Author has written 6 stories for Digimon.
Squit Ayumin? Both are old nicknames of mine that I put together.
Name: Ayumi Takemoto 『竹本歩美』
Location: London, UK
Favourite Seasons: Adventure, tri., Tamers
Favourite Couples: Takari, Taiora, Ryuki, Mimato, Michi
Generally, however, I can read anything as long as it's not Sorato.
I'd love to hear your fanfic recommendations, whether it's someone else's or your own. Likewise, I would recommend any of the fanfics in my Favourite Stories list. A few standouts:
Perhaps Love by SunLight
Every Takari fan who felt cheated by the Adventure epilogue must read this. This is the fanfic I have been looking for since 2001. Everything about it is perfection. (The other two stories in the Perhaps Universe are just as brilliant.)
Tamers Sagas by Narissa
This author shouldn't even be on this site because she should be getting published instead. This five-part series consist of some of the most incredible stories I have ever read, and I would highly recommend you give them a read even if you didn't watch or like Digimon Tamers.
Heavenly : Deadly by Pipe Fox
I think she is the most lyrical author I have come across on this site. Her writing style is absolutely beautiful.
Thank you to each and every person who has taken the time to read my stories, review them, and message me.