Hi, everyone! I'm Russian and my English grammar really sucks, so I'm sorry for that beforehand :D I really don't know what you're trying to find here, because I don't write stories, but I love reading them, especially, if it's a canon, so... I'll just add a list of my favorite movies/TV Shows here ;) I don't know how, but I hope it'll help you ;) Also not always I add favorite stories to my "Favorite stories" list, because most of the time I'm reading from my PocketBook and I'm too lazy to start my computer to do this or to leave a comment, but sometimes (when my conscience wakes up) I do that :D Movies: Star Trek (new movies, original show and ST: Enterprise, ST Discovery) Avengers (especially Iron Man, Hulk, Papper and Loki, Spider-Man (with Tom Holland)) Star Wars (original movies) James Bond Harry Potter TV Show: Supernatural Sherlock (BBC) Stargate: SG-1 and Atlantis Babylon-5 White Collar Vampire Diaries (and as a result Originals) Merlin Almost Human (why they closed this wonderful TV show? :'( Legend of the Seeker Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Flash and Arrow Listener Hannibal Grimm Criminal Minds NCIS Bones Sanctuary Angel (but I don't like Buffy) Common Law X-files Firefly Original Star Trek, Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek Discovery ... I'm sure I forgot smth... Books: The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind Harry Potter :D |
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