Author has written 145 stories for Discworld, Sandman, Final Fantasy X, Harry Potter, Final Fantasy X-2, Reboot, Fairy Tales, Suikoden, Final Fantasy VIII, Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill, Final Fantasy I-VI, Misc. Games, Trace Memory, Misc. Anime/Manga, Runaways, Harvest Moon, Misc. Books, Simpsons, Boy Meets World, Misc. Movies, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Disney, Shadow Hearts, Pirates of the Caribbean, Cowboy Bebop, Chrono Cross, Fancy Lala, Treasure Planet, Eternal Darkness, Summon Night, Shadow of Destiny, MirrorMask, Road to Eldorado, Final Fantasy XII, Ouran High School Host Club, Greek Mythology, Breath of Fire, TV Commercials, Kill Bill, Chuck, Naruto, Earthbound, Final Fantasy IX, Hana Yori Dango, Chronicles of Narnia, Fullmetal Alchemist, Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Sgt. Frog/ケロロ軍曹, Star Control, Elite Beat Agents, Avatar: Last Airbender, One Piece, Total Drama series, Metal Gear, Misc. Comics, Last Unicorn, Professor Layton, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Final Fantasy VII, Innocent Life, World Ends With You, Daria, Baccano!, Powerpuff Girls, Gorillaz, No Rest for the Wicked, Danny Phantom, Megamind, Psychonauts, Baldur's Gate, Venture Brothers, Homestuck, Office, South Park, and Monsters Inc.. Greetings all! Herein you will find het, slash, femslash, lots of unusual pairings, and lots of totally pairing-free gen as well. I'm afraid I don't update that often, I write often but it's usually scattered across a bunch of different stories so each one ends up with just a small amount of new work done on it each time I sit down to it, and nothing gets done until I've done enough of those little bits to add up to a full chapter or I'm hit with a sudden burst of enthusiasm towards writing one particular story and don't stop typing 'til I'm done with that chapter/one shot. The two times of year you'll know you're going to get a bunch of stories out of me is in June, when I participate in the fic-a-day challenge for the Fic on Demand community on livejournal, and at the beginning of January since I always take part in the Yuletide rare pairings fic exchange and usually pick up several pinch hitter and stocking stuffer requests in the process. If you want to know a little about me, I'm currently twenty-seven (as of 2010), and I've been writing fanfiction for about three-quarters of my life. The first fic that I put on the internet for the rest of the world to see was a Sailor Moon story when I was twelve and the show was on its first runthrough. It was a terrible, poorly-spelled, mess which has thankfully disappeared from the internet, but I've kept up writing and like to think that I've developed some skill since then. Wow, this new user-page hit counter things shows me that people actually visit this page sometimes. Well, if you're here feel free to wander into my livejournal or email me or something. I'd be glad to hear from you, even if it's to yell at me for not updating one of my fics in ages. |
Guardian1 (35) |