When Naruto wakes up, he is in his mind scape. Here he meets 2 people, Kyuubi and Afro(You allowed to add other spirits besides Afro like Rokutaro(Afro's Father), Jinnosuke(the gut who wore the teddy bear mask), and Justice(the guy who killed Afro's father)). After a quick chat, Kyuubi and Afro decide to train in every thing they know. Watch Ninja world for Naruto is going to show you all who is number one. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly there can reincarnations of characters from Afro Samurai, but you most reincarnate Otsuru and Sio if you do, also they most be paired up with Naruto. NarutoxHalo: On his 5th birthday Naruto is chased into the woods and beaten by a mob of villagers. What both the mob and Naruto didn't know was that a Covenant star ship was in space above them(This after Halo 3 so they are good guys). When the Sangheili/Elite on the ship see what is happening they become furious so they send some sleath units to kill most of the mob and bring Naruto on their star ship. Meanwhile Naruro meets the Kyuubi, who is free of Madara's control. After some talking she/he tells Naruto what has outside his mind. When Naruto wakes up, he is freaked out a little by the Sangheili/Elite, but he remembers that Kyuubi told him that they saved him. The Sangheili/Elite Commander tells Naruto that they taking him to another human world so he can live a peaceful life, but Naruto wishes to go back home so he can complete his dream of being the greatest on his planet. When the hears this Sangheili/Elite Commander, he/she comes up with a plan and tells her/his plan this to one of UNSC(United Nations Space Command) Commanders, who agrees to the idea after failing to conceive Naruto to stay on there planet. The plan is to train Naruto into the Ultimate Spartan Soldier before they take him back to his planet. Naruto agrees to this and even tell both commanders about Kyuubi so that they don't hold back in his training. Also Kyuubi says she/he well train Naruto in the Ninja and Sage arts. The physical training they put Naruto makes Gai and Lee's training look like a walk in heaven. Kyuubi helps them by making Naruto wear gravity weights and having him not use chakra so he can get the full effects of the training. The mental training was also hard for Naruto because they had him study every there was, which include things a Spartan Soldier doesn't need to know like cooking. Kyuubi also helps out by teaching Naruto the Shadow Clone Jutsu so he can learn quicker and she/he than play every single strategy games all at the same time with him so become a master strategist with a IQ bigger than any person of the Nara clan. After all of this, it is time to inject Naruto with the ultimate steroid that was made by both UNSC and Covenant tech, which doubles/triples everything of Naruto. Naruto is than given his Spartan Armor, which was also made by the combine UNSC and Covenant tech, also it gets improved by Naruto putting seals on it. Also he is given his AI, which also made by UNSC and Covenant tech, also Naruto gives her name, which is Eureka. With that Naruto is ready to go back to his home world so watch out Ninja world because Naruto the Ninja Sage Spartan Soldier is coming. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto doesn't have to go back to the Leaf Village so he can be a free lancer or make his own village. NarutoxSoul Eater: When Naruto's Father summoned the Shinigami, he had summoned Lord Death, who decides to stay and see what the people of Naruto's village plan to do with him. When Lord Death sees how they react to Naruto being the Jinchuriki of Kyuubi, he gets pissed so he decides to take Naruto with him to Death City. He also decides to make Kyuubi into Naruto's Weapon and give Naruto some of his power, which marks Naruto as one of his heirs. 15 years later, Naruto leaves Death City so he can make Kyuubi into a Death Scythe. K, now I am going to lay some things down. First is Naruto is either going to be the same age as Kid or well be 3 years older than Kid. Second is Kyuubi can transform into any weapon, which includes magical(EX: Casters, AKA-Magic Guns), Futuristic(EX: Gundam Deathscythe Hell's Beam Scythe), and Musical Weapons. Third is Kyuubi well have the ability to control all of the elements and to cast/create illusions. Forth is Naruto does get train in the Ninja Arts by Kyuubi, but basic stuff like Taijutsu, Wall/Water Walking, Stealth, Using Chakra to Boost the Physical Abilities, and How to use a Weapon(this is a most), but you are also allowed for Kyuubi to teach Naruto in the Sealing Arts and Sage Mode. Fifth is Naruto is allowed to use Kidos, Ceros, and the Flash Step from Bleach if you wish to do so. Sixth is Naruto's soul wavelength is equal and the opposite of Asura's, which means means Madness doesn't effect him and when Witches get near Naruto they become good, except for Mabaa and ones who are close to her level, but they are still effected some what. Seventh is that you are allowed to have Naruto be part demon. Eighth is the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly is that your are allowed to have Naruto the ability to go to his world, but if not than Naruto and Kyuubi are the only Naruto Characters. NarutoxTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: It be 3 years since Naruto has defeated Madara and Sasuke. Today a surprises is in stored for Naruto, when the Master of the Battle Nexus comes to Naruto's Dimension for the first and says that he has be chosen to fight in theBattle Nexus. Here Naruto meets Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Master Splinter. K, now the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Karai in it. 2nd NarutoxTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: At the Valley of the End, Naruto's Rasengan and Sasuke's Chidori clash. Naruto's attack succeeds and ends up killing Sasuke but the colliding power creates a tear in the fabric of space and time, which results in sucking Naruto into it. Kyuubi realizes that his/her container won't survive even with her/his healing abilities. So she has the seal absorb half of her/his powers turning him into a half-demon. The portal opens in the Ninja Tribunal's world and he crashes into their monastery. Naruto wakes up and finds himself in a strange temple. The Kyuubi tells his/her container that after he killed Sasuke, he ended up opening a tear in the fabric of space and time that sucked him into the portal and stated that Naruto would've died if he/she wouldn't have survived the travel and had to send half of his/her power into the seal and turn him into a half-demon. After that a Mokusai no Bushin appeared and brought him to meet Kon the Ninjutsu Master of Spirit, Juto the Ninjutsu Master of Weapons, Chikara the Ninjutsu Master of Strength, and Hisomi the Ninjutsu Master of Stealth.After meeting them and telling him about his life in his world the four masters of Ninjutsu decide to train him in their arts so that he can find the four chosen and aid them in fighting an ancient evil that threatens both the mortal and spiritual realm. Kon manages to remove the Kyuubi's spirit out of Naruto's body without killing him and Kyuubi decides to stay with Naruto and make up for ruining his life and teach him the Ninja and Sage arts. 5 years late, Naruto has mastered everything that the Ninja Tribunal and the Kyuubi have taught him. The Ninja Tribunal send him and Kyuubi to New York, where they are to find the chosen four are and here begins Naruto's new journey. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 3rd NarutoxTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Naruto has knocked out Sasuke at Valley of the End, but now has a second hole through his chest. Kakashi finally comes, but betrays Naruto by leaving him to die as he falls unconscious. Meanwhile in space Ch'rell, who had watch the battle, decides to get Naruto so he can turn him into his living weapon. After getting Naruto on his ship, he injects Naruto multiple super soldier like serums, puts a slave mind chip on Naruto, and than puts hims him into some alien tech armor(It's the Cyber Shredder's Armor). Meanwhile Naruto's meets his dark half/dark emotions and they both agree him that they shall no longer be used and become one, which leads to Kyuubi lose more than half it's power and Naruto becoming a Half Demon(or a 3/4 Demon). When this happens, Ch'rell gets blasted back by the power Naruto unleashed, which also destroys the slave mind chip and transforms the alien armor into something looking more demonic(If u could fuse the Tengu Shredder's Armor, Cyber Shredder's Armor, andCh'rell's Shredder Armor all together than that is what Naruto's Shredder Armor looks like). Naruto than makes Ch'rell his slave and has him find the most abandoned place on his world, which ends up being Whirlpool. Here Naruto starts making the Foot Clan and starts rebuilding Whirlpool into the most high tech village, which thanks toCh'rell. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem and your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto well have an army of Demonic Robot Ninja(How become demonic because Naruto uses his demon Chakra to transform them), which can use Jutsu. 4th NarutoxTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: When 6 year old Naruto is attacked by a mob of ninjas and villagers, he is saved by Oroku Saki (The Tengu Shredder, but not evil), who than takes Naruto back with him to his village and to his clan's home. Oroku than decides to train and raise Naruto along with his daughter Karai because he sees that Naruto has the potential to become the greatest ninja of all time, even greater than him and the rest of the Ninja Tribunal. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, which most have Karai in it. Lastly, only the human characters of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are allowed to be added in. NarutoxKurohime: Thousands of have pasted since Naruto had become the 2nd Sage of the Six Paths, become the 2nd Jinchuriki of the Juubi, and brought peace to his world. How this happen is that Naruto awoken his half of the Sage's chakra he already had for being a descendant of the Senju clan and awoken the other half of the Sage's, which he got from Itachi, which gave him the true Rinnegan during the his fight with Madara and the other tailed beasts, which he seals inside himself, which lead them becoming whole again. As for how he is still alive is because Naruto defeated Madara by taking his half of the Sage's chakra, which lead to Madara losing his immortality and his Sharingan. After that battle the Major Villages stayed to their alliance, which soon grew when the smaller villages joined, which lead to world peace. Naruto having no connections left and being bored decides to leave his dimension. In the new dimension Naruto has a fight with a woman named Kurohime. Naruto easily defeats her and leaves, but this makes Kurohime lust for Naruto. Years later Naruto gets name for himself and that name be "Hakaisha-Souken(Destroyer of Creation)". Today however, the Councils of the Goddess come to Naruto saying he has been give the job of watching Kurohime, whos lust for Naruto has grown. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Kurohime. Lastly Naruto and the Juubi are the only Naruto Characters. NarutoxWhite Knight Chronicles: After being beaten by a mob, 5 year old Naruto is than thrown down an abandoned water well, where he end up at underground temple. Meanwhile Naruto meets Kyuubi, who is free of Madara's and is very sorry for what has happen to Naruto, but Naruto forgives her/him saying it wasn't her/his fault since he wasn't in control of her/his actions. When Naruto wakes he decides to explore the temple and what he finds makes Kyuubi extremely shocked. What Naruto finds is a humongous library filled with every books that are on Spells, Runes(Magic Seals), and Fighting Style from the Middle Ages. Naruto than finds a door in the deepest parts of the library, when he enters he finds five strange items. When Naruto touches them, he ends up in his mind again. Here he meets the 5 spirits that have bonded with his soul, who are the White Knight, the Black Knight, the Dragon Knight, the Sun King, and the Moon Princess. After talking with the 5 Knights, Naruto starts his training in Spells, Runes(Magic Seals), Fighting Style from the Middle Ages, and his Knight forms. Also lucky for Naruto there is kitchen with enough food to feed an army and the food is all fresh thanks to some runes, which Naruto doesn't have to leave the temple till his training is done. 10 years Nauto has master everything thanks to Kyuubi teaching him the Shadow Clone Jutsu, when his trained started. Naruto is ready to leave, but before he does goes to the forge to make himself some equipment and places a rune that well destroy the temple and everything it so that no one else can gain the power and knowledge he had gotten from it. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly you are allowed to have reincarnations of the characters of White Knight Chronicles. 2nd NarutoxWhite Knight Chronicles: After being beaten by a mob, 6 year old Naruto is than thrown down an abandoned water well, where he end up at underground temple. Meanwhile Naruto meets Kyuubi, who is free of Madara's and is very sorry for what has happen to Naruto, but Naruto forgives her/him saying it wasn't her/his fault since he wasn't in control of her/his actions. When Naruto wakes he decides to explore the temple and what he finds makes Kyuubi extremely shocked. What Naruto finds is a humongous library filled with every books that are on Spells, Runes(Magic Seals), and Fighting Style from the Middle Ages. Naruto than finds a door in the deepest parts of the library, when he enters he finds a crown. When Naruto touches it, he ends up in his mind again. Here he meets the spirit that have bonded with his soul, who is the true most powerful Knight the Ancients had made and was titled as the Eternal Emperor and was named Elgar. Elgar tells Naruto that the Ancients had sent him and all of their knowledge to Naruto's dimension because they feared what would happen if someone from their own dimension got a hold him and their knowledge, also he tell Naruto that his Knight Ark, which is called the Eternal Crown well stop his and those he loves ages at 22 and also it gives Naruto the ability to use the most powerful kind of magic, Void. After the talk with Elgar, Naruto starts his training in Spells, Runes(Magic Seals), Fighting Style from the Middle Ages, and his Knight form. Also lucky for Naruto there is kitchen with enough food to feed an army and the food is all fresh thanks to some runes, which Naruto doesn't have to leave the temple till his training is done. 10 years Nauto has master everything thanks to Kyuubi teaching him the Shadow Clone Jutsu, when his trained started. Naruto is ready to leave his dimension to go to Elgar's dimension , but before he does goes to the forge to make himself some equipment and places a rune that well destroy the temple and everything it so that no one else can gain the power and knowledge he had gotten from it and so that no one can follow him. