Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter. UPDATE: I SIGNED INTO MY ACCOUNT AND SAW ALL THE MESSAGES AND REVIEWS! THE DRARRY COMMUNITY IS STILL GOING STRONG AND SO SWEET. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'M SORRY I CAN'T RESPOND TO EACH REVIEWER, BUT JUST KNOW IT'S BEEN A BLAST READING ALL THE COMMENTS AND KNOWING YOU ARE STILL ENJOYING THE STORIES! PS: I have no issues if you want to share any of my stories in the community and translate any of the fics. Go ahead- please just make sure to give me credit. pps: I found my flash drive (FROM 2007!) so if anything looks substantial and clean, I'll load it up. I'm so sorry I didn't finish The Hermit! (though I have left you a little surprise - check out Chapter Twenty!) BUT I am writing my OWN stories. So thank you all! Whoever read my stories back then, just know that you helped me have faith in my writing. I needed to mature and get older. I was young when I wrote these! (ahem not so young now). 17 years ago! You all helped me learn how to write. Promise. 17/12/07 Hello, If we can forget for a moment that I’m the worlds worst fanfic updater:o( I’d like to wish everyone who happens across this page a very MERRY XMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! hugs I know a lot of people are reading Yorkshire Pudding at the moment and I wanted to address one of the queries! Lol Now normally one might not have Yorkshire Puddings with Christmas dinner BUT in my family, for the longest time, my uncle has always insisted on puddings that he will make from scratch!! So I always buy Aunt B’s puddings as a backup in case his fall flat. And I have used them a few times now:o) We always tell him that the plates are full enough but this is the one time of the year he is determined to make excellent puddings. Far be it from me to dampen his excitement!! Xx K ps Profile pic by Kristin Bergh!! 23/07/07 Hi Guys, I have been horrible with updating oopps and have many reasons why I haven’t which is nothing to do with writers block or fandom or anything like it. Just life and lack of laptop for six months AND a busy Beta! I have read Book SEVEN!!!! No worries- no spoilers from me. Only that I loved it and laughed and cried and am sad to have such a wonderful series end. I think JK has an incredible imagination and am so grateful that I’ve had the chance to play with her characters. My saga is PRE HBP so is already an AU. I’m fine with that. I do at times get surprised when fanfic writers feel all defeated when a new book comes out with worries that it will ‘spoil’ their continuing fics or that people will stop reading just because its an ‘old’ fic. I never had that problem with HBP and don’t anticipate it happening now. I have more faith in my readers who have continued to support Chariot and hopefully will stick by it and see what I do with Harry and Draco in this alternate universe. Now obviously, DH has given us a wealth of information that I am planning to incorporate in my fic. The back stories of certain characters are truly too delicious not to use and heck its canon- how can I not try and bring as much of it as I can into my universe?! Even if you haven’t finished the final book- you know that JK has killed off certain characters. I have already finished my fic in my head and know what characters die, get maimed, get married or whatever- so just because there are certain canon deaths etc does NOT mean that they will surely die in mine (I mean they might be deaths in common with canon but some might get reprieved!) xx Karina I went ahead and finally created a Yahoo Group.The link is above. I would love to have your support if you would like to join - but if my stories make you go Blech! then you should not - for the sake of your own health. Thank you to everyone who has me on favourites/alerts. I’m really chuffed. And kinda hope you might be reading still somewhere or something. Thank you to those of you who still read and bother to comment. I admit it helps when you know that people are actually reading and enjoying what you write. I do notice all the reviewers, even though it may seem like I don’t. It makes me all happy :o) I have a beta called Coffeecat- she is lovely. She always is. Karina p.s I know squat about Tarot cards! I did a reading ONLINE and those are the cards that came out. If you're an expert on Tarot (like my beta!) and are horrified (though she isn't!) at the impossible range of cards I have drawn- sorry. But I'm putting it down to artistic expression and using them how I see fit to tell my story! p.p.s I started The Chariot in 2003!!! And wrote up to Chapter Nineteen without a Beta. (can you tell?! Lol) From Chapter Twenty onwards I’ve had two Betas- Coffeecat being the longest of the two and still is current, marvellous sweet Beta with a crooked crown and throne chair (let’s throw on a sash as well). I have a revised edition of The Chariot (all nice and beta’ed) on Skyehawke and my yahoo group IF you wanted to read a fresher version. The reason I have left the ORIGINAL on FF is, well, frankly so I can see how much my writing has improved (well hopefully it has!!) and there is something kinda sweet and sentimental about it. It was the first fic I had ever written (or ever any type of writing done outside academic assignments) and I like having the 2003 date on it. So when you see my error filled writing with Draco’s birthday all wrong and Blaise a girl etc– rest assured there was a reason for my madness! Simply because at the time I wrote it, I was unaware of the information that was given after OOTP. |