Author has written 48 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, Harry Potter, X-Men: The Movie, Sharpe Series, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Lying Game, 2011, Tomorrow People, Tomorrow People, 2013, Doctor Who, Dawson's Creek, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Neighbours, Faking It, and Fantastic Four. I'm 45 years old and based in the United Kingdom. I've been writing fan fictions since I was about six or seven years old so I guessed it was about time I showed my metaphorical face in here. You want more than that, right? I ended up with a long and unwieldy paragraph on my fictions so here they are by series: "Harry Potter" - I mainly joined up because I had a sudden urging to write a full-length Harry Potter story and wondered if I could post it somewhere. After writing a short fiction to ease my way into the genre, I went ahead and wrote my big post-epilogue epic. I ended up writing three sequels to it, which were met with a thudding amount of apathy, but somehow I ended up being asked to continue the series. By the fourth and fifth sequels, the apathy seemed to be bordering on hostility but I was still asked to continue the story so we're now up to nine sequels. I also have an unrelated and extremely long AU story on here. "Transformers" - I got my pen-name from Transformers so I decided I'd better do something in that series to avoid looking too strange. I posted a story I wrote a while back; I've got a second one written and currently debating whether or not to post it. "X-Men: The Movie"- I wrote a film script for a fourth X-Men film yonks ago and ended up writing it up for this site. Then I kept getting asked for more, so there's currently nine of the things. Hopefully that's enough for people. "Sharpe" - I was slightly disappointed that the Sharpe novels seem to have skipped over the early months of the Peninsular War, so I wrote a story covering that period. I was asked if I'd write another story so a sequel is now up. "Star Trek" - I posted one of a long series of stories following on from Star Trek Deep Space 9 and by extension the rest of the 24th century Trekverse that I've written, because a friend once got hold of a copy and threatened to post it on the internet. I've also posted another story from the same series under the Star Trek The Next Generation banner, mainly because of its significance to Star Trek Picard. "The Lying Game TV series" - When this show ended rather inconclusively, I wrote my version of a third season. (Which seems to have convinced half the people that read it that I wrote the series. I didn't. Really.) Even though the intention was to wrap it all up, I got asked for more so I wrote a fourth season...then a fifth season...then a sixth season..and still I got asked for a seventh, so after a hiatus of the best part of a decade, that's now being posted. "The Tomorrow People" - I have now finished posting a series of Tomorrow People stories that I wrote following on from the two UK series. "Tomorrow People US" - And another show I was watching that got cancelled, and which I decided to write a conclusion to. Now completed, along with two sequels. "Doctor Who/Fantastic Four" - Someone asked me to write a crossover between these two so that is now up. "Dawson's Creek" - I did a binge viewing of this show and wasn't entirely happy with the ending so decided to write my own post-finale finale. And then I got asked for a sequel, so that's there as well. Then I got asked for another one. It'll happen if I think of a story for it. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" - I posted a Buffy novelisation I wrote a while back. I expect to be asked to delete it at any time so catch it while you can. "Neighbours" - I decided to write a fiction set in this series and debated whether to post it on here or on a Neighbours forum. I posted it on both and have now posted five other stories on both. "Faking It" - Another show I watched which was left dangling without an ending, so I decided to provide one. I've also written an AU unconnected with the previous story. Am enjoying reading other people's fics so keep up the good work, everyone. I removed my long dissertation on Harry Potter ships a long time ago because it was making this profile a bit lop-sided. |