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto).Also a suggestion(which means you don't really have to do this) for what Naruto's Knight Form can look like I say Apostle of Creation from Star Ocean: The Last Hope, which well be just a half-powered and Satanail from Star Ocean: The Last Hope, well be the full power state and true form. Lastly Naruto and Kyuubi are the only Naruto characters. NarutoxStreet Fighter: 5 year old Naruto was being beaten by an angry mob of villagers and a ninjas, who decide to set him on fire. This action however actives Naruto's Satsui no Hado, which he got his from ancestor, who was Akuma the Supreme Master of Kami and Yami's Fist and the Satsui no Hado, who had succumbed to his inner demon, which lead him to becoming the Juubi. The activation of Naruto's Satsui no Hado causes Naruto to absorb Kyuubi, which leads him to gaining not only its power and memories, but some of the Juubi's memories of its past life as Akuma. After obliterating the mob naruto is transported to a cave on a strange island. In the cave, he finds a scroll that contains a variety of fighting styles and ends up meeting the spirit of his ancestors, Akuma and Gouken, but before he can start training he most defeat his darker half for dominance over his body. After winning against his Dark Side, Naruto ends up meeting the spirit of his father who sealed his knowledge and jutsu inside of Naruto and teaches him the ninja arts. 10 years later, Naruto has mastered all of fighting styles from the scrolls and has mastered every his father and ancestors have. Naruto has also accomplishes what akuma failed to do and that was become one with the Satsui no Hado, but not succumb to its power. K,he story pairing is NarutoxHarem to Massive Harem , also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, other Street Fighter characters are allowed to be in the story. 2nd NarutoxStreet Fighter: After the sealing, Baby Naruto is sent to the Street Fighter universe by Kyuubi. He is found by Akuma, who decides to train and raise him. Years pasts by before Naruto leaves Akuma, after defeating him. How Naruto was able to defeat Akuma is because he 2nd major advantages. The first is Kyuubi, who also decided to train him and made him into a Force of Nature. The second and last thing is that he had truly mastered the Satsui no Hado. Watch out world because Naruto is here. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Oh, you can also have Naruto become a half-demon from transport between universes. Lastly, you are allowed to add other crosses to the mix, but they most be like theses for example: Tekken, Dead or Alive/Ninja Gaiden, The King of Fighters, Tenjho Tenge, Ikki Tousen/Battle Vixens, and Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple/History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. 3rd NarutoxStreet Fighter: 3 year old Naruto is dealt a mortal blow from mob that slowly kills him and the Kyuubi grew desperate to save him used an unknown power that only she/he possesses because she is the largest fragment of the original Juubi's power and mind. When she uses that power it calls the other tailed beasts to her regardless of being sealed or running wild. The hosts of the tailed beasts live from the removal, keep the powers they had gain from their tailed beasts, and get to live normal lives. Kyuubi than becomes the new Juubi and gains all the power and memories of the original Juubi, the other fragments, and some memories of Sage of Six Paths. With this new power, she/he rips hole in time and space to send her and Naruto to another dimension. Here Naruto is found by Gouken, who decides to take Naruto with him back to his home. From here Naruto is adopted by Gouken and is trained by him. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, I well allow the Juubi to train Naruto in the Chakra arts and allow Naruto to replace both Ryu and Ken if you want him to. NarutoxWitchblade: When being beaten by a mob of villagers and ninja, 6 year old Naruto is chosen by Warlock Blade to be it's master, which causes Naruto to absorb Kyuubi, which leads him to gaining not only its power and memories, but some of the Juubi and the Sage of the Six Paths's memories as well. After killing the mob, Naruto leaves the village and goes to the Sage of the Six Paths's hidden home. Here Naruto trains in every Jutsu there is and learns to master the Warlock Blade's power and abilities. 12 years later Naruto has mastered every Jutsu there is and has mastered the Warlock Blade's power and abilities. He decides to leave his world because of how he was treated in it. Here Naruto ends up at a place called Tokyo and he meets to people named Masane and Rihoko. Here Naruto's adventure begins. K, the story pairing is NarutoxHarem to Massive Harem. Lastly Naruto is the only Naruto Character. NarutoxHellsing: Naruto is the descendant of Alucard(AKA-Dracula). His vampire blood awakens when a mob attacks him, when he is 5 years old. This leads to Naruto absorbing all of Kyuubi's power and memory/knowledge, which cause Naruto to lose all of the weakness of vampire. Also the Kyuubi doesn't die, but instead she becomes Naruto's familiar and is to transformed into a Vampire without weaknesses. After killing the mob and meeting the spirit of Alucard, Naruto leaves the village. K, now lets lay some things down. First, Naruto doesn't have to return to the leaf village. Second, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem and your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Third, characters from Hellsing can appear. Lastly, a suggestion if you want to give Naruto guns, than I say give him two of Vincent's Cerberus Gun from Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, Wolfwood's Cross Gun from Trigun, Grave's 2 Hand Guns and Coffin Gun from Gungrave, or Pandora from Devil May Cry 4. 2nd NarutoxHellsing: Naruto is chased by a mob into an old abandoned manor, where in the basement/dungeon of the manor he finds an old, dried-out female corpse(I know what some of you are thinking, but no it's not Seras. It's a female Alucard). Here he is found by the mob and gets stabbed in his shoulder, spilling his blood across the floor of the room. This wakes up the female corpse, who drinks Naruto's blood, than kills the entire mob and becomes Naruto's loyal servant since he is last descendent of the Hellsing bloodline. Watch out Ninja World because the Hellsing Organization has appeared/begun. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). Also I well allow that along side the Female Alucard, Naruto can also find Seras Victoria, Rip van Winkle, Heinkel Wolfe, Yumiko Takagi (Tho this requires her being a Regenerator/Cyborg, a Vampire, or a Werewolf), Zorin Blitz, and hell even Female Versions of Schrodinger, Alexander Anderson, Hans Gunsche(AKA-The Captain), and Vampire Walter C. Dornez. Lastly, I well also allow Naruto to become part Regenerator/Cyborg, part Vampire, part Werewolf, part Werecat, part Yoko/Kitsune/Werefox, and/or even part Monster of God. Naruto: The Way of the Samurai: After 5 year old Naruto is attacked by a mob of Villagers and Ninja, he wakes up in his mind and meets the Kyuubi, who is free of Madara's control. After talking with Kyuubi, Naruto leaves the village to never come back. Kyuubi being nice decides to teach Naruto the Samurai arts. 10 years later, Naruto has master everything Kyuubi has taught him and is a legend because he is the first Samurai to be in the Bingo Book and is the first person to be ranked a SSS in the Bingo Book. His speed makes people think he is using the Hiraishin and his strong enough to crash diamonds into dust without even trying. His hand-to-hand combat is made up of every single martial arts there is and and his sword style is made up of every single sword style there is as well. His has ability to bend all of the elements, which he learned so he can counter Ninjas' Ninjutsu and so good that he can summon a fog by just thinking about it, even while in the desert. He also has the Dragon Summoning Contract and he is the Dragon Sage. Right now Naruto is in Wave because he is there to take down Gato because he evil men like him and his friend, Mei, who is the Mizukage thanks to him helping her over throw the last Mizukage. Here our story begins. K, he story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem and your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Narutox?: Instead of Naruto being born in the Ninja world, he was born in the modern world, were he is kidnapped by a group of mercenaries. For 15 Naruto goes through hell until he is saved. K, he story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem and your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Now, Naruto, his parents, and Kyuubi are the only Naruto Characters(Kyuubi can be Naruto's Inner Beast/Demon/Spirit). Lastly, the Crossover most take place with show/game/book that is set in the modern era. 2nd Narutox?: Kakashi leaves Naruto to die at the Valley of the End taking Sasuke back with him to the Leaf Village, but what he doesn't know is this event was seen by some very important people from up above. After seeing this Kami(Goddess of Heaven, Life, & Light), Shinigami(Goddess of Hell, Death, & Darkness), & Tozi(Goddess of Nature) have had enough of Naruto's treat meant so they go to Naruto, but when they get there they see Akatsuki is there as well so with very, very quick battle all of Akatsuki have been killed. After healing Naruto and telling him who they are, they than tell him that they decide to send him to another world to start a new life and also give him new powers from each of them. Kami gives Naruto the powers of Light & heal to any injury to mind, body, and soul. Shinigami gives Naruto powers of Darkness & to injury the soul. Tozi gives Naruto the powers of Nature(This means he can controls all elements that born of nature and is a force of nature), to talk & understand all animal & insects, and his 5 senses equal or better then any animal & insect. Than they all give him a dojutsu which they name Twilight which powers infinite for it is dojutsu that keeps evolving which already has powers of the Sharingan(all 3 forms), the Byakugan, and the Rinnegan(My idea for what it would look like is that whites of his eyes turn black, his eye color a forest green, his pupil always changing colors, & the pupil in center of of white star shaped like a compass rose).They than upload every single jutsu in Naruto brain and have that he doesn't need to use hand seals for them. Lastly, the Goddesses remove all tailed beasts from their Jinchuriki(they well live through this and still have the power they had gained from their beasts. Example: Gaara's Sand Controlling)in an instant and either have Naruto absorb all of them or have them become the Juubi again, who is a woman and well be Naruto's partner(If you do this choice than she most be in the harem). The reason the goddesses do this is to ruin Madara's plan and also Madara was the one that ruined Naruto's life. After this they each give Naruto a kiss before they send him off to his new home, but the 3 Goddess Sister stay because they are going to give the leaf village a major bashing for hurting their Naruto-kun. Meanwhile, Naruto has end up at his new home dimension. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 3rd Narutox?: During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Naruto ends up becoming a True Senin, meaning he becomes Immortal(Both physically and spiritually), he becomes Enlightened, and he Transcends. Many years learn Naruto has study every he can learn and mastered of his world/universe/dimension, has learned and master everything he can from his spirit world/afterlives, and has brought eternal peace. He now starts on his quest to bring peace to other worlds, universes, dimensions, and etc. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 4th Narutox?: During the Final between Sasuke and Naruto, when they use their most powerful attacks they accidentally rip a hole in time and space, which sucks them both in. Here Sasuke and Naruto end up fusing together, but while their bodies have fused perfectly together their souls haven't. So Naruto's and Sasuke's souls fight on who continues to live on and have the new body as their own. Fortunately Naruto's soul wins, but unfortunately he is now in a different dimension/time/reality. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, the you are allowed to reverse the age of the Sasuke and Naruto fused body if you want to. 5th Narutox?: The Ninja Nations have won the 4th Ninja War, but battle with the battle with the Edo Tensei Madara still goes on. Here Madara being very arrogant or deciding to be fair decides to allow the Ninja Nations a chance of beating him by allowing them to all train the hero of the war, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, for one year(or more). So after a year(or more) of hellish training, Naruto faces Marada where the Gedo Mazo/Demonic Statue of the Outer Path is being kept at. When their most powerful attacks clash, a hole in space and time is ripped open and both of them and the Gedo Mazo are sucked into it. Here Madara and Naruto end up fusing together, but while their bodies have fused perfectly together their souls haven't. So Madara and Naruto's souls fight on who continues to live on and have the new body as their own. Luckily for Naruto, he gets help from all the tailed beasts that were sealed in the Gedo Mazo and wins thanks to them. Here Naruto awakes up to see he is now unfortunately in a different dimension/time/reality. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, the Bijuu should either be all sealed inside Naruto(Where they either they stay separate or fuse together to become the Juubi again) or the Bijuu fuse with Naruto making him the new Juubi. Naruto: The Chosen One: After the Shinigami seals the Kyuubi into Naruto, he takes Naruto to Realm of the Gods because he is the Chosen One, but before leaves he tells Hiruzen/3rd Hokage that Naruto well return in 15 years. So for 15 years Naruto is trained and raised by Gods/Goddess of every religion(This can include made up ones in Video Games, Manga, and ect.) and by the Spirits of Dead, which include his parents. He is also trained and raised by the Creator himself/herself/itself. Watch out Ninja World because Naruto the Chosen One is coming. K, the story pairing has to be a NarutoxMassive Harem and your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, this is allowed to be a Massive Crossover by having Naruto going to multiple worlds. NarutoxX-Men: When new born Naruto was exposed to Kyuubi's powerful chakra, it caused him to evolve. At 6 years old, Naruto already has an IQ that is over 600. Here Naruto leaves to train in a pocket dimension, were time moves differently(1 hour outside the pocket dimension is 1 to 10 years inside the pocket dimension). Before he left the village, Naruto left a clone of himself by using one of his many powers so that the village wouldn't notice his absence. Naruto does 2 important things well in the pocket dimension. The first is that he absorbs the Kyuubi of all it's power and memories. The Second is that he unlocks and masters the power called, "Phoenix Force". Watch out ninja world for the day Naruto was born, he was meant to be the ruler/god of your world. