Author has written 90 stories for Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy XII, Supernatural, Prince of Persia, Assassin's Creed, Heroes, Being Human, Watchmen, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Terminator, Mass Effect, True Blood, Dragon Age, Avengers, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Hobbit, Pacific Rim, Guardians of the Galaxy, Mad Max, Crimson Peak, Westworld, Star Wars, Black Sails, and Banlieue 13. xahra99 is the pen name of somebody who is English, and still in denial about this whole fanfiction thing. I write mostly in videogame fandom: Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia, Dragon Age. Mass Effect and Final Fantasy (8, 10 and 13). There's a sprinkling of TV and movie fic for fandoms that include: Supernatural, Being Human, True Blood,Terminator: Salvation, Dr Horrible, Watchmen, Heroes The Dark Knight, the Hobbit and Pacific Rim. For fanfiction containing adult content, fanart, original stories and the occasional rant visit my livejournal at http:/// and my AO3 account at http:///users/xahra99 I also write occasional original short stories for the webzines 'the book of imaginary beasts.' and 'bang bang shoutetsu' which can be found at the appropriate livejournal communities and on my own livejournal (see above). Story Notes: FF8: Government Bloodshounds, South Down The Coast and Reversing the Satellites (plus ficbits Bad Education and The Malboro Man). The three novel-length (oh, dear) stories of the FF8-based Satellites Trilogy posted here were written between early 2002 and late 2006 . Goverment Bloodhounds, the first in the series, deals with Seifer's mostly unsuccessful attempt to flee post-Sorceress War reprisals. Its sequel, South Down The Coast; features him trying simultaneously to deal with his past and get into Quistis Trepe's knickers. The last in the trilogy, Recovering The Satellites, tells the story of his eventual return to Balamb Garden, and what happened next. There's sex and violence, heroes and villains, monsters and, well, more monsters. Ubisoft: The shorter serial fics of my Assassin' Creed 1 and 2 stories can all be read alone, but chronologically go something like this: AC1 (Crusade series) The Cross and the Sword; The Length of God's Patience (in-game); The Straight Path (in-game),A Song of Ascents, (in-game); The Subject Tonight is Love, A Thousand Days, The Favour of Heaven; Both Worlds as Our Companion; The Word of God and the Treasures of Wisdom; An Assembly of Bones; Stone, Ground, Mountain, River. A Brotherhood of Wolves; These Years and Their Players; T'inquiete, je gere; We Are All Earth and The Eve of the War are all standalone AU AC1 stories, and can be read at any time. AC2 (Renaissance series) Murderer (set post Lineage), The Sparks Fly Upward(in-game), This Course of Fortune(also in-game), Of Hell and High Water, Only The Devil Laughed. The short slash piece The Seventh Circle can be found at my livejournal. AC3 Land of the Free AC4 The Little Fishes and the Sharks, All The World's A Stage and the silly short fic Yoho. The slash pieces The World Against Us Cry and All Ill-Got Gains can be read at my livejournal or AO3 account Bioware Mass Effect. Three flavours: gen; (Pilgrimage, The Importance of Names, Cities In Dust,) humorous; (The Company of Stars, A Laptop Like You and Strange New Worlds, ) and explicit; (Veteran of the Psychic Wars, Stardust) Dragon Age Dragon Age: Origins: On A Sea of Fleur de Lys. The Shadow of the Flame, Red Queen, A Very Perfect Gentle Knight, Heirs of All Eternity. Dragon Age: Awakening: A Magician and a Gentleman. |
altol (7) Becky Tailweaver (21) Kielle (35) | llamajoy (2) Ripley (19) | seventhe (15) Tenshi no Korin (0) |