This is who i am when i dont want to be who i really am... This is pretty much my secret penname to post stuff i dont want people who know my other penname to see, well mainly my family who would not approve of slash stories. What to say bout me, I'm a thirteen year old girl who is highly obsessive about soccer and Lord of the Rings. Legolas Greenleaf is supreme god in my fairly unreligious opinion. And while he is definetly and without a doubt hotter then hell, it's really only the icing on the cake. He deadly, loyal, and so damn wicked with his bow and knives it's not even funny. And pointy ears, well it just doesnt get any cooler then that. I ran around for a whole weekend with my ears masking taped into points (it actually looked pretty cool cause you really couldn't see the tape) so my mom is now trying to convinve me that fantasy is fantasy and come back to the real world. But as i told her the real, world sucks and there aren't any elves so what's the point of living here? |