Author has written 23 stories for Blakes 7, Watership Down, His Dark Materials, Harry Potter, Homeworld, Battlestar Galactica, American McGee's Alice, Captain Scarlet, Firefly, StarTrek: Enterprise, Airwolf, and Fairy Tales. Full Name: James Geoffrey Raymond Jago. Date of Birth: 3.4.1986 Place of Birth: United Kingdom. Occupation: Full-time student at the University of Luton. Hobbies: Writing, reading, thinking in mildly unusual ways. Favourite stories authored: Silver Bird trilogy, Endings and Beginnings, Order Of The Basillisk trilogy. Future projects: Screenplay version of The Silver Bird, possible crossover between TSB universe and JAVELIN Files Airwolf-verse. Major influences: Whatever I've read most recently, but predominantly Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Robert Rankin. Musical tastes: Everything from Nightwish and Iron Maiden to Lucie Silvas or Vangelis, depending on what mood I'm in. Also quite possibly the only British fan of The Ark, a Swedish glam-rock outfit. Remarks: Diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at age seven. Politics sharply left of centre. Have a tendency to envision the film adaptation of whatever I'm writing as I go along, and even compose the soundtrack. Unhealthily encyclopedic knowledge of military ordinance. Personal firsts on site (to the best of my knowledge): First Cedric Diggory/Moaning Myrtle romance, first His Dark Materials fanfic to feature high-performance military aircraft in a key role, first Watership Down/Monty Python crossover. Aknowledgements: My loyal HDM/HP fanbase; you all know who you are. Several English teachers for praise and encouragement. Mrs Wicks and the Wollaston Secondary School learning-support team for helping make me the man I am today. The motley crew of misfits and reprobates in the City & Guilds Skillpower Diploma group for being the best friends I could ever have had. Quotes: "Either I'm concussed or I'm watching Patrick Moore fistfighting with an extraterrestrial." -RAF weapon systems operator in 'Independence Day UK' (bizarre but entertaining fil tie-in by Radio One), who incidentally was not in fact hallucinating. "Alright, who's not dead? Sound off, people." -Rourke (James Garner) in Disney's 'Atlantis'. "Tactic: When no other options present themselves, shoot everything in sight." -pilot in 'X-Wing: Wraith Squadron'. "The beatings will continue until morale improves." -senior Japanese naval officer, circa mid-1945 (also seen on my boss's T-shirt!). "...resembles the lovechild of Shirley Temple and Chucky." -film critic for The Independent on Dakota Fanning in The War Of The Worlds. "Not for the first time, logic was shown to be a feeble weapon in parliamentary debate." -Professor Eric J. Evans on the failure of John Stuart Mill's 1867 Bill calling for the vote to be extended to all women. (Note: in the same textbook, whose title escapes me, he points out that Great Britain's electoral arrangements permit a party to form a government even if 66 of the electorate vote for somebody else. I sincerely hope that subsequent editions point out that this has now actually happened!) "What a damn silly thing to do." -Douglas Bader's commendably understated reaction to learning that he had wrecked an RAF trainer trying to perform a slow roll ten feet above the runway. "It means instant bloody death, man!" -Spike Milligan's commanding officer's definition of 'Achtung Minen', which was written on a sign their driver -who couldn't speak German- had just driven their truck past. |
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