Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, and Frozen. Avatar: Made with art by eobih, especially for TNER :D Translations: FFN user anomalia has heroically undertaken a Russian translation of my Snily fic, Come Once Again and Love Me. The translation can be found at Snape Tales: h ttp://snapetales. com/index. php?fic_id=31159 And FFN user AvecCamembert has courageously taken on translating the same fic into Korean, found here: www . joara . com/literature/view/book_intro . html?book_code=968269 TNER has some translations now, too! Y'all are AMAZING. Korean, ongoing: http:///literature/view/book_intro.html?book_code=1129611 News: Part Two of TNER, "No Journey's End," is still being written but no longer posted on FFN. You can find it on a03: http s: // archiveofourown. org/ works/ 8051980/ chapters/ 18445861 |
diadelphous (7) | KittandChips (23) | Moonsign (2) |