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem and your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, this can become a massive crossover, but if you do than the pairing most be NarutoxMassive Harem. Naruto: Ninja of War: When Naruto was born he was blessed by Bishamonten, who is the God of War, Warriors, Fortune, and the Punisher of Evildoers. Because this Naruto gain's many abilities. He was given Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Senses(this includes the 6th Sense), Superhuman Intelligence, Superhuman Durability, Extremely Goodluck, Self-Sufficiency(Doesn't need to Eat, Drink, or Sleep), Invulnerability, Regeneration, and Immunity to all forms of toxins, poisons and diseases. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem and your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also I suggest that Naruto's personality be mix among Yamamoto from Bleach, Kenpachi from Bleach, Urahara from Bleach, Whitebeard from One Piece, and Hiko from Rurouni Kenshin. Lastly, you are allowed to have Bishamonten take Naruto to be train and raise in Realm of the Gods. NarutoxMortal Kombat: After the Kyuubi was sealed inside Naruto, the Shinigami takes Naruto to Realm of the Gods/Goddesses because he has been chosen to be their champion, when the next Mortal Kombat Tournament begins because his father and mother were their last champions. So for 15 years Naruto is trained and raised by all Gods and Goddesses along with spirits of dead, which include his parents, before he returns to the Leaf Village and wait for when the next Mortal Kombat Tournament begins. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem and your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto's Realm doesn't have to be the Earthrealm so characters from it can still be alive. 2nd NarutoxMortal Kombat: 3 year old Naruto is dealt a mortal blow from mob that slowly kills him and the Kyuubi grew desperate to save him used an unknown power that only she/he possesses because she is the largest fragment of the original Juubi's power and mind. When she uses that power it calls the other tailed beasts to her regardless of being sealed or running wild. The hosts of the tailed beasts live from the removal, keep the powers they had gain from their tailed beasts, and get to live normal lives. Kyuubi than becomes the new Juubi and gains all the power and memories of the original Juubi, the other fragments, and some memories of Sage of Six Paths. With this new power, she/he rips hole in time and space to send her and Naruto to another dimension. Here Naruto is found by Raiden, who had felt Naruto entering the Dimension and feels the new Juubi's soul sealed inside him. After talking with the new Juubi, he takes Naruto to the Order of Light's Shaolin Temple because he believes Naruto has the potential of becoming Earthrealm's Greatest Champion and maybe even become the one who replaces him as Earthrealm's Protector(Yes, Naruto replaces Liu Kang because Liu Kang is suppose to be the main protagonist of the Mortal Kombat series). After couple of years, Naruto has mastered everything the Monks can teach him and has mastered many things from the new Juubi. Here Raiden appears to help him to get him stronger by taking him to see the legendary Outworld master of martial arts, Bo' Rai Cho to further young Naruto's development. Again after couple of years, Naruto has mastered everything Bo' Rai Cho can teach him and has mastered many more things from the new Juubi. Again Raiden appears to help make Naruto stronger by taking him to the White Lotus Society's stronghold were he is trained by all the and Spirits of Past Members. So again after couple of years, Naruto has mastered everything that the Spirits can teach him and has mastered finally mastered everything that the new Juubi can. So again Raiden appears, but this time he takes Naruto back to Order of Light's Shaolin Temple so he can rest because soon the Mortal Kombat tournament shall begin. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to turn male characters into female characters(except Naruto). Lastly, you add that Raiden and the other Guardian Gods(Fire God(Was never officially given a name), Earth God(Was never officially given a name), Water God(Was never officially given a name), and Fujin) also train Naruto before the tournament begins. NarutoxPersona: When Naruto was 4 years old, he was attacked by a mob of villagers and ninja. Because of this, Naruto unlocks a new power and summons 5 special beings called "Persona". Their names Izanagi, Izanami, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo(They well all have look they did in Persona 4, except Tsukuyomi because he never was in Persona 4, which means you well have to make give him/her a look in the style of Persona 4). After the 5 Persona defeat/kill the mob, Naruto ends up going unconscious and ends up in his mind. Here Naruto meets the 5 Personas and Kyuubi, who is free of Madara's control and is very for what Naruto's life has become because she/he couldn't stop Madara from controlling him/her. 11 years later, Naruto has master his abilities that were given by the 5 Persona and even masters his able to control them to point that he can have all 5 of them go in their Okami form at the same time. Also he has mastered all of Ninja and Sage arts that Kyuubi has taught him. He was able to keep his skills a secret from village by using a 'mask' of an idiot and by training at the Hokage's secret training field, which he was able to access after telling the 3rd Hokage about his Personas and about the Kyuubi. The 3rd Hokage is the only one that knows the true Naruto and has even taught Naruto somethings, which Naruto has mastered. Well watch out world because today is the day that Naruto becomes a Leaf Ninja and takes off his 'mask' for good. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also Naruto is to be the only one to have Personas, unless he unlocks that able in a person that that well be one of his loves because it well be a clan art. Lastly, you are to give Death to Naruto as another of his Personas because Naruto had made contact with the Death God, when the Kyuubi was sealed inside. NarutoxKingdom Hearts: After Naruto was attacked by a mob on his 6th birthday, he wakes up in his mind here meets Kyuubi and another spirit, who says that he is his reincarnation. The spirit is the Creator and First Master of the Keyblades and the Supreme Master of All the Magical Arts, who was first person to ever go to Kingdom Hearts and was the holder of the X-Blade. After some talking, they Naruto should leave the village so he can train against the Heartless and Nobodies. The Key Master decides that Naruto should train in Kingdom Hearts because time does not really exist there so Naruto can train there for thousands to billions of years there and only couple of years would have pasted outside. So for many years, Naruto is taught by Kyuubi and the Key Master until he masters everything they know. After Naruto masters everything they can teach him, he leaves to go start his journey as a Keyblade Master. K, the story pairing most be NarutoxMassive Harem. NarutoxGod of War: Kratos is trap on Olympia because all of the Olympian Era was destroyed by him, which means he can no longer leave because there are no more worshipers for him. He has tried to kill himself so that he can be with his family again, but he can't die because he became a true god after killing all of the Olympian Gods. So for many years all he can do is watch the new era called the Ninja/Chakra Era, but that stops when he finds a way off of Olympia. That way is to reincarnate himself and to teach the one, who is his reincarnate in everything he knows so that he can finally rest in peace. He chosen Naruto because he see the New Gods, who are actually have honor and care for the humans, have made the boy their chosen one. Watch out world for Naruto is the new God of War and the New Gods are watching his back. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, if you don't remember Kratos was Spartan so he well not hold back during Naruto training no matter since, which means the training well make Lee and Gai's training look like a walk in heaven. Naruto: The True Heir of the Rinnegan: When 4 years old Naruto, he was attacked by a mob of villagers and ninja. This causes him to waken the bloodline that was hidden in both his parent's blood, the Rinnegan. After awaking the ancient and powerful, Naruto meets the spirit of his ancestor, the Sage of Six Paths. The Sage teleports Naruto to his home so that he can train him because he has seen in that some is trying to bring the Juubi back and that person has someone that also has the Rinnegan working for him. So for 11 years Naruto is trained by his ancestor in the way Ninja Arts, the Sage Arts, and to truly master the Rinnegan in way that makes Gai and Lee look like the most laziest bums in the world. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxTotally Spies: A mob of villagers and ninja attack Naruto on 4th Birthday. Kyuubi, who is free of Madara's control, has had enough of Naruto's treatment by village so she rips a hole in space and time that sends Naruto to random dimension. In the new dimension, the unconscious and bloody body of Naruto is found by Jerry, who touches Naruto and ends up being dragged into Naruto's mindscape, were he meets Naruto and Kyuubi. After some talking, Naruto gets adopted by Jerry. Years later Naruto is WOOHP's top agent, which is thanks to Jerry and Kyuubi training him. He has also has already been selected to be the next head of WOOPH, when Jerry retires. At age 13, Naruto decides to take a break from being WOOPH agent and go traveling around the World for 2 years. After his traveling around the world, Naruto decides to stop and live in the Beverly Hills and go to the high school so that he can hang up with people who are around his age and so he can meet his WOOPH's top agent team that he has heard so much about from his step-father. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Sam, Clover, and Alex. Lastly, idea on how Naruto is allowed to have a harem is because when saving the Japanese Representative he uses a jutsu and tells the representative that he well only teach his art to his family so what the representative does is that he has stated as clan and Naruto being last of it means that Naruto is allowed to have multiple wives. Naruto no Kitsune: We all know that Kyuubi isn't really a Kitsune, but just the strongest piece of chakra that was of the Juubi. What if Naruto's parents were real Kyuubi no Kitsunes and Minato summoned Inari to seal the fake Kyuubi instead of the Shinigami, which means both of Naruto's parents are alive. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, this can be crossover and the best I could suggest is with Inuyasha or Rosario Vampire. NarutoxTeen Titans/Justice League: At 4 years old, Naruto is attacked by mob of Ninjas and Villagers, which causes him to end up in his mindscape and meet Kyuubi. After some talking, they both decide that it is best that Naruto leaves this dimension so that he he can start a new life in the new dimension. Here Naruto ends up is in deepest part of a forest in Japan, were he stays for 9 years and becomes a master of all ninja and sage arts because of Kyuubi's hellish way of teaching him that makes Gai and Lee's training look like they are taking a walk in Heaven. After the 9 years, Naruto goes to Tokyo, were he is introduce to the life of crime by becoming a Ninja for hire for the Yakuzas. After workings for the Yakuza, Naruto decides to travel the world until he reaches a place called Jump City. Here he starts his journey as Red-X. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxWhite Knight ChroniclesxZero no Tsukaima/The Familiar of Zero: After being beaten by a mob, 6 year old Naruto is than thrown down an abandoned water well, where he end up at underground temple. Meanwhile Naruto meets Kyuubi, who is free of Madara's and is very sorry for what has happen to Naruto, but Naruto forgives her/him saying it wasn't her/his fault since he wasn't in control of her/his actions. When Naruto wakes he decides to explore the temple and what he finds makes Kyuubi extremely shocked. What Naruto finds is a humongous library filled with every books that are on Spells, Runes(Magic Seals), and Fighting Style from the Middle Ages. Naruto than finds a door in the deepest parts of the library, when he enters he finds a crown. When Naruto touches it, he ends up in his mind again. Here he meets the spirit that have bonded with his soul, who is the true most powerful Knight the Ancients had made and was titled as the Eternal Emperor and was named Elgar. Elgar tells Naruto that the Ancients had sent him and all of their knowledge to Naruto's dimension because they feared what would happen if someone from their own dimension got a hold him and their knowledge, also he tell Naruto that his Knight Ark, which is called the Eternal Crown well stop his and those he loves ages at 22 and also it gives Naruto the ability to use the most powerful kind of magic, Void. After the talk with Elgar, Naruto starts his training in Spells, Runes(Magic Seals), Fighting Style from the Middle Ages, and his Knight form. Also lucky for Naruto there is kitchen with enough food to feed an army and the food is all fresh thanks to some runes, which Naruto doesn't have to leave the temple till his training is done. 10 years Nauto has master everything thanks to Kyuubi teaching him the Shadow Clone Jutsu, when his trained started. Naruto is ready to leave his dimension to go to another dimension , but before he does goes to the forge to make himself some equipment and places a rune that well destroy the temple and everything it so that no one else can gain the power and knowledge he had gotten from it and so that no one can follow him. Meanwhile in another dimension, a female mage student named Louise is summoner her familiar and because her magic is unstable it causes her to link up with Naruto's portal, which means Naruto is her familiar now. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also a suggestion(which means you don't really have to do this) for what Naruto's Knight Form can look like I say Apostle of Creation from Star Ocean: The Last Hope, which well be just a half-powered and Satanail from Star Ocean: The Last Hope, well be the full power state and true form. Lastly Naruto and Kyuubi are the only Naruto characters. Chimera no Jinchuuriki: After being attacked by a mob of villagers and ninja, 6 year old Naruto is left in deepest parts of the Land of Fire's forest. Here he is found by Hiruko(from the 3rd Naruto Shippuden movie), who decides to save him. After Naruto wakes up he talks to Hiruko, who than decides to train and raise Naruto because he reminds him of himself as a child. Many years past by, Naruto and Hiruko have developed a father and son relationship, also Hiruko has taught Naruto everything he knows including the Chimera Jutsu. Unfortunately there time together comes to an end, when members of Akatsuki show up and kill Hiruko. