Author has written 20 stories for Portal, Avengers, Assassin's Creed, and Supernatural. PREVIOUSLY GHOSTOFRATTMANN (name may still be on some of my fics) Sometimes I hit my keyboard and words happen. I'm Joanna. Hey. 21. Residing in England. Fandoms: Supernatural, The Avengers/Marvel, Assassin's Creed, The Borgias, Portal, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Game of Thrones,Hannibal, Attack on Titan, Harry Potter. Ships: Samifer. Even more Samifer. A lot of Samifer. Destiel, Johnlock, Cesare/Lucrezia, occasional various other. Did I mention Samifer? I can also be found on Ao3 Tumblr YouTube Twitter I try not to abandon stuff. Sometimes I fail. When I'll update anything is a mystery. I like writing whiny one-shots of characters' feelings. Reviews are cool, so thanks if you bother. Yay proper grammar and formatting. Don't expect quality. |