So hellor! It's Ceville here! You might know me as admin "Hannah Tonks Schlongbottom" on some pages on Facebook! Or even my own page! Which just so happens to be called "Hannah Tonks Schlongbottom." Haha yeah, I'm a cool kid who likes to troll and write. If you want me to write something certain for you just send me a message or write on my page wall, I post on my wall. Or for all I care you could stalk me find my real account and tell me on there. I hope you don't hate my fics too much, I'm such a wannabe writer it's not even funny. :P Oh well I don't want to murder you with boredom so I'll leave you with my awful fics. BYE FOR NOW LOVES! Okay after looking through a whole bunch of forums, I wanted to let you guys know, I won't be doing any challenges soon, if you want me to write a fic, please send me something you want me to write about, or you'll have to wait for me to strike some inspiration, because forums and challenges just aren't my thing. So I'm pretty much only ever going to write Harry Potter fanfiction unless one day I get so desperately bored I decide to give something a try. But just to give you guys an idea of what I ship I'll list it for you guys! 1. Harry/Ginny (The list might expand later.) I wanted to warn you guys that I'm currently working on FOUR NEW STORIES! That's right FOUR! Three of them, I'm done with but will be editing, I won't upload the whole thing at once because the editing will take forever. Only one of them is a oneshot. Can you believe that? Coming from the queen of oneshots herself. But yeah, I'm pretty excited. Okay so one of my four promised stories is up. It's exciting to think that I've uploaded so many stories in such a short amount of time... But yeah, three more stories coming up. Next one is Deamus (Dean/Seamus) SO BEWARE! So yeah a second one of my four promised stories is up! It's called "Perfect" and it's a Neville/Hannah. AWW right? I love these two like crazy! Well, I still have an Oliver Wood/OC to go. I'm done with that one (I've been done for almost a whole year now but you know, I just have to edit.) And there is a Neville/Harry coming up. Does anyone even read these? If you guys do then I wanted to talk to you about my Deamus story broken, if you're reading it or even interested in doing so just click on it and REVIEW! But yeah, sorry I haven't uploaded a new chapter in a few days, but I've been so busy and right now I'm using my mom's friend's computer because there's no internet connection for my laptop (Which if you haven't figured, holds my story.) So yeah, I haven't given up on it or anything but I'm really busy :/. Anyways if you review I might be encouraged to forget about my actual work and upload more often :D. I AM IN NEED OF A BETA READER! I really don't want to go through the search for one because honestly, there's too many to pick, plus I don't have the time to stalk each one to find the perfect reader, so I just hope that if someone ever actually looks at my profile and sees this and they're interested, they could PM me and we would talk. I need someone to beta read my future chpaters of Broken, and future stories that include some Neville/Harry, OC/Oliver Wood, and whatever else I come up with. |