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem. NarutoxFinal Fantasy X: Madara uses the Kamui to sends Naruto to another dimension just before he dies. Naruto wakes inside his mind scape were he learns from Kyuubi/Juubi that they are no longer in their own dimension & getting back is impossible do to that there are so many dimensions that pick their would be out one of one trillion chance & they wouldn't survive a second jump. The reason they survived this jump is because Kyuubi made Naruto into a half-demon, but there is strange side effect, he is a baby again! There guess is that Naruto's regeneration ability went into overdrive when becoming a half-demon(Naruto still looks like 16 in his mind scape being that his body may be younger, but not his mind). Outside his mind, Naruto has been found by Tidus' Mother(She was never given a name), who saw bright flash, then decide to investigate, & ends up finding baby Naruto in a orange rag which what is left of his clothing from the dimension jump(Yes, Naruto replaces Tidus). K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Naruto no Juubi: Before the Ninja/Chakra Era ever existed, the Juubi was a Force of Nature created by the Gods/Goddesses to balance out the world and keep order in it but one day it was possessed by a demon who was imprisoned by the Gods/Goddesses due to the fact that it once waged war against them. The Juubi went berserk and started to cause destruction all across the earth so the gods decided to grant a man known as the Rikudo Sennin/the Sage of Six Paths the power to face Juubi and seal him/her by sealing its body into the moon and separating its spirit and power into nine creatures known as the Bijuu/Tailed Beasts but little did he know that a small portion of the Juubi's spirit was sealed into the moon as well. One day the Gods/Goddesses knew they needed a new Juubi to keep the planet balanced so they freed the Juubi's spirit from the moon and informed it that she/he would need to find a successor due to the fact that the same demon that took over it's minds is planning to return and they can't interfere with the mortal world. The Juubi's spirit wanders the Elemental/Ninja Nations looking for a successor until it find one in the form of a newborn named Naruto and by just looking at the baby boy, she/he knew that he was destined for greatness. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you can have Naruto be the chosen one of the Gods/Goddesses, which means he would get the Rinnegan, which could be even better than the Rikudo Sennin's/the Sage of Six Paths's Rinnegan. NarutoxYuYu Hakusho: After he dead, Naruto was chosen by King Enma to become the very first Spirit/Underworld Detective. After thousands/millions of years, King Enma Jr. gives Naruto an assignment to watch over a boy named Yusuke Urameshi. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 2nd NarutoxYuYu Hakusho: On his birthday, a young Naruto wakes up his demon blood and meets the Kyuubi and the spirit of his ancestor, Raizen. After some talking, the three agree that Naruto should go to Makai and train. Many years later, Naruto returns to the Human World and everyone should watch out because Naruto is no weak orphan child anymore, he is now the King of Makai and is one the strongest beings in the universe. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you are allowed to have Naruto meet and be trained by Yusuke's spirit with Raizen's spirit as well. NarutoxYu-Gi-Oh!/Yu-Gi-Oh! GX/Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: At the Valley of the End, Naruto's Rasengan and Sasuke's Chidori clash. Naruto's attack wins, but the colliding power creates a tear in the fabric of space and time, which results Naruto getting sucking into it. Here Naruto ends up in the world of Duel Monsters, were he is found by the Ruler/God of Duel Monsters, "Horakhty the Creator God of Light"(Horakhty is the Fusion of "Obelisk the Tormentor", "Slifer the Sky Dragon" and "The Winged Dragon of Ra"). After looking through Naruto's memories, Horakhty decides to help him. So for 6 years, Naruto is taught how to be a dueling god and is show all around the duel monsters world by Horakhty. Naruto is also taught by the Ninja and Sage arts by Kyuubi, who is very sorry om how he was treat as a child because he/she couldn't fight Madara's control over him/her. Also some monsters that Naruto makes friends with also teach him some things. When it's time for Naruto to go to human world, Horakhty gives Naruto a couple of gifts. The first gift are whole new cards that based of many thing in his old home dimension and the Asian countries that are in this dimension. The second/last gift is a Holy Millennium Item that he created for Naruto in chase he gets a duel with a Shadow Duelists and to summon Duel Monsters he has made friends with. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto and Kyuubi are the only Naruto characters and you are allowed to pair Naruto up with Female Duel Monsters. NarutoxPower Rangers: Naruto has be chosen to become the Twilight Ranger by being named Twilight, who is the Watcher of the Universe and is being made of Light and Darkness. The reason Twilight has made Naruto a Ranger is so he can help Light against Darkness. Light is Twilight's Sister, is the Ultimate Force of Good, and is being made of Light. Darkness is Twilight's Brother, is the Ultimate Force of Evil, and is being made of Darkness. Both Light and Darkness have their own Rangers as well. Light's Light Ranger's name is Hope. Darkness's Dark Ranger's name is Shadow. Watch as the ultimate battle between Good and Evil happens across Time and Space(Yes, this does mean Naruto can appear it all of the Power Ranger series). K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, which most have Light and Hope in it. Also you are allowed to change the names of Twilight, Light, Darkness, Hope, and Shadow. Lastly, you are allowed to add other crosses because this battle does happen across time and space. NarutoxTenchi Muyo: After saving the world from Akatsuki and Sasuke, Tsunade forces Naruto to have vacation. At first Naruto doesn't want to, but than agrees when learns he is being sent to vacation at village shrine that is run by his last living relative, his grandfather, Katsuhito/Yosho Masaki. At first every things are nice and relaxing until Naruto decides to take his grandfather's keys so he can see the so called demon named Ryoko. Here another great adventure begins for Naruto. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you can add Tenchi Muyo GXP and Saint Knight's Tale to the mix, but Naruto most take the places of main guy in them as well and get the girls from them as well. God of Ninja: Instead of Madara surviving the fight in the valley of the end he is killed. Hashirama and Tobirama die during the first and second shinobi war and Kyuubi attacks Konoha due to the fact that he/she was attacked by Danzo and his ROOT who wanted to use him/her as a weapon to take over Konoha and the elemental nations. After knocking Minato out, Hiruzen summons the Shinigami and Kami to seal Kyuubi into Naruto, but during the process the Gods/Goddesses see that he is the child of the prophecy, who well either destroy or save the world so they decide help him in his quest. Kami and the Shinigami summon the souls of Madara, Hashirama, and Tobirama into the mortal plane and they along with Hiruzen's souls are sealed into Naruto along with the Kyuubi so that Naruto inherit all of their knowledge and abilities making Naruto a born Ninja God. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto is allowed to gain the Rinnegan because he has Madara, Hashirama, and Tobirama sealed inside him because the Senju clan(Hashirama and Tobirama) and the Uchiha clan(Madara) are the descendants of two sons of the Rikudo Sennin/the Sage of Six Paths. Naruto: Raise of the Mage: Before the Rikudo Sennin/the Sage of Six Paths, there were people who already know how to use chakra, but keep it a secret. The reason was that the group was secret and hidden organization of mages. The mages could do things that Ninja could only dream of. Examples, they could control the weather(this means Godlike power and control over the elements), they could shape shift, they could case illusions that can some how physically injured some one, to rip the souls out of people's bodies, and to gain all of a person's memories and abilities from a single drop of blood. Now how did these people disappear you may ask? While the reason is because one their members was eating the souls and copying all of the memories and abilities of demons so he would be more powerful. This member was the grandson/granddaughter of the head master of the mage group and was natural born genius and hard worker of the body and the mind. He/she was already said to be stronger than his/her grandfather, but still he/she wanted more power and knowledge so he/she started eating the souls and copying all of the memories and abilities of demons. Unfortunately, one day she/he lost control in the mages' home and killed everyone she/he ever cared about. She/He became the demon know as the Juubi. Thousands of years later, the Kyuubi is being sealed inside Naruto, but the Gods/Goddesses also seal the soul of the Grandson/Granddaughter into Naruto because the gods/goddesses made a deal with the Grandson/Granddaughter that she/he would repaid for her/his crimes as the Juubi by teaching/helping the Child of the Prophecy, when he or she is born. Watch out world because Naruto is bring back the Arts of the Mage. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxHunter X Hunter: 3 year old Naruto is dealt a mortal blow from mob that slowly kills him and the Kyuubi grew desperate to save him used an unknown power that only she/he possesses because she is the largest fragment of the original Juubi's power and mind. When she uses that power it calls the other tailed beasts to her regardless of being sealed or running wild. The hosts of the tailed beasts live from the removal, keep the powers they had gain from their tailed beasts, and get to live normal lives. Kyuubi than becomes the new Juubi and gains all the power and memories of the original Juubi, , the other fragments, and some memories of Sage of Six Paths. With this new power, she/he rips hole in time and space to send her and Naruto to another dimension. Now in his new home dimension, Naruto talks to the new Juubi(You well be the one to give him/her name), who tells Naruto everything that has happen. After the talking, the new Juubi than tells Naruto that she/he well teach him to be the True Supreme Grand Master of All the Arts of their old and new home dimension. 15 years later, at age 18 Naruto has become a True Supreme Grand Master of All the Arts of his old and new home dimension. From here you decide is going happen and what has happened. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto and the new Juubi are the only Naruto characters. Naruto: The Ultimate Symbiote: On his 4th birthday, Naruto spots a meteor crash when he is on spot of the Hokage Montian. He decides to investigate the crash sight. When gets there something jumps on him and he falls unconscious. Here he ends up in his mindscape, were he meets Kyuubi and the Ultimate Symbiote named Chaos(You change it's/his/her named if you want). After some talking, the 3 agree that Naruto should leave his village, that Kyuubi well teach him all the Ninja and Sage arts, and Chaos well teach Naruto to master it's/his/her powers, skills, and abilities. Watch out for Naruto is now badder than ever. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you are allowed to send Naruto to the Marvel world after meeting Chaos. The 8th Sword of the Mist: The seven swords of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist are said to be the most powerful swords in the ninja world. Of course all would say that the most strongest of the 7 swords is the Samehada, but they are all wrong. There was an 8th sword made and it was made to be the most powerful sword in the world. No one has been chosen by the sword, but that changes when 5 year old Naruto runs away from the Leaf Village and runs into a person, who holds the sword and has been looking for a person to be the true sword master for the legendary 8th Sword. When the sword reacts to Naruto, the person holding the sword decides to train and raise. Watch out world because Naruto is going to become the greatest swordsman there ever was. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Naruto: The Lion Tamer: At young age Naruto some how finds a summoning contract for the truly most powerful and wise of summoning animals, the Lions. After signing the scroll, Naruto summons a lion cub and befriends him/her. After hearing how bad/sad his life is, the lion cub suggests to Naruto to come with him/her back to his/her home so that he can have a better life. Naruto agrees to this and is taken to the realm/home of Lion Summons by the Reverse Summoning Jutsu. Here Naruto learns that the lion cub that he summoned was the son/daughter of the Lion King/Boss, who name is Shiki, but is best known among summons as Shiki the Golden Lion. It turns that Shiki is not just the Boss/King of Lions, but is Ruler of all Summoning Animals, is the Leader of the 5 Holy/Divine Beasts, and is as old and as strong as the Kyuubi/Juubi. Now for the next couple of years, Naruto is raised and trained by lions till he fully masters everything they can teach them. Watch out world because Naruto the Lion Tamer is here. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto is allowed to be aware of Kyuubi and who his parents and Kyuubi can be Naruto's friend and can help train him as well. NarutoxDCxMarvel: During Naruto's fight with Sasuke at the Valley of the End, a rip in time and space happens and it sucks Naruto in it. Here Naruto ends up in between the dimensions of the Marvel and DC universes, were he is found by "The Brothers"(If don't know who they are than let me explain, "The Brothers" are two vastly powerful entities who's personify the DC and Marvel universes, who first appeared during the DC vs Marvel Comics). When "The Brothers" first argue on who's universe Naruto should go to and thing get even more heated when "The Brother" decides to show up wanting Naruto back. Fortunately before all 3 "Brothers" get a fight that would destroy all 3 universes, Naruto suggests that they share him by giving him the ability to 'jump' to each of their universes. "The Brothers" agree to this and as a show of thanks for the idea the 3 "Brothers" give Naruto many powers, abilities, knowledge, and many other thing so that he can be the Strongest Hero of All 3 Universes. K, the story pairing has to be a NarutoxMassive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, "The Brothers" can be the "The Sisters" instead, but they most be paired up with Naruto. NarutoxWitchbladexDarkness: After a mob attacks Naruto, the Darkness and the Angelus try to take over his body because they both a believe he has a weak will after such an attack and that wish to absorb the living force of nature named Kyuubi, but what happens instead is that when the Darkness and the Angelus are fighting on who should have Naruto's body as their own, Naruto awakens the Rinnegan. With the powers of the Rinnegan, Naruto absorbs the two powerful forces along with Kyuubi and gains all their knowledge and power. Now for those who don't know, the Darkness and the Angelus are the two primal forces of the universe. The Darkness is a male entity of darkness which represents chaos. The Angelus female entity of light which represents order. The two were in war with each other, but both created a sexual truce and conceived a child, the Witchblade. Now the Darkness and the Angelus could only take over bodies that were the same gender as them. So why was the Angelus trying to take over Naruto's body if it couldn't? It's because Naruto's Sexy Jutsu actually does change his gender so the Angelus planned to transform Naruto to his Sexy Jutsu Form and make it permanent, but as you can see that plan has failed. