Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. I'm a girl that lives somewhere within the United States and absolutely loves to write!Favorite books: Harry Potter, anything by Tamora Peirce, or Ann Ranldi, and Artemis Fowl! Favorite movies: Lord of the Rings, Newsies, Pride and Prejudice, American Outlaws, and X-men. Favorite Anime: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fruits Basket, Gundam Wing, Cardcaptors and Poliet Canidates. Favorite T.V. Show: Gilmore Girls and Charmed. Favorite Hobbies: Reading and Writing. Favorite sport to play: Softball Favorite sport to watch: Motocross Racing Favorite Subjected: History Least Favorite subjected: Math I also love to Hunt, fish, fourwheeler ride, camp, boat, and all fun out door activities! |