Author has written 23 stories for Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Teen Titans. Hey y'all! I've been belting out alot of slash fics lately, hope you all read em!Sadly however, it seems not many people are visiting the site nowadays, so less reviews!-_-I have been a goood author by updating at least 3 fics in one shot, writing two new fics, yet noone has read or reviewed.Anyways, if you happen to be reading this, have mercy on me, read me fics.Although I'm straight, and shudder at the thought of real people slash, I still like slash, and I like to use this quote as an excuse and opening to my slash fics from now on. ~People back then were not homosexual, they were just sexual.~-Collin Farell And I'm sure many slashers here agree. Ai!!Aftermath by Legolas4me is finished!!!I'm really sad about that, but I can't wait for the sequel. Thanks Legolas4me!!*bows down* news:I have decided to write a re-post of Soul, because I wrote that quite a while ago and haven't even finished it. However, there is SO MUCH improvement to be made, so it will be off for now until I have time to re-write soul. Apologies to those who read and reviewed! Here's the uncensored version of the scene from I Learned that I promised! http:///aff/story.php?no=14134 Oh! I just watched EE FotR![yeah I know it's a lil late but still]Was amazing. I liked it best when Aragorn slapped snoring Gimli! Oh and I thought that when he was singing it was so sad. It tells the audience just how much heartache he's suffering. Although to hear Viggo sing is a bit strange though..And Legolas was a bitch! Ok now for the updates: I'm alive of course! I'm sorry for not updating but I'm suffering acute writer's block at the moment. Anyone got a cure? And I was listening to Mad Season, and I though omg this is the title I've been looking for for Meant To Be. Sorry if I confuse you. If you're free please visit my new site, the url is in the hp box. I am TERRIBLY UPSET. How come all the BADFICS get the reviews? And sometimes the GOODFICS get none? WHY IS THAT?! CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN TO ME?! Cos there's this horrible ff in the lotr section, I do not wish to mention it in respect and plain simple hobbit sense. I personally find it stupid and cliched and common, and the writing's not THAT great. It gets reviews like 'poor widdle *censored so as to make it non obvious*!!I wanna cry for him!!' And it butchers the other characters in the process. It irks me to no end. I can't praise myself but a little self confidence won't hurt. So I wonder why I'm not getting reviews like *SOME* people do. ~Slash and RPS. Gives my 'frisk-meter' an all time high.~ AII!!!!!!!ROTK!!! Well, well, well...I've been flamed!!!YAY!!!This person by the name 'Diamond' is obviously living underneath a rock. And I say yay because I rarely get flames, so she obviously got squeeked to see most of the reviews I get aren't flames. I'm not trying to brag, I don't get 1000 reviews a chap! I mean, MPREG is so not a new thing, I'm sure however grossed out she must be, she shouldn't be so 'new' to MPREG, right? And she ain't got no balls either. Maybe she isnt a writer, but if she was then she probably doesnt have the balls. I don't mind flames, but I can feel an..'aura' seeping out from the flame...Why don't she flame each and EVERY one of the slash fics out here. Then maybe she'd be satisfied. I'm not mad actually. Just amused. Who the hell doesn't know about mpreg? And as farfetched as mpreg is, as an OPEN-MINDED person, anyone can tell a good fic from a bad fic, whether it is slash, mpreg, or plain simple het. I don't usually retaliate to flamers, but I feel pekish. If you're reading this, dearest 'Diamond', I sugest you move to a proper house, not a rock. Your flame wasn't even constructive critisism. Please be a BYATCH SOMEWHERE ELSE. Thank You. PS: If you actually succeed in flaming each and every one of the slash and mpreg fics on /adult , kudos to you. But it's only IF. Hmm..I'm sorry but I just couldn't help myself. i changed the title of I Learned, because I thought this new title was more suiting. Yeah, not the most original title, but I felt I needed to. Things are changing fast, so is my taste, my feelings. I'm sorry for not updating for sooo long. I didn't even bother to check my stats. I was quite amazed to see me being put on a few more people's fav author's list and author alert lists. My gosh. I'm extremely flattered. I think I will update soon. |
KittyLynne (9) Legolas4me (0) Michelle Frodo (15) | Mystery927 (0) Raving-Lunatic (20) Regina L (28) | sheraiah (29) |