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, this can be a Massive Crossover story, but than the pairing than most be a NarutoxMassive Harem. NarutoxYuYu HakushoxRosario Vampire: At young age Naruto is sent to Makai(Demon World) by a Ninja, who hated him and used a Kinjutsu/Forbidden Jutsu, which opens a portal to Makai and sends a person there. Here thousands of years pass by and now Naruto is the Demon God of Makai, which is thanks to seal that seals Kyuubi because the seal has designed to absorb demonic energy and give it to Naruto. So Naruto being sent to a world of infinite amount of demonic energy lead to him becoming godlike. He had gain all powers and abilities of every demon race, item, and etc because of Kyuubi's seal. Speaking of Kyuubi when Naruto had finally absorbed it, he did not just gained it's power and abilities, he had also gained all of it's knowledge and memories. This lead to Naruto getting even stronger when learned of the Chakra Arts, especially after he mastered it, the Demon Arts, the Spirit Arts, and than mix all the arts into one supremely powerful art. Now one day Naruto gets bored so he decides to go to Reikai to meet King Enma/King Enma Jr. and ask for his permission to go to the Human World. King Enma/King Enma Jr. allows this, but only if he promises to go to Youkai Academy so that he can learn how the Human World works. Naruto agrees to this, so he goes and leaves his kingdom in hands of his 3 loyal generals and advisors, who are Raizen, Mukuro, and Yomi, who were helped/saved by Naruto. When Naruto gets there he meets a vampire girl named Moka Akashiya(Yes, Tsukune is not allowed, but his cousin Kyouko can replace him if you want to). Here Naruto's life starts to get some what exciting again. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem and your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, remember that Youkai Academy is hidden in the Human World and is more likely just used by demons who live in the Human World so they wouldn't know Naruto is the Demon God of Makai and also means they are mostly likely weaker than demons who live in Makai. NarutoxPokegirl: During the final battle with Madara, Naruto is sent to another world by Madara, who uses the Kamui on Naruto before he dies. In order to survive the trip to the other world, Naruto had to absorb the Kyuubi/Juubi, which means Naruto gains all Kyuubi's/Juubi's powers and memories. When an unconscious and badly injured Naruto finally reaches the world he has been sent, he is found by Dr. Sukebe. Here the Dr. Sukebe puts Naruto in a healing chamber, but because how injured he was, it well take many years before heals completely and wakes up. Now as Naruto heals, Dr. Sukebe studies him and he discovers many things, which lead to him making the Pokegirls. Many years later, Naruto wakes to world that he help create. The story pairing most be a NarutoxMassive Harem. Naruto: Itachi's Blessing: After killing his family, Itachi goes to visit Naruto, who he sees as a little brother. Itachi gives Naruto two important gifts before he leaves the village. The first gift is the Sharingan bloodline. The second gift is that Itachi seals a part/piece of his chakra/soul into Naruto and that piece/part of himself well train Naruto in everything he knows. Watch out for Naruto ninja world ninja world because Itachi has given him his ultimate blessing. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Mikoto(Itachi and Sasuke's mother) is allowed to be left alive. NarutoxBeyblade: After something happens, Naruto is sent to the dimension of Beyblade(You decide how he is sent there). Here Naruto becomes interested about Beyblading and decides to study till he absolute knows every there is to know about Beyblades. Afterwords, Naruto decides to make himself the Ultimate Beyblade and the Ultimate Beyblade Launcher. After making his Ultimate Beyblade and the Ultimate Beyblade Launcher, Naruto trains with both of them in every type of environment there and doesn't stop training till he has truly mastered both of them. After finishing his training, Naruto starts his journey to become the world's and history's greatest Beyblader. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Naruto: Realm of War: At a young Naruto wishes to be the strongest, Kyuubi grants his wish by sending him to the Realm of War. Here the dead spirits of the strongest warriors from every single era and dimension come. When Naruto is sent to the realm, the Gods/Goddesses appear when they sense a living spirit enter a realm made only for the dead. When they see that it is their Choosen One who entered the Realm of War, they decide to have all the spirits of the realm train him. Watch out world because when Naruto comes back he well definitely be one of the strongest people alive. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, the Gods/Goddesses and Kyuubi can also train Naruto if you want to. Naruto: Cooking Ninja: A young Naruto is chased out of the village by a mob on his birthday. Here is he found by a Wondering Cooking Ninja, who decides to take Naruto as his apprentice. For many years, Naruto learns and masters many things from his master that is until unfortunately one day his master dies(or is killed). From here Naruto continues his and his master's dream, to find/create the recipe for peace. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxDevil May CryxRosario Vampire: The Ninja Alliance has lost war against the Akatsuki because Naruto decided to stupidly trust Sasuke when he said he was on their side. The Akatsuki begin to remove the Kyuubi from Naruto after removing Hachibi from Killer Bee/Kirabi, but something unexpected had happen. Naruto had awoken his Devil Blood, which reversed the removingprocess causing Naruto to absorb all the tailed beasts(Naruto can also absorb Madara and Sasuke if you have them try to stop what is happening, which means Naruto would get a Dojutsu that is basically a fusion between the Rinnegan and the Sharingan) and to open a portal sending him to Hell. Here Naruto meets the spirits of Dante, Vergil, Nero, and Sparda who are his devil ancestors. From there Naruto is trained by the spirits till he has fully master everything they can teach him and until he finds all their weapons and items that belonged to them. After thousands/millions of Naruto returns to Earth/the Human Realm, were he reopens Devil May Cry and becomes a Demon Hunter like Dante. One day, Naruto gets hired Tenmei Mikogami the Headmaster of Yokai Academy, who wishes to Naruto to go undercover as a student and take care of some problems he has at the the school. Watch out Yokai Academy because a Devil/Descendent of Spaeda of is coming. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also female Juubi is allowed to be one of Naruto's mates and be his partner at Devil May Cry. Lastly, no Tsukune unless he's turned to female or have his cousin, Kyouko take his place. NarutoxAir Gear: After something happens, Naruto is sent to the dimension of Air Gear(You decide how he is sent there). Here Naruto becomes interested in Air Trecks and decides to study till he absolute knows every there is to know about Air Trecks. Afterwords, Naruto decides to make himself the Ultimate Pair of Air Trecks. After making his Ultimate Air Trecks, Naruto trains with them in every type of environment there is and doesn't stop training till he has truly mastered them. After finishing his training, Naruto starts his journey to become the world's and history's greatest AT Skater. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto can even turn himself into the Ultimate and Prefect Hybrid between a Gravity Child and Brain Charger. NarutoxMegaman: When being chased by a mob, Naruto some how ends up at an ancient yet highly advance temple(You decide how Naruto gets there, but if you want my idea/suggestion than PM me), were he finds two biometals. When he touches them, Naruto goes unconscious and wakes up in his mind. Here he meets 3 people, who are Kyuubi, Omega Zero(The Ultimate Version/Form of Zero), and Alpha X(The Ultimate Version/Form of X/Megaman). From there, Kyuubi, Omega Zero, and Alpha X train Naruto in everything they know till he has completely mastered them all. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto is also allowed to find another biometal that has the spirit of the Ultimate Version/Form of Axl along with the biometals' Omega Zero and Alpha X. NarutoxBleachxDragon Ball Z/GTxStar Warsx?: A couple hundred/thousand/million of years have past since Naruto has become the Hero of the Ninja World, the True 2nd Rikudo Sennin, and the 2nd Jinchuriki of the Juubi after the Forth Ninja War and has brought peace to his World. He currently lives in the old Rikudo Sennin's home were he has completely master the Chakra Arts and 3 Other Energy arts, which are Spiritual Energy, Physical Energy, and Nature/Natural/Outer Energy. Today, Naruto decides to leave his world/dimension for another since he sees it no longer needs him. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, I well allow Female Naruto characters to be still alive and travel with Naruto(Of course they would have to be Naruto's wives/mates), Naruto to know other energy arts like Haki from One Piece(Which I believe is Energy from a Person's Will or Emotions), Naruto to still go to the Bleach, Dragonball Z/GT, and Star Wars worlds/dimensions, and I well even allow this to even become a Master Crossover(Of course the pairing than most be a NarutoxMassive Harem). NarutoxGhost RiderxSpawnxDevil May Cry: When the Shinigami (Goddess/God of Hell, Death, Destruction, and Darkness) notices the mark of Kami's(Goddess/God of Heaven, Life, Creation, and Holiness) Chosen One on Naruto's. She/He decides to help his/her brother's/sister's Chosen One by marking him as his/her Bounty Hunter for Unsaveable Damned Souls and Rouge Demons. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto) and are allowed to have Goddesses, Female Angels, Demonesses, and Female Devils in Naruto's Harem. Lastly, Naruto is allowed to have the Rinnegan since he is Kami's Chosen One and add Disgaea to this crossover story if you wish. NarutoxMass Effect: On his fifth birthday something terrible happens to Naruto's planet. A large group of Reapers and/or Collectors lanuch a world wide invade on his planet. Naruto is the only one on his world to survive and/or not be captured by the Reapers and/or Collectors. A few days/months after the invasion, another group of aliens called the Protheans arrive and find a nearly dead Naruto. They take Naruto back to their hidden new home planet. From here many things happen, the Protheans teaching and raising Naruto, the Protheans infusing their DNA with Naruto's DNA(You are allowed to infusion other alien races DNAs into Naruto also), giving Naruto extremely advance biocyber and biotics enhancements, and Naruto meeting and getting training by the Kyuubi(You are allowed Naruto to have Naruto meet his parents' spirits and be trained by them as well). After 13/14/15 years, Naruto finally leaves the hidden new home planet of the Protheans to start on his life's mission, which is to destroy the Reapers and the Collectors. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also, Naruto is allowed to have Rinnegan and be trained by the spirit of the Rikudo Sennin and also the Protheans can give Naruto an Extremely Advance Cyborg Ninja Suit and Extremely Advance Cyborg Ninja Weapons. Lastly, before you ask the answer is yes, I did use the story of Samus Aran from Metroid to help make this challenge. NarutoxYoung Justice: Madara uses the Kamui to sends Naruto to another dimension just before he dies. Naruto wakes inside his mind scape were he learns from Kyuubi/Juubi that they are no longer in their own dimension & getting back is impossible do to that there are so many dimensions that pick their would be out one of one trillion chance & they wouldn't survive a second jump. The reason they survived this jump is because Kyuubi made Naruto into a half-demon, but there is strange side effect, he is a kid again! There guess is that Naruto's regeneration ability went into overdrive when becoming a half-demon(Naruto still looks like 16 in his mind scape being that his body may be younger, but not his mind). Outside his mind, Naruto is found by Kent Nelson(AKA-Doctor Fate), who decides to take Naruto back with him to the Tower of Fate because he plans on teaching and raising Naruto on everything he knows of magic because Nabu tells him that Naruto is the prefect host to become totally one with(AKA-Naruto and Nabu fusing together to become one being). After a couple of years, Naruto completes his training and decides to travel around the world so he learn everything about before the next Doctor Fate. After a few years, the spirit of Kent comes and tells Naruto that he is finally dead and it is time for him to become Doctor Fate. After talking to Kent's spirit, Naruto goes straight towards Mount Justice(The base of operations of Young Justice) so he can get the Helmet of Fate so he can become Doctor Fate. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 2nd NarutoxYoung Justice: Madara uses the Kamui to sends Naruto to another dimension just before he dies. Naruto wakes inside his mind scape were he learns from Kyuubi/Juubi that they are no longer in their own dimension & getting back is impossible do to that there are so many dimensions that pick their would be out one of one trillion chance & they wouldn't survive a second jump. The reason they survived this jump is because Kyuubi made Naruto into a half-demon, but there is strange side effect, he is a kid again! There guess is that Naruto's regeneration ability went into overdrive when becoming a half-demon(Naruto still looks like 16 in his mind scape being that his body may be younger, but not his mind). Outside his mind, Naruto is found by members of Cadmus and is taken to one of their labs. Here they discover that because of Naruto's regeneration ability that he can survive a DNA infuse. So Cadmus decides to cancel the cloning of Superman project(Yes, Naruto replaces Superboy) and start a project were they infuse the DNA of Superman and many other Superheros and Supervillains into Naruto. They also use G-Gnomes to input knowledge into his and to try learn about Naruto. Because of this, Naruto most stay in his mindscape to block the G-Gnomes from getting any info from his mind. Many/Couple of years past before Naruto is finally discovered and saved by Aqualad, Robin and Kid Flash. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto is allowed to get cyber enhancements as well. 3rd NarutoxYoung Justice: 5 year old Naruto escapes from a mob into the forest of death he falls into a cave but it's no ordinary cave. In the cave is the half recovered form of Brainiac who survived his battle with superman. The supercomputer enters hismindscape and encounters kyuubi and they make up some sort of agreement where he can pass on his knowledge and abilities he gained to Naruto and merge with the boy (like he did with luthor in justice league unlimited) turning him into the ultimate being. after wards, Naruto will spend the next 10 years training under Braniac and Kyuubi until he is strong enough to be Brainiac's successor. After that, Naruto creates a dimensional portal that sends him to the DC world and begins his new life. