Author has written 20 stories for Harry Potter, Angel, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, RENT, Gilmore Girls, and Buffy X-overs. Okay, for some odd reason you people actually care and want to know about me, so...I'm twenty one years old (still can't believe it). My home town is small town ( not even a real town, it's actually a village) of Port Edwards, Wisconsin ( feels more like the arctic circle), though I now live in Stevens Point. I love reading and writing and have plans to become a published author some day, though I have no idea what else I want to do (apparently if I want to live comfortably, or even eat sometime, I'll need to have another career). I tend to read a lot of fanfiction and can spend hours vegetating and reading a story. My favorite fandoms are Gilmore Girls, Harry Potter, BtVS, Angel, Firefly, Supernatural, Twilight, RENT, Grey's Anatomy, Bones, GH, House, PotC, X-men, Superman, Star Wars, Smallville, and Charmed. I've only written stories for the first four, but I'm hoping someday I'll get around to the others. I have plot bunnies constantly leaping into my head and only so much time to write. I'm a self proclaimed comic book geek and proud of it. I'm a I like rainbows, art, and cute fluffy animals. Um...I'm a girl, incase that wasn't clear. I love showtunes, gotta love the musicals! My favorites are Rent, Hairspray and Wicked(gotta love it, will never be able to watch the Wizard of Oz again, but that's okay).And I'm really, really, really excited that my school, UW Stevens Point is doing Rent, so much that I'm getting to live a dream and help out with the production. That's about it right now, but any questions, comments, or even suggestions are welcome. You can reach me by the email on my profile, or at jessebelle_88@ and I'll do my best to get back to you. I try to respond to direct emails or PMs, even if I suck at updating. Which reminds me... I AM SO SORRY!! I totally didn't realized how long it's been since I've updated my stories. Senior year totally took me by surprise and I didn't realize how much time had passed. (All of a sudden it's WHAM here's your diploma, hope you remembered to get some scholarships, now welcome to the real world.) Now I'm in my third year of college trying my best to juggle homework, classes, and two jobs. The madness never stops. Unfortunately that doesn't leave a lot of time for writing my stories, especially since I'm in the process of, finally, starting my original novel/series, but oddly enough I'm able to do my best writing at work. I'm sad to say that I'm also in the process of weaning myself off of fanfiction since it has consumed most of my life and the time has finally come for me to experience things on my own rather then through the characters and worlds that I love. This doesn't mean that I'm totally done with it, but I can't guarentee to finish the majority of my unfinished work. I will, however, guarentee that I WILL FINISH MMB!! It was my first story, my baby, and though I may look back at it now and cringe (kinda like when I look at my childhood pictures and wonder what the hell I was thinking) I will complete it. I already have the ending planned, I've done my best to outline the remaining bits and pieces, and my goal is to get it completed by the aniversary of when I first started it: Jan. 29th, 2009. I'd like to encourage all of my faithful readers who have stuck by me to continue to support me. Email me, send me slightly threatening notes, and encourage me to finish it ASAP. As for my other stories, they are all currently on hold until MMB is completed, and after that I'll decide whether to continue them or not. The likelyhood is I might finish Wolfram and Hart's New Guest because I have that planned out, I may do a quicker, less drawn out ending to Which Weasley, but as for the others the possibility of me finishing them is very low. But just because my head is saying I'm done, doesn't mean the plot bunnies leave me alone, which leaves me to request that if anyone is interested in continuing any of my uncompleted stories, I am willing to share any plans I may have had and would love to see them get the ending they deserve. I also want to throw out there that if there are any Twilight fanfic authors out there I have story ideas galore. I've even started a new story, but won't be posting it unless I feel I can finish it. Please contact me if interested in several story ideas/starters or if you know of anyone who would be interested. Huggles and Snuggles, |
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