Author has written 1 story for Gundam Wing/AC.
Heya everyone! Okay, I'm a *very* big yaoi fan-girl and I have the test results to prove it! Check out my journal at the link above, I got everything from 'How much of a yaoi fan girl are you?' to 'Are you seme or uke?' Along with a bunch of other cool non-yaoi related ones (all with funky banners) that you can take (^_^)
Well, here's some stuff about me if any of you care
Name: Angie aka Serendipity aka Prozac Pixie aka Evil Hell Bitch. I have a lot of other names too...
Age: You don't need to know
Location: Scotland, the bonny land of irn-bru (all hail irn-bru!)
Books: Harry Potter(especially PoA), the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series, The Vampire Chronicles and some others that I can't quite remember
Films: Too many to count but Labyrinth and Interveiw with the Vampire to name two of my very favourites
Couples: Harry/Draco
1x2 (Heero/Duo)
3x4 (Trowa/Quatre)
And I guess Draco/Ginny
sighs* I guess I should put on disclaimer... Guys, you do it, I can't *runs off screen crying*
Quatre: She doesn't own us!
Duo: Thank God!
Wufei: That onna is insane!
Trowa: ...!
Heero: You said it!
Quatre: Draco? Harry? *sees them snogging in the corner* Oh, um, well, she doesn't own them either...
Duo: Nope. Now, go forth and read, my friends!
Oh, and if you're reading this *SHELLY* congrats, you found my account (^_^) Wait a sec... am I happy about that? Oh well, if I'm not tough luck to me, not gonna hide it if you've stumbled onto it