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, I well allow you have Naruto take care of his planets problems first before he leaves. 4th NarutoxYoung Justice: Naruto learns that all of Konoha have been lying to him, have been purposely holding him back, and plans on betraying him after he brings Sasuke back alive. So Naruto secretly gets the help from the other villages to set up a plan to screw all of Konoha over big time and to get secret training from all of them. After killing Sasuke and getting all of Konoha screwed over, Naruto leaves his dimension to a new one to start a new one thanks to a jutsu he created himself. Here Naruto starts his life in the Young Justice/DC Dimension by becoming Red-X. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxThe Legend of Zelda: The Kingdom of Hyrule and it's allies are in very dire need of help for they are losing the war against the army of the "Dark Overlord" and the "Emperor of Everything Evil", Ganondorf. Because of this they ask/pray/beg to the Golden Goddesses to get help from the help from the "Fierce Deity", who is a legendary and mythical man/god mentioned by one of the chosen ones of the "Triforce of Courage"(AKA-The Link from "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" and "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask"). The Goddesses do so because they know without his help that the Kingdom of Hyrule and it's allies well fall to Ganondorf's Evil/Dark Army. So Din, Farore, and Nayru go to the Fierce Deity's realm, are actually greeted by him, and he says "Hello Golden Goddesses, I am the "Fierce Deity", but you may call me by my name, Naruto(This part doesn't really have to happen like this. I only wrote it here to state that Naruto is the "Fierce Deity")." K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also, I well allow Female Naruto characters to be still alive and travel with Naruto(Of course they would have to be Naruto's wives/mates). Lastly, this challenge isn't based on specific "Legend of Zelda" game, comic, mangas, cartoon, and etc. This is your own Zelda world you can create, you can basically blend/mix all the "Legend of Zelda" games and other things into this story. 2nd NarutoxThe Legend of Zelda: The villagers were right when they said Naruto wasn't human, but were wrong when they said he was a demon. Because Naruto is really the last living being of the Hylian race, which was thought to be brought to extinction by the Juubi. So because he is the last living Hylian, the Goddesses come to help by teaching him, training him, and giving him all the powers of the Triforce. Watch out Ninja World because the Hylian race is back and better than ever. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, the Fierce Deity can teach, train, and give Naruto some of his power as well, but remember the Fierce Deity is from Termina, which is s a parallel world to Hyrule so you well have to come up with a reason why the Fierce Deity would help Naruto. Naruto: The Ultimate Chosen One: The gods/goddesses are finally sick of having to chose a new Chosen One when something bad is going to happen or is happening. So they all decide to create the Ultimate Chosen One to protect all universes, realms, times, and etc. They decide to create their Ultimate Chosen One by using the Central Void, which is basically a Black Hole that is in the center of all realms and universes that collects all forms of energies from them and it is even said to collect memories, dreams, DNA, and etc. After creating him they teach and train him to be the Ultimate Chosen One. They also give him a name which they decided/voted it to be "Naruto". K, the story pairing has to be a NarutoxMassive Harem, also your allowed to turn male characters into female characters(except Naruto). Lastly, this is a Massive Crossover story. NarutoxCode Geass: After something happens, Naruto is sent to the dimension of Code Geass(You decide how he is sent there). After being sent, Naruto uses his ninja skills, Massive Number of Shadow Clones, and the Transform Jutsu to learn everything he can about the world that is his new home. In two or three months, Naruto has learned everything about his new home, including it's deepest darkest secrets like the Geass, the Geass Order/Cult/Directorate, and even the insane plan of destroying the 'Gods'/"collective human unconsciousness" so that everyone in universe can exist as one person made by Charles Zi Britannia, Marianne Vi Britannia, C.C./C2 and V.V./V2. Here Naruto makes/starts his goals, which are to protect the 'Gods'/"collective human unconsciousness" and to bring true peace and harmony to the world and his new home. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to turn male characters into female characters(except Naruto). Lastly, your allowed to have Naruto make himself a Knightmare Frame(Naruto's Knightmare is allowed to be even more advance and better than Lancelot Albion and the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N., which can easily be done thanks the knowledge the his clones have gather and if he is a Seal Master.) and Naruto is allowed to create/give himself a Geass(Naruto's Geass is allowed to be the Ultimate Geass, which means Naruto means well have every power/ability of psychokinesis, is absolutely protect from other Geasses, and is so powerful that the Geass Canceler can't cancel it's powers/abilities). NarutoxNegima/Fairy Tail/Harry Potter/Winx Club: Naruto(Who is the New Rikudo Sennin and New Juubi) discovers Magic and he shares his discovery, which starts the Magical Era. As time passes Naruto becomes the "Sorcerer Supreme" and the "Grand Master of All the Magical Arts", but Naruto also starts to notice how only some people can use magic and how the one who can't use magic are getting jealous and anger. Not wanting a war to happen because of this, Naruto decides to separate the people by making a parallel world/dimension for the magic users and decides to himself a home that is between the two worlds/dimensions and watch them both of them form there. Thousands of years later, Naruto has gotten bored of watching the dimensions so he decides to visit one of them. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto is also "Grand Master of All the Chakra Arts" as well and Female Naruto Characters can be still alive if they are Naruto's mates/wives, which of course means they are part of the harem as well. NarutoxKenichi: The Mightiest Disciple/History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi: When being sealed into Newborn Naruto, Kyuubi decides to open a portal to teleport Naruto to a random dimension so that he can get away and never be found by Madara again. Here Newborn Naruto is found by Saori and Mototsugu Shirahama, who decide to adopt Naruto as their son(Yes, Naruto replaces Kenichi). 6 years later after meeting Miu for the first time, winning his fight with Ryuto for Miu's Yin-Yang/Taijitu badge, and making his vow to become strong, Naruto finally meets Kyuubi, who decides to help Naruto by training and teaching Naruto in everything it knows. A couple years later, Naruto is in his first year of high school, he meets Miu again, and here Naruto's adventure begins. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxFairy TailxShaman King: After something happens, Naruto is sent to the dimension of Fairy Tail(You decide how he is sent there). Here is he found by the "Great Spirit", who decides to Naruto teach a very ancient and lost magic, which give the people who used it the title "Shaman". After finishing his training and become true master of the Shaman Magic Arts, Naruto decides to travels the whole world and gather many spirit partners while also ending up becoming one of the most famous Mages of all time. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto can learn and master other Magics from the Spirits and with some help from the Shadow Clone Jutsu. Naruto: The Ultimate Lady Killer: Instead of Kyuubi being a being of maliciousness and anger she/he/it is a being of lust and pervertedness. So she/he/it decides to make Naruto's pheromones super powerful that attracts all the women around him. So at first all females of Konoha act like mother and sister to Naruto, but when Naruto hits puberty they all wish to become something much much more. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you can have all Kunoichi of Konoha secretly train or give ninja/jutsu scrolls to Naruto. Naruto: The Apprentice of the Snake Queen: On the night that Naruto stole the Konoha's Scroll of Seals, there was a fifth person witness to the events of that night besides Naruto, Iruka, Mizuki, and Hiruzen(The 3rd Hokage's First Name). After witnessing Naruto learn Kage Bunshin/Shadow Clone no Jutsu in less than hour and beat a Chunin Level Ninja, the Fifth Witness decides to go to the Hokage and request that Naruto becomes her apprentice, which he allows. If you thinking it was Anko than you are wrong because it is actually a Good and a Female Orochimaru. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxMarvel: During WWII Captain America had sleep with a woman, who was actual Japanese Spy/Assassin/Ninja that had the mission of killing Captain America, but when getting close to him to let his guard down she accidentally fell in love with him. She is goes back home after failing her mission, quits being a spy/assassin/ninja, and starts to live some were hidden in Japan because she realizes she is pregnant with Minato Namikaze, who well be a mutant with all the powers/abilities of Captain America at a Superhuman Level and gets trained by his mother in the arts of being a spy/assassin/ninja. Years later, Minato has taken a Superhero Identity to stop the raising crime after WWII and during this time Minato meets and marries Kushina Uzamaki, who is also mutant superhero that is very powerful psychic that make easily make things with psychic energy(Psychic Katana, Psychic Armor, Psychic Chains, Psychic Chairs, and Psychic etc). Years later, they have a son who has both their powers/abilities(Naruto is allowed to have his own muntant powers/abilities along with his parents' mutant powers/abilities), but at a much higher level than their own. Years later, the family is visited by Charles Xavier, who wishes to take Naruto to his School for Gifted Youngsters. They agree to this, but only after Minato and Kushina teach Naruto everything they know. Years later, Naruto is finally on his way to "Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters" and to start is journey. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxIkki Tousen/Battle Vixens: The seven schools in the district of Kanto are about to shook up when a boy named Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze comes to town. The reason is because he contains the spirit that is not of the Three Kingdoms and is so powerful that he makes the Dragon Warriors look like newborn hatchlings. His spirit has many titles "Stone Monkey", "Great Sage, Equal of Heaven", and "Victorious Fighting Buddha", but he is widely known as Sun Wukong(Pronounced in Japanese as Son Goku) the Monkey King. Naruto has meet his spirit & has been trained by him ever since he was a child so look out schools in the district of Kanto & the spirits of the Three Kingdoms because Naruto is here to break the chains of fate & to end the war for good. As have you seen/read the basic idea of this challenge is Naruto being part of NarutoxIkki Tousen/Battle Vixens world instead of his own world. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). 2nd NarutoxIkki Tousen/Battle Vixens: The spirits of the warriors from the Three Kingdoms era of Ancient China have anger the Ancient Spirits of Japan for they dare to bring their war to their homeland instead of keeping it in their so the Spirits of Japan decide to 'fight fire with fire', but with one major difference. They decide instead of separating they their spirits and essence into individual Magatama and having many Toushis/Fighters that they shall put all of their spirits and essence into one Magatama and have only one Toushi/Fighter. After a very good search of Japan, they have decide that the one that well become their Toushi/Fighter is boy named Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze because Strong Spirit/Will and his Blood for he is descendent of some of the strongest spirits that well be in their Magatama. Watch out Toushis/Fighters of the Three Kingdoms era of Ancient China because Naruto the Toushi/Fighter of Japan is coming. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you are allowed to have characters from Inuyasha, Samurai Warriors, Samurai Champloo, Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai 7/Seven Samurai, Sengoku Basara, Samurai Warriors, Samurai Jack, Ninja Gaiden, and etc be Spirits in Naruto's Magatama as long as that character was born in Japan before the 20th century began, which was January 1, 1901(The reason for this is because Feudal Japan was from 1185 to 1868). NarutoxDC/Massive Crossover: When Naruto entered his subconscious after being pushed off a cliff by Jiraiya instead of meeting Kyuubi, he meet an entirely different being named Brainiac Omega. Here Brainiac Omega explains to Naruto, who she/he is and why she/he is sealed inside of him instead of Kyuubi. Brainiac Omega(You are allowed to give Brainiac Omega his/her own name) tells Naruto that she/he is the Ultimate Gynoid/Android to ever be created so she/he can become the Ultimate and Perfect Life Form(In a way Brainiac Omega is like A.M.A.Z.O from the DC Animated Universe). She/He has been to many dimensions, timelines, alternate dimensions/timelines, realms, and etc., where she copied all the powers, abilities, knowledge, memories, technology, energies(Magic, Mana, Psychic Energy, Cosmic Energy, Chi, Energy of Multiple Different Big Bangs, Holy Energy, Demonic Energy, Solar Energy, Radioactive Energies, and etc) and etc of all the things that were in them. She/He even sometimes helped those places/times(Example of this can be an alternate dimension of Final Fantasy 7 were Brainiac Omega destroyed Jenova before she ever got to Gaia), which is unfortunately how she/he got sealed into Naruto because she/he decided to help during the Kyuubi attack by destroying the Kyuubi with one simple attack, but unfortunately when Minato saw this he thought of her/him as a major threat so he sealed her/him into Naruto with the "Reaper Death Seal". Here Brainiac Omega explains to Naruto that she/he can easily destroy the seal, but unfortunately their souls have been linked permanently together when she/he was sealed inside him meaning as soon the seal is destroyed they would fuse together so she/he decide to wait for Naruto to show up to hear his opinion since he is apart of this. After some thinking Naruto agrees to fuse with Brainiac Omega, especially after she/he tells that the seal would have Naruto absorb her/him over time, but that would take millions or even billions of years before it would complete this. Watch everyone because Naruto has now become one of the powerful and smartest beings in all the dimensions, timelines, realms and etc. Okay, the pairing for story most be a from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem if Naruto just stays in his dimension/timeline/etc, but if Naruto goes to other dimensions, timelines, realms and etc than it most be a NarutoxMassive Harem. Lastly, Female Brainiac Omega can be in Naruto's harem by having Naruto basically recreate her. Improved Naruto: When Naruto was being created inside his mother's, Kyuubi decide to improve Naruto because it/she/he knows Naruto well most likely be it's/her/his next container or Kyuubi does because it/she/he is friends with Naruto's parents. Watch out world because this improved Naruto is going to become one of the greatest ninjas in history. The story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Naruto: Madara's Blessing: On the night of the Kyuubi attack there was a spirit watching the events unfold. The spirit was Madara Uchiha and he was pissed to see and hear that someone was using his name and reputation. So he decides to mess up the man's plans a bit by getting himself sealed along with the Kyuubi inside newborn, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. Years later Naruto wakes up in his mindscape where he meets the Kyuubi and Madara(It's up to you when this happens. Examples: It could happen right after he is kicked out of the orphanage, during the Land of Waves Arc, or during Chunin Exams Arc). After some talking, Naruto begins his training with Madara and the Kyuubi. