![]() Author has written 20 stories for Harry Potter. "Slytherin means never having to say you're sorry." I got coerced into writing a slash HP fanfic some time ago and found a new addiction. I've written quite a few since my first (Pure) and I hope I have improved since then. Thank you so much for reading my scribbles. Thank you, too, to all who reviewed. I read all my reviews. And even if I don't get to answer each of them, I really appreciate the time and effort you've put into showing your appreciation. They made some really crappy days livable for me. My new website is passofics . wordpress . com and my email address is passo.hp @ gmail . com. All my fics are on the site including those I haven't posted here on Fanfiction.Net. If you're interested in fics that I've enjoyed reading, I put up my Fic Recommendations in my website. Check it out if you have the time. :) My avatar is from chouette-e . deviantart . com. On archiving and translating I will forever be thankful for the existence of public fanfic archives, and also to the people who have offered to give a home to some of my stories in their sites. I never would’ve continued as a fanfic writer if my fics had no home to stay. If, for some reason, you’d like to take one of my fics for your archive or your collection, then feel free. I’ll be glad to let you have them. Just remember to contact me. Just email me your name, name of your site, and the url of your site after you have uploaded the fics to your archive, then I’ll link it on my site. I’d appreciate a link to my website, too. I’ve had some requests to translate my fics into other languages. I appreciate that as well so non-English speaking readers can appreciate the stories. The same applies to the above: please email me and link me. Thank you so much! much love, Passo Note dated 7/26/15 In the process of updating my website, I realized that I pretty much forgot everything I wrote after ten years so I read some of the fics and it made me feel nostalgic. I considered the possibility of writing more Harry Potter fan fiction, particularly the slashy kind. Some of my ideas are: A sequel to Chasing HarryI feel like I have not explored enough of this world and that Harry and Tom’s story is not yet finished. Not by a long shot. Harry and Draco’s story within The Catch universe. -- Currently in progress! See "Draco Undone" Ron and Snape’s story was so cute but Harry and Draco only had a couple of small side scenes. When I read the restaurant scene where Draco got all jealous about Harry’s fake date with Padma Patil, I went all awww and considered creating a multi-chaptered story about how they got together. This won’t be a sequel to The Catch since some of the events will be happening in conjunction with the events in The Catch. They’re both related to existing fics but I feel like the above stories are still unfinished and I would like to make sure that I have fully explored them before starting a completely new fic. I have not written an HP fanfic in over ten years so I feel very apprehensive and unsure. What if I suck now? A couple of years ago, I broke an 8-year long artist’s block and instead of being behind, my art has improved even after all those years of doing nothing. One never knows. ~ Passo |