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![]() Author has written 18 stories for Harry Potter, Peanuts, Sherlock, Hunger Games, Supernatural, X-overs, and Beauty and the Beast. I apologize for discontinuing all of my old Sherlock stories. There are several reasons why, but I'd rather not list them all. Please be understanding. If you'd like to know what happened at the end of a specific story, please message me and I'll tell you. WARNING: I will write new stories when I'm stuck on a story. But that does not mean I won't update the story I'm stuck on. If I have not updated a story in two months, please notify me. It is easy to forget about updating some stories. I'm a fan of just about everything I read/watch/whatever. I love to read and write! I'm best at writing romance, adventure, and mystery. I'm a Slytherin on Pottermore (although I really wished I had been a Ravenclaw). I'm going into my third year of German, but can only create a few, present-tense sentences talking about the weather and food. Choir and theatre are two of my passions, and I always jump at the chance to participate in a play. I Love to listen to music, and I am always quoting somebody or acting weird with my friends. I also like to watch "some" T.V., including Supernatural, Doctor Who, Elementary, Psych, N.C.I.S., Glee, Big Bang Theory, Lewis, and Sherlock (starring Benedict Cumberbatch *heart flutters*). My favorite books keep on adding on, and sometimes when I start listing them, I get carried away, but here goes: Harry Potter series, Courting Miss Lancaster, War Horse, Percy Jackson Series, Redwall series, Tintin series, Hunger games series, The Golden Compass, The Da Vinci Code series, etc. My fave movies are always changing, but right now my three favorites are, 1. X-men 2, 2. HP & the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2, 3. Avengers I hope you got something out of all that. I absolutely LOVE mixing different things together (crossovers), so here are a few of my favourites (and they are all legit... I've written (unpublished) fanfics for a few of them): Superwholock- Sherlock, Supernatural, and Doctor Who Avengerlock- Sherlock, Avengers Superavengerlock- Sherlock, Avengers, Supernatural Superwhoavengerlock-Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Avengers Superstand-Supernatural, The Stand Thirdlock-Sherlock, Third Star Superlock- Sherlock, Supernatural Wholock- Sherlock, Doctor Who Potterlock- Harry Potter, Sherlock Gamelock- Hunger Games, Sherlock Superwhoavengerlock Games- Supernatural, Doctor Who, Avengers, Sherlock, Hunger Games Sherlock of Oz- Sherlock, Wizard of Oz Potter/Avenger- Harry Potter, Avengers Superwhomarvellock- Supernatural, Doctor Who, Marvel Universe, Sherlock Superpercypotterlock Games- Supernatural, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Hunger Games Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons- RotG, Brave, Tangled, HtTYD The Adventures of Oz in the Superwhoavenger Percypotterlock Games of the Carribean- You don't even want to know My Fave pair-ups for HP: Lily/Snape (This ones my favorite, although I'm glad that Lily married James and not Sev) Neville/Luna (I was so sad when I found out that Neville actually married Hannah Abbot :/ ) Hermione/Ron (I mean, they were MEANT for each other) Gryffindor/Ravenclaw Slytherin/Ravenclaw Scorpius/Rose Tonks/Lupin Draco/Hermione Neville/Ginny Harry/Ginny Hermione/Fred George/Angelina Dumbledore/Grindlewald Dumbledore/McGonagall Cho/Cedric Krum/Hermione McGonagall/Mad-Eye Moody (I actually used to ship James II/Rose, but then I realized that they were cousins...) My fave pair-ups for Sherlock: Sherlock/John Sherlock/Molly one-sided Moriarty/Sherlock Seb Moran/Moriarty Anderson/Sally Sally/Sherlock Anderson/Dumb Lestrade/Molly Irene/John Molly/Dimmock John/Sarah John/Anthea Mycroft/Anthea John/Molly Henry/Molly Sherlock/Irene really just anyone with Molly My fave pair-ups for Avengers: Loki/OC Hawkeye/Black