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto most gain Madara's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, Rinnegan, and ability to use Mokuton, but I well allow you to decide when and how Naruto well gain them. NarutoxSailor Moon: Long before the Moon Kingdom was made, the whole galaxy was control by one powerful and peaceful Empire, which was ruled by Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze the Star/Sun Emperor. This changed tho because one day Naruto decide to explore the universe so he divided his empire to each of his loyal council members and after a couple years without any signs of their Emperor returning the council members get greedy so they began wars with each other so they could gain the other council members' piece of the empire. This greed for wanting to control the whole empire didn't just stop with the council members tho because soon nobles, war generals, and even civilians started creating their own armies. So after thousands/millions/billions of years, the massive war just stopped for the simple fact that it had become impossible to continue it for resources were extremely low, everyone was living in runes or even worse, they so very little where people left alive, tons of planets have been destroyed or have become unlivable, and it's been so long that people have forgot what the war was even about. After a truce was settled between armies, they all went their separate ways to different parts of the galaxy where they started their own kingdoms and where the knowledge/memories/history of the war that destroyed most of the galaxy, the once powerful and peaceful Empire, and Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze the Star/Sun Emperor where forgotten/erased. Now thousands/millions/billions of years have passed, it's now Modern Era Earth where it and the rest of the Galaxy are about get a blast from the pass because Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze the Star/Sun Emperor has finally returned. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Female Naruto Characters can be still in the harem if they are Naruto's mates/wives and when with him when he explored the universe, which of course means they are part of the harem. NarutoxJackie Chan Adventures: After being chased/beaten by a mob of villagers, 4 year old Naruto some how finds himself at Section 13 and at a Chi Wizard Temple. Here the spirits of the temple find him and after going his memories find that he is worth to learn from them. So for 11 years, Naruto is trained by the spirits until he has mastered everything they could teach him. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). PS- The reason for lack of detail is because it leaves more choices. Like my reason on for not telling were the temple is found. Naruto could find the temple under the Forest of Death, Inside the Hokage Mountian, or he could even find something that teleports him to temple, which could be very tech Chi Wizard Temple since it's also Section 13's base, which means the temple could be under water, in the sky, or even in space. NarutoxTengen Toppa Gurren Lagann/Gurren Lagann: Because of the neglect and the hate form the teachers, Naruto isn't taught how to access his Chakra on first day of school like all the other students. So after seeing all the students gain access to their Chakra, when he gets home Naruto immediately tries to access his own even tho he has no idea on how to access it, which leads to Naruto accessing a different and more powerful energy, "Spiral Energy". Okay now here are three things that can happen after Naruto accesses his Spiral Energy: One is that Naruto is taken away by an Elderly Simon, who trains and raises Naruto in everything he knows. Where Naruto returns to his world/dimension/reality/time/etc as a Godlike being. Two is that Naruto accidentally opens a wormhole to another world/dimension/reality/time/etc, where Naruto ends up meeting a young Lordgenome and here Gurren Lagann's history/reality changes for the combine power of Lordgenome and Naruto are able to beat the Anti-Spirals or Lordgenome betrays Naruto and seals him open, where later on he gets released by someone or a group of people. Three is that Naruto accidentally opens a wormhole to another world/dimension/reality/time/etc, where Naruto ends up at Jeeha Village. Here there are 3 choices on what happens: One Naruto befriends Kamina and Simon, where joins them on their adventure along with Yoko; Two Naruto replaces Kamina; Three Naruto replaces Simon. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, the story of this challenge can become a Massive Crossover story after Naruto becomes a Master of Spiral Energy, where he can open wormholes that travel to other worlds, other dimensions, other realities, other times, and other etc. NarutoxMy Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: During his final battle with Sasuke, Naruto is sent through a rip between time and space. When Naruto wakes up he sees he is no longer human instead he is a pony(It's up you on what type of pony Naruto is). The reason is because Naruto was sent to an alternate reality/dimension/world where humans never existed so the laws of this reality change Naruto into a Pony. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also you are allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also, I well allow Naruto to appear at any time in the Pony reality/dimension/world, even the time before Equestria was made. Lastly, if you want Naruto to remain Human you can, but only if you have to change the pony universe by turning one, some, or all intelligent animals species (Basically ones that have the ability to speak) into furries or humans. Naruto: The Child of Destruction: A young Naruto is ignored and unloved by his parents, who force all their attention on his twin Sister, who has the Kyuubi sealed inside her and their parent believe she is the Child of the Prophecy. When alone on top of Hokage Mountain, Naruto is comfort and offered a deal by worst person possible, Tobi. The deal is that if Naruto comes back on top of Hokage Mountain tomorrow night during the Kyuubi festival and his sister's birthday party, he take him away from the village, train him, and care for him. Naruto agree to the deal and before he leaves he steals scrolls from his Family Library and equipment from his Family Armory. After leaving the village, Naruto gets trained by Tobi and all the members of the Akatsuki(Including Orochimaru when he was a member as well), also he gets experimented on by Orochimaru and Tobi to make him more powerful. From here it is up to you what happens(Tho what I would like to see is that Naruto kills Tobi, takes Tobi's place as the true/hidden leader of the Akatsuki, and he starts his dark path of taking over the world). Okay, the story most be a Dark Naruto or an Evil Naruto story. Also, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, if it's an Evil Naruto story than the pairing can be No Pairing. NarutoxMuramasa: The Demon Blade: After getting kick out of the orphanage, a young Naruto takes shelter inside an abandoned Inari shrine. Here the god/goddess Inari decides to help Naruto by send two of his/her most loyal servants, Yuzuruha and Kongiku to act as Naruto's guides and helpers in his life. He/She also gives a mask to his/her servants to give to Naruto as a gift and seal inside the mask the souls of Muramasa, Masamune, and Master Swordsman/Swordsmen/Swordswoman/Swordswomen. Here it's up you on what happens. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also Yuzuruha and Kongiku most be in it and you are allowed to turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxInazuma Eleven: Because of the neglect and the hate form the teachers, Naruto isn't taught how to access his Chakra on first day of school like all the other students. So after seeing all the students gain access to their Chakra, when he gets home Naruto immediately tries to access his own even tho he has no idea on how to access it, which leads to Naruto to accidentally summon a Keshin/Avatar, who turns out to be the King of all Keshins/Avatars. This greatly surprises the King because no has never summoned him before and he was summoned by someone so young. So seeing the massive amount of potential that Naruto has, the King decides to take Naruto with him to the Realm of Keshins/Avatars, where he well be trained and raised by all of the Keshins/Avatars(Of course Kyuubi can help train and raise Naruto as well). When Naruto's training is completed, he is given the choice of going back to his dimension or to another dimension. From here it's up to you on what happens. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also you are allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxDoctor Strange: Yao the Ancient One was a True Master of the Mystic Arts and the Sorcerer Supreme. He has mastered the power over body, mind, and soul and has has transcended beyond human mortality. Yao was the brother of the Rikudo Sennin, the man who discovered Chakra and creator of Ninjutsu. Yao understood the true concepts of humans and power so he didn't teach anyone the mystic arts. The reason for it is because he witnessed his brother fight and defeat the Jubi, split its power into nine different entities, creating the nine biju, but also witnessed the true nature of human's through the man's sons where the Sennin's eldest believed in the strong being served by the weak while the younger believes that the strong should protect the weak. When the man chose the youngest as his heir, the eldest was furious and attacked him out of spite. For countless decades, Yao watched the wars between the ninja clans and how the nine biju were treated as weapons and their vessels (minus Kushina) being treated badly. He then had a vision where the child of destiny, one of pure heart would end the chaos and bloodshed by being the savior or destroyer of the world. Years later he watches Minato Namikaze seal the Kyuubi into his son and realizes that Naruto is the key to ending the imbalance and after the sealing is finished, he takes Naruto with him since he visualized the boy not only as the chosen one but his successor in the mystic arts. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also you are allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Naruto of the Lake: After being kicked out the orphanage, Naruto decides to camp out in the woods near a lake. Here he is found by Nyneve the Queen of Fairies(Nyneve is one of various names given to "The Lady of the Lake", who is suppose to be Fairy and a ruler of a magical kingdom), who decides to take Naruto to her realm where her magical kingdom is at. Here Naruto is taught how to be a Knight and is taught in many forms and types of magic for many years. After many years, it finally time for Naruto to return to the Ninja World. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxSkullgirls: Naruto is sent to the Skullgirls Dimension(You decide how that happens) and he is unfortunately is found by Brain Drain(For those who don't know, Brain Drain is the "psychic director" of the highly secretive Anti-Skullgirls Lab Zero). Here Naruto gets experimented on to become the Ultimate Anti-Skullgirl Weapon, but thankfully thanks to Naruto's strong will and/or maybe Kyuubi he doesn't fall under Brain Drain's mind control. After some years, Naruto finally sees his chance to escape from Anti-Skullgirls Lab Zero and takes it(Naruto can also help Painwheel escape as well). From here it's up to you on what happens. K, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto can become a Skullboy if you want. NarutoxPrototype: Naruto finds an abandoned military base of a forgotten era(You decide on how, where, and when he finds it). Here he finds Naruto finds a sample of the Blacklight Virus and accidentally infects himself with it. Watch out world because a new Prototype has been born. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). Also you are allowed to have Naruto also find and infect himself with the Redlight Virus, the Whitelight Virus and even your own created Light Viruses that can give Naruto other powers/abilities. Lastly, you are allowed to have Naruto find military weapons, vehicles, and etc at the base as well. Narutox? Mythology: Instead of summoning the Shinigami of his Mythology, Minato got a different God of Death from different Mythology(Examples: Charon, Hades, and Thanatos the Greek Gods of Death; Odin, Hel, and Freyja the Norse God/Goddesses of Death; Abaddon, Michael, and Santa Muerte the Christianity Angels of Death; Death of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse). Watch as Naruto's future is forever changed by this event. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem and your allowed to turn the male characters into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, the God of Death can take new born Naruto to their version of heaven of their mythology, where Naruto can be trained by the God of Death along with the other Gods/Goddesses of the Mythology. NarutoxHighschool DXD: Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze is a boy/man that was decide by Fate and Destiny to be the one to bring eternal peace to every living thing or bring the very end of time. But this brings up a question. Why was he choose to be the Child of the Prophecy? The answer is that he is the descendent of the Original/First God, the Original/First Devil, the Original/First(Which would be Bahamut or Io), and the Original/First Hero(Which would be Gilgamesh or Algol). With the Blood of such powerful beings running through his veins it is no wonder he well be the one that has the power and the ability to bring eternal peace to every living thing or bring the very end of time. Now let us watch/read of Naruto's journey that is his life. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Also it's up to when, where, and how Naruto should wake each of his ancestors' powers and abilities. Lastly you are allowed to have your story be one where Naruto is born in the Highschool DXD dimension and have him replace Issei Hyoudou. NarutoxSpider-Man: Here a new born Naruto(or Naruto who gets his age reversed to that of a baby) is sent to the Marvel Dimension, where he is found and gets adopted by Richard and Mary Parker(Yes, Naruto is replacing Peter). After six or nine years, Naruto moves to New York City to live with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben because his parents died in a plane crash. Here Naruto has a good normal life with his Aunt and Uncle until during a school field trip he gets bitten by a spider. Here Naruto's life changes forever. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxBatman: Here a new born Naruto(or Naruto who gets his age reversed to that of a baby) is sent to the DC Dimension, where he is found and gets adopted by Thomas and Martha Wayne(Yes, Naruto is replacing Bruce). Here Naruto has six years of very happy life with his family, but tragedy strikes when his parents are killed. Here Naruto makes an oath to rid the city and the world of all evil and crime. Watch out evil and crime because Naruto as the Batman is here. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). Naruto: God of the Sky: Kyuubi decides to make Naruto stronger either because it doesn't wish to have a weak container or she/he really wished to help Naruto out(You get decide when Kyuubi makes Naruto stronger). Kyuubi makes Naruto stronger by boosting his already high elemental affinity of Wind, Water, and Lightning to Godlike levels. This causes Naruto to gain the ability of Atmokinesis(Manipulation of the Weather), which also means he gets Hydrokinesis(Manipulation of Water and Moisture), Thermokinesis(Manipulation of Temperature), Aerokinesis(Manipulation of Air and Wind), Electrokinesis(Manipulation of Electricity and Lightning) since basically Atmokinesis is fusion of all four of these abilities. Watch out Ninja World for Naruto is a God of the Sky. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). NarutoxKid Icarus: After sealing the Kyuubi inside Naruto, the Shinigami notices Naruto is part Angel so he takes him to the Angel Realm to Palutena. Here after some years of training, Naruto becomes the very best of all the Angels(Hey, Pit was very young yet he was the Captain of Palutena's royal bodyguards. So Naruto becoming one of the best angels in a short amount of time is reasonable). Unfortunately Naruto has to leave the Angel Realm and return to the Human/Mortal Realm because he is part human. Watch out ninja nations because a real angel is coming. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn male characters into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you can have Naruto can be a descendent of Pit(AKA-Kid Icarus), the last of a thought to be extinct race of a powerful breed of Angel, or even both. NarutoxSailor Moon: Here a young born Naruto(or Naruto who gets his age reversed to that of a child if you want it to be) is that sent to the Sailor Moon Dimension, where found by the Tsukino family(or one of the other Sailor Scout's/Senshi's families), and get adopted by them. Years later on the day Usagi becomes Sailor Moon, Naruto discovers that he is an incarnation/reincarnation of an extremely powerful being from a time way before the Silver Millennium's/Moon Kingdom's creation. The being was known as the Creator of Light/Life, the Bringer of Life/Light, and the Star Emperor, who was the creator of every single Galaxy Cauldron for every single galaxy in the universe(Thus giving light and life to the entire universe.) and once ruled the entire universe in peace, but he had to sacrifice himself when the Original Darkness of Universe(Who can be Chaos or Chaos can be an incarnation/reincarnation of the Original Darkness of Universe or Chaos, Queen Metalia, Death Phantom, Pharaoh 90, and Queen Nehellenia can be pieces/fragments of the Original Darkness of Universe just like the Tailed Beasts are with the Juubi if you want it to be.) came back to take away the light and life from the universe. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the male characters(Except Naruto of course.) into girls. NarutoxGolden Sun: A young Naruto some how taps into the power of Psynergy, which gets the attention of the King/God of Djinn because there hasn't been a user in Psynergy since the time before the Juubi's arrival and also the King/God senses Naruto is aligned with all Four Elements of Psynergy. Here the King/God of Djinn comes and takes Naruto to Mt. Aleph, where he gets trained/raised by the King/God along with all the Djinn, who teach Naruto the Fighting Styles of their Old Adept Masters had used and even teach Naruto how to use Chi. Watch out world because Naruto is going to show you the power of Psynergy again. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem and your allowed to turn the male characters into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto can get equipment and items that are from the Golden Sun series, which could be stored at Mt. Aleph(Two Examples: Sol Blade and Darksword). NarutoxSupermanxDragonball/Z/GT: When the Kyuubi was sealed inside the newborn Naruto, it caused the blood of two great and powerful aliens races to awaken. The alien races being the Saiyan race and the Kryptonian race, which cause Naruto to get the attention of two godlike beings. The two godlike beings being of course, Goku and Superman, who are gods now(Goku becoming a God after his training with Shenron and Superman becoming a God after living in the core of the Sun for 15000 years). The reason why this gains their attention is because Naruto is the very last of the Saiyan race and the Kryptonian race. So they take the newborn Naruto away to train and raise to fully master his powers/abilities so he can be prepared to fight against powerful enemies that wish to see the extinction of the Saiyan race and the Kryptonian race. Watch out Universe because Naruto the Kryptonian-Saiyan hybrid is here! Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem and your allowed to turn the male characters into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, this can become a Massive Crossover story, but that means the story pairing most be a NarutoxMassive Harem pairing. NarutoxTenjou Tenge/Tenjo Tenge: Here we follow the story of Naruto Uzumaki the last of a unknown/forgotten clan/family, who were even more powerful than Takayanagi Clan/Family and was thought to have died off a long time ago. The reason for Naruto's clan/family being so great and powerful is thanks to them being the true descendants of Izanagi, which gaves them the Dragon God's Gate, which gave them all the powers/abilities of every single Dragon Gate, including Amaterasu's Dragon's Gate. It also said in legend if one truly Masters the Dragon God's Gate's powers/abilities that the person well rise to become an actually God/Goddess. Now Naruto awakens his Dragon God's Gate at a young age after a major event happens to him(Examples: His family being killed, a near death experience, he dies(The awakening of the Dragon God's Gate bringing him back from the dead), and etc). Here young Naruto starts getting trained by three spiritually Dragon versions of himself, who wish and try to get Naruto to follow one of their paths. One Dragon Naruto represents Yin, the other Dragon Naruto represents Yang, and the third/final Dragon Naruto represents Wuji, which is absence of yin and yang. Years later Naruto has Mastered many of powers/abilities of Dragon God's Gate that his Dragon Selves have been teaching him, but he is still far from truly mastering the Dragon God's Gate's true powers/abilities and he still hasn't chosen one of the paths of his Dragon Selves. Well things are about to get more interesting for Naruto, when he goes to his first day at school at Todo Academy. Here Naruto's adventure truly begins. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to turn male characters into girls/women(except Naruto). Lastly for those that haven't figured it out, this challenge takes place completely in the Tenjou Tenge/Tenjo Tenge Verse. NarutoxCode GeassxGuilty Crown: During a major event in his life(Examples: First time getting attacked by a mob, learning about the Kyuubi, or etc), Naruto awakens a new/legendary bloodline called "The Power of the Kings"(It's the Geass and the Void Genome). Watch out world because Naruto is going show you the power of a King. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the male characters(Except Naruto of course.) into girls. Also I well allow Naruto to have other powers/abilities/etc as along they have also be called the "Power of the Kings". Lastly, characters from Code Geass and Guilty Crown can be added to the Naruto verse. NarutoxDeadman Wonderland: A young Naruto is kidnapped by Orochimaru, who wishes to turn Naruto into the Ultimate Immortal Body for himself. Here Naruto is experimented on for a few years, till Orochimaru has finally succeeded in making Naruto into his Ultimate Immortal Body. Luckily for Naruto tho, Orochimaru had recently transferred his soul into someone else's body so he can't transfer his soul into Naruto's body yet(Also another reason can be that Orochimaru is still look for way to stop the Kyuubi from interfering during the transfer). Now one day Orochimaru leaves the hidden base containing Naruto to check on something at another one of his hidden bases, but while he is way some of his stupid or/and sadistic minions decide to have fun by torturing Naruto since he was very powerful regeneration ability. This event causes something inside Naruto to finally snap/awaken, which leads to base and 70% of the land/country that the base has hidden in to be destroyed(It's up to you if others become Deadman or not). Here a floating unconscious body of Naruto is found by Jiraiya, who immediately takes Naruto back to Konoha. Here after being checked out by Inoichi, the 3rd Hokage/Hiruzen decides it's best to have Naruto's memories, powers, and abilities be sealed away. Years later another event happens that causes the seal on Naruto to break/crack(Beak means Naruto gains all of his memories, powers, and abilities back. Crack means Naruto only regains a few of his memories, powers, and abilities, but the seal well slowly crack till it finally breaks). Watch world because here comes Naruto. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a MassiveHarem, also your allowed to have turn the male characters(Except Naruto of course.) into girls. Lastly, Naruto is allowed to have the Sharingan since more likely Orochimaru would want his Ultimate Immortal Body to have it. Narutox12 Beast: Naruto Uzumaki is your normal high school, who love playing video games and ramen. Well he would be a normal high school student if you don't count the facts that currently his GrandfatherJiraiya, is teaching him the Ninja and Sage Arts so he can teach over the family dojo and his Mother, Kushina, left a year ago to go on a "Worldwide Wife Searching Trip", where is she looking for the perfect wife/wives for Naruto, she doesn't really care if Naruto marries more than one girl/woman because it means she will have more grandchildren to spoil. One day after completely some training with his Grandfather, a girl named Aero, who knows his mother comes over asking for his help, but she isn't a normal girl instead she is a harpy girl asking him to save her and the rest of the Autana of Live-Earth. Before Naruto can give her an answer, a magical portal opens outside the dojo and a Gigas appears, which surprises Naruto since it is something from his latest and favorite video game that he has been playing. After defeating the Gigas with his bare hands, Naruto gets ready to go with Aero to Live-Earth to help save her people. Here Naruto's big adventure begins. Okay, the story pairing has to be from a NarutoxHarem to a Massive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Naruto: The Savior or Destroyer of the Universe?: After having a very bad day, a young Naruto stands up on top the of the Hokage Mountain and screams towards the heavens asking why his life sucks, why can't he be loved, why can't have friends, and etc. This causes Naruto to gain the attention of 3 of the most powerful beings, Chaos(The Primordial God/Goddess and the Personification of the Universe.), Amaterasu(The Goddess of the Sun and the Universe.), and Shenron(God/Goddess of Dragons and Wishes). All three beings appear before Naruto and offer him a better a life, which Naruto gladly takes. Tho this cause the prophecy for the "Child of the Prophecy" to change from "The Child of the Prophecy would be a student of Jiraiya that would bring a great revolution to the world of the ninja" to "The Child of the Prophecy would be a student of 3 Deities that would bring a great revolution to the whole universe". Watch universe because Naruto is coming to save or destroy you. Okay, the story pairing has to be a NarutoxMassive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you are allowed to have Chaos, Amaterasu, and Shenron in Naruto's harem. NarutoxHigh School DxDxMarvel: A young Naruto is taken by Fallen Angels, who plan on taking away Naruto's Sacred Gear. Unfortunately for the Fallen Angels, it isn't Sacred Gear, but something even more powerful than the True Longinus. The item is the "Infinity Gauntlet" and by trying to remove it from Naruto, it allows Naruto to gain access to it. Here Naruto uses the powers of the "Infinity Gauntlet" to totally destroy the Fallen Angels. Here Naruto falls unconscious, where he is found, taken, and trained by Death. Years later, Death gets Naruto a home in Japan and has him signed up as a student for Kuoh Academy. Okay, the story pairing has to be a NarutoxMassive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, you can have it were Naruto was born in the High School DxD dimension instead, which means no Akatsuki, no Tailed Beasts, and etc. NarutoxFairy TailxHigh School DxD: A young Naruto(or Naruto who gets his age reversed to that of a child if you want it to be) is that sent to the Fairy Tail Dimension before the Dragon Civil War, where he is found by Igneel, who decides to adopted and train Naruto. After years of being trained and raised by Igneel, the Dragon Civil War. Here Naruto kills millions/billions of dragons that against a Dragons and Humans coexistence, which leads to Naruto becoming an actually Dragon. Here Naruto gains the titles of "Great Red", "The Apocalypse Dragon", "The True Red Dragon Emperor God", "The True Dragon", and "The Dragon of Dragons"(Yeah, basically Naruto becomes the "Great Red" from High School DxD). Now hundreds of years later, Naruto hears about a boy named Natsu(Tho I would like the story for the challenge have a Female Natsu instead.), who has also been trained by Igneel. Watch out Fairy Tail because the most powerful being in your universe is coming to visit. Okay, the story pairing has to be a NarutoxMassive Harem, also your allowed to have turn the guys into girls(except Naruto). Lastly, Naruto can transform into a human and hybrid form unlike Acnologia because Naruto didn't take short cut by getting Zeref to help become a dragon like Acnologia did. |