Author has written 16 stories for Resident Evil, Digimon, Final Fantasy X-overs, South Park, Naruto, Hellsing, Looney Tunes, Tales of Symphonia, Metal Gear, My Little Pony, and Batman Begins/Dark Knight. Just a Cleveland suburbia resident. I've written a few fics early in my "career" that I'm not totally proud of, but now that I've gotten back into this, I'm more than happy to write down whatever stories I can. Man I needed to update this, I haven't done any writing in a while, but now I'm working more than ever to improve my writing, and aspire to write for video games (especially RPGs). My current project... Hellsing: Geist Krieg is being co-written with MetropolisKid, and can be found on his profile. It is a major crossover, primarily between Hellsing and Metal Gear, but many other fandoms have been crossed over as well (rather unusual for me as I usually don't like crossovers between more than two fandoms, let alone write in any). Future Projects (which I might not write all of them, especially since I feel I write better with a co-author helping out) Resident Evil: Nacht Der Untoten: In the autumn of 1944, First Lieutenant Clayton Redfield is shot down over Nazi Germany, only to find the town he's landed in is lousy with walking corpses and various other monsters. Making friends and enemies with the few survivors, will he make it out alive? Resident Evil: Menagerie: Four career criminals, a teen model and her bodyguard rent-a-cop, a suicidally depressive genius, a starving artist, and a Holocaust survivor are barricaded inside Raccoon City's Umbrella Headquarters...besides sounding like the beginning of a bad joke, they must fight for their survival against yet another geriatric mad scientist and some unruly U.B.C.S. mercenaries...among other monstrosities. Fantasy of Symphonia (Working Title): In this Final Fantasy VII/Tales of Symphonia crossover, Kratos returns to Aselia when a mysterious alien force attacks Derris-Kharlan...meanwhile, the former AVALANCHE membership, the Turks, and Rufus Shinra get a little too close to a strange phenomenon afflicting the Northern Crater and are pulled into Aselia where "hilarity" ensues when two forces of good meet to battle enemies long thought dead. Expect to contain Colloyd, CloTi, and Sheelos (possibly Emil/Marta if/when I finish watching that "Dawn of a New World" playthrough video series on youtube). Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3: A year or two after KOTOR II, the remaining Jedi are finally coming out of hiding and returning to Coruscant to rebuild their Order and continue their functions. The last to return is an out-of-practice Padawan looking to re-earn his right to a lightsaber, but after getting caught up in the investigation of a mysterious murder of a Jedi detective, is framed for the massacre at the Czerka Corporation's headquarters. He is then thrust into a galaxy of intrigue, unusually fanatical Sith, and a truly dangerous Sith Lord identifying himself as Darth Hubrys. |
AnT (9) Azores (4) Charles Xavier (150) ddp456 (32) freakyanimegal (42) | Helena L (23) Julayla (18) Lil-Samuu (178) Marie Nomad (166) Metropolis Kid (17) | Michael Weyer (111) robert3A-SN (150) William Easley (230) |