Author has written 24 stories for Lord of the Rings.
I have been writing since Christmas of 2002, when I took an original novel idea I had been mulling over for years and set it in Tolkien's world (May the Valar Protect Them). While my writing has improved since then, that story will always be special to me.
The more I read of Tolkien, the more I love his world and his worldview. The movies provided images of costumes and places that helped bring Middle-earth to life, but my first love will always be the books. Elrond is my favorite character, the only one to appear in The Silmarillion, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. I especially love writing Elrond and Celebrian together. I primarily write book-verse gap-fillers for Tolkien's works. I write elves the most, for their long lives leave so much room for speculation. I also like to write about Aragorn, the epitome of perseverance. Of the hobbits, I love Bilbo the most. Frodo is much more tragic, and my interest in him lies post-quest.
Imladris series:
A Fire Long Kindled: A three chapter story showing the passion and humor of Elrond and Celebrian's courtship, wedding and decision to conceive a child.
History Lessons: Stories of the First Age told to the twins, who are 12 years old. This is really the story of Elrond.
History Lessons:The Second Age: The adult twins and 12 year old Arwen have an unexpected adventure in the Third Age while hearing stories of the Second Age.
History Lessons: The Third Age: The War of the Ring from Elrond's perspective, with remembrances from earlier years in the Third Age. A melancholy story as the time of the elves draws to a close.
Glorfindel's Begetting Day: The young twins decide to do something special for Glorfindel's begetting day. Farce, fluff and fun follow. But Glorfindel swears its all true.
Glorfindel's Folly: A one chapter humor piece that happens when the twins are adolescents.
The Dwellings of the Dead: a three chapter mystery set during the plague of 1636 of the Third Age, featuring the twins, Glorfindel and Erestor on a scouting expedition to the west.
Quincentenary Comfort: Elrond and a young Estel have a late night conversation, and Elrond receives some unexpected comfort.
The Warrior and the Boy: Short story involving 7 year old Estel
Curious Mind, Noble Heart: A one chapter story starring curious Estel and the irresistible allure of a 'popgun.'
A Lesson in Swordplay: Sixteen year old Estel learns a lesson about more than swordplay from his father.
Call Yourself Thorongil: Aragorn and Gandalf meet for the first time, and Aragorn makes an important decision.
Happily Ever After: The peredhel alone in Middle-earth were granted the choice of their fate, to live forever as the firstborn or to choose to live a mortal life. The story of Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir's choices.
Hunting: My Imladris and Mirkwood series collide in this story set just prior to Celebrian's capture and when Legolas is 9 years old (in my version of Tolkien's world).
Mirkwood Series:
May the Valar Protect Them: The amazing story of Legolas's birth and first two years
Journey's End: Two year old Legolas settling in at home.
Legolas and the Bad Man: Four year old Legolas has an encounter with mud, puppies and a human.
Hunting: Legolas is 9 years old and meets a war party from Imladris
Blizzard: Legolas is now 12 and meets new friends and learns a few things.
The Betrothal: Legolas is 16. Bregolas and Lathron have a serious discussion and Lathron makes his move.
The Set of the Soul: Legolas is 25. Danger draws close to the Woodland Realm, threatening Legolas and his family.
Hobbit Stories:
Refuge: My first attempt at writing. I still wish to write about Frodo's choice to take Arwen's gift and sail. This is not very good, but perhaps one day I'll try again.
The Elf Path: Frodo finds the Elf Path while tramping around the Shire one night.
Other Stories:
Of Greater Worth: Set in the First Age, Celeborn learns of the treachery of the Noldor, and wonders what other secrets Galadriel might be withholding from him.
A Diplomatic Coup: Set in the Second Age, a young Celebrian joins a group of young dwarves celebrating the harvest in Eregion. Celeborn and Galadriel are not amused.
Stories set in Daw's world: "First Celebrations", "Ithilden's Begetting Day", "Eilian's Begetting Day", and "Be Careful What you ask for" were all written as birthday gifts to Daw the Minstrel, a dear friend I would never have known were it not for fanfiction. These stories can be found at Stories of Arda.
Thank you to all who have read. I am grateful that people like to read the stories as much as I like to write them.
My stories are also published at Stories of Arda.