Author has written 113 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Song Fics, Firefly, Mighty Boosh, House, M.D., Supernatural, Torchwood, Doctor Who, and Sherlock. I'm a twenty-three year old student and have been writing for just over 10 years now. I seem to have grown away from fanfiction in the last few years, but still continue to try and dabble in it while continuing with my own ideas as I find fanfiction still a good outlet for plot bunnies that just won't go away. Also I still love my fandoms enough to play with the characters from them. My fandoms include: Angel, Buffy, Dark Angel, Green Wing, Supernatural, House, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Firefly, Grey's Anatomy, Sherlock Holmes and The Mighty Boosh. If you want to get in touch to talk about fandoms or writing, feel free to do so. Erin Xx |
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