Widow Tony/Bruce Steve/Natasha Thor/Loki Coulson/Steve Pepper/Tony My fave pair-ups for Sherlock Holmes (books): John/Mary Morstan My fave pair-ups for Supernatural: Sam/Ruby Dean/Castiel Sam/Lucifer Sam/Gabriel Gabriel/Lucifer Becky/Chuck My fave pair-ups for Star Trek: Data/OC Troi/Riker Picard/D. Crusher Spock/Kirk My fave pair-ups for N.C.I.S.: Tim/Abby Tony/Ziva My fave pair-ups in Glee: Rachel/Finn Mercedes/Kurt (I know he's gay, but I still think they should be together) Artie/Brittany Rory/Brittany Brittany/Santana Kurt/Blaine Rory/Sam Sam/Quinn My fave pair-ups for Marvel: Magneto/Professor X Iceman/Northstar Nightcrawler/Storm Deadpool/Spider-man Wiccan/Hulkling Nightcrawler/Marvel Girl (Rachel) Stature/Vision Hawkeye (Clint Barton)/Mockingbird Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)/Patriot Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)/Speed Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)/Hawkeye (Clint Barton) My fave pair-ups for Peanuts: Charlie Brown/Peppermint Patty Lucy/Schroeder Sally/Linus (Aren't they just the cutest things?) Patty/Shermy I always dreamed when I was a kid that I would marry Tintin, and thus: My Fave pair-ups for Tintin: Me/Tintin Haddock/Bianca (They always fight... and opposites attract!) My Fave Crossover pair-ups: Sam Winchester (Supernatural)/ Molly Hooper (Sherlock) Dean Winchester (Supernatural)/ Irene Adler (Sherlock) Molly Hooper (Sherlock)/Balthazar (Supernatural) Becky (Supernatural)/Sherlock (Sherlock) Chuck (Supernatural)/Molly Hooper (Sherlock) Irene Adler (Sherlock)/Dean Winchester (Supernatural)/Jack Harkness (DW)/Tony Stark (Avengers)-Would be so explicit the universe couldn't handle it Merida (Brave)/Hiccup (HtTYD) Jack Frost (RotG)/Rapunzel (Tangled) Jack Frost (RotG)/Hiccup (HtTYD) Stories I am currently writing: Stories I have finished writing: It's Time to Pass, Charlie Brown (Peanuts) Twenty Years (Supernatural) The First and Last (Supernatural) Dead Men Tell No Tales (Sherlock) Snape and Lily (Harry Potter) Anderson in Love (Sherlock) Flowers (Supernatural) Superwholock Meets the Mirror of Erised (SuperWhoPotterLock) Stories I am preparing to write: Snape/Lily fanfic Lestrade/Molly fanfic Stories I have put on Hiatus: It's the X-Gene, Charlie Brown (Peanuts) Peanuts in High School (Peanuts) The Resurrection of the Angels (SuperWhoLock) Stories I have discontinued: Just Do This For Me (Gamelock) It's a What? (Sherlock) Missing Eyes (Sherlock) Texts from John (Sherlock) Stories I will never write: Let Me Name the Ways I Love You, Bella (Twilight) I Like Cheese (Glee) How To Push Someone From a Cliff (Doctor Who) Cool things I have learned concerning my fandoms: 1. Molly has a cat named Toby. A dog in the books is named Toby, and he was introduced in 'The Sign of Four'. Molly is a nickname for 'Mary'. Mary Morstan, John Watson's wife, was introduced in 'The Sign of Four.' You don't have to be Sherlock to figure this one out. 2. David Tennant (10th Doctor) married Georgia Moffett (the 10th Doctor’s daughter in the episode “The Doctor’s Daughter”), who is the daughter of Peter Davison (5th Doctor) and they had a daughter. So the Doctor’s daughter played the Doctor’s daughter in “The Doctor’s Daughter” and then married the Doctor and had the Doctor’s daughter. I have too many favorite songs for my own good. :) But my fave artists are Jewel, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Tim McGraw, Jackson 5, Supremes, Agnes, Supremes, P!nk, Natasha Bedingfield, the Beach Boys, Beatles, etc., etc., etc. If you want to read my fiction works, go here: http://www.fictionpress.com/u/807878/Robin_Purdy I have a tumblr, if you want my url just ask :) I now have an AO3 account under the name Robin_Purdy. Disclaimer for all stories: I do not own the Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Peanuts, or Sherlock. Do I look like I'm a best selling author, hilarious cartoonist, or brilliant screenwriter? I didn't think so. |