Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter. Bonjour! Salutations! Ciao! Hello! Aloha! Shalom! Hola! ...and all that jazz. Welcome bio. Read, enjoy, and remember:Gumbo has three meats! Chicken! Sausage! Shrimp! What do you write about? Harry Potter! And that's probably all that I will ever write about..Maybe some Lizzie McGuire slash or something along the way But yes, Harry Potter for now. I support H/G and R/Hr, and the occasional Hagrid/Sirius. I also believe that Snape and Sinistra have a little thing going...(Thanks to my dear friend She's A Star) Yes, I do write some slash...No, I do not take any of it seriously, and I hope that you won't either. So you write poems? Yes, I write poems. I suppose they are poems, because they're certianly not stories...But it's quite freestyle, I must admit. No rhymes or sonnets for me. :D What's your style? Well, now that I think about it, I suppose I do have a style somewhat. They are all meant to be funny (but it's up to you to decide whether they are or not) and they are intentionally weird. That kind of reflects my personality...Mwehehe. Stuff about *MOI!* Call me...: Rachel, if you want to be boring. Or just Arsenic Kiss. Or even Zbobltomf if that tickles your pear. Currently...: Living in Alaska, sophmore, on the verge of insanity and mother of four. (Just kidding, dear.) I adore...: Mochas, All of the HP Books (and movies...though not nearly as much as the books.), J.K. Rowling, Lucius Malfoy, old black-and-white films, Chicago (the movie. Although the city is quite nice also.) Jordan Almonds, classical music, broadway, singing, acting, flying (Yes, flying. I was Wendy in Peter Pan...good times. :D), cheesecake, roses, chocolate, silk, berets, Orlando Bloom, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Sean Biggerstaff, Johnny Depp, BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHS, caffeine, Jazz tunes, Frank Sinatra and much much more! (Call now toll-free to order with this snazzy flashing number on the bottom of your screen!) I loathe...: H/Hr shippers, Lizzie McGuire, Hillary Duff, Lizzie McGuire the Movie (Don't need to see it to confirm that, believe me.) and probably some other things but I can't think of them right now... And...that would be it. More poems to come, I'm sure. My muse is in Bermuda right now, so we'll see what he's in the mood for when he comes back... Adieu! |
PepsiAngel (27) | She's a Star (332) |