Author has written 4 stories for Les Miserables. About Terra Johnson, the One Woman Army Greetings fellow writers, I am Terra Johnson an eighteen-year-old aspiring actress. I am a proud full time student at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). Though I am interested in all sorts of subjects most of my works will be based on the classic novel Les Misérables, and perhaps a few may be based off of the musical adaptation. Yes, I am an avid supporter of the romantic relationship between Eponine Thénardier with Marius Pontmercy. There are several reasons that I adore these two paired together, and if you must know then you may view the link below. I accept that others are not as interested in this pairing as I, and if this pleases you then good for you. However, if you have so much as a problem with me for supporting this pairing, you can kindly go f-ck yourself. Love and Tragedy - A Marius/Eponine Manifesto |