Author has written 5 stories for Legend of Zelda, Slayers, Gundam Wing/AC, and Pirates of the Caribbean. BioHello *waves* my names Alys Baranlótë but most know me as Culdil. ^_^ We'll here's some stuff about me I'm a 14yr old Aussie GIRL - for toughs of you who have thought I was a guy surprise surprise I'm not! never have and never will be! Thank the heavens. YAY go Australia! *waves Flag then suddenly remembers that Showing enthusiasm is EVIL and bins the flag* My Fav Animes: Some Fav Shows: My Fav books: My fav Movies: My fav Video games: LOTR, ZELDA & GUNDAM WING RULE!!! I'm a Xel/Fi fan I admit it and don't know HOw I became one it just happened so ;P A point I'd like to make: With Elfs, the word "Elvin" thats is how Tolken (Author of the LOTRS) spells Elven so thats how I'm